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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
sometimes, the loneliness is too painful.
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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like this for a starter !!
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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            a smile formed on chloe’s lips as the person bowed in front of her, doing the same as well since she knew it was respectful to return a bow. it’s been some time since the angel has gotten to greet someone like this since it isn’t common in america. she began to wonder which part of aisa the stranger was from before he spoke to her first.
                               ❝oh no, i wasn’t. i was on my phone & well i guess i                                  didn’t see the big hole i walked into haha. ❞
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         AH, THE EVER SO DISTURBING ELECTRONICS. of course, who were they to speak, when they used any and every electronic they could ( usually it was only to search for good star-gazing spots, but nevertheless ). with a nod of understanding, they tried to subtly catch a glimpse at what sort of thing she was doing on her phone.( what exactly had been SO distracting that she managed to FALL? )
      ‘ HM. PHONES ARE EASILY DISTRACTING. did yours get scratched up at all in the tumble? they’re pretty expensive things to replace, after all. ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
Reblog if you actually like my blog (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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                well, being an angel with fast  h e a l i n g  abilities can have it’s ups. pain she could always feel, it’s just she’s  g o n e  through a lot worst then just a fall like that. so she’ll live. small hands took the strangers hand, pulling herself up to stand on her feet. she let a smile form on her lips before letting go of their hand. she let out a small chuckle.
                                ❝i guess you could say i am haha. nothing wrong                                 with that. i just kind became like this while growing up. ❞
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SUDDENLY REALIZING THEIR LACK OF MANNERS, seiki gave a short bow, releasing the girl’s hand from their grip while doing so. even though they were visiting in america, where bowing wasn’t REQUIRED, or even COMMON, they still felt impolite and RUDE for not doing so.
      ‘ WELL, WERE YOU IN A RUSH TO GET SOMEWHERE? that’s the only explanation i have as to how you fell so hard. ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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           ❝haha, yeah, i’m just peachy. & yes please if you can.❞
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         THEY OFFER A HAND to help the fallen girl up, giving a small, SYMPATHETIC smile towards her. after all, the fall HAD seemed pretty harsh. ( even if she insisted she was fine. ) they knew they’d probably be in a much worse state than her had the roles been reversed.
      ‘ YOU’RE PRETTY TOUGH, i’m assuming. then again, i have a low pain tolerance, so what would i know? ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
Raise your hand if called by your muses name, you would respond almost immediately.
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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            ❛  ah ——- so you learned it by book.                 i was born with mine. although, i’ve heard                 that proper training can lead to some of the                 greatest mastery of book-taught magic.  ❜
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      ‘ I MEAN, I GUESS THAT COULD BE TRUE. i’m not sure what can be classified as ‘proper’ training, though. ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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            ❝oh um, don’t worry about it ! i’m just fine. i know i              don’t look like it, but it takes a lot to really hurt me.❞
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      ‘ WELL AS LONG AS YOU AREN’T HURT. do you need a hand? ‘ 
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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      ‘ THAT LOOKED LIKE A PRETTY NASTY FALL. are you alright? ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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someone should thread with me in my modern verse bc ????? i really love my modern faceclaim for seiki and ????? 
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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family? that’s a foreign word to them. they have NEVER known family.
 they have never known the gentle touch of their mother, or the calloused hands of their father as he ruffled their hair. they have never known the feeling of being tucked in at night, or being read to sleep. 
their father, a wealthy business man who travels around japan/korea/anywhere there’s business to be had, is a cold, distant man. seiki is lucky if they see their father during christmas, or any holidays. if they do, he smells of expensive alcohol, and is accompanied by multiple business partners. what is a father? they only know a father as being a disappointment, and not to be trusted.
their mother? they’re lucky if they see her once every three years, when they visit her in america. having jumped ship when seiki was ten ( though technically, she was long gone by the time they were six ), they’ve never known what it’s like to be loved unconditionally. she’s a surgeon, so even before she left, she was never around. with odd work hours, seiki would often fall asleep outside her bedroom door, waiting for her to come home. they were always elated to find themselves awake in their own bed, with mother home, but the excitement always faded when she left a few minutes after six am, and the cycle repeated itself. ( not to mention, when they found out it was the maid who carried them to bed, it shattered their heart. )
so really, what is a family? to seiki, the definition of the word family is: ABANDONMENT.
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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          ❛  —— stellar magic ? never heard of it.              it sounds like some form of celestial magic,               though. i mean, i’m not an encyclopedia on              magic, but that is completely unfamiliar to me.  ❜
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      ‘ I’M NOT SURPRISED THAT YOU HAVEN’T. it’s not a very popular magic, y’know? i came across a book with it listed and it just peaked my interest! ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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         ❛ what’s confusing about it? all of it? ❜
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      ‘ PRETTY MUCH, YEAH. i’ve never really paid attention to this sort of thing before. ‘
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giiinga-blog · 10 years ago
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           ❛  no —— haven’t gotten the               chance to go there. i would imagine               that it would be a good place, though.               it’s quite a large hill.  ❜
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      ‘ WELL THE BIGGER THE BETTER. then i’ll be closer to the stars!                                                  i bet it’ll be a great place to practice stellar magic. ‘
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