gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
I can't do anything right. What's the point in living anyway.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
what if im actually the problem and I kill myself to test that theory
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
im so tired. i dont know how much more of this i can take.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
Have you ever looked at yourself and been like nope
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
I just want to die. I don't know anymore. I don't want to live in this life, I don't like being me. I hate myself I hate my past I hate my everything.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
you dont care. Dont pretend like you care.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
i want to be loved in the same amount that i love.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
There’s a reason why we feel lonely even though we aren’t alone. It’s because loneliness is not about how many friends we have or how many people are in the room with us. It’s a disconnection from others. Being social doesn’t cure loneliness, loneliness comes when there is not a single person close enough to see past the illusion to who we really are and what we really feel inside.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 5 hours
im so replaceable in every aspect of who I am in regards to everyone I know
maybe it would be better if I ceased to exist
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gh0st-of-suicide · 16 hours
when they find out you got bpd and automatically think you’re evil, ok bitch you want that, I’ll fucking show you evil
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gh0st-of-suicide · 16 hours
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gh0st-of-suicide · 16 hours
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gh0st-of-suicide · 16 hours
holy fuck why does it always feel like i’m asking for too much, always asking too much.
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gh0st-of-suicide · 16 hours
just when i started to believe you. you confirmed all of my worst fears
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gh0st-of-suicide · 2 days
i don't feel well and i'd really like to hurt myself
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