gerdacurds · 30 days
Anytime there weren't eyes on her, Greta could feel her expression shift into a sour look. Luckily there weren't often eyes on her as she was simply catering and not an actual attendee. She preferred it that way, things like these were never her thing. She'd never really gotten along with her Slytherin classmates, she thought that perhaps it was because she was from a different country, but that wasn't actually it. No, they were all mostly too full of themselves or too worried about what others thought of them. It was exhausting. Seeing a head of bright red hair, Greta's smile turned on, slightly more genuine than usual. No, she wasn't really friends with the Carrow twins, but at least she knew that Amycus wasn't boring. "Pick your poison, got lots of options." She held out the tray of hors d'oeuvres towards him. - @karmacarrow
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gerdacurds · 30 days
Greta could hear Kitty over the microphone saying that the band was taking a ten minute break, and she quickly handed off her tray of hors d'oeuvres off to another member of staff. Claiming she needed to use the lavatory, she took off towards the back room and waited for The Weird Sisters to join. As Kitty walked into the room, Greta grabbed her wrists, pulling her in close to her. "Eonni, let's escape." She pleaded, having an awful time. "The bride is so mean and everyone is so boring and I don't like to hear you sing covers all night. I heard there's no security at the back gate, c'mon let's run away!" - @weirdxkitty
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gerdacurds · 1 month
Greta felt herself smiling slightly wider at the confirmation that it was, in fact, Sinistra Lowe sitting at the cafe. Her mother was going to be so excited. "Ah, I don't own a copy of your book…" Greta admitted, her nose wrinkling slightly in embarrassment. Quite awkward for her to call out the author by name but not even have her book. "My mum is a huge fan, though. Has a copy of your book out on the table at all times." She giggled softly, gesturing to the seat across from her, "D'you mind if I sit here?"
Taking a seat without waiting for a response, Greta reached into her bag and pulled out her Messenger Book. Flipping it open to her mother, she scribbled down a quick message. Umma, hurry! Sinistra Lowe is at the cafe! Bring your copy, she will sign it! Placing her book back into her bag, she looked back up to Sinistra with a smile, "She's on her way, we were meeting here. She'd love to meet you."
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Sinistra cants her head at the witch in front of her. There was something familiar about them, but she couldn't quite find the name that seemed to be on the tip of her tongue. "It's fine," she utters nonchalantly, returning back to her work, until she was asked a question.
A moment lingered between us, assessing how this conversation might go, considering the topic of her book and how sensitive some could be. "That is me." The one in front of her seemed harmless. "Did you want me to sign a book for you?"
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gerdacurds · 1 month
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190711 JENNIE ♡
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gerdacurds · 2 months
💋 for what my muse would say to the person trying to woo your muse.
"Did I see you flirting with Jason? Isn't he just the sweetest? I don't understand how he's still single, he's the whole package. Cute, friendly, sweet and he bakes? He's too good for this world, really. Don't you dare break his heart."
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gerdacurds · 2 months
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Greta Catchlove/Chungsil Bo-da
컴백이 아냐, 떠난 적 없으니까 고개들이 돌아, 진정해, 목 꺾일라 분홍빛의 얼음 drip, drip, drip, freeze 'em on sight Shut it down, what, what, what, what? 게임이 아냐, 진 적이 없으니까 짖어봐, 네 목에 목줄은 내 거니까 땅바닥에 닿은 pedal, we go two-zero-five Shut it down, uh-uh-uh-uh
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gerdacurds · 2 months
Hearing the person she stopped saying her name, Greta looked over to see who it was. She was too focused on her vision that she hadn't even noticed Dorcas. "Oh, Dorcas! How are you!?" Although the two of them hadn't ever really been friends, they'd always been friendly with each other. It seemed neither one of them had any bad blood towards the other, which was really all it took for Greta to be friendly to a person. After a moment, Greta felt her face fall slightly as she remembered reading about what had happened to Dorcas while the war was raging. "You look good, it's nice to see you out and about."
"Yeah, I think it's time I start my own thing. I can sell my own cheese, and my friend Jason makes sweets and pastries that uses my cheeses sometimes so I could sell those here, too. And copies of my cookbook, even possibly sign them if that's what people wanted…" Greta trailed off, turning her attention back to the door. "I'd change the door to one with a window on it. Make it yellow, put the shop name on the window and then paint the stairs going up some kind of fun colour, as well. I'm thinking it might be called….. Greta's Feta." She giggled slightly at the name, loving that her first name rhymed with a type of cheese, "But that's still a work in progress. What do you think?"
