getesoteric · 4 years
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getesoteric · 6 years
Get Esoteric
About Get Esoteric
Finally, a place to share your “Spiritual Downloads” and experiences no matter who you are! 
   You can do this either anonymously (using a pseudonym), or openly as yourself in a closed and monitored platform. Or you can share as a participating author on our public facing blog by our request and review publishing process.
  Here we are sharing our ideas and helping each other grow in our understanding of the hyper dimensional universe, with the sharing of your own Esoteric experiences, and gained knowledge.
    We provide a semi-private social network for Mediums, Psychics, and Empaths, or anyone that’s spiritually minded… as a way to share their personal experiences with the world and each other for Free (without having to develop your own website). Our main goal, is to facilitate the building of strong networks of spiritual people… all helping each other to learn and grow, and to have a safe place to share your own experiences (no matter who you are), and to share in the multi-dimensional changes going on at this time.
  We all know this to be true, that we all feel something big is about to happen, so let’s share our own personal stories, spiritual downloads, and amazing stories of enlightenment. Service to others and knowledge sharing is the main goal of this site. I know this sounds exciting, so don’t delay and register now to start sharing, learning and growing.
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  Our site is also a great resource for psychics and mediums to come together and talk openly or anonymously about their own life experiences. One of the ideas is with merging mediumship with life coaching, for the sake of teaching people how to open up spiritually, and to help them in their everyday lives. If you’ve ever wanted to merge your gifts of spirit and guide communication with life coaching, this is the platform for you.
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    Definition of: es·o·ter·ic.
Definition of: es·o·ter·ic.
ADJECTIVE intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest:
“esoteric philosophical debates”
synonyms: abstruse · obscure · arcane · recherché · rarefied · recondite · abstract · enigmatic · inscrutable · cryptic · Delphic · complex · complicated ·
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  On our “blog“ we’ll be discussing many different subjects of the Esoteric nature; especially focused on spiritual and self motivational subjects, and the commonalities we “spiritually focused” individuals all share. Get Esoteric also invites you to participate on our Forums in discussions that you are passionate about, which can include most any subject of an Esoteric nature, including truth seeking, yoga, enlightenment, and the mysterious etc.. 
  We don’t allow negatively focused discussions in our groups, or on our forums, because that is not our focus here. Our focus is in finding ways to share positively focused experiences and ideas. This includes subjects of inspiration and hope, rather than to allow subjects such as politics, and the proliferation of any one religious ideal. Religion can be discussed, but not in the context of what is right or wrong, as each has their own truth. There are many paths to the truth, and it is in the positively focused truth of the commonalities of many religions that we all share, that will be the focus here, as well as many other non religious spiritual ideas.  
  We also discuss subjects pertaining to self motivation, self love, forgiveness, manifestation, coaching, mediumship, psychics, and the power that your understanding of those areas has, with changing your reality, some of which is backed by science and quantum theory. We know this’ll become your place for sharing your own ideas, and experiences with the world, and with those that are like minded… when it comes to the idea of being a truth seeker in all aspects of your life, especially spiritually and interpersonally.
  Sign up now – our groups and forums are free, and enjoy your discussions through our social media based interface, and eventually our vast collection of information for free. Mediums and psychics are encouraged to share their personal experiences, in order to help others realize the amazing abilities we are all capable of. Isn’t it time we had a place where people could talk openly about their experiences, and how sharing this knowledge… can help people awaken to the power of who they really are?
  Earn your position as a moderator through being a good community member, to help keep our community safe and peaceful for all of our members. The admin is currently looking for good people to help moderate subjects, and help support our mission. Use the contact US section to apply, and put moderator in the subject line.
  Get Esoteric is a choice point network, working to help the enlightenment of humanity through social media, and blogging. Some of the features of our site will be rolled out over time… with the blog and the “Facebook like” social networking features being the main focus initially. Enjoy, and have fun sharing your thoughts, and getting to know each other!
  Lets Get Esoteric!
  If you are a writer in the area of things Esoteric and would like to publish an article, or story, please submit your request through our websites “Contact US” section for review. Also submit a request here if you are already in a group, and would like to setup your own local event for users to subscribe to. Give us a few days to review because of the number of requests to review, can be high at times.
