Gigi King
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Faerie. Council Member.
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gigixking · 4 years ago
“My garden is made of gold shells, body parts and the remnants of your old Hollywood career, by the way, and no, I don’t keep them all in a row..” Mary countered, barely looking up as Gigi plopped down in her space. Some things never changed, even though she had. She wasn’t some bright-eyed girl Gigi could fool anymore. “I’m EP, Georgie. That makes me a VIP, don’t get much time to waffle with old mates.”
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“Cute. Even though last time I checked, you can’t have remnants of a career that’s not over, Darling. Still working in Hollywood. Just moved up in the world. Sort of like you, my little EP. And yeah, okay. You have fun being a corporate mouth piece, alright sweetie?” Gigi laughed. “I was just checking in with our- what was it? ‘VIP’? But, if you’re too busy to talk to the director of the shows you ‘randomly’ decided to be on, then I can take my leave.” 
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gigixking · 4 years ago
“…Yeah. Murder’s still not the wave for me. I can write about it. I can understand the theory of it. In a defense way. But the enjoyment of it? The whole ‘thrill’ of it all…” Dominic shook his head. “Nope, not for me.” It also didn’t help that when Dominic had to actually do so, end the life of another being - the reaction to do it was natural. Picking up a gun in self defense and eliminating any threats was done thoughtlessly. Just like his father taught him. It was that fact that honestly scared Dominic. …Plus, when he took out the vampire threatening his other best friend. It was the demented thread of… quiet happiness… that was still uncomfortable. So, no. Murder was not the wave for Dominic. Nor did he want it to be. “As for this whole lavish thing… Yeaaah.” He dragged out the word. “I don’t know how many lifetimes it’s gonna take for me to get use to that. I mean, yes, I’ve traveled but not counting my Christmas/New Years trip in London? I’ve always gone on the government’s dime and I don’t know if you know but America is cheap as hell.” He replied with a chuckle. Dom shrugged. “Alright, so what’s relaxing to you?” He asked Gigi. “And you’re something else is a compliment. I promise.” He replied, placing a hand on his chest as he smiled down at her.
Another shrug rotated his shoulders. “I don’t know how to really explain it? I mean, I’ve never had a girlfriend just up and whisk my ass away to Paris. And you know I like traveling. It’s a nice surprise and-” Dominic shrugged again. “…I don’t know.” He uttered, his voice low. “You think that you’re not showing me that you care. But you do. You are. I know you worry about our thing ‘cause we each have our separate thing with Luna but…” He trailed off. “Our thing is quiet. Like building a campfire, you know? It doesn’t have to be all big and loud and in a hurry. We’re still learning each other. We’re simmering right now. We’ll get to the big ass bonfire soon. I know it. But I’m good with the lil campfire we got. ‘Cause for somebody who says she doesn’t know how to do feelings… you’re not doing too bad with me, alright?”
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A low chuckle left him. “So… did that help, my explanation?” He asked, reaching out to tuck a stray hair behind Gigi’s ear. “Aye.” He gently chided. “I don’t care if we don’t make sense to other people. Do we make sense to you? Do you want us to be for real? That’s all I need to know. I already said that we’re working out the rest. I don’t want you acting with me. Haven’t you done enough of that? Don’t you want to just be you, all the time, with me?” He rolled his eyes. “I’m a grown ass man. Pretty sure that I have a good idea of what I’m getting into with wanting to be with you. For real.” He paused, a reminder tickling the back of his brain. “…We don’t have to be together just ‘cause we’re dating Luna, you know that right? If you don’t want to date me, I’ll respect it.” Dominic shifted topics. “And as for my edibles? …I’m an only child and a foodie. You want some of my snacks, you gotta ask. Or at least put cash where the food was, if you ate all of it. Or Cashapp or Venmo me or something.” He laughed, the noise coming from deep in his chest at the memories of calling Gigi ‘Frosty’. He’d forgotten all about that. “Oh, c’mon! You know you were cold as fuck to me when we met! You know that’s how you got that name. I didn’t know that past me hurt your feelings like that. I’m sorry.” Dominic apologized, meaning it regardless of the amused expression he sported. He did not expect Gigi to pull that memory out. “If it makes you feel better, I haven’t called you that in years. I think I stopped as soon as you warmed up to me too.” He shook his head at her assessment. “…I’m still human. I have more chances of getting sick than you do. Not gonna lie, it sucked that you just… flaked. Real talk, would you have done the same thing if Luna was sick?” He asked curious as they continued on their way to start the surprise birthday trip to Paris. 
