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Advisory on Illegal Practice of Geodetic Engineering
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Geodetic Engineer's of the Philippines Inc. (GEPI) Constitution and ByLaws
AMENDED CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE I - NAME, DOMICILE, OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAM THRUSTS Section 1. Name of Organization. The name of this Organization shall be the “GEODETIC ENGINEERS OF THE PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED.” Section 2. Domicile. The official domicile shall be in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines. Section 3. Objectives. The objectives consistent with the purposes provided in the Association shall be as follows: (a) To administer a duly integrated and government accredited national organization of Geodetic Engineers; (b) To foster the advancement of knowledge, and the practice of geodetic engineering; (c) To foster and maintain on the part of its members high ideals of moral and professional integrity, conduct, learning and professional competence; (d) To safeguard professional interest of members; (e) To foster and strengthen close relationship with national and international professional, technical, academic and scientific groups; (f) To foster and cultivate closer fellowship and camaraderie among members; and (g) To cooperate closely with government, non-governmental organizations and other civil society groups in carrying out national development programs and projects. Section 4. Program Thrusts. The program thrusts of the Association are as follows: (a) To organize, operate and maintain a duly integrated and government accredited national organization of Geodetic Engineers (b) Formulate, develop and implement continuing and competency-based education and training programs; (c) Enforce the Code of Ethics duly adopted by the organization; (d) Formulate and adopt standards of practice of geodetic engineering; (e) Forge and maintain partnership with government, non-governmental organizations and other civil society groups in carrying out national development programs and projects; (f) Prepare and disseminate learning and other information materials relevant to the practice of the profession and updates on government policies; (g) Acquire assets needed in pursuit of the objectives of the Association; (h) Promote and develop programs beneficial to the members; and (i) Other thrusts consistent with the objectives as defined under Section 3 of this Article. ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. New Members. Upon registration with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), a Geodetic Engineer shall automatically become a member of the organization pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 8560, as amended by RA No. 9200. The oath of membership shall be made in a manner duly prescribed by the Board of Governors. Section 2. Application for Membership. Duly registered Geodetic Engineer shall file application for membership preferably at the Regional Division where his/her domicile or principal place of business is located. Section 3. Types of Membership. There shall be two (2) types of membership in the Association. These are as follows: (a) Regular members are those duly registered Geodetic Engineers; (b) Honorary members are those Geodetic Engineers or non-Geodetic Engineers who have rendered significant roles in the advancement of the profession and those who made remarkable contributions to the industry in pursuance to the objectives of the Association. Section 4. Member of Good Standing or Active Member. A member of good standing or active member is one who: (a) Is a holder of a valid Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Identification Card; (b) Has attained at least twenty (20) accumulated Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit points per year and has attended at least two (2) out of four (4) conventions, namely; Chapter Assembly, Regional Convention, Area Assembly and National Convention; (c) Settled all financial obligations such as, but not limited to, annual dues, contributions, building maintenance fund and GEP survey fees as defined by the organization; (d) Not found guilty of any administrative and judicial charges by authorized entities or courts of law; and (e) Not found guilty of any violations of the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Code of Geodetic Engineering, standards of practice of geodetic engineering, and other existing rules and regulations of the organization. A member may be issued a Certificate of Good Standing by the Regional Division concerned upon compliance with the above-cited requirements, using the official form formulated by the National Board. The Certificates shall be signed or attested to by the National President or his duly authorized representative. Section 5. Suspension of Membership. Suspension of membership shall be governed by the following: a. The Regional Board of Directors, after due notice and hearing, may suspend any member within the Division by two-thirds (2/3) votes in a meeting called for that purpose where a quorum is present on the following grounds: 1. Violation as defined under Section 4; 2. Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude; 3. Violation of Code of Ethics and 4. Other acts inimical to the organization However, such decision of the Regional Board of Directors may be appealed and shall be subject to the review of the Board of Governors; b. The Board of Governors may suspend any officer of the Regional Board of Directors, after due notice and hearing, for any violation under Section 4 and or conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude, violation of the Code of Ethics and other acts inimical to the organization. Section 6. Reinstatement of Membership. A member may be reinstated by the Regional Board of Directors or by the Board of Governors upon formal application and compliance with all requirements as defined under Section 4 and payment of reasonable fees that may be imposed by the Regional Division. ARTICLE III - ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Section 1. Levels of Organizational Structure. The organization shall consist of three (3) structural levels, namely: National Directorate, Regional Divisions and Area Assemblies. The Regional Divisions shall form and administer Provincial and or City Chapters and shall establish a student Chapter, composed Geodetic Engineering students; Section 2. Recognition and Accreditation of Other Associations. As the duly integrated accredited national organization of registered Geodetic Engineers, the GEP may recognize and accredit other associations or groups engaged in specific branch or field of geodetic engineering. Section 3. Administrative Coverage of Regional Divisions. The administrative coverage of the Regional Divisions shall be as defined based on the Integrated Reorganization Act of 1972 and other subsequent laws, or as may be determined by the Board of Governors subject to the ratification of the National Directorate. (a) The Regional Division shall be composed of the members of the organization whose domicile and/or principal place of business are/is located within the confines of a particular region, or foreign country as above defined in Section 3 hereof; and A Special Regional Division shall be composed of Overseas Filipino Geodetic Engineers; (b) A City and or Provincial Chapter shall be composed of the members of the organization whose domicile and/or principal place of business are/is located within a particular City/Province. Likewise, a Student Chapter shall be composed of students enrolled in a school (college or university) offering Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering subject to the Policy of the School; Section 4. Area Assemblies. There shall be four (4) Area Assemblies whose administrative coverage are as follows: (a) North Luzon Area Assembly comprising of Regional Divisions I, II, III, and CAR; (b) South Luzon Area Assembly comprising of Regional Divisions IV, V, and NCR; (c) Visayas Area Assembly comprising of Regional Divisions VI, VII, and VIII; and (d) Mindanao Area Assembly comprising of Regional Divisions IX, X, XI, XII and XIII and ARMM. Section 5. Composition of National Directorate. The National Directorate shall be composed of the following: (a) Board of Governors; (b) Past National Presidents; (c) Area Chairpersons; and (d) Official voting delegates of the Regional Divisions. Each Regional Division shall be entitled to three (3) delegates for the first 50 members, plus one (1) delegate for every 20 in excess of 50. All these delegates must be holders of certificates of good standing. The regional Presidents must submit to the National Board, the list of its members in good standing, who paid their annual dues, at least 30 days before the scheduled National Directorate meeting. This is to determine in advance the number of delegates as a matter for determining the existence of a quorum. Section 6. Council of Past Presidents. The council of Past Presidents at the National and Regional levels shall be organized and shall serve as an advisory group. ARTICLE IV – DELEGATION OF POWERS Section 1. Legislative Powers. The legislative powers of the organization shall be vested in the National Directorate. Section 2. Executive Powers. The executive powers of the organization shall be vested in the National Board of Governors. Section 3. Application of Policies. Policies of local application affecting only a particular Area or Region shall be framed and promulgated by the concerned Area Assembly and/or Regional Division, consonant with the general policies promulgated by the National Directorate. Section 4. Policy Manual. A Policy Manual shall be prepared, amended and promulgated by the Board of Governors, through proper consultation with the Area Council, Board of Directors, Provincial and City Chapters, subject to the ratification by the National Directorate. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. Board of Governors. The corporate powers of the Organization shall be exercised, its business conducted, and its properly controlled and administered by a Board of Governors, which shall be composed of seventeen (17) members who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the National Directorate in the following proportion based on proportional representation but in no case lees than three (3) Governors from North Luzon Area, five (5) Governors from South Luzon, two (2) Governors from Visayas Area, three (3) Governors from Mindanao Area, and the four (4) Area Assembly Chairman, provided however, that the ratio of representation of the private and public sector shall be thirteen (13) and four (4) Governors respectively. Section 2. National Executive Officers. The Board of Governors shall elect from among themselves a President who shall act as concurrent Chairman of the Board, an Executive Vice-President, Vice-President for North Luzon, Vice-President for South Luzon, Vice-President for Visayas, Vice-President for Mindanao, an Auditor, an Executive Secretary, a Treasurer and a Public Relations Officer. The Officers shall be elected by the new Board of Governors after the election of the members of the Board. Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Governors. The duties of the Board of Governors shall be as follows: (a) The National President shall act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. As maybe delegated to him by the Board of Governors, he/she shall preside as Chairman in all meetings of the Board and National Directorate. He/she shall execute all resolutions of the Board. He/she shall have the general supervision of the internal and external affairs and management of assets and properties of the organization, and over its several officers and employees. He/she shall submit to the Board as soon as possible after the close of each fiscal year, and to the National Directorate at each annual meeting, a complete report of the operations of the organization for the proceeding administrative year; (b) The National Executive Vice-President shall have such powers and perform such duties as the Board of Governors may from time to time prescribe. In case of absence or inability of the President, the Executive Vice-President shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the President; (c) National Vice-Presidents for North Luzon, South Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The Vice-Presidents for each Area shall act as the official representatives of all regional divisions and chapters within their respective areas of jurisdiction; (d) The National Executive Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the National Directorate and the Board of Governors, and of all committees, in a book kept for that purpose. He/she shall keep the official seal of the organization, and when authorized by the Board of Governors, to affix such seal to any document or instrument requiring the same. He/she shall keep a roster and directory of all members and a record of all the activities of the organization. He/she shall prepare the agenda, send notices, handle the correspondence of the National Directorate and the Board of Governors and perform such other duties as the Board may assign; (e) The National Treasurer shall be in charge of the funds, receipts, and disbursements of the organization upon direction of the National Board. He/she shall deposit all moneys and other valuables of the organization in such bank or banks as the National Board of Governors may designate. He/she shall render to the President and/or to the National Board of Governors, whenever required, an account of the latest financial status of the organization and of all transactions made by him as National Treasurer. He/she shall keep correct books of accounts of all transactions of the organization. All checks paid out or indorsed by the organization shall be signed by the Treasurer, countersigned by the President. He/she perform such other duties as the Board may assign; (f) The National Auditor shall, in conjunction with the monthly financial report of the National Treasurer, conduct a monthly audit of all the incomes, acquisitions, expenses, transaction and liabilities of the organization. He/she may render a report of his findings to the Board. He/she shall perform such other duties which the Board may assign; (g) The National Public Relations Officer shall take charge of all the internal and external public relations matters with the end in view of getting wide publicity of all the activities of the organization and projecting a wholesome public image of the organization; and (h) The immediate Past National President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors, without voting powers. Section 4. Area Assembly Council. The Area Council shall be composed of an Area Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and the different Presidents of the regional division within the Area. The Area Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected from among the members attending the Assembly. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Area Chairman duly ratified by the Council members. The incumbent Area Chairman shall preside in the annual Assembly while the newly elected Chairman shall be the nominee in the election of the members of the Board of Governors in the succeeding National Directorate Meeting. The newly elected Area Chairman may appoint other officers necessary to ensure the success of the Area Assembly. Section 5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The duties of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of an Area Assembly shall be as follows: (a) The Chairman shall be the presiding officer of the Area Assembly. He/she shall be responsible for the convening of the annual Area Assembly. He shall initiate and encourage inter-Regional Division meetings in order to cultivate constancy in the pursuit of attainment of the objectives of the Association. He/she shall submit a comprehensive report to the Board of Governors and the National Directorate covering the administrative year; and (b) The Area Vice-Chairman of the Area Assembly shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the office of Area Chairman in case of vacancy. Section 6. Regional Divisions. The management of the Regional Division shall be vested upon the Board of Directors. It shall be composed of 11 members who are elected during the annual regional meeting/convention of the Regional Division. The proportion shall be at most eight (8) from the private sector and at least three (3) from government sector. Chapter Presidents shall be automatic members of the Regional Board of Directors with full voting rights during meetings and deliberations. The elected members of the Board of Directors shall elect from among themselves a Regional President who shall act as Presiding Officer, a Regional Vice-President, a Regional Executive Secretary, a Regional Treasurer, a Regional Auditor, and a Regional Public Relations Officer. The immediate past Regional President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. In case of vacancy in the office of the Regional President, the Regional Vice-President shall automatically assume the vacated office; in case of vacancy in any other office, the Board of Directors shall elect a successor from among the members of the Division to fill the vacancy. The Regional Division in any particular Area, through their Board of Directors, shall extend administrative and financial support to the Area Council in all efforts to ensure the successful convening of the Area Assembly. Section 7. