georgie-par · 6 months
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georgie-par · 6 months
Warframe season 2 poster. The Entrati Saga. (Or Void Saga idk).
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georgie-par · 6 months
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Arthur doodle, slowly getting back into the game again :D
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georgie-par · 6 months
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Volt page made during class yippiee
I started playing Warframe and I just woah
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georgie-par · 6 months
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My fav MF. Love to Hate :)
...did an oopsie
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georgie-par · 7 months
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„Love should be a sanctuary, not a battleground.“
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georgie-par · 7 months
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It's International Women's Day! Made this gif a while ago but I'm making it my "happy birthday women" post. Happy birthday space moms. I'll love all of you forever no matter what <3
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georgie-par · 7 months
Addendum to my previous post, because I forgot (sorry!):
As an example how the inhabitants of Duviri are not real characters, just templates:
Remember the guy we have to save from the Dax? Even when we save him, he keeps the shackles around his hands. He stays captured, even when we rescue him. Because that is his role. He is not a prisoner. He is *the* prisoner and he always will be. He also says something like "Isn't it strange how things always work out?" Of course they do, because this is a child's fantasy. This character was created to be saved and saved again, giving the child the feeling of being a hero. It has to work out, if not, the fantasy collapses.
The guy who challenges us to a Kaithe duel looks exactly like the driver of Acrithis carriage. These are two people looking exactly the same, because they serve the same purpose, they are riders, they tend to the horses.
As much as it may cause issues later in life, putting people into categories is important for children; otherwise they have trouble understanding the world, they can't work with fine nuances yet. You can actually easily observe this when asking children of different ages to sort toys into boxes. At first all blocks are blocks, then they may be sorted based on color and later based on their shape.
Duviri and Deimos are so important to me; I worked as a nursery school teacher and family mediator and Duviri as a whole and the Entrati family conflict hit so close to home sometimes. And what is Warframe but a story about stories of broken families? A power fantasy, something so many children in abusive situations need to stay alive.
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georgie-par · 7 months
Wanna play? Let’s play😈
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And so they played.
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georgie-par · 7 months
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i couldn't hold myself after seeing this beautiful boy. so i did a half an hour doodle at 4am,,,, then i could sleep well.
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georgie-par · 7 months
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Plus, some emotion based color variants.
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georgie-par · 7 months
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Mood swing Thrax.
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georgie-par · 7 months
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georgie-par · 7 months
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" Was I, even now, trapped in the rictus of the Wall? "
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georgie-par · 7 months
send it back to hell
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georgie-par · 7 months
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I would like to share cool designs details that I think some Warframes have
Mesa doesn't pull out pistols for her 4, she inserts her index finger in the barrel and uses her thumb as the hammer and does finger guns to shoot and I like Zephyr Prime's lil jet boosters on her calves
Please share any design details you guys have noticed!
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georgie-par · 7 months
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As per request by @medusacaptures
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