ggukwrites · 3 years
Strawberries and Cigarettes Masterlist!
Chapter 1 (in progress!)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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ggukwrites · 3 years
I’ll love you forever, my darling you’ll be.
Summary: jungkook and oc are divorced nd its a flashback of when they were together.
Pairing: jungkook x oc
Warnings/Tags: angst, fluff, established relationship back then, now they’re exes, oc is sad, marriage then divorce, basically its really sad
Walking down the aisle, you and Jungkook’s favourite music playing in the background, the flower girl tosses the lilies as you walk. You look forward and see Jungkook standing there, clad in a black suit and tie. His presence glowing as he waited for you to walk to him. You were so in love then. Everything seemed perfect. Jungkook was always there for you, he stood by your side when you were breaking and crumbling into pieces, he celebrated the joyful moments together with you. Love. Together. Marriage. What did all that really mean to you?
When Jungkook has asked you out during senior year of high school, he came with lilies in his hands. It was different from the usual red rose one would give. That was what attracted you to him, someone who knew a deeper meaning of something so simple, someone who cherishes even the littlest of things. Jungkook was a sweetheart. Every anniversary he would show up with lilies each time.
When he had proposed to you, he stood among lilies in a garden filled with fairy lights and romantic music playing in the background. That day you had cried a lot. The future looked bright ahead of you. Especially knowing Jungkook would be by your side.
During the wedding, saying his vows, Jungkook had tears in his eyes. He said it with all his heart. And you could feel it was genuine. “Lilies symbolise purity and fertility. The sweet and innocent beauty of the lily flower has given it the association of fresh life and rebirth. With you, I promise I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my darling you’ll be.”
It is the 25 of June. It’s been five years since you last saw Jungkook. You walk along that same garden filled with lilies. Where did all the time go? Everything happened so fast. You didn’t believe in love anymore. After a year of your marriage, things went downhill fast. Soon enough you were sitting in court and signing papers. You weren’t going to lie to yourself. You missed him. So much for love and lilies.
Under the moonlight, there was one lily that shone brightly. Walking closer to it, you take it in your hand and inspect it. Without knowing, tears strolled down your cheeks. There was no hope left in you. Where would you find another human that would love you the way Jungkook did. Turning around, you see a man standing behind you. He had dark hair, a tattooed arm, and many piercings.
Despite the many tattoos on his arm, you spotted one particular one. A lily. A lily that matched your own tattoo on your arm. It was the lily you guys got during your honeymoon as a promise to stay with each other forever.
You looked once more into the man’s eyes. It was filled with no soul and no hope. Jungkook had changed. You had changed. But that didn’t matter. Everything that once was bright is now shattered into pieces. One last glance at him, and you sprint off out of the garden.
And you never saw him again.
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ggukwrites · 3 years
summary: oc had a bad day at school and all she wants is to go home and cuddle with her boyfriend, jungkook.
pairing: jungkook x oc
warnings/tags: tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, jungkook is a sweetheart, oc has a small panic attack, crying, but jungkook goes all out to make oc feel better!
Saying that today was a terrible day is an understatement. You woke up with a pounding headache, probably due to the three hours of sleep you got along with the endless shots of espresso. You're professor had called you out for submitting the wrong assignment in front of your whole class, which up to now you still don't know how you got your chemistry homework mixed up with history. Everything was wrong. The lunch you ate left a rotting aftertaste in your mouth, which you then decided to throw away after two bites of the nasty sandwich. All you wanted to do was to go home to your boyfriend and just cuddle in bed with him. But no, you still have one more hour until this lecture finishes and are on the verge of breaking down completely.
After one hour of constant nodding off, more caffeine and yet again getting called out for not paying attention, you were finally free. School was over and you could now go home, or rather to Jungkook's house. Packing your bag, you headed towards the drop-off area outside the school compound. Just as you walked out, the familiar black Mercedes-Benz pulled over. You see Jungkook smiling at you with a stupid grin on his face. He always seemed to be so excited and energetic all the time, especially around you, but you on the contrary, barely surviving on caffeine and three hours of sleep max a day, was like a walking zombie with no energy at all.