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors. The duties and responsibilities of the Office of the Regional Division shall be as follows: (a) The Regional President shall act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Division. He/she shall preside in the meetings of the Board of Directors. He/she shall perform duties and responsibilities inherent in the Office of the Regional President. He/she shall submit annual and monthly progress reports covering the operations and activities of the Regional Division to the members of the Region, the Area Council, Board of Governors and National Directorate; (b) The Regional Vice-President shall, in case of absence or inability of the Regional President, exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the President. He/she shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may assign from time to time; (c) The Regional Executive Secretary shall record and file the minutes of all the meetings of the Regional Division and the Board of Directors. He/she shall keep a roster and directory of all members and record of activities of the Regional Division. He/she shall prepare the agenda, send notices, handle correspondence of the Regional Division and the Board of Directors, and perform such other duties which the Board may assign; (d) The Regional Treasurer shall act as the custodian of all funds and assets of the Division. He/she shall be responsible for the collection of all fees and dues from all members and all other accounts due and payable to the Regional Division. He/she shall keep and maintain a true, proper and accurate recording of all funds, assets, liabilities and other financial operations of the Division. He/she shall perform other duties which the Board may assign to him/her. He/she shall submit a monthly financial report to the Board; copy furnished the Board of Governors. (e) The Regional Auditor shall conduct, in conjunction with the report of the Treasurer, a monthly audit of all the incomes, acquisitions, expenses and liabilities of the Division. He/she may render a report of his/her findings to the Board. He/she shall perform other duties which the Board may assign; and (f) The Regional Public Relation Officers shall take charge of all internal and external public relation matters with the end in view of getting wide publicity of all the activities of the Regional Division and projecting a wholesome public image of the organization. Section 8. Provincial and City Chapters. The management of the City or Provincial Chapters shall be vested in a Board of Officers composed of eleven (11) members who shall be elected during its annual meeting, in the following proportion, to wit: eight (8) from the private sector and three (3) from the government sector. The elected members of the Board of Officers shall elect from among themselves a Chapter President, who shall act as the presiding officer, a Chapter Vice-President, a Chapter Executive Secretary, a Chapter Treasurer, a Chapter Auditor, and a Chapter Public Relation Officer. The immediate past Chapter President shall be an ex-officio member of the Chapter Board of Officers without voting rights. In case of vacancy in the Office of the Chapter President, the Chapter Vice-President shall automatically assume the vacated office; in case of vacancy in any other office, the Board shall elect from among the members of the Chapter the officer to fill the vacancy. The City or Provincial Chapter in any particular Division, through its Board of Officers shall extend administrative and financial support to the Regional President in the convening of the annual Regional Division meeting to ensure its success. Section 9. Duties and Responsibilities of the Chapter Officers. (a) The Chapter President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the City or Provincial Chapter. He/she shall preside in the meetings of the Board of Officers. He shall perform all the duties and functions inherent in the Office of the Chapter President. He/she shall submit an annual report on the operations and activities of the Chapter to the Chapter members on the last meeting before the expiration of the term of office of the Board of Officers; (b) The Chapter Vice-President shall have such powers and perform such duties as the Board of Officers may from time to time prescribe. In case of absence or inability of the Chapter President, the Chapter Vice-President shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the President; (c) The Chapter Executive Secretary shall record and file the minutes of all the meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Officers. He/she shall keep a roaster and directory of all the members and record of all the activities of the Chapter. He/she shall prepare the agenda, send notices, handle correspondence of the Chapter and the Board of Officers and perform other duties which the Board may assign; (d) The Chapter Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the funds and properties of the Chapter. He/she shall be responsible for the collection of all fees and dues from all members and all other accounts due and payable to the Chapter. He shall keep and maintain a true, proper and accurate recording of all funds, assets and liabilities of the Chapter. He shall perform other duties, which the Board may assign. He/she shall submit a monthly financial report to the Board; (e) The Chapter Auditor shall conduct a quarterly audit of all the incomes, acquisitions, expenses and liabilities of the Chapter. He/she shall submit a quarterly report of his findings to the Board. He/she shall perform other duties which the Board may assign to him; and (f) The Chapter Public Relation Officer shall