ggoyles · 2 years
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he’s    tall    —    towering    over    her    .    she    never    considered    herself    small    ,    she    was    average    height    ,    maybe    on    the    shorter    side    in    regards    to    her    brothers    ,    but    she    never    considered    it    until    she    was    with    greg    .    “    comes    with    the    pay    check    .    ”    she    quips    ,    her    back    leaning    against    the    wall    ,    hands    clasped    together    at    her    hips    ,    watching    the    boy    ,    no    ,    man    ,    who    entered    the    hallway    with    her    .    they    were    playing    with    fire    ,    they    always    were    ,    keeping    it    secret    ,    sneaking    away    ,    playing    hooky    ,    but    she    never    wanted    to    stop    .    well    ,    maybe    —    the    whole    secret    thing    ,    one    day    .    but    right    now    ,    she    wanted    to    be    with    him    ,    and    if    that    meant    they    had    to    sneak    around    until    they    could    disappear    then    so    be    it    .    this    was    nothing    she    truly    expected    ,    but    the    fluttering    in    her    chest    and    the    smile    he    brought    to    her    face    made    everything    okay    .    “    i    didn’t    think    we’d    ever    get    a    chance    to    talk    tonight    ?    ”    she’s    spotted    him    with    a    few    former    school    mates    ,    his    colleagues    ,    and    among    others    ,    just    as    she    had    emerged    herself    with    dean    ,    luna    and    unfortunately    the    likes    of    daphne    and    theodore    nott    .
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They shouldn’t linger. They shouldn’t be shouldn’t be throwing caution into the wind. But merlin strike him now for he couldn’t leave her alone. She was his girl. Before he never imagined being with someone so short and tiny but when Ginny came along she changed what he wanted. She changed who he wanted. Anyone he might of been interested in before didn’t come close to the woman standing before him. “Is that so huh? Not a bad gig.” His eyes refused to leave her with each step he took. He knew that he had to be careful. She had family here. She had protective family here. She had protective friends here. She was off limits in every sense of the word. Yet he didn’t care. He would face anyone and anything down to keep this fiery little lion for himself. He finally reached where she stood, his arm going to rest above her head. His tall frame, hopefully, blocking her from view if anyone were to enter the hallway. Maybe, just maybe, he’d be able to steal a few more moments with her. “Neither did I. I figured I’d have to wait until later for you to floo into my place just to be this close,” his voice was soft. It was as if he were speaking in a whisper. Merlin forbid Ronald Weasley or Harry Potter catch him this close to Ginny. “I must say that you look stunning though, it’s a shame I can’t show you off to the world. Did you choose this just to simply tease me?” Greg’s tone was laced with teasing, she could of been in sweats and still be stunning. “How long are you planning on staying for?”
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ggoyles · 2 years
Daphne huffs, lips pursed against a frown, and she gives Greg a sulky look. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, and she straightens her back and flips her hair in an attempt to find her composure. “That was not a prize. That was a few hours’ worth of amusement at most. Hardly worthy of disappointment.” And, turning the attention to him, Daphne leans against the bar and flashes him a wry grin. “And what about you, Gregory. All dressed up with nobody on your arm? If you’re here to proposition me, I’m afraid it’s a no. I don’t sleep with former classmates anymore, I’m sure you understand.”
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Nodding he understood. “Ahh so you were looking for your next victim, I see.” Keeping his relaxed composure felt his shoulders drop slightly at her words. He didn’t have anyone on his arm because she was still a secret. Not that he wanted to be a secret but he didn’t want her getting any backlash for being with him. “Me, proposition you? Only in your wildest dreams Daph. It’s sad to say but you’re far from my type, besides I’m simply here to make myself known before I sneak off and wonder back home. Doing what’s required of me,” he stated as he gave her a half smile.
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ggoyles · 2 years
This is where Daphne is at her best: parties, social gatherings, glamorous affairs. She was born for this, and though some part of her — quite deep down — feels a bit of an interloper at this sort of event, it hadn’t kept her away from it. Her family, after all, had not been involved with anything, not like most of her Slytherin peers. And what a gathering it is, with a guest list she couldn’t have let herself miss out on.
She’s also tragically single, and in a stunning turn of events watches with her mouth hanging open as some twonk she’d been flirting with at the bar walks away, utterly uninterested. It’s offensive is what it is, unheard of, and to make things worse she turns to find that someone else had witnessed the whole ugly affair. Turning red, she says, “Don’t say a word.” And, after a beat, “How bad was it?”
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His eyes took in everything around him. People flirting, couples holding hands or hugging. Friends gathering together. Nothing more then this moment right now made him feel more like an outsider. He knew it was mostly because he was once for the wrong side but things were changing. He was changing. He was making an effort for it all. But watching the scenes before him made him long for the girlfriend that he kept secret from his peers. The girlfriend he wished to hold and cuddle in close. The girlfriend he probably wouldn’t be able to get a moment alone with until all of this was over and he swept her away to his flat in the dark of the night.
