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Digital Era has brought us to an age where we can finish everything in an instant, at once. Seems like everything is at the end of our fingertips, the power or touch and click has dominated the world. Everything stored in mind can now produced in the real world. Technologically advanced and fast- pacing world we ought to live right now and youths of this generation must instill in their minds the basics of the media. Although most of us, the youths, are so engrossed to various technology not all of them are aware to the significance of technology to an individual. Moreover, a question "Why is there a need to study Media and Information Literacy?" was raised. The lessons we have been discussed explains the reasons. A possible answer would because media and information, in todays generation, is vital for daily needs.
June 13, 2018, first day of school, a black wearing lady with a blonde hair have caught the attention of the crowd; not knowing she will be our instructor, Ms. Christine Joy Bucoy. I thought she was a substitution since our real lecturer was still having the final summer vacation. If my memory serves me right, what I have uttered when asked what would be my expectation for the subject were to enjoy the subject since it is very millenial and as for our instructor it would be best if she would have widen her understanding since most of us are not fluent in expressing thoughts in English. Now that we have already reached the finals and about to close the book of where another epitome of learning is about to unravel. I can say, the two quarters was great because I gained knowledge and values.
Studying Media and Information Literacy requires an effective use of communication. The goal of communication is to effectively convey information and share it from one person to another. With this in mind, MIL gave me the answer that appropriate utilization of media, being a media literate, proper way of dissiminating information and being an information literate one can be a good communicator. Learning the different types and model of communication as well as the use of technology in the field of marketing I have infered that the subject makes one individual realize that media shapes us everyday and it is up to us if we will be shaped by the world of technology or we will shape the world of tevhnology. Technolpgical Determinism taught me not to be engrossed too much in technology.
The values I learned in MIL was first, I became complaisant knowing that most requirements are above thru gadgets. Hence, the work is only for compliance purposes and mediocre one. Also, I learned that no one will get a perfect score by doing it on the date before submission. Expecting too much but do less will bring you no good. Lastly, MIL taught me that I can use all the lessons I have learned for future consumption yet it is good to know how to utilize it. Understanding and not mere memorizing will give you a satisfaction knowing you deserve it.
Media and Information Literacy, I never knew I would take this subject seriously since the class starts at early morning. The reason why I need to study this subiect minus the fact that it is one of our subject but this one will someday help me in my college especially the PR Defense. Communicating thru technology seems simple yet try to dig deeper and you'll see how complex it is. However, an assurance of learning better awaits you.
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Digital Era has brought us to an age where we can finish everything in an instant, at once. Seems like everything is at the end of our fingertips, the power or touch and click has dominated the world. Everything stored in mind can now produced in the real world. Technologically advanced and fast- pacing world we ought to live right now and youths of this generation must instill in their minds the basics of the media. Although most of us, the youths, are so engrossed to various technology not all of them are aware to the significance of technology to an individual. Moreover, a question "Why is there a need to study Media and Information Literacy?" was raised. The lessons we have been discussed explains the reasons. A possible answer would because media and information, in todays generation, is vital for daily needs.
June 13, 2018, first day of school, a black wearing lady with a blonde hair have caught the attention of the crowd; not knowing she will be our instructor, Ms. Christine Joy Bucoy. I thought she was a substitution since our real lecturer was still having the final summer vacation. If my memory serves me right, what I have uttered when asked what would be my expectation for the subject were to enjoy the subject since it is very millenial and as for our instructor it would be best if she would have widen her understanding since most of us are not fluent in expressing thoughts in English. Now that we have already reached the finals and about to close the book of where another epitome of learning is about to unravel. I can say, the two quarters was great because I gained knowledge and values.
Studying Media and Information Literacy requires an effective use of communication. The goal of communication is to effectively convey information and share it from one person to another. With this in mind, MIL gave me the answer that appropriate utilization of media, being a media literate, proper way of dissiminating information and being an information literate one can be a good communicator. Learning the different types and model of communication as well as the use of technology in the field of marketing I have infered that the subject makes one individual realize that media shapes us everyday and it is up to us if we will be shaped by the world of technology or we will shape the world of tevhnology. Technolpgical Determinism taught me not to be engrossed too much in technology.
