ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
i don't believe in what i believed in
for such a long time
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
If you see me and notice my eyes are glazed over, don’t be alarmed. I am taking care of myself the best way I can right now and my methods may not be your cup of tea. My smiles are frozen and forced, my laughs are fake and believe me when I tell you I don’t remember what we just spoke about a day ago. I’m not tuning you out-I’m not ready to let anyone in without breaking down and making things worse. I’m resilient; but right now I just want to not feel.
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
so bored (live at rolling stone)
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
where is my mind? // glowbug [pixies cover]
FREE download: here
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
We dated and she’s an incredibly important person that I lived with for a long time, but it’s about that time in a relationship that I was going through; you’re in a relationship because you need help, but that’s not necessarily why you should be in a relationship. And that’s Skinny. It doesn’t have weight. Skinny love doesn’t have a chance because it’s not nourished.
Justin Vernon on the meaning behind Skinny Love (via saddest-summer)
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
i need a fix cause i'm going down
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
“I once had a thousand desires, but in my one desire to know you, all else melted away.”
Rumi  (via areyouhighenough)
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
I don't think the Bon Iver record is the kind of record that would get nominated for a Grammy — I would get up there and be like, 'This is for my parents, because they supported me,' because I know they would think it would be stupid of me not to go up there. But I kinda felt like going up there and being like: 'Everyone should go home, this is ridiculous. You should not be doing this. We should not be gathering in a big room and looking at each other and pretending this is important.'
Justin Vernon
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ghostsngoblins-blog · 13 years
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reign of terror
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