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Is that a dimple I see?
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imagine if you woke up and your name was your url and you looked exactly like your icon
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Q: Would you rather be in the real life version of The Walking Dead or Jurassic Park?
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gifset of Mikey Way for toxicliquorice
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if I see ANYONE making posts saying that gerard is “”“trans baiting”“” you’re transphobic and I’m unfollowing you, no questions.
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For the record.
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some people arent clear on they/them pronouns so ill try and clarify as best as i can
if you dont know someone’s gender and pronouns you use they/them to avoid misgendering them. if theyre cis or trans, you still use they pronouns until they clarify their gender and pronouns. in this case they is a neutral pronoun that should be applied to everyone to avoid assuming.
but if someone specifically states they use they/them pronouns for themselves that means they arent cis. cis people cannot use they pronouns for themselves, if they do, it means they arent cis.
also, if someone states their pronouns and they dont use they pronouns, then continuing to use they pronouns for them because its ‘neutral’ is misgendering them. like if someone says “i prefer ze/zir pronouns” and you use they pronouns anyway because its ‘neutral’ then thats misgendering
i hope this makes sense
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This automatically gets rid of all the evil in the world. 
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6 pictures of alex in a snapback || requested by anonymous
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Cinderella’s dress, shoes, and hairband change color with your blog!!
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Me: *stays alive*
Me: Tyler n Josh, u seeing this?
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