The values I learned in MIL was first, I became complaisant knowing that most requirements are above thru gadgets. Hence, the work is only for compliance purposes and mediocre one. Also, I learned that no one will get a perfect score by doing it on the date before submission. Expecting too much but do less will bring you no good. Lastly, MIL taught me that I can use all the lessons I have learned for future consumption yet it is good to know how to utilize it. Understanding and not mere memorizing will give you a satisfaction knowing you deserve it.
Media and Information Literacy, I never knew I would take this subject seriously since the class starts at early morning. The reason why I need to study this subiect minus the fact that it is one of our subject but this one will someday help me in my college especially the PR Defense. Communicating thru technology seems simple yet try to dig deeper and you'll see how complex it is. However, an assurance of learning better awaits you.
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Everyone has their inspiration may it be God, family, friends or a special partner. They are these people who motivates you to keep going even life gets tough. Apparently, God, my family and friends inspires me to stay positive despite every downfall I am trying to overcome. However, the first thing that popped out of my head is the person I never knew could inspire me.
I first saw her amazed the judges by her jaw dropping moves along with her long time friend and bagged the first ever championship in the Dance Kids 2015. Her genre is hip hop which makes me adore her more for doing the routines look like it is easy. Honestly, I am not into dancing but whenever I watch her dance videos along with the well known people such as Matt Steffanina and Kenneth San Jose inspires me that someday I can also dance with them. Furthermore, her confidence whenever she dance makes me want to learn more. She is not only good at dancing but she also sings and do acting. Since then, everytime I hear her name as she performs, I watch how she conquers the stage and astound the crowd. Lastly, the reason why she inspires me it is because she never forgets the people who take part of her success and always do the credits or thank them. She inspires me that despite of all the talents she may have, she never forgets to stay humble and love the people who supports her.
Andree Camille Bonifacio is the person I chose to draw since when the topic was raised, she was the first person I thought. Usually, when I am asked who is or are the people who inspires me I would definitely answer my family. However, they are these people who motivates me to keep going while AC inspires me to continue to love the things I want to do. I think this is enough inspiration for me to keep positive in life.
Ps. I am not artistic so I ended up with this output and as for the "no eyes sketch" I did intend it since she will look like an alien if I did.

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Ctto BBTE 1-1 BUWAN NG WIKA INFOMERCIAL 2014 (1st Runner Up) Courteously of Jerico Obbus https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Bx1a9tVEI
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WMSU SHS STORIES: Why do we celebrate Buwan ng Wika?
Filipinos are fond of celebrations: birthdays, feast wedding and many more life events we are always looking forward to it. However, have you ever wondered, like I have, why do we need to celebrate Buwan ng Wika? The question must had run through your head now and sure was I eagerness to find the answer will satisfy oneself.
Language is important to oneself because it mirrors the culture and personality as well as a key for communication building. Philippines is a diverse country hence different cultures, various dialects and languages are present. Due to these matter, Filipinos are having a hard time to reach out to other countrymen that roots to commom misunderstandings. With this in mind, our ancestors managed to resolve the problem by searching for the right language to be used by the Filipinos. However, the search was never been easy as various language and dialects hinders it until a committee decided to use Tagalog. Despite of that idea, issues are still evident before it became the languange of today; from Tagalog-Pilipino-Filipino-Pilipino-Filipino. On the other side of the coin, the process maybe exhausting in the long run, Filipinos are now conveniently exchange thoughts regardless of what dialect or language, origin and culture they have. I am affirmative that this is one of the reason why we celebrate Buwan ng Wika because by that we celebrate the unity of the Filipinos; that we are being united by our language.