  Disclaimer: The groups and forums here, as well as our Blog does not claim to professionally treat or cure any disease. Please consult your Doctor or proper medical professional before incorporating any suggestions shared by our members or our blog contributors. The information shared here is to help with your own research and information sharing, and allows you to make your own decisions based on the information presented.
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getesoteric · 6 years
Finally Looking Within!
Published February 7, 2018 | By
John Ashley
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 What does it mean to look within, and how does meditation play a key role in self-discovery?
 Reposted from my blog: https://www.getesoteric.com
  The concept of looking within is foreign to many people. In our busy lives, we spend most of our time worrying about keeping all of the juggling balls in the air, whether we are the CEO of a large corporation, a corporate employee, a tradesman, small business owner, or laborer etc. Whatever your position in life, we feel as though the goal each day is to survive for yet another day in many cases. Those of us who have not yet found purpose in our work, can often times say things like “Work is okay, but I do it mostly because of the money” or “I do it because it I was destined through the expectations of my parents to choose this profession”, or for many other reasons.
So many of us are lost within the idea of going with the flow, and not rocking the boat, keeping our head to the grindstone, or shooting for that retirement goal of attaining a certain amount of money before we retire. Although it’s good to plan for the future, we may get stuck into a rut, because of the expectations of others, of society, or of our own unwillingness to make changes in our own life. This mentality of “go with the flow”, “don’t rock the boat”, or the fear of change, can really rob us of our opportunities, and our intended purpose, and it can also rob us of our ability to serve in the ways it was intended to be, when we agreed to come into this life in the first place.
Certainly we cannot expect that attaining a certain amount of money for our retirement, is the best and perhaps the only way to spend our time on this planet. With the “scrimp and save” mindset, we are not allowed to let out our creativity as much as we’d like, nor are we likely allowing ourselves the ability to travel the world and experience new things, or to do anything that adds value to our life, or to the lives of others. This does not preclude the idea of making money in general, but rather how we go about attaining our wealth. It’s very important for our success, to make time to reflect on why and how we want to make money in the first place. I feel that if our focus in on attaining money for the sake of being more in service to others, then the laws of the universe can more easily go to work with making available those people and resources that are needed to help support your life’s purpose, and in contrast negative motivations usually end up dying out in the end for the lack of motivation and purpose.
 How do I know what my life’s purpose is?
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When we contemplate these ideas for the sake of finding our purpose, we have to start thinking about whether or not we truly understand what it means to “take time out”, and to “reflect.” Kind of like waiting on our path, like in a prior article shared on this site. It would be worth reading this article now, if you haven’t been introduced to the idea of the “choice point”, and it’s association to our path, and our destination.
Waiting on the Path:
This article covers the idea that we all come here with a sort of contract, composed of things we agreed to experience and accomplish in this life. We are drawn to certain careers, ideas, and execution of talents for a very important reason. The reasons are unknown to us consciously – but in many ways, are known to us subconsciously, or through what is called our higher-self. There are many dimensions of our consciousness and personal understanding… that can be left unexplored, when there’s never any time set aside for reflection, meditation and introspection. Now that sort of seems like the Chicken or the egg situation there doesn’t it? I mean – “What’s the difference between reflection, and meditation?” Should one come before the other, or can they be experienced at the same time? Through my personal experience, as well as the experience of many others, there seems to be some sort of soul level conversation that happens outside of our conscious mind, when we truly have mastered the ability to quiet the mind through the practice of meditation, or chanting. This meditation or chanting seems to be experienced more on an energetic (soul) level, while reflection is more on the physical (neurological) level, assisted by the same energetic process in some ways.
