ghostlytriumphperson · 5 days
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Since there has been a lack of Stella Angst, I’m making some to cure my soul👏
I was on TikTok searching up Azula and Catra angst edits, and I was thinking in my head about Stella this and Stella that, so I’m throwing everything into this piece because I love Stella and thinks she definitely deserves better, and instead of being the only punching bag of everyone’s hatred.
I headcanon that Stella was HIGHLY neglected by her parents from a young age,so she developed a self coping mechanism, such as loud outbursts when things don’t go her way to get even a silver of attention or affection from her parents.But as we can all see,it doesn’t work.Her parents would drown her in everything, and anything she wants,but it never filled her heart because all she ever wanted was the same love and affection they give her brother.(I forgot how to spell his damn name💀)
Her parents definitely fucked her up, I can definitely see her mother calling her useless, unladylike, ugly, fat, etc to make Stella feel insecure about herself and causing her to develop ED, which explains why she wasn’t eating when Stolas and Octavia were.Speaking on her parents fucking her up, you know how some parents would take a ruler and slap their kids wrist as a form of “discipline” imagine if they did that to Stella as well, but since her wrist are black no one would expect anything.And if they did? This is hell she lives in, no one would spare a single glance to notice her despair.
On the topic of Azula, Stella definitely reminds me of her, I mean mommy issues, only being a 14 or 15 when their mental health swirled and took a turn for the worse.Imagine when Azula was having those intense hallucinations about her mother, and replace Azula with 15 year old Stella about to get married to Stolas, and Ursa is instead a hallucination of Stella’s ugly ass mother.Not only that,but as I mentioned about her parents not giving a single fuck about her, and paying attention to her brother.It’s giving AZULA AND CATRA, get it!? Both Shadow Weaver and Ursa only loved one child, while the other watches in sadness, disbelief, jealousy, anger, etc and the neglected child makes her way into higher ranks to show their “mother figure” to finally acknowledge their achievements and to show them love only to completely abandon them, making it seem like their the villains.(Yes I know Ursa was a victim too,but that still doesn’t excuse neglecting her daughter, while loving Zuko).
There will be a part 2, but I’m tired as hell right now since I pulled an all nighter.
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