You open the car door and step into the car. Jungkook greets you with a smile once again and says, "Hi baby, how was school? I bought your favorite ice cream back at my place, cookie-dough!" As he says that, you start wondering, Jungkook always does so much for you, are you doing enough back? What if he is getting tired of you? Should you have bought him something too? All these thoughts once again start screaming in your head. You don't realize your eyes brimming with tears, or your boyfriend's face now concerned, asking you what happened.
It's too late. You start full on sobbing right there on the spot, which surprises Jungkook for a moment, before he leans over the console and tries to calm you down. You're not sure its working because now you feel your chest tightening, tears pouring out of you eyes as you clutch onto Jungkook's shirt. You can barely make out what Jungkook is saying but you hear a "1,,, 2,,, come on baby, breath for me, 3,,,4,,, there we go," Slowly, you start regaining your breathing rhythm, your sobs die down to little sniffles and hiccups, but you still hold on to your boyfriend's shirt.
"Shhh it's okay, just breathe for me yeah?" He whispers into your ear as his hand rubs your back in attempt to soothe you. " You wanna talk about it?" He tries to get a response from you. "Had a terrible day gguk, everything's going wrong" You mumbled into his shirt as more sobs came out of your mouth. Jungkook just hummed in response and continued holding you in his embrace, letting you cry everything out. After 20 minutes, you had calmed down and Jungkook was now driving over to his apartment. "I'll take care of you today okay? Don't worry about anything else, just relax." As you sniffle and nod in the passenger seat, you curl up to the side and close your eyes, and soon before you know it, you had fallen asleep.
Jungkook pulled up into the apartment's parking lot, and got out of the car to walk to the passenger door. He carefully unbuckled you and picked you up, being ever so careful not to wake you up. You were fast asleep in his arms, oblivious to his movements. The front door of the apartment was then unlocked and Jungkook placed you on the sofa, placing a blanket over you. Now you were slowly waking up again, after a while you had started to wake up after you had felt the lack of warmth that you felt when you were in Jungkook's embrace. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes as you looked around the apartment. Jungkook was scooping the ice cream he had said he bought into a bowl. Sensing your movements, his head immediately jerked up, and once seeing you awake, he put down the scooper he was holding and rushed to your side.
"Baby you're awake? Do you need anything? I am scooping the ice cream if you want it. How are you feeling now?" You blinked at your boyfriend, mind still groggy and you did not catch what he said. "Too many questions" you whispered. "Sorry baby," he chuckled, "So worried about you. Get comfy and I will bring the ice cream over yeah? We can watch a movie while cuddling if you like," Having said that, Jungkook proceeds to walk into the kitchen while you squish your self into the fluffy blanket and pillow surrounding you on the couch.
Jungkook returns with the bowl in his hands as he sets it down on the coffee table. He then averts his gaze back to you, and then joining you in the pile of pillows and blanket, you two now cuddling. "Wanna pick a movie sweetheart?" He asks, "Wanna watch Totoro," you mumbled into his chest. In no time, the Studio Ghibli animation was now playing on the television, and you now had your full attention on the playing film. Jungkook's hand is brought up to stroke the back of your head lovingly, and you can't express how much you love your boyfriend, he was too perfect, knowing how to care for you so well.
After a while, he sat up from the couch and reached over to grab the forgotten bowl of cookie dough ice cream, which was now a little melted. But it didn't matter because your lovely, charming, so sweet, caring, you-love-too-much boyfriend is hand feeding you the ice cream with heart eyes. You look back at him and whisper, "Thank you gguk, feel s'much better now," he replies with a kiss on you forehead as you two spend the rest of the night cuddling and eating ice cream on the couch. And of course, sleeping in Jungkook's bed, and it was the first night of the whole week where you actually had a good sleep, all thanks to your boyfriend, Jungkook.
a/n: omg this is my first time writing any sort of fanfiction EKHFEHFEJ please do give me constructive critism anyways i wrote this at 2am in the morning so there might be many errors sorry but yes thank you for reading <3333
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ggukwrites · 3 years
comfort; jungkook x oc, fluff
I’ll love you forever, my darling you’ll be ; jungkook x oc, fluff + mainly heavy angst
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