If we can focus exclusively on the chant, or solely on our breathing – putting most of the scattered thoughts to rest, we can then begin to have a sort of automatic soul-level conversation with ourselves, which can provide us with the ability to reset our mind, body and spirit complex, which can subsequently help lead us towards the discovery of our own life’s purpose. Once we have rested the mind enough, we can then later use this sort of download (or knowledge gained), to then see how we can logically address some of the ideas, and personal discoveries of our purpose, and begin to implement a physical plan to get us on our path to working on purpose. Sleeping does not necessarily adequately rest the mind either (especially those with an active dream state), which is why so many people suffer from exhaustion no matter how much they seem to sleep. This is in many cases due to the things left festering in our minds, because of never resting the mind enough through meditation. Meditation is truly the only way to quite the mind to the extent that it can truly heal itself. This meditation practice, opens up a beacon of communication to our higher self, or to the other realms of knowledge, as well as our spiritual guides, gods and angels.
 Moving toward the understanding of purpose!
 This Is the beginning of the process towards understanding purpose, and with the next level of reflection, we can take it to the next level with taking action towards aligning ourselves with our passion, and talents. In reflection, we begin to think logically “somewhat” about how to execute our plan, and this tends to be where people get hung up, and many excuses can be made in this stage of the process of self discovery. Some of the excuses might be, “I don’t have enough of the right education” (living under societal norms exclusively), “I’m not sure that I have the talent for something like that” (not knowing for sure what your inherent talents are), “not sure I could take a risk like that” (fear of failure). In life, the most successful people are those who have identified a passion for something, and then immediately align that with their own personally identified talents – whether they have a PHD on the subject, or whether they have found another (equally successful) way to educate themselves on the same subject.
All one has to do is look at Forbes magazine to know that motivation and passion are more important than any other factors. This brings out the point of service to others, and wanting to share our talents no matter the social norms, and no matter our obstacles financially, physically, socially or otherwise. Passion, drive and dedication to an idea when you are truly following your heart, and your inner guidance is a very powerful catalysts towards many lasting successes in your life. There are no greater riches in this world, than with doing what you love, no matter the compensation. Happiness in life comes more from living on purpose, than on just having things to brag about. 
Through aligning with our purpose, passions and talents, and identifying areas of innovation that we can align with, we can surely have a vast impact on our own lives, and the lives of those we will serve with our inherent talents. After the reflection and planning phases, and trying to execute some of our ideas, we may need even more answers, or guidance as to the specifics of how to best navigate our path. Meditation again can continue to offer many of the answers we need with the ability this practice has with slowing the mind, so that thoughts can later be processed… without the chaotic racing of the physical mind. So, the process of discovering and perfecting our understanding of our purpose, is to start somewhere, either reflecting first, and meditation second (or vice-versa), but that the basic idea is that it is a cyclical (and synergistic) process.
This process is the never-ending process of enlightenment and learning – which includes sorting through our thoughts, and then executing our plans to attain our now purpose filled goals, through new means of education, motivation, desire, and in a place of service to others before service to self. We then follow mostly what we’re passionate about, even while “keeping the lights on” in the meantime with an unrelated job that helps us survive for a period of time. The idea is to get busy navigating our path, and the people, places, opportunities and things will eventually show up… when you set forth on purpose, and are truly aligned and engaged. If your passion, and talents are not fully understood first however, you may find yourself spinning your wheels for quite some time, until there is a time of epiphany or enlightenment towards understanding your purpose through the sharing of your personal gifts. Keep listening to your heart, and let your inner guidance help you on your intended path, so that the world can benefit from your natural talents and spiritual gifts.
 Some people have always known what they are passionate about!
 There are some people in this world, that seemingly from birth have always known what it is they were passionate about. And they have made their passions, their career for the rest of their lives, and will die doing the thing that they love; even if that career doesn’t produce a lot of income to make the person physically comfortable. The comfort in that case, is in knowing they are making a positive impact on the lives of others. Success and happiness is less about money, than it is about finding purpose in what we do, no matter what we choose to do, or in what we have to do to get where we want to go. It seems that those who align themselves with their purpose, will often times have exactly what they need to accomplish their goals (the power of vibrational-frequency and manifestation). This is especially true, if the goal has nothing to do with a “money only focus”, and is more focused on service to others, where the right amount of money/resources automatically flows. Service to others could be a “first-responder” sort of job, a waitress, fireman, policeman, doctor, lawyer etc. Pretty much all jobs and careers have some kind of service oriented aspect to them (if you think deeply enough), but not every player in this life looks at life this way.