“That’s cool?” Gigi said with a small shrug. “If it helps, it’s not so much the thrill of it that does it for me? And I mean technically speaking, it’s less of an enjoyment, so much as a fascination? It’s hard to explain. But, I guess it’s the moment when you’re watching someone’s life fade out of their eyes? In those last few moments, people seem to go through all of these emotions. Fear, anger, pain, bargaining, hope? And then it’s just gone. All the pleas and the worries and the joy. The empathy? It just vanishes and it feels like that person was never really there to begin with. It’s hypnotizing and perplexing. And I guess a part of me always wondered what would happen if I actually did it? I held off from killing for so long and, so I wondered, if it came down to it, would those emotional pleas make me pause? Would they register with me or make me feel whatever you’re suppose to feel for each other? But, it didn’t. Each time I’ve done it, it’s felt no different than... than stepping on an ant? I mean it’s more of an adrenaline rush than stepping on an ant for sure, but when the adrenaline subsides, you’re suddenly back to feeling, well, for the most part, numb and, before you know it, you start to crave the rush once more because at least it’s something other than nothing? That’s why I’m interested in death and murder and all that. That and the fact that splattered blood is very cinematic,” Gigi attempted to explain. “True. But, I mean what’s the difference from going on the government’s dime and mine? Other than how mine is clearly a step above?” She asked curiously. “And hmm... spas? Massages, fancy food, being waited on hand and foot, gigantic stuffed animals, an excessive amount of pillows, and oh! Music or classic movies. Those too,” She mused. “What about you? What’s relaxing to you? And oh. Okay,” She said with a small nod and a hint of a smile.
“As long as you think it’s nice,” Gigi said, accepting his explanation without a second thought. “It’s not that we both have our separate things with Luna as much as how I don’t really know how to do quiet? I’m loud and excessive and in a hurry as a person and very, very impatient. So, this all very new? I guess?”
“A little bit, yeah?” Gigi said with a small nod. “And no. Not really,” She answered honestly when Dom asked if they made sense to her. They were as different as different could be and, if Luna had never existed, she had high doubts that they would have become a thing. “But, that doesn’t mean I don’t want for us to be?” She admitted with a soft smile. “And I guess? But, I also think that’s a part of me. I say what people want to hear to get what I want. I don’t even know that I’m doing it half the time. It’s just second nature by now. If someone doesn’t like how abrasive I am, I stop being abrasive around them. Then they don’t get mad or leave. But, I’m working on it. And okay,” She let out a little laugh at his words. “If you’re sure, then we’re all good. And I know that. I just didn’t know if you knew that,” Gigi said, hoping her train of thought meant as much sense out loud as it did in her head. She knew they didn’t all just have to date, because they both liked Luna and Gigi wouldn’t be hanging out with Dom if she didn’t want to. She just sometimes felt like Dom expected her to be more like Luna than she was or ever would be. “Oh! Wait- you’re telling me that I whisk you around the world, but if I want an edible I have to pay you? Wow! I see how this relationship works now. And so? I’m a sociopath! I’m literally the definition of selfish and unwilling to compromise. Being an only child is not an excuse,” Gigi let out a laugh, shaking her head as she looked over at him. 
