
Omg its sayaka its sayaka miki from madoka magica!
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As Master Joe Wishes
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
Worked with 18TL Ward on this!
Thank you Jelly for handling this chapter!

Location: HAMA House — Lesson Room

Sakujiro: Rules of the Oguro Family’s butlers, “Butler Oblige –108 Commandments–.” Pledge, “one must be willing to sacrifice themselves!”

Nagi: For the sake of granting their master’s wishes…!!
Sakujiro: Correct! If the master so wishes, you must give it your all, pour your heart and soul into it in order to grant their wish!
Sakujiro: Pledge, “one must not speak!”

Netaro: Without permission from their master~♪
Sakujiro: Correct! Should the need arise, observe them as one treads around their boss during the on-season and aptly conveys the scent of a delicious cup of black tea straight to their nostrils, gauging their reaction from there.
Sakujiro: Pledge, “a servant’s greatest honor!”

Toi: Is to take care of their master!
Sakujiro: Pledge, “when the master and other guests have a gathering!”

Yodaka: Await by the wall and refrain from interactions as if one was a shadow.
Sakujiro: Pledge, “when one receives an order or instructions from the master!”

Ryui: THE FUCK IF I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
Rest of L4mps: …….
Sakujiro: My, my……. Ryui-san, you still refuse to recite the commandments. Honestly, what a troublesome apprentice.
Nagi: Ah……now we have to “bow” 150 times again as a group…….
Yodaka: Perhaps I’ll break my back like Danny this time. ……Speaking of which, are you alright?

Daniel (off screen): Hell naw…… Bowed too many times, my back……
Netaro: Ahaha, Daa looks like a catapwellier~.
Sakujiro: Ryui-san, I’m not asking you to remember all 108 commandments.
Sakujiro: At this time, you need only to drill the important parts into your head. Is that too much to ask?
Ryui: ‘S not like I can’t remember it, or some shit like that.
Sakujiro: If that is the case, what is the reason for your refusal? This is basic knowledge that is essential to being a servant.
Sakujiro: You must practice reciting them for the sake of attaining a class, mannerism, and devotion of honorable quality, drilling it into your body at a level where you unconsciously and naturally respond to——
Ryui: Like I said, that ain’t the fucking problem.
Ryui: Listen here. There’s no way I’d pledge my loyalty to anyone other than Toi.
Netaro, Nagi, Yodaka: …….

Toi: Ani-sama……! To think you thought of me that way...I'm so grateful!!
Sakujiro: I see. What you are saying is that the only one you are loyal to is Toi-san?
Yodaka: “A warrior dies for those who understand him” ……A wonderful phrase indeed.
Netaro: Sigh~, but you can’t keep acting like this. Oh! Are you that? One of those people who's allergic to teamwork?
Ryui: You’re the last person I wanna hear that from.
Nagi: *shakes head* Ryui, please. I don’t wanna do Saku-san’s punishments again. It’ll be hard to run the store if I break my back.
Ryui: Fuck you, break it for all I care.
Chief: *enters* So this is where everyone was. Are you training for the HosLive……?
Yodaka: Hello, Chief. No, this is something a little different.
Daniel: Perfect timing. Couldja gimme a back massage…….?
Netaro: Doudou, you have food?
Ryui: (Fucking Yowa…… We’re in this shitty situation ‘cause of him, but this dickhead ain’t giving a single fuck……)
Ryui: (This all happened ‘cause yesterday, that guy—)

Toi: Waah, What a cool mansion! It’s like a CG out of the otome game “The Black Swan’s Kaleidoscope!” Right, Ani-sama?
Ryui: Yea. That’s the 7th one you played? Should I take a picture of you from the same angle as that CG?
Nagi: Hm? It’s Ryui and Toi.
Ryui: Huh? What the hell? Don’t tell me you were also called out here?
Nagi: Yup. A letter of challenge affixed to an arrow appeared at the shop. It was from Netaro……and it told me to come here.
Ryui: An arrow……?
Yodaka: Oh, everyone else is gathered as well.
Daniel: This is just the entire night group.
Toi: Oh! It’s Yodaka-san and Danny-san! Were both of you called here as well?
Yodaka: Indeed. Via smoke signals. I have to say, the Shingen Takeda-style smoke flare was magnificent.
Daniel: It was a carrier pigeon for me.
Toi: Ani-sama and I got a telegram!
Ryui: (For fuck’s sake, just send us a text like a normal person.)
Netaro: Oohhh, the cast is all assembled! And with not one mortal injury! Welcome welcome♪
??: Hello.
Ryui: Fuck Yowa for now…… Who’s the old man?
Netaro: This is Sammy!
Sammy: I’m Sammy, nice to meet you. I’m a detective. Here’s my police badge.
Nagi: T-The real deal.
Yodaka: Hmm, so Sammy-san’s real name is Koutetsu Samejima-san?