Now there are good and bad players in all walks of life, but the ones that are living their careers, jobs and running their businesses from a place of purpose… tend to be the most successful at what they do, and as as result have the biggest impact on these around them. There is a sort of ripple effect in all cases with being around those who live all aspects of their lives on purpose, where what they do becomes an example for others. Those living on purpose are usually individuals like Martin Luther King, who have the greatest impact on our world, our cultures, and our collective ideals, through following what is in their hearts, and not letting anyone stop them… because of the level of faith they have in their own purpose. Some people call that a calling, some people call it listening to their hearts. These kinds of people however tend to be some of the most successful and socially impactful leaders of all time. Be a leader now in your own life; it all starts with “Finally Looking Within”, and resolving our past and present obstacles, socially, spiritually, and intellectually. Meditation, and time spent in reflection, and following that up with action, can really make a huge impact on your life.
 To continue or comment on this conversation, please register to share your own ideas about your purpose, and how to you attained the understanding of your own purpose. The world needs your participation and your passion, and many others need to know how you affect the lives of those around you each and every day. How do you reflect on your daily life, and what have you gained from your own meditation practice? Namaste and God Bless!
 Sincerely yours,
John Ashley!
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getesoteric · 6 years
The Power of Love and Forgiveness!
The power of Love and Forgiveness!
Published April 11, 2018 | By
John Ashley
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Love and Forgiveness
 Reposted from my blog: https://www.getesoteric.com
  What is love exactly? I think all of us have asked that question more than once. Is it a certain level of compassion, is it an energetic field, is it super natural or inexplicable? I would say yes to just about any possible explanation of it, because although there are similarities in people’s experience of love, there are also a variety of way people try to describe the feeling.
 At the core of it, is compassion, forgiveness, a sense of service to others, and a desire to feel cared for. One of the main components of love, is a deep emotional and seemingly spiritual connection. I personally feel there are different kinds of love, and things that we also confuse for love, and things we decide are love, just to fill in a whole in our soul for a period of time.
 Kinds of love
 You can find one kind of love, in the love you express to a family member, or a friend, with another more personally intimate kind of love expressed with a lover. Another kind of love is found in seeking compassionate service, through volunteer work, through sharing of your own personal experiences (such as on this website), so that others can benefit from your own personal experiences, and so that they might not feel alone in the suffering they also had/have to endure. There is great love in sharing our most intimate experiences, but it can be very difficult to do that openly in social media, or other venues. Here folks can share anonymously, or as themselves, or both.
 To refocus though back to the topic at hand; with all of the strife in the world we can experience, and with the news so focused on dividing people, and their ideals, rather than finding ways to come together. I think we can all agree, that sometimes things are not feeling too great when we become regular participants in the consumption of negativity. This can come through the news, social media, music, movies etc. To bring more love into our lives, will definitely take a shift in our current social norms, and our current ways of thinking (as well as the stories we tell ourselves). For those who have spent some time in mediation, and with doing the inner work, it becomes readily apparent, that what is going on, is a spiritual battle more so than any other kind of battle in this world.
 This is a spiritual battle
 This spiritual battle consists of the normal duality that exists on this planet, which was designed for us to learn from, but taken to the extreme. Throughout history, there were ups and downs, with the negative wining out for a period of time (Napoleon, Hitler etc.), and times where great figures such as Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, made such a large impact on society because of their great teachings. The one thing all those great figures had was a love for all beings, and all things in nature, or as Jesus would say, Gods creations. Even the many years old channeled books “The RA Material” (which can be found on this blog for free download), refer to the love and the light of the one infinite creator.
 Love and light are such a common theme, that it begs to question why. What is this light, usually described as white or golden light, with the white light being the purest? If one studies many of the claimed near death experiences, and the claims of remembering being born into this world, they all describe this white light, and an amazing feeling of encompassing love, and oneness with everything. The most unimaginable experiences are described. With that we start to realize, that we must all come from the same place, and all come here for different challenges, and for different purposes. No matter who we are though, and what our purpose, love and forgiveness stand out as the most important lessons of all, that we are all tasked with learning. Now this can take a single or multiple lifetime to achieve, but is best if we are at least aware of the power that love and forgiveness gives us in this life.