“Oh, I know. And I’m still cold as fuck, thank you very much. But, you didn’t hurt my feelings? I don’t even know if my feelings are really the ones you can hurt? So, no need to apologize. I just assumed I was still the Ice Queen is all, but I guess not? And only partially. But, oh... Sorry?” Gigi didn’t know her keeping her distance when Dom was sick would bother him this much. “I didn’t mean to flake. I just didn’t see how I was needed in the situation? But, real talk, yeah I would. Why would it being Luna have anything to do with it? I like you, Dom. Just as much as I do with Lu. It’s why I’m trying not to be so overly ‘me’ to fuck this up, but taking care of someone? Nursing them back to health when they have a fever? That isn’t me. That’s Lu. And I know you don’t want me to act around you, but I don’t know how to be me and be sympathetic and mean it? If I was sick, not that I ever get sick, but if I was I’d want you both to call a doctor for me and then leave me be. Why would I subject you to an illness when a Doctor is much more equipped to helping me? That’s how my brain thinks. Calling a doctor and not leaving you for dead is me caring, which  I know is ‘cold’ and ‘insensitive’ and ‘fucked up’ and probably a hundred other rather rude adjectives, but I guess I don’t know how to be nurturing, unless it’s pretend that is?”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“Except when you’re egging me on to be a murderer. Then yeah, all the time works.” He agreed, strongly resisting the urge to swipe some icing onto her face. Dominic thought that Gigi was cute as everything right then, sporting a shy smile and all. “I’m not used to all of this. Private jets and living in big ass mansions and shit. Not saying it’s bad. It’s just…still new.” He revealed. And yes, Dominic had been to Paris before. He loved it. He also flew coach and dealt with a connector flight or two to get there. “Yeah, that’s why I work hard. Just gotta get used to relaxing that hard. Your boy can’t know everything.” Dominic joked, returning her smile with one of his own. “What?” He chuckled. His joking tone from moments ago still evident, Dom continued. “You mean you’re not sick of me yet? Alright, cool.” At Gigi’s curious tone, he playfully rolled his eyes and she laid her head on his shoulder. “You’re really something else.”
The mention of him leaving her made him blink in honest confusion. Dominic’s head pulled back on his neck as he looked at Gigi. “Aye, hold on. I mean, yeah, you’re crazy. I’m with you on that. But me leaving you? Where’d you get that? I mean, shit, if anything… shouldn’t I be worried about you switching up and leaving me? You were quick to tell me how not into guys you were when we first met.” Truthfully, Dominic falling for Luna wasn’t a surprise. Instead, that was his flirtationship turning into a full romantic relationship with Gigi. “And I don’t think you’re an ice queen either. You’re different from any woman I’ve ever dated. But you’re not cold. Quirky as fuck though. But not an ice queen. And in case I wasn’t clear before, I’m not leaving you. Crazy ass and all.” He paused before joking. “You could stand to give sick me more cuddles though, I didn’t forget. …Shit, to Paris, Gorgeous. Let’s go.”
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“I edge everyone on to be murderers. It’s nothing personal,” Gigi said, rocking back and forth on her heels ever so slightly as she peeked up at him. “But, really? I mean I know I have a very indulgent lifestyle. Might be the most lavish and over the top one out of everyone at the studio, but I guess I always just assumed the private jets and all of this is fairly common around set... We’re fairly different, huh?” She said, as if she was only just realizing how opposite they truly were. “But, if you ever want some help relaxing this hard, you’ve got me. I’m a fairly impulsive person, if you haven’t already notice,” She teased. “How do you mean?” She asked curious, when he called her something else.