take charge of all internal and external public relation matters with the end view of getting wide publicity of all the activities of the Chapter and projecting a wholesome public image of the organization. Section 10. Vacancies in Office. a. In case of vacancy in the Office of the National President, the Executive Vice-President shall automatically assume the office; in case of vacancy in the Office of the Executive Vice-President or any other office in the Board, the Board shall elect a successor from among the remaining members to fill the vacant position and shall serve the remaining unexpired term. b. In case of vacancy in the Office of the Area Chairman/National Vice President, the Vice Chairman shall automatically assume the office; in case of vacancy in the Office of the Vice Chairman in the Council, the Council shall elect a successor from among the remaining members to fill the vacant position and shall serve the remaining unexpired term. c. In case of vacancy in the Office of the Regional President, the Regional Vice-President shall automatically assume the office; in case of vacancy in the Office of the Regional Vice-President or any other office in the Board, the Board shall elect a successor from among the remaining members to fill the vacant position and shall serve the remaining unexpired term. d. In case of vacancy in the Office of the Chapter President, the Chapter Vice-President shall automatically assume the office; in case of vacancy in the Office of the Chapter Vice-President or any other office in the Board, the Board shall elect a successor from among the remaining members to fill the vacant position and shall serve the remaining unexpired term. e. In case of vacancy of a member of a Board or Council, the Board or Council concerned shall proceed to elect and fill the vacancy from among the qualified members of the corresponding structural level defined in Article III Section 1. Section 11. Concurrent Capacity. No officer of this organization shall hold simultaneously the position of National, Area, Regional and Chapter Presidents. ARTICLE VI – ADMINISTRATIVE YEAR / TERM OF OFFICE Section 1. Administrative Year. Commences on 1st day of July to 30th day June of the succeeding year. Section 2. Terms of Office. The tenure of office in the Board of Governors, Area Assembly, Regional Division, Provincial and City Chapters shall be for a term of one (1) year. Section 3. Hold Over Capacity. In the event that no successors are elected into office, the incumbent sets of officers shall continue to hold office. However, the duly elected Chapter President shall automatically assume the office as member of the Regional Board of Directors. ARTICLE VII – MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS Section 1. Annual Meetings and Conventions. The annual meetings and conventions shall be called for the purpose of election of officers, reporting, fellowship, and advancement of knowledge, among others. (a) National Directorate – Thursday of the first week of June of each year in Metropolitan Manila or in any other place in the country, which maybe decided upon by the delegates in the preceding Annual National Directorate Meeting. (b) Area Assembly - not earlier than the sixteenth (16th) day of October or not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of December of each year in any place within the area, which maybe decided upon by the delegates in the preceding Annual Area Assembly. (c) Regional Convention - not earlier than the first week of February or not later than the first week of June of each year in any place within the region, which maybe decided upon by the delegates in the preceding Annual Regional Convention. (d) Chapter Convention - Not earlier than the first (1st) day of January or not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of February of each year in any place within the chapter, which maybe decided upon by the delegates in the preceding Annual Chapter Convention. In cases where the host of national, area, regional and provincial meetings or conventions withdraws its hosting, the Board of Governors, Area Council, Regional/Chapter Board of Directors as the case maybe, are empowered to decide. Section 2. Regular Meetings. The Board of Governors shall hold regular monthly meetings every first (1st) Saturday of the month. The National President shall hold regular quarterly meetings with all the Regional Presidents at such date, time and place as he may prescribed. The Area Council shall hold regular quarterly meetings at such date, time and place as they may prescribe. The Board of Directors of the Regional Divisions and the Board of Officers of the Chapters shall hold regular monthly meetings on the second Saturday of each month. Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the National Directorate maybe called by the National President or upon a written joint petition by at least three (3) Regional Divisions through its Board of Directors fifteen (15) days before the date. Special meetings of the Board of Governors maybe called by the National President or upon the written request of at least three (3) Governors. Special meetings of the Area Council maybe called by the Council Chairman or upon written request of at least three (3) Council Members. Special meetings of the Board of Directors of a Regional Division maybe called by the Regional President or upon the written request of at least three (3) Directors. Special meetings of the City or Provincial Chapter maybe called by the City or Provincial Chapter President or upon a written request of at least three (3) Officers. Section 4. Quorum. A quorum for any meeting of the members of the Board of Governors, Board of Directors, Provincial and City Board of Officers shall consist of a majority of the members, and a majority of such quorum shall decide any question at the