Making his way to the bar to get himself another drink to keep his mind occupied he couldn’t help but smirk. There was Daphne, flirting with some poor helpless sod who didn’t know what he was in for, making his way closer he leaned against the bar and waited. “Oh don’t worry I wasn’t going to say anything,” pausing he quirked a brow. “You want the honest answer? It was terrible. Since when do you let a prize get away? Consider me disappointed in the great Greengrass.”
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ggoyles · 2 years
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draco closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before stepping into the ball room, once again reiterating his father’s lies like a mantra in his head — us malfoys are victims too, we were invited, and we have every right to be present at the benefit dance. just thinking about it makes him feel ill. it’s going to be a night of pretending, a night of judgemental looks, a night of awkward run-ins with the people he has harmed, and the young malfoy heir is going to hate every second of it. “ merlin, it seems like those fools at the ministry invited just about anyone to their tasteless charity event,” draco mumbles under his breath, as his eyes scan the room — so many familiar faces he wishes he could just forget — somehow not noticing the person standing right behind him. “ what? no, i wasn’t talking to you, i was just… thinking out loud." 
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Greg’s eyes wondered. A tight smile was forming at his lips. His hand was gripping the glass. Oh how he wished he could just return home to his flat and be blank to the world. How he wished he only had to deal with these people when at work and only at work. He didn’t fancy spending his free time with those who still gave him the odd look here and there. Spend his free time who made his friends feel like crap. Only a few hours and the night would be over, he wished it would be over sooner rather then later. Spotting a familiar face not too far from him Greg felt his tight smile turn into one of ease. He wasted no time in reaching Draco’s side. “You’ve got nothing to worry about with me. You can feel and think whatever you want,” he shrugged as his eyes scanned the people in front of them. “How long do you think it’ll take until something interesting happens?”
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ggoyles · 2 years
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𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑  ;  @ggoyles​  !
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forbidden    fruit    ——    that’s    exactly    what    he    was    .    forbidden    fruit    ,    like    the    apples    that    hung    in    the    garden    of    eden    ,    like    the    pomegranate    seeds    used    to    lure    persephone    to    hades    ,    gregory    goyle    ,    was    her    forbidden    fruit    .    it    was    as    if    her    body    knew    when    he    was    close    ,    an    electric    current    that    starts    in    her    fingertips    and    spreads    like    wildfire    ,    and    she    knew    he    was    here    .    she’d    spotted    him    long    ago    ,    unable    to    make    contact    —    she’d    pinch    herself    whenever    she    attempted    to    walk    in    his    direction    ,    they    couldn’t    .    but    the    danger    that    it    brought    ,    was    enticing    .    she    waited    ,    as    patiently    as    she    could    ,    waiting    for    his    eyes    to    meet    hers    across    the    room    before    she    nodded    in    the    direction    of    what    she    hoped    was    an    empty    hallway    ,    an    escape    .
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The second he saw her his heart stopped. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Every move she made was captivating. He knew he couldn’t go over and wrap her up in his arms like he wanted to, no one knew what they were to each other. She had every eye in the room on her. One Ginevra Weasley was beyond gorgeous. His mouth ran dry and his palms sweaty. From a distance he could watch her interact and be social, his pride for her grew. She could control a room. She could do almost anything. He knew that he shouldn’t linger. That he should move his gaze but he was ensnared by her beauty. He wanted to walk over to her and make every other man back off his witch. But deep down he knew that he couldn’t. He was the wrong side of the tracks, in their eyes he wasn’t worthy of her love. The second their eyes locked he wasted no time in downing the rest of his drink, setting the glass aside he looked at his current company and politely, yet quickly, excused himself. It didn’t take him long to find the fiery phoenix that turned him into a romantic sap. “Who would of ever thought that Ginny Weasley knew how to work a crowd,” his voice was teasing as he stood in the empty hall, eyes refusing to leave his girlfriend.
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ggoyles · 2 years
“YOU   UM…haven’t   happened   to   have   seen   a   pair   of   glasses   anywhere,   have   you?”   
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Greg wasn’t surprised to see him here, he was the one who ended it all of course, but he was surprised not to see the familiar glasses perched on the other’s nose. In fact there was a time that Greg swore the specs were glued onto his face somehow. “No, sorry Harry. Can’t say I’ve seen them. Have you tried using accio? Might help?” the offer was small and little, but what else did the former death eater have to offer the boy who lived?
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ggoyles · 2 years
♕ ↠ Open
There was a gentle buzz in her ears, muting the noise in the ballroom. It felt as though she had spent minutes underwater, lost in the darkness of the bottom of an ocean. Pansy felt like walking into enemy territory, anxiety bubbling up in her stomach as she tried her best to not run into anyone she wouldn’t like talking to. In reality, she knew she didn’t have to come, but she refused to act like she had anything to hide, like she should be scared of coming here.
Perhaps her pride was stronger than her common sense, only time would tell.
All she knew was that she felt like an outcast, a person who had no right to be there, and yet she walked around like she owned the place. It was quite boring. Many familiar faces and none she was glad to see. As she brought the glass to her red lips, disgust painted her delicate features. “Considering how much money they’re asking for, you would think that they would’ve at least gotten better wine than this cheap thing.”