“I don’t know,” Gigi mumbled, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she gave the man a shrug. “I guess I don’t really know what you see in me? I mean don’t get me wrong, I know that I’m smoking hot and a delight to be around in a chaotic and sort of endearing way. But, when it comes to you, I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing or how to really do right by you? I mean you don’t like killing or meaningless violence and that’s pretty much my MO. Private jets and living in big ass mansions and shit aren’t your thing and my main hobbies include spending an excessive amounts of money on luxury and particularly shinny items. Skinny dipping late at night seems sexy to me and a bad idea to you. Eating your weed brownies is apparently a no, no and very different from stealing your hoodies. It’s just you loving Luna makes sense.  You two had a crush on each other for god knows how long before I came into the picture and she’s sweet and considerate and cares about others. But, the only time I donate to charities is for the tax right off and I apparently don’t know the first thing about comforting others unless buying them gifts like ‘comfy’ slippers or ‘comfy’ robes count? It doesn’t count, does it?” She asked, just checking. “Anyways, I’ve been really trying to not be so ‘me’ in this relationship, but I also know there’s the high possibility that one of these days I’ll slip or fuck up to the point where it’s unforgivable for you and that will be the end of that,” Gigi admitted with a shrug. “I also stand by the fact I’m still not really into guys unless they’re murderers or murder enthusiasts. Neither is Luna though. She was an out lesbian too before you. But, you see, you and I bonded over Horror movies though. So at that time, my brain must have mistaken you for a murder enthusiast and by the time I discovered the truth it was too late and I was hooked. Either that or you’re my exception, but I’m just gonna say it’s the first option,” She told him, her teasing smile returning to her face. “You don’t? But, you called me Frosty because of how Icy I can be? And okay. If you say so and I’m not leaving you either. At least I have no plans to. And I don’t know what to tell you? I’m not a cuddly or sympathetic person. I’m an overly logical, impulsive, stay away from me when you sick, but let me tear off your clothes and fuck when you’re better person. But, okay. Paris it is.”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
Dominic nodded, the warmth of the crook of Luna’s was more than welcomed to the chill he felt. “You feel good.” He murmured and his eyes closed. A sigh left him at the press of Luna’s mouth to his forehead. “Okay, Baby. …Thank you.” He uttered back, belatedly answering Luna’s likely hypothetical question. Moments passed before he spoke again, unknowingly interrupting his girlfriends’ discussion of how the both of them would take care of him. “…Canada? When’d we move? Why’s Canada colder than home?” A shaky breath left Dominic. “Tell Canada to turn on the heat. I’m cold.” Dark eyes peeled open and Dominic blinked. “Gigi?” A confusion marked his face. “Princess. Where you at? Did you leave me?” He asked Gigi in French. @lunasinclaire​
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Luna frowned when Gigi mentioned Dominic and his germs. “Have you never been sick, Betu?” she asked Gigi because it would make sense if she hadn’t or hadn’t often the way that she acted around germs. “Okay so he’ll be down here until he’s back to skipping down halls. I’m sure it won’t take too long for that to happen. Wait we won’t have to burn anything, just wash it down really well.” Luna grabbed the blanket that was in the basket Gigi had pushed over to her. She put it around Dom snugly. “There you go, Jaan, you’re okay. I told Canada to turn on the heat. You should be warming up soon.” She kissed his forehead once more. “No, Gigi didn’t leave she’s over there.” Luna’s arms wrapped tightly around him hoping to help him warm-up. “I mean check on like come in say hello, make sure we’re okay. Be in the same room with us?” @gigixking​
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“I’ve been sick before. Not often, because of my great immune system and precautions. But, it would be statistically nearly impossible to have never been sick given how long I’ve been around this far. Why?” She asked, confused by Luna’s question. “And okay. That sounds good. But eh- let’s just burn them anyways. Washing it down sounds like a lot of effort and I like burning things. Oh! We can have a bonfire when Dom’s better. I should add marshmallows to our shopping list. Dom, you like marshmallows right? And oh... erm, do I have to?” Gigi asked with an innocent smile. “That was insensitive, just now. Wasn’t it? Sorry, let me try again. If I check on you can I do it from the safety of the doorway? I just don’t really think I’m suited for this type of situation. I mean if the house is under attack or there is a spider that needs killing or if it’s a sweep you off your feet on a romantic Bachelor franchise worthy getaway, I’m your girl. But, I’m not a doctor, we don’t know what he has and he seems to be hallucinating right now which seems a lot more severe than your average common cold. So wouldn’t the best thing for me to do is- Oh! How about I dimension hop to go get Keanu seeing that he hasn’t popped up on his own yet? That would be helpful, right? And while I’m at it I can get one of those cute people-sized get well-stuffed animal bears and maybe a singing greeting card or fruit basket? Who doesn’t love a good fruit basket?”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“Yes, she screamed in my face and I’ll always remember that. But I suppose she’s sweet. Not so much a difference but more I was gearing up to ask if she makes you feel the forget who you are love.” Rocky thought about her question for a moment about whether or not the babies had actually grown into their heads. “Well their only one -16 months to be exact -, so they technically still sort of look like babies but are growing into toddlers and can’t really do anything for themselves besides pull up on things, crawl, walk kind of, and they understand words you say now and can point to things. They’re starting to imitate sounds and can say some things like yes, no, mama, dada, baba. I think Peter tried to say cookie the other day. I’m pretty sure Scar’s a mean girl in training. She pulled my hair yesterday when I told her no and then she laughed and clapped. I didn’t know whether to be proud or concerned. I bet you would enjoy visiting now. They’re a little older and dont just lay around eat and cry.” ROcky could probably talk about her babies all day. She loved them and their quirks. “I’m reformed and I didn’t steal this man. He came willingly. And besides I’m pretty sure even if he hadn’t left his wife at the time, I would have just been his. I promised him I was all his when we first had sex and I meant it.” Rocky nodded then. “Being a mom is showing me that I have to let my kids fall down sometimes so they learn. So I can do that with Isa.”