Nagi (mumbling): T-There’s been a mistake. While it’s true Netaro might be an intergalactic trespasser, he said he’d protect the Earth and all…….
Samejima: Thank you for coming all this way. Um, shall we move inside? It might be better to sit down and chat.
Toi: Yay! I wonder what the inside looks like!
Daniel: Will we make it back in time for happy hour? This better not turn out to be a pain in the ass…….

Nagi: Netaro is a very good friend of mine. Well, I can’t deny that he’s lacking in Earthian common sense, and I guess sometimes he makes me partake in some pretty random stuff, but it’s not out of spite. He’s in the middle of learning about Earth and all, and—
Ryui: Oi, the fuck you mumbling about? Everyone’s already gone. Let’s get going.
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Main Page
(Still under construction) Making a post so I can arrange my translations in one spot
Main Story S1
Side A: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
Side B: soon
Nagi Novel Essence of a Bouquet tracks 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 Nagi Initial SSR The Taste of Happiness p1 | p2 Nagi Bday 2024 Best Wishes Snap p1 | p2 Netaro Netaro Initial SSR Netaro's Soulmate Search, Group Date Edition p1 | p2
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L4mps Main Story Translation
Designs of Happiness A01

Title: ep.1 Well-being by myself
Characters: Nagi
Summary: One night, an interesting radio show could be heard at the Flower Laundry...

JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt

No matter how hard I try, a worthless person like me could never trace after the path to "happiness" that everyone else gets to experience.
As the gentle loneliness of the night envelops me, I drift between fleeting moments of happiness, barely holding on to see the next day.
-It was one of those days.
Location - Flower Laundry

Voice from the Radio: Coming to you live from HAMA Studio no.3-
Arisa: It's Arisa and~
Teresa: Teresa's~
Arisa and Teresa: Intelli-radio: Aristotle~*
Nagi: Sonia, could you turn up the volume?
Sonia: Okay~
Teresa: The rain sure isn't letting up huh?
Arisa: True~ It's quiet but it's perfect for getting some me-time in, whether it's to study or get some reading done.
Arisa: As we were talking about before the commercial break, forgive us if we go on too long on the mechanisms of achieving Happiness, just blame it on this lovely night we're having~
Sonia: ...
Sonia: Nagi-shan, you've been working on your bike all this time, but you made sure to eat dinner, yesh?

Nagi: Eh? ... Ah.
Nagi: Now that you mention it, I might be really hungry right now.
Sonia: Geez~
Sonia: You're still in the middle of work, so I'll get you shumthing you can eat with one hand.
Nagi: Thank you, Sonia. If you weren't around, I'm sure I would've ended up a mummy by now.

Nagi: "A mummy was discovered in the middle of the city!" Could Flower Laundry possibly be the next new hot spot...
Sonia: Don't say shumthing so ominous. It's exactly to prevent unfortunate people like you from ending up in such sad situations that helper robots like me were created.
Sonia: Pleash wash your hands and wait there.
Nagi: When did it get so late...
Nagi: I should get the bike back in the garage for now...

Arisa: While countries and corporations were competing between themselves for economic growth, the end result was that most of our environment was destroyed, and resources dried up in the blink of an eye.
Arisa: Did humanity manage to achieve true prosperity after this? Was it worth the cost? The answer is a resounding "No". Although the country's GDP* has increased four, or even five-fold, the happiness-index has flatlined for the past 100 years or so.
Teresa: Wait, really? A 100 years ago, people couldn't even have their clothes dry automatically, right? They also had to wash the dishes by hand... No way, that reminds me, they even had to vacuum the dust off the floor themselves or something right..?
Arisa: I think they'd still be using brooms about a 100 years ago?
Teresa: No way~ That's way too retro for me! I can't imagine life without all the smart appliances we have now. I mean, a world with no food-printers? Yikes.
Sonia: Here you go, "fresh" off the food-printer...