 Our energies attract the kind of love that comes our way
 For some people, love comes easily, and for some it seems very difficult. What tends to block the attraction of love energies into our lives, is in many cases things that affects us with negative energy. This could be an environment we are born into, or situations such as abuse we experienced while we were in our most vulnerable years, that we have never dealt with. Some turn to even more damaging behaviors such as addictions, or self-abuse, self-loathing, lack of forgiveness of self and others. It is a choice however to keep this negative energy going, and as we do, we are inadvertently affecting our Karma for every negative reaction. I believe there is a force of negativity in this world that wants to keep people from realizing their own personal power, and strength. And with that the negative side tries to dominate our lives. However, there is a much larger picture at play, and I believe that we are all going to ascend towards enlightenment and love no matter the negative influences we may feel.
 If we choose to turn around our negative thoughts, and seek out the friendships of others, through offering our own friendship and love, we can easily defeat any bad influences. Even the stories of the holocaust survivors said “they can take my life, and the lives of those I love, but they can never take away my faith and my love”. In the worst of situations, it is our faith and our love, and the knowledge that death isn’t something to really fear, since we can know without a doubt… through the work of some great and amazing mediums (such as Maureen Hancock, Anastassia grace, and Candace Dalton), that life goes on, and no one really dies.
 Earth is a school
 Earth is a school, and sometimes it seems like not a very friendly school. I believe however, that everything happens for a reason, and that we do have some control over the outcome of our lives, as far as whether we live a negative, or positive life or not. Much of success in the area of love, self-love etc., has to do with forgiveness. This is with forgiveness of self and others, even when we disagree. For example, to not forgive your enemy, or those who have abused you, your allowing that abuse to continue in many ways. To see that we are all one, and that people that do things like this are damaged or not healthy souls, and souls in need of much healing themselves, and whom must have also been victims of multi-generational abuse themselves, is the level we must go to at some point in time in order to forgive.
 I can’t possibly forgive
 Many people will scoff at the idea of forgiveness in those cases, but it is in all spiritual, philosophical and religious teachings, along with the thou shalt not judge kind of mindset. Now that doesn’t mean we don’t seek punishment for those who choose to continue a pattern of abuse rather than to find ways to heal (that’s what Karama is for), or that we’d in some way have to continue to associate with that individual. The point is more that the forgiveness is for the victim more so than the perpetrator, and that has to come through some kind of determination about the imperfect humanity in all of us, and the subsequent release of the anger and fear associated with it. The first part of it, is with really talking about it, through therapy, a trusted friend, or through introspective meditation and really listening to your heart. Your guides are there for you, if you begin to build a relationship with them, starting with the practice of meditation. Many of those who are victims of abuse will go on to help others free themselves from the stronghold that hate has on them, and the effects that this experience continues to have with the lack of the power of forgiveness. This is the greatest battle for all of us in life.
 Understanding love and forgiveness
 To really understand love and forgiveness, we need to become more mindful of all things in life, and yes that means to love our enemies like Jesus did for example. This includes getting out in nature more, to ground ourselves, to be around the water, the animals, and other people as much as possible. This all helps to remove the fear that our perpetrators put into us, by not allowing them to rob us of our lives, and our ability to enjoy it. Some Empaths say they would rather be alone, than to deal with the energies of others, and to them, I would say we all have free will to choose what energies we are mostly focused on. We have the power to turn around most situations, just with our own thoughts and energies, and with our ability to send out loving energies to those around us, even that person that just cut us off in traffic. We’ve all been guilty of reacting to the selfishness of a dangerous driver, when in fact this will only end up attracting more of the same ultimately, through the law of attraction. Now I don’t believe all of the claims in the law, but there is some very good evidence, that this law is powerful in many ways. You can read about my thoughts on that in the article called “Is there a problem with the Law of Attraction?”.
 This is all I can write this evening on the subject, but I will elaborate more on this topic very soon!
John Ashley
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