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“Why did she do that though?” Gigi asked curiously. “And huh... no. Don’t think so. Grant showed me that kind of love once with his whole vampire empathy thing, but it wasn’t the same. Honestly, I don’t really think I’m capable of it- The whole would do anything for the other person, heart wrenching can’t live without them feelings they show on TV,” She said with a shrug. She knew her version of love was closer to normal people’s version of ‘like’ or a ‘crush’. It was just another thing on the long list of reasons why she was different. Not that she minded all that much. “See! This is why Scar is my favorite. I wish I could have been there. It would have been funny to watch your hair get pulled. No offense. And you did what now? He’s that good in bed, huh? Who knew Kent had it in him.”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“You did that for me?” she asked, surprise evident in her tone. “You know that that won’t silence everyone. You’d have to kill a lot of people and then find a time machine. Go back and tell me not to sign the stupid thing.” Though even it would probably take a very long time to actually convince her not to sign that list. “I..” Luna smiled. Gigi was very cute when she locked her lips and threw away the key. She wrapped her arms around Gigi. “I love you, tell me about the people you roughed up? How did you do it?” 
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“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? It was the perfect issue to kill and anyways I don’t like when people talk badly about what’s mine,” She said as if it was the most logical thing in the world. “I know. But, it will silence a few of them and overtime, once more and more of them get picked off one by one, who knows? Fear for one’s life can be pretty handy tactic to shut someone up. Why did you even want to? You know, move to a solely supernatural country?” Gigi asked without an ounce of judgement. “You really want to know? It gets pretty gory,” she warned, despite the excited gleam in her eyes at the thought of getting to brag about her kills.
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“When I say closed off, I meant it in the sense of mentally not physically. My son…often is very open physically.” Which was something he didn’t want to talk about and/or remember. “Well Astrid is one of my best friends, and Damien is her boyfriend. Veronica, or rather she goes by Roni is the choreographer on set. Hale’s girlfriend. You can show up unannounced, you might only get me, Myki and Julie some nights but others you might get a full house.” Keanu shrugged. “I think you’re overthinking this. We’re a group of people who care about each other and love each other and would pretty much do anything for each other. We don’t need blood ties though some of us have them or marriage to be family. That means that You, Georgie, are someone that I care about and love, and that I’ll always be there for as long as I exist on this earth. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I’m there for you,” he answered honestly. 
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“Welp, you should have specified then,” Gigi chuckled. “Huh. I really should pay attention more. Is it bad that I just assumed I was your only friend? And oh yeah... I forgot you’ve recently obtained a little alien of your own. I guess a congratulations is in order. I know how worried you were about how it would turn out. But, please tell me the little tatter tot’s snarky like your other ones? And probably. For an impulsive person, I tend to overthink a lot of things. But,” Gigi paused. Her forehead scrunching ever so slightly as she tried to wrap her mind around it. “How do you know that? I mean I believe you. I guess I’m just jealous of how certain you are. Luna is like that too and I appreciate it. I just don’t know why I can’t be that certain too? I guess it just doesn’t seem logical to me? To guarantee someone a future when I don’t know what the future holds? It just seems like there are too many unknown variables at play to guarantee someone a forever even if you want it?”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“Mary, Mary, quite contrary,” Gigi sang as she plopped down beside the other. “Are you avoiding me?” She asked with a raised brow. She had recognized the girl’s name on the crew list, but had yet to run into the executive producer on her own shows.