Nagi: Right on time.
Sonia: On time?
Nagi: I was just talking to myself. Thanks for the meal.
Arisa: Okay, I get how much you love your smart appliances, but do all these materialistic things truly fill your heart? Does it really let you sleep better at night?
Teresa: Hmm, you do have a point. The more convenient things get, the more it feels like the world is telling me to be time and cost-efficient, but before I even realize it, I'm already doom-scrolling on dazzle*...
Arisa: "More convenience! More income!" Such concepts are shoved in our faces constantly... How about trying to remove ourselves from this endless equation? There's quite a few factions amongst the younger generation who never expected much from society nor themselves...
Teresa: Sorry, that's just not for me. Chasing after your dreams, working towards your goals: those are the things that make life worth living. Growing as you compete with others is part of it too. And then when you finally get your hands on the things you've always wanted with your own effort... It doesn't get better than that.
Arisa: That's right. That's why people have come up with a strategy guide-
Arisa: The era of learning the Psychology of Happiness is upon us!
Teresa: The Psychology of Happiness?
Nagi: What's that?
Sonia: Oh! There's a response on the shop's PeChat*, hm...
Sonia: Nagi-shan, we just got an order. The customer will be coming by in ten minutes to pick it up.
Sonia: They're requesting a bouquet that can cheer up their girlfriend who's feeling down about making a mistake at work.
Nagi: ―
Sonia: Nagi-shaaan.
Nagi: Ah, sorry. Can you ask them what her favorite color is?
Sonia: I already did. Apparently, she likes the color blue!
Nagi: Blue... Blue, huh.
Nagi: I think we can use the nemophila we just got in earlier today. Add in some large calla lilies and sky-blue baby's breath...
Nagi: Maybe some delphiniums and blue stars could work as accents...
Sonia: And what about the ribbon?
Arisa: To explain, the Psychology of Happiness is the study that aims to help anyone, of all ages and gender, understand how to engineer and replicate the mechanism of happiness in their own lives.

Nagi: Replicate... happiness?
Sonia: Nagi-shaan, are you listening?
Nagi: I'm listening. Could you bring out the thin, light blue ribbon from the back?
Sonia: Got it. I'll leave the card here too.
Nagi: Okay, thank-
Teresa: Wait, some people find it easier to be happy because it's hereditary!?
Nagi: What!?
Sonia: Huh!?

Sonia: Geez, don't scare me like that. What's got you sho worked up?
Arisa: That's right. 48% is already determined by our DNA.
Nagi: .....
Sonia: Nagi-shan?
Arisa: Just like how some people might find a dish spicier than others, some can experience happiness easier than their peers as well. This is a hereditary factor, determined by our genes from the moment we're born.
Teresa: No way! So what you're telling me is that half of the happiness we can experience in life was already decided while we were in our mothers' womb!?

Nagi: ......
Sonia: Are you okay now? The customer will be dropping by soon.
Nagi: ...! Right, I need to get this done quickly...
Sonia: I'll go ahead and cut the flower stems under water.*
Nagi: Thank you. Could you also get the blue gift-wrapping paper-
Sonia: I've already spread it out for you!
Customer: Um... I'd put in an order just earlier.
Nagi: ...Ah.
Nagi: Sorry, could you please wait for just a moment? There's just the finishing touches left.
Teresa: So, what about the remaining 52%? Don't tell me it's influenced by the environment we were born and raised in.
Arisa: Not at all, the influence from your environment makes up only about 10% of it. As for the remaining 42%...
Teresa: ... Is it based on our actions?
Arisa: Correct! This means that, out of 100% achievable happiness level, about 42% of it is within our control.
Nagi: Wow. I've never thought about it that way.
Customer: Huh?
Nagi: No, if I think about it, is that really possible?
Arisa: Just as how the right diet is different for each person, once you figure out the method, anyone can achieve happiness. How it comes to bear fruit for you, is up to you yourself.

Nagi: If half of it is determined by fate, and the other half is uncertain... Could it really be that simple? Then maybe it's also possible for me to.... No, it's probably just a waste of time in my case. I shouldn't get my hopes up. Just thinking about it is making me depressed.
Customer: Erm... Are you alright? You've been muttering to yourself for some time now...

Nagi: Ah... Sorry about that. Don't mind me.
Customer: Right...

Nagi: Thank you for waiting. This is the completed bouquet. Is it to your liking?
Customer: Wow...! It's beautiful... It's just how I'd imagined it, I'm sure my girlfriend will be happy with it.
Nagi: I'm glad to hear that- Ah.
Nagi: That's right, I almost forgot... Excuse me, would you mind handing the bouquet back to me? There's one last thing I need to do.
Nagi: Mu....
Customer: Mu?