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This was quite frankly the last place that Greg ever wanted to be. Sure he had a job within the Ministry itself and yes over the years he was trying to better himself. He was making a better name for himself. But that still didn’t make it any easier. Being around the ones who fought against his father and the others almost felt a bit too much. Deep down he wondered how long it would be until himself or someone he knew were cast out due to the past. Yet it never came.
One foot in front of the other, just one step at a time. Was constantly going through his head.
With a glass in hand, he sipped the amber liquid before feeling his shoulders release some of the tension that had built up. Pansy was here. That was nice. A familiar face that he could hide off against the side with. “Perhaps but maybe they thought that cheap wine would mean less intoxicated people meaning no terrible incidents,” his shoulders rose in a subtle shrug. He wasn’t sure their reasoning he just knew he did not want to be here. “Enjoying yourself Pans?”
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ggoyles · 2 years
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and you want to be strong? yes, i have to be.
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ggoyles · 2 years
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THAT 70’S SHOW 2.24 ‘Red Fired Up’
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ggoyles · 2 years
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ggoyles · 2 years
“We are all wearing masks. That is what makes us interesting.”
— Neil Gaiman (via quotemadness)
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ggoyles · 2 years
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Jacob Elordi
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ggoyles · 2 years
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ggoyles · 2 years
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`✧・゚: * during the trial of voldemort’s last major conspirators, gregory goyle was spotted. they work for the wizengamot as a lawyer. rumor has it they are calculating and determined, but i’ve heard they're vicious and argumentative. during the battle of hogwarts they fought for voldemort. when i think of them, i’m reminded of desperation of companionship, a need to feel accepted and loved, someone ashamed of their past.
`✧・゚: * 𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
FULL  NAME:    gregory duncan goyle jr.  PREFERRED  NAME:    gregory goyle.  NICKNAMES:    greg.  GENDER:  cis-man  PRONOUNS:    he  /  him.  AGE:    twenty-two.  ZODIAC:    gemini.  BIRTHDAY:    june 18.  SEXUALITY:    heterosexual.  SPECIES:    wizard.
`✧・゚: * 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖌𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉
BORN:    great britian.  RAISED:    grate britian.  CURRENT  RESIDENCE:    a one bedroom flat.  SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:    english, french, some spanish.  OCCUPATION:    lawyer for the wizengamot.   NATIONALITY:    british.  EDUCATION:    hogwarts graduate.  RELIGION:    n  /  a.  DRINK  |  SMOKE  |  DRUGS:    yes  /  when stressed  /  not anymore.
`✧・゚: * 𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑
FACE  CLAIM:    jacob elordi.  EYE  COLOUR:    hazel.  HAIR  COLOUR/STYLE:    dark brown.  HEIGHT:    6ft.  4in.  BODY  TYPE:    athletic.  DOMINANT  HAND:    right.  SCENT:    burbon with a hint of cinnamon.
`✧・゚: * 𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
MOTHER:    astrid goyle ( estranged ).  FATHER:    gregory goyle sr ( in azkaban & estranged ).  SIBLINGS:    none.  BIRTH  ORDER:    only  child.  SIGNIFIANT OTHER:    ginevra weasley ( secret girlfriend, unknown to everyone).
`✧・゚: * 𝖐𝖊𝖞 𝖉𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘
like any other boy growing up on the dark side he was heavily influenced by his parents and every move they made. whatever his father said was law.
he grew up calling muggleborns, mudbloods, and those who turned their back on the pureblood ways, blood-traitors. for the longest time that was how his mind work all thanks to his mother and father.
he had two very close friends growing up, malfoy and crabbe. they were his brothers in every sense. but as the years went on crabbe never came back. he vanished from hogwarts halls and the only brother he had left was draco.
it didn’t take him long to connect with the other slytherins, he formed close bonds and friendships with the best of them. in times like this you needed people you could count on and depend on.
as he got older and the time came for draco to take up the dark mark, greg was right behind him. he would stick by his brother in every single way. he would do what it took to keep his remaining brother safe and sound.
he wasn’t the nicest over the school years but as the war brewed on and the years after came he realized the good side of things. he realized that it wasn’t all black and white. he did whatever he could to make a better name for himself.
he has no contact with his parents any longer, he wants nothing more to do with them unless they too can turn a new leaf ( not so much his father but his mother still has a chance ).
part of his need to be better had to do with one ginny weasley. she was something he never expected to enter his life. while he worked on trying to better himself she somehow wormed her way into his heart. he is a man in love and would do anything to protect her no matter the cost.
`✧・゚: * 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
ENEMY: this is someone that can’t see greg turning around for the better. someone that holds the past far too high and refuses to open a new eye. they can’t stand each other because they wont give him a chance and they can’t see his new turn. this could go so many ways but please give me this drama. ( open to canon’s or oc’s ) CONFIDANT: someone that has become friendly with greg, has listened to the things he has to say and has and is helping him become better. they have watched him grown and have cheered him on. they are the most proud of him and his success. they’re basically just two best friends that can tell each other everything and lift each other up. ( open to canon’s or oc’s )
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