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gigixking · 5 years ago
Dominic chuckled under his breath, a grin slowly easing on his lips as Gigi sang and held up the cupcake to him. “You’re fucking cute, right now, you know that?” In that moment, Dom was glad for his deep complexion and its ability to hide his growing blush. He blew out the candle. “Flying us in a private jet is no big deal? To fucking Paris?” He fought the urge to laugh again. “This is my life now.” The grin remained on his features. Dom took the cupcake from Gigi before holding it outstretched from his body with one hand. He wrapped his freehand around her and gave her a tight hug with the other. “You’re…” He laughed, the noise tinged with excitement. Dominic kissed Gigi deeply. “God, I love you. You know that?” Pausing for air, he pressed his forehead to hers and gently shook his head. “Nah, just us. I wanna spend time with you. She can join us later.”
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“I’m fucking cute all the time,” Gigi said without missing a beat, before hesitatingly double checking, “Aren’t I?” She asked softly. The corner of her lips tilting up ever so slightly as she watched him make a wish. “No? Should it be? I mean isn’t that the point working hard? To be able to spoil yourself and the people you love or something?” Gigi said, her smile growing at his words. “It is! For as long as you want it to be,” She promised him. “I’m...? Amazing? Extraordinary? Sexy?” She teased, resting her head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. “Do I... no? No, I didn’t. Honestly, sometimes I think it’s just a matter of time before you leave my crazy ass but... I love you too. As much as an ice queen like me can. And okay,” She said, giving him a little nod, before pulling him in for a drawn out kiss. “So, where to, boyfriend?”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
It felt like time was moving underwater. Dom remembered calling out for both girlfriends. But he didn’t remember seeing them get there. He exhaled at the feel of the back of Luna’s hand on his forehead. It was nice. Cool. “I dunno. I’m hot. And cold. Is the room spinning too? Or is that just Gigi?” He asked, eyes trailing as they spanned the room before settling on Gigi as she lingered in its opening. “She’s not moving to you?” He asked, the question directed to Luna. His head felt fuzzy and Dominic nestled it in the crook of Luna’s neck. “I can - I can… I’m good. Just gimme a min and I can get in bed myself.” Dominic’s large frame shivered as another chill ran through him. “Why’s it so cold in here? When did we get to Colorado? Am I back home?” @lunasinclaire​
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“Gigi’s not moving. Nothing’s moving. You’re just a little dizzy.” She wrapped her arms around him tighter. “You feel that, my arms around you? We’re stable no one’s moving, and I’ve got you. Okay?” Luna kissed his forehead. “Hey you’re not going anywhere. You’re staying right here with me. And when you feel like moving we’ll get you to the third floor.” She reached up, caressing his cheek. “Dom, sweetie, we’re here in Canada. No we’re not in Colorado right now.” She looked at Gigi then. “It’s okay. I’ve got him. Though he’s shivering if you could grab us some blankets too? We can try to move him later get him up to the third floor. It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Just relax. Close your eyes we’ll have some blankets and medicine. Gigi’s going to get some surgical masks and gloves for her and we’ll be okay. Later once you’re napping I’ll make you some soup for when you wake up. And I’ll cuddle with you so nothing is moving. And Gigi will check on us, right?” She looked over at @gigixking​ for reassurance. 
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“Yeah... he don’t look so good...” Gigi gulped, stepping back one step on the staircase she was on. “Wait- the third floor? You mean the floor we sleep on? But- Why would we move him when there is a perfectly good bedroom downstairs? And blankets.... okay. Got it. But, I don’t think we should move him. I think him and his germs should stay on the first floor until he’s back to full health. Completely. Like skipping down the hall, singing with energizer bunny levels of energy full health. Just a thought,” Gigi mumbled under her breath as she tiptoed around them, making sure to keep a safe distance. “No! I mean I can whip up the soup. You’ve already come into contact. So you should take care of him and I’ll be the one to touch the rest of our belongings. That way there we won’t have to burn everything we own...” She let out a low whistle as she moved into the other room and began to grab some of the blankets and other objects Luna had listed out, placing them all into a basket that she then sat on the ground and used the back of a broom to slide it to Luna. “Um.... Define check on?” Gigi asked, looking over at Luna with a confused expression, not quite sure what her girlfriend’s look was suppose to mean. “What?” 