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Dorcas had been slowly settling back into work, and the routine had been doing her good. She hadn't had time to make lunch today, though, so she had decided that she was going to pop into Diagon Alley to get something and then bring it back to the office. It had been a slow week, and her coworkers all insisted that that had become the new normal.
It was probably good that things had settled down, but it still felt...weird. She was used to constantly going into action, but now their calls were typically for things that were rather mundane. It surprised her, the craving for excitement but she was trying not to dwell on it very much. Dorcas had been walking towards the little cafe she liked when a voice took her out of her thoughts. "Oh, Greta, hi," she greeted, remembering her from Hogwarts. She paused and glanced at the door. "I think so," she mused, trying to imagine what Greta was suggesting. "I think the yellow would be pretty eye-catching and if you had a great name it would get people inside. Are you thinking of opening a shop?"
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gerdacurds · 2 months
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201 notes · View notes
gerdacurds · 2 months
Not having realized it was Theodosia she'd stopped, Greta needed to do a double take at her words. Laughing slightly, she nodded, "Yes, pretend we have never met before, we're not friends okay? And now think, if you passed a bright yellow door that looked like a block of cheese, would you enter it? Just to see?" Yellow was a bright and attention grabbing colour, so even if she didn't have windows out into the street for people to see, she was hoping that would be enough to draw people in. "Or do you think that would be too cheesy?" Greta said with a sly grin, the question genuine, though.
"I'm not going to waste money on a store on the second floor if I can't gaurentee I'll be pulling in customers." She sighed, turning to Theo with a dramatic pout on her lips. "I don't know what to do, this is the best location I've found so far, but it's still not very good."
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Theodosia was running a little late. Which was actually quite unusual for her. She tended to actually end up being early for work. She supposed that was what happened when one liked the work they did. Theo today, had just over slept a little. She was sure Oz wouldn't mind, and technically, she wasn't actually late. Not yet anyway. As she was walking down Diagon Alley though, a familiar face caught her attention, and when Greta talked to her, she couldn't really ignore her. Theo wouldn't ignore a stranger, let alone a friend.
"Should i pretend like I wouldn't just come in cause it was your shop?" She asked, with a little grin on her face. The shop could be ugly as she'd still come in, just because her friend owned it. "I like yellow." She did. It was her house colour. It represented her personality quite well. "i think it'd look cute. Would stand out compared to some of the other shops around here."
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gerdacurds · 2 months
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the main event
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gerdacurds · 2 months
Where: Diagon Alley When: Late Morning Who: Greta & Open
Ever since Greta had returned home from her book tour, she'd been on the lookout for vacant storefronts. She wanted to open her own specialty shop, but she knew she wouldn't be able to do so outside of the magical communities, selling cheese made from the milk of a dragon certainly wouldn't do very well in London.
She stood on the sidewalk of Diagon Alley, looking at a for sale sign on a door. It wasn't even a storefront, it was just a door with a flight of stairs behind it. The shop was above Globus Mundi Travel Agents, which she supposed wasn't too bad. At least she wasn't looking at a spot above the pet store. Greta stood, staring at the door for quite some time before she turned to the next person to pass by her. "Question - Imagine this door painted bright yellow like a block of cheddar cheese, would it entice you enough to go in and see what lies beyond?"
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gerdacurds · 2 months
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gerdacurds · 2 months
It was a beautiful summer day, and Greta was determined to have a nice day. Getting in touch with her mother that morning, the two of them had agreed to meet for brunch at a cafe in Diagon Alley. It was a place Greta remembered her friends from Hogwarts gushing about, but she hadn't spent most of her younger years visiting Diagon Alley. All of her own school supplies were bought in Japan, every summer the family made a trip back to Asia.
Looking up at the sign above the shop, Greta confirmed she was at the correct location before pulling out her Messenger Book. As she was about to let her mother know she'd arrived, Greta heard a voice beside her. "Ah - sorry!" She apologized, stepping aside so she was no longer in the light. "I know how annoying that can be…" She trailed off, suddenly recognizing the other. Greta's mother had a copy of her book sitting on her coffee table. "So sorry, but are you Sinistra Lowe?"