Nagi: Mu.....nn!
Customer: Um, what exactly are you doing...?

Nagi: I've instilled some energy* into it. In other words...
Nagi: It's something like a good luck charm. When your girlfriend receives this bouquet, she'll be so happy that she'd be skipping along the pavement.
Customer: To the point of skipping...
Nagi: Oh but, even without my little charm, I'm sure she would be plenty happy just knowing she has someone who would get her a bouquet when she's feeling down.
Nagi: In any case, I hope the two of you can skip along merrily.
Customer: I-I see... Thank you...

Nagi: Thank you for your patronage.
Sonia: Thank you very mush!
Teresa: Whaat, is it time for us to go already? Too bad, I really wanted to talk some more~
Sonia: Phew... I'm glad we finished it in time.
Nagi: Yeah, it's all thanks to your help Sonia.
Sonia: It's a piece of cake!
Arisa: Arisa and Teresa, your guides for psychology, signing out!
Nagi: Anyways, good job. Let's do our usual thing.
Arisa: Let's meet again when the fountain of knowledge wells up again!
Sonia: A high-five right? 3, 2, 1..!

Arisa and Teresa: See you again!
Play Ivory MV

Sonia has a bit of a lisp so I changed a few words to match her speech
Intelli in Intelli-radio is short for Intelligentsia
dazzle is a social media site in the 18trip universe
PeChat is a messaging app in 18trip universe
GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product.
Cutting flower stems under water prevents air bubbles from going up the stem and helps in keeping the cut flowers fresh for longer.
'Muuun’ is the sound he makes when he’s instilling his happiness energy/thoughts(念) into the flowers, literally.
Flower Language:
Flower Language is important to Nagi's character and a way for him to communicate his thoughts, so I'll always note it down whenever any are mentioned.
Nemophila Lovely, Wish for success, I forgive you, Clear heart
Calla Lily Gorgeous beauty, Purity, Gracefulness of a young maiden
Blue Baby's breath Gratitude, Luck, Innocence, Kindness
Delphinium You spread happiness, Clear and bright, Generous, Precious
Bluestars (Amsonia) Trust in one another, Abundant love
Fun fact: The flower passed around in Ivory is a Delphinium! Meaning Nagi spreads happiness, which is what he does by sharing his happiness 'energy' but also that he brings joy to those around him by simply being himself.
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“WE ARE M・T・T・B” Event Story Translation Masterlist (WIP)

Chihiro was invited to an Influencer Dance Off after a dance video of him an Ten went viral. Adding on other members brimming with personality; the two, with Muneuji, Kiroku, and Toi, participated in the competition.
Even though Chihiro wants to enjoy dancing with this team until the very end, the others don't share his sentiment. Due to the vast difference in experience between Ten, Chihiro, and the rest, the other three are unable to do the basic steps as well as they'd like and started to look down.
While Chihiro tries to encourage them, he seems to be having trouble speaking his true thoughts on the matter.... Will these five be able to perform in a way that satisfies them...?
(Summary TL credit goes to @hamatours_eng on twitter)
Characters: Chihiro Natsuyaki, Ten Murakumo, Toi Shiramitsu, Muneuji Kaguya, Kiroku Kinugawa, Ushio Kurama, Nanaki Nanamegi, Akuta Isotake, Renga Nishizono
Event Story:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Translated by: 716chr & kafkazoomies on twt
Proofread by: TLWard
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“WE ARE M・T・T・B” - Chapter 3