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“What word would you use?” he wondered. “Family dinners can get pretty big for us. Sometimes we have a small one just me, Myki, Hale and SJ. Sometimes Astrid and Damien swing by. Sometimes Veronica and her daughter are invited. So anytime you want family dinner, Georgie, we’re always here.” He loved his family and the times when they all were able to actually have dinner together. Moving out of his house with the kids and into another with his wife and newborn had been hard, but family dinners when they could made it easier not to miss them as much, even though they were just right up the street. “What’s not so simple about asking if they think of you as family?” Keanu nodded his smile warm. “Of course we are. We always will be,” he vowed.
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“I don’t know. Self deprecating? Brooding? But, not closed off. I mean don’t get me wrong, I find your son to be very amusing. Great company to have at a party, but in my experience, that boy of yours seems to be all about letting people in. At least physically. And Astrid and Damien? Why?” She asked, wondering if she was missing something. “Veronica... who? And okay. I’ll keep that in mind. So, can I just pop by unannounced or are these planned sort of get togethers? And Oh! no. I meant that I’ve been in their heads too. I know you don’t poke around in your girlfriend’s head, but that’s just you. And I mean it’s not that simple, because just someone believes something doesn’t mean it’s always true. I mean I know they love me, but isn’t love subjective? And just because someone loves someone, doesn’t mean they consider that person to be family, right? And what does family even mean anyhow other than a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage? And okay. But... what does that mean?” She asked innocently.
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“Forget who you are love? I don’t think I’ve forgotten who I was in love. If anything I became a better me in love with him. But you do love the girl that screams in my face though, don’t you? Nope if it was small I wouldn’t have been so upset. It is a difference. See there you go. I’m not even going to get mad this time. My man did give me some fairly large babies. But they came out normal size. They’re growing into their heads. Yes I know, but I have hope that my babies won’t freak you out.” Rocky gasped. “I’m a reformed man stealer, thank you very much!” She thought  about it for a moment. “Well, because I’m looking out for her I’ll let her fight her own battles but I’ll advise if she needs me to.” 
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“The girl that screams in your face? How is there a difference?” She asked, honestly curious. “Are they fairly normal sized though is they have to grow into their heads? And I mean I like the evil one as far as kids go. She’s fun! And as for the faerie, I see... potential in him to be great. With a little guidance of course. Are you reformed or did you just steal a man you’re not willing to give up?” Gigi laughed some more. “Good for you. It’s good to let her learn, but be there to show her the way when she inevitable needs it.”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“You have a plan for everything. And I suppose I can bring a fashionable trench coat, just in case we do get separated for a moment and take it right back off when I’m back at your side.” She smirked at the thought. It was actually shaping up to be a perfect plan. “Yes, I’ll be naked the whole night for you. I can’t wait to be in a room with so many people and yet, your hands are in all my favorite places.”
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“It’s one of the many perks of this maniacal brain of mine. You can, but you’re not going to need it,” She promised her girl. “Well, you know, we can start now, if you’d like to slip out of that stunning little dress of yours?”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“Okay. No talking then. But, I might have taken out a handful of the reporters making some silly accusations about my girlfriend, so at least those specifically blabbermouths won’t be a problem anymore? And if you give me a list of who else has approached you, they could ‘mysteriously disappear too’. Just saying. And the silent game begins now,” Gigi said, locking her lips and throwing away the imaginary key as she plopped down next to her girlfriend, still slightly dirty after roughing people up.
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Luna was sitting at a picnic table by herself, her eyes downcast as she was deep in thought. Her body hurt because she’d overexerted herself working out to keep her mind busy. But she also had enjoyed the pain that she could focus on rather than being so naive. She could sense someone near and she looked up sadly. “I’m not in the mood to talk today. Especially if you’re here to accuse me of being a part of some hate group.” That was the trend of the day for her, and she’d already gotten an earful from her mother who hadn’t called her in almost two years. 