Language is also used to express feelings and sentiments through letters. Our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, used the Filipino language into his writings to express the cruelty his people have been experiencing during the Spanish colonization. Also he believed that through the love of language comes the love for the country as well. Again, another reason to celebrate Buwan ng Wika; to pay tribute to the people behind the success of what the Filipinos have been experiencing now. A celebration for those who gave importance to the language, those who fight through the use of language and those who preserve the language just like former President Manuel Luis Quezon.
Language does not only for academic or formal purposes but also for entertainment. Spoken word poetry, short stories and poems are bounded by the use of language. Filipino language is widely used because the emotions is present most especially in writing poems; the deeper the words the more interesting the piece. Moreover, this is one reason why we celebrate this event; a month long entertainment of our very own language.
To sum up everything, Filipino language has been playing a vital role in communication building because regardless of what culture we have; we are bonded by the common language we shared that certainly unites us. Celebrating Buwan ng Wika is like celebrating united cultural differences. Furthermore, our language defines our resiliency that no matter how many colonizers have conquered our land we stayed strong and not be swayed to be colonized; no matter how many various dialects and languages are present we stayed united. Filipino defines the Filipinos because without Filipino the Filipinos are nothing.
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Life is like a chess: Easy mode with a tutorial bonus for those who are born with a silver spoon while difficilt mode for the less fortunate. As a common saying goes "Knowledge is a life-long process", have you ever wondered: what if we already know everything in this world? It is more convenient because it is indeed exhausting acquiring knowledge in the long run. 21st Century spiced up the life of the millienials by bringing an "alleviate burden"; a curriculum that lightens up the loads in college but a laden for another two years in high school. An idea must have been lit up like a bulb and I bet you already catch what I am trying to imply. Life of a student is never easy; it may seem superficial for those people saying that they have done more than this and that without knowing the factors that hinder every learner's school performance. Senior High School is not a happy-go-lucky nor another-cup-of-coffee life. Similar to Goldilocks effect it is not too hot and not too cold, just right. Honestly, it up to you which side would you like to take.
Waking up earlier than the alarm clock would be the best achievement I can do. Waking up from an exhausting day is the only thing a student like me can reward to oneself because who wouldn't be happy to buy some hours of sleep? Senior High School is not a joke especially when you decided to take STEM. Subjects can go tough to tougher anytime; with just one mistake in Statistics or balancing equation in Chemistry. This educational system is letting the students think that education is only a mere reason of passing. No time for family; finishing the requirements until late night disregarding physical and mental health. In line with that, the classroom temperature is like trying to beat the boiling point. On the other side of the coin, SHS brings vast opportunity such as giving the student a chance to choose which strand to be in and giving a plan for college. As a CSM STEM of WMSU, perks of being in this community are to experience good quality of education, best researchers from different colleges, new learnings that are only in WMSU and most especially when it rains classes are being suspended. It is not all the time stressful as most people would think if you take STEM because believe me, it is a mixture of fun amidst pressure. Overnights, endless group study and group work and lined up requirements these are just example of how a CSM STEM student's struggle for a good grade. However, we don't take it too seriously; we also have our time to share limitless laughters and jokes. If life gets tough and so we can be tougher even we sometimes feel outcasted since we are not part of the college and we are the only SHS from Campus B; everytime there is an event happening we are clueless if are we part of it or not. However, the life of a CSM STEM student is the best experience a SHS student like me had walk through. Amidst all the negativity that tempts me to give up everything there is still one thing that inspires me to move forward and never look back. I think the only thing that keeps a person going is the reason why not to give up.
Life of a SHS student has never been easy. We are actually in the middle of a high school kid and college adult; teachers may reason out that we are apparently a college now if we are to based it from the old curriculum but also say that we are a part of high school that is in need of special attention. Whatever the reason is, life of a WMSU SHS CSM STEM student is beyond fascinating. What makes a student exceptional is the path he opt to choose; no matter how difficult it is he can still stand out among the crowd. That's a wrap.
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