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where: a cafe in diagon alley who: open
It was rare to get sunshine in London, leading the author to find herself sat at one of the cafe's on the outside patio. Parchment in front of her and a quill in hand, she started to write down her thoughts, adding more to her book that was in the works. This would be one of her best ones, easily selling out more than the first did.
It was a shadow that cast in front of her that caught her attention. "You are blocking my sunshine." She spoke bluntly, shifting her gaze up to discover who would do such a crime.
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gerdacurds · 2 months
Greta's smile brightened at the sight of Jason, glad to see he was able to sneak away from his own tent. The last time she had taken a break, she happened to notice quite a crowd around the Gentle Confections. Good, if anyone deserved it, it was certainly Jason. His pastries were some of the best she'd ever had, not too sweet when they didn't need to be. "Hey Jay!" She greeted in response, stretching out the vowel sounds in her words in a sing-songy way.
"Of course you can have one, help yourself!" Greta moved the tray slightly closer to him, "Don't expect the apple to be too apple-y, it's got quite a pear-like quality to it. You'll see what I mean, it goes great with the brie." Jason had tried many of her concoctions in the past, but quite possibly nothing quite this simple. Sometimes, simple was best. "Something for me?" She questioned, eyes growing slightly wide in excitement. Greta loved presents, "What is it? Tell me!"
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"Greta-!" Jason called to his friend, raising his voice just a little in his excitement as he approached her tent. She'd told him that she would have a tent at the festival, but he'd been so busy at his own that he hadn't had a moment to get away to say hello until just then. Coming to a stop in front of her tent, red in the face he took a second to lean against on of the poles and catch his breath before complimenting with a smile, "your s-samples look d-delicious!" "M-May I have one...?" He reached a slow hand towards the tray, waiting for her go ahead before actually taking anything. Greta didn't need to give Jason samples for him to know how good her cheeses were- He was already familiar with most of them from how often they liked to prepare food together, and trade snacks. "I h-have something f-for you, too."
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gerdacurds · 2 months
Greta would recognize her voice anywhere. Pulling out her wand, she easily levitated her tray before turning around to see Kitty. "Eonni!" She squealed, arms instantly wrapping around Kitty. It had been far too long since they've seen each other, the tour having gone on for much longer than expected, new dates being added last minute. Greta was happy for them, of course she was, but she missed her best friend. "Yes, pear would usually be better, but this kind of apple is softer than most others, and slightly sweeter. Pairs really well with the brie, try it!" She turned back and grabbed one of the samples, then shoved it towards Kitty's mouth.
"How was the tour?" Greta asked. She'd attended the show in Dublin, but wasn't able to attend any others. If it were up to her, she'd follow the Weird Sisters on tour, but that wasn't very realistic for her. She still had bills to pay, after all. "How are you? And your sisters?"
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The festival was exactly the kind of thing Kitty loved. She'd gotten to raid her stock of glow in the dark makeup, put on her brightest clothes, and go out and just be Kitty for a night. It was a longer stretch than normal since she'd been home, with this recent tour, and it felt wonderful to be back amongst familiar things and familiar faces. And a familiar voice.... she'd know it anywhere.
Her eyes found Greta through the crowd, and she smirked as she sauntered up behind her. "You know, it goes better with a pear than an apple..." She teased.
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gerdacurds · 2 months
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855 notes · View notes
gerdacurds · 2 months
When: Firefly Festival
Where: The Cheese Tent
Who: Greta & Open
Greta hummed softly to herself as she plated up her free samples. Most places give out simple samples of cheese cut into a square with a toothpick in it, which was effective sometimes, but she'd learned people much more frequently purchase her cheese if they know how to prepare it in an appetizing way. Although she was preparing the most simple dish, brie on a toasted baguette with an apple slice, it was easy for even the most simple people, and enticing to know that anyone could prepare it in a simple way. Taking a moment to ensure the tray looked good - the eyes lead straight to the stomach - she smiled to herself, satisfied, and picked up the tray.
Standing at the edge of her tent, Greta put on her largest smile, holding her tray out in front of her. “Free samples!” She called out in her loudest voice, “Fresh brie prepared by yours truly! Free samples!”
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