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“Thanks for the heads up I’ll never eat anything from you again. Laxative someone else’s cookies. And I said two was enough for me but he worked his magic of being him and somehow I was agreeing to twelve. But I really do want another. I can’t explain it. Just watching him with our babies, being someone that little people depend on and look to and love so unconditionally it makes me want a full house and a lot of love. I was an only child growing up shit was lonely. I want a big family.” Rocky gasped as she mentioned the first time she met Connor. “To be fair, that didn’t go to my head. I forgot all about that master plan. I’ll give you the Sabrina one but that wasn’t one little comment. It was a huge comment to a woman carrying two babies who already felt like a whale. Well I’m humble and sweet. You can ask Connor. How do you think I landed a sweet man like that? Being humble and sweet too.” Rocky frowned. “I’m not going to be overprotective. Just there if someone’s trying to get over on her to offer advice is she needs it.” 
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“Aww. Don’t be such a party pooper. We both know I love food loving you and you’re in love. That sickenly sweet kind of forget who you are love. Eck. Times like these I’m fairly glad I don’t feel love like a normal person. One huge comment, one little comment- same difference. And you kind of looked like one, but that has nothing to do with you. Just the grotesque infants living inside of you. Compared to most pregnant woman caring twins of a Linerbacker, you looked amazing. The skinniest of the having a Giant’s multiple offspring by far. Babies freak me out, okay? You know this. And Baha!” Gigi burst into more laughter. “Or being a conniving pretty little man stealer who I love and adore. And how is that not overprotective exactly?”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“You’ve got me very tempted, except when you win your award, you have to leave my side and I’d just be in the crowd naked until you get back. Or I could just turn invisible until you’re back. Would you keep your hands in all the inappropriate places while we’re watching the show?” Luna couldn’t believe she was actually considering this and even working out ways in which this would work, but she kind of was. “Of course I want you to be with me. Just kiss you. I can definitely do that. It’s one of my favorite things to do anyway.” She leaned in to press her lips to Gigi’s then with a smile. “For practice purposes.” 
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“You could always come with me and be on the stage naked?” Gigi pointed out. “Of course. Why would I keep my hands to myself if I’m in public with a naked you? That seems like a waste and,” Her smile growing practically 10 fold as she realized her girl was actually considering it. “Does that mean that you will? Please tell me I get naked you for the whole night! Pretty please?” She asked as she happily pressed her lips against Luna’s. “It better be. Now come here, ma moitié.”
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gigixking · 5 years ago
“I did. But I’m calling this cheat day and never speaking of this again. Yes, I am. I told him I wanted another baby back in January at your party. So, we’ve been working on it. I think I’m impatient. Accidental pregnancy was easy. Intentional pregnancy is taking a long fucking time to happen.” Rocky shrugged. “I don’t know. I like to give them a chance to recalibrate first. See how we do now that we’ve all established that who I am now is way different than who I used to be. But if I do have to fire them, sure you can do it. I hate firing people. And yes I want you to answer, because I don’t think I ever let things go to my head. Name one time,” she challenged. “People used to call me America’s Sweetheart back in the day. I am so humble,” she protested. “She won’t I won’t let her. she’s my friend I think she has a backbone when she needs to.” 
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“Ha! You do know you’re talking to me right? You really think I’m going to let us never speak of this again? You’re just lucky I didn’t put laxatives in those cookies. Maybe next time though. And gross. Why? Weren’t two enough? And huh. Nice people do the funniest things. But, as long as I get to fire them, I guess I support you. Just make up your mind sooner than later, please and thank you! And it would be easier trying to name the times when you haven’t. Aren’t you the girl who met a married man and instantly started fantasizing about how to make him yours? Or the one who found out she had a sister and started scheming about how she could be your new best friend? Or the one who got mad at me for weeks because I made one little comment about how you had gotten bigger due to pregnancy? Shall I go on, because I can do this all day?” Gigi teased. “And please. People used to call me America’s Sweetheart back in the day too, hun, and we both know I’m far from humble or sweet.Oh come on. You’re no fun and, anyways, how is she ever going to learn with you playing her protector?”
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