ghost-relic · 4 years
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京都 城南宮 枝垂れ梅&メジロ kyoto jonangu (ume blossom & wild bird)
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ghost-relic · 4 years
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獏牙彫根付|Seated Baku (Mythical Creature Devouring Nightmares), Metropolitan Museum of Art: Asian Art
Gift of Mrs. Russell Sage, 1910 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Ivory
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ghost-relic · 4 years
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Sankeien Japanese garden by Raita Futo
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ghost-relic · 4 years
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奈良県 吉野神宮 Nara Yoshinojingu
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ghost-relic · 4 years
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L1000937 by masa+ on Flickr.
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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Photographer: xperiane DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDITS. THANK YOU. ♥
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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京都 天寧寺 kyoto tenneiji temple
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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shimogamo-jinja :下鴨神社
It had preparing for night light up.
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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四間道~路地の行き止まりのお地蔵さん by m-miki
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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潮音庭 - 建仁寺 / Kennin-ji Temple by Active-U on Flickr
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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Ah, it’s too late to post this on Halloween.  But here is a little story about ghosts, and roommates, and roommates who are ghosts.
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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Dusk in Memory Lane, Shinjuku 新宿
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ghost-relic · 5 years
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Liz and Bishoujo wearing Japanese steampunk fashion on the street in Harajuku. Full Looks
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ghost-relic · 6 years
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Untitled, Asian Art
Gift of Mrs. Russell Sage, 1910 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Wood
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ghost-relic · 6 years
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白描印相図巻|Scroll of Mudras, Asian Art
The Harry G. C. Packard Collection of Asian Art, Gift of Harry G. C. Packard, and Purchase, Fletcher, Rogers, Harris Brisbane Dick, and Louis V. Bell Funds, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, and The Annenberg Fund Inc. Gift, 1975 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Yo Medium: Handscroll; ink on paper
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ghost-relic · 6 years
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Learn JLPT N1 Vocabulary: 魂 (tamashii)
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