meeting, save and except in those matters where the Corporation Law requires the affirmative vote of a greater proportion. In all plenary meetings of the Area Assemblies and Regional Divisions, twenty percent (20%) of the total number of members, or fifty members in attendance, whichever is lower, shall constitute a quorum. In the annual meeting of the National Directorate, a simple majority of the members present shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. National Convention Program. The national convention program shall include the following: (a) Opening Ceremonies; (b) Technical Sessions; (c) Fellowship/Awards; (d) Bidding for next National Directorate Meeting and Convention Venue; (d) Closing Ceremonies. Section 6. National Directorate Meeting. The national directorate meeting shall include the following: (a) Call to Order; (b) Business Meeting; (c) Election of Officers; (d) Closing Ceremonies. Section 7. Notice of Meeting. Notice of the time and place of annual and special meetings of the members shall be given either personally or by mail, addressed to each member of record at the official address left by such member with the Secretary of an organizational level at least fifteen (15) days before the date set for meeting. The notice of every special meeting shall state briefly the purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be acted upon at such meeting except by the consent of all members present at such meeting. ARTICLE VIII – REVENUE AND FINANCIAL MATTERS Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30 of the succeeding year. Section 2. Annual Budget. The annual budget which incorporates the expected revenues and projected expenses shall be prepared in all levels of the Association at the start of their respective terms. Section 3. Sources of Funds. The funds for the operation and maintenance of the Association is such as may from time to time be received from membership fees, annual dues, proceeds of from the implementation of programs, and contribution, donation, endowment, grants in cash or in kind from the government or private persons or institutions, as may from time to time be received by deed, grant, devise, bequest or gift. (a) Membership fees shall be fixed by the Board of Governors after prior consultation with all the Regional Board of Directors, and approval by the majority of the Regional Board of Directors. It shall be paid by a new member upon his/her receipt of a notification of acceptance of his/her application for membership; (b) The annual dues of all the members shall be fixed by the Board of Governors after prior consultation and approval by the majority of the Regional Board of Directors. It shall be paid on or before the annual meeting of the Regional Division; (c) The organization through any of its four (4) organizational level may accept philanthropic donations or contributions from any party whose moral integrity is beyond question; and (d) Donations and grants in cash or in kind received from any third party by any of the four (4) organizational levels shall be considered the exclusive property of the donee chapter or regional division or national organization. Section 4. Fund Sharing. The sharing of funds of the Association shall be as follows: (a) Forty percent (40%) of the membership fees shall be remitted by the Regional Divisions to the National Treasurer not later than May 31st. Sixty percent (60%) of the membership fee shall be retained by the Regional Treasurer for its Regional Division; and (b) Thirty-five percent (35%) of the annual dues shall be remitted by the Regional Treasurer to the National Treasurer, ten percent (10%) of the annual dues to the Area Assembly Treasurer and five percent (5%) of the annual dues to the Chapter Treasurer not later than May 31st and the remaining fifty percent (50%) shall be retained by the Regional Division. Section 5. Reporting System. All financial reports shall be made in a format adopted and/or prescribed by the Board of Governors. The submission of financial reports shall be as follows: LEVEL OF SUBMIT/PRESENT DEADLINE ORGANIZATION TO Chapter Board of Directors 25th day of the current Month Board of Directors Board of Governors End of the current month Board of Governors Directorate 1st Saturday of the Succeeding month Section 6. Acquisition of Real Property. Pursuant to Article I, Sec. 4 (g), the national office, regional divisions, city and provincial chapters may acquire real property subject to the concurrence of their respective boards and affirmed through a general assembly. Such real property may be registered under the names of their respective offices. ARTICLE IX – PENAL PROVISION Section 1. A violation of any provision of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be a ground for suspension of membership and/or of holding office. ARTICLE X – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 1. Amendments. Any amendment or revision of these By-Laws may be proposed by the Board of Governors, Area Assemblies, Regional Division, City or Provincial Chapters. Such amendments or revision shall be passed by the Board of Governors, subject to ratification by the delegates in the annual Directorate Meeting, or Constitutional Convention, called for the purpose. All members of the National Directorate shall be notified at least thirty (30) days before the Meeting or Convention. Section 2. Repealing Clause. All policies, resolutions, rules and regulations, and covenants or parts thereof contrary and inconsistent with these By-laws and such extant laws of the Republic of the Philippines are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. Section 3. Effectivity. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect 30 days upon approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Insert: 1. Office Management and Administration 2. Fiscal Year 3. Revenue