📍 HAMA House - Practice Room
Muneuji: …..Even though I’m doing the dance moves, my movements feel stiff and forced.
Chihiro: (Munecchi’s self-assessment is spot on, he’s moving too stiffly. …..The way he moves feels more like he’s taking a martial arts stance rather than dancing….)
Toi: Huff, huff….
Chihiro: (And Tonya is panting heavily right now. He’s trying to perfectly copy my dance moves, but it’s clear that he’s struggling to keep up.)
Kiroku: ……。
Chihiro: (Kirokkuma’s got great athleticism, but his delicate, shy nature is making him hunch over and that’s holding him back. So he’s not at his full potential right now.)
Chihiro: (Oh no! I’m slipping into producer mode again! That’s the last thing we need in this situation!)
Ten: ……。
Chihiro: C’mon~, no sad faces, guys! Dancing is supposed to be fun ♪ It’s totally normal not to get it right away ♪
Muneuji - Toi - Kiroku: ……..!
Chihiro: No need to worry! Ten-cham and Chii will teach you, so just relax! Let’s all have fun and stay hyped and pumped~!
Ten: Oh, guess I’m teaching them too now.
Toi: Chii-sama……
Kiroku: ……。
Muneuji: ……Can I say something?
Chihiro: Hm~? Wuzzup wuzzup?
Muneuji: We’re pretty much at a lower skill level right now.
Muneuji: I understand it’s not my place to speak on this, but you must have noticed the same thing too when you look at how we perform.
Muneuji: Enjoying ourselves is important, but could you point out what we’re doing wrong? We need clear guidance and criticism.
Chihiro: Hmm~, well….. Aren’t you guys being a lil bit too hard on yourselves?
Chihiro: There’s nothing wrong with your techniques~! You’re all improving bit by bit, and you’re giving your best!
Muneuji - Toi - Kiroku: ……..
Chihiro: (……Man. Somehow everyone still looks unconvinced. Hnnnghhh, if this goes on, it might kill the vibe and things will head into THAT direction…..)
Chihiro: It’s still early, but let’s call it a day for now! You can’t dance well when you’re all stressed out!
Ten: Agreed~ No complaints here~
Chihiro: Ah geez, suddenly Chii’s in the mood for some munchies~ Anyone wanna go grab a bite from the convenience store~?
Muneuji: I’m sorry, but I think I’ll pass....
Kiroku: Oh, I’ll….. keep practicing a bit more….
Toi: M-Me too….! So maybe next time….!
📍 HAMA Downtown
Ten: Hm, this new ice cream flavor is a winner~. I’ll get it again next time.
Chihiro: ……。
Ten: You bought a lot, gonna eat all that yourself?
Chihiro: Oh, this is for the others…..
Ten: That serious, huh?
Chihiro: Wouldn’t say it's that serious…..
Mama Cat: Meow.
Kitty: Mew.
Chihiro: Ah, good after-meow.
Ten: A stray?
Chihiro: These lil fellas have been hangin’ around here a lot lately. They’re pretty friendly.
Ten: Ah~, in that case, I might know one of them too.
Chihiro: …..Hey there Mama Meowster, you gonna let me pet you today too~?
Mama Cat: Meow meow.
Kitty: Purr purr~
Chihiro: Hehe, even Meowster Jr. wants some petting too? You guys are so adorbs.
Ten: Mm, yeah.
Chihiro: ……。
Chihiro: (Those 3 looked so down….. It’s all my fault, isn’t it?)
Chihiro: (I thought that was the best way to respond earlier, but….)
Chihiro: …….Guess that was a big oopsie~
Ten: ?
Chihiro: (I do have my fair share of concerns about their techniques, but if I start acting like a producer again and pointing my finger and giving them orders then——)
Chihiro: (Things might end up becoming awkward like what happened with the Evening Group back then. I want to avoid that as much as possible…..)
Ten: ……。
Ten: Well, it’s all good as long as we make good memories, right? No point in getting our panties in a twist. Isn’t the motto to “have fun~”? I think that sounds perfectly fine to me.
Chihiro: Ten-cham……
Ten: If you try to be strict with amateurs, you’ll just end up fighting. That’d be a huge pain in the ass and gonna get pretty awkward, right?
Chihiro: Fighting……
Chihiro: (That’s the last thing I want…..)
Chihiro: Hmm, you’re right. Everyone has different levels of motivation and drive when it comes to dancing
Ten: Yeah, you’ve got it.
Chihiro: Thanks, Ten-cham!
Ten: Haha, I don’t think I did anything special, but if you’re feeling better then we’re all good. Now that we’re over that, wanna head back?
Chihiro: Yep, let’s go~!
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𓏲 𑁍 Ev3ns Scarlet Scars gifs 𓂃 .ᐟ
୧ ‧₊˚ 🌇 ⋅ ♡/⇄ + credit if using !¡
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🎀🖤 by keropiki ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ [instagram] [twitter] [youtube]
♡ reprint permission was granted by the artist.
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Lum love song animation with Haudion!
#artists on tumblr#artwork#digital illustration#digital painting#drawing#painting#portrait#fanart#pokemon#pokemon sun and moon#pokemon ultra sun and moon#gladion#hau pokemon#haudion#animatic#animation#lum love song
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🎀 by O [pixiv] [weibo]
♡ reprint permission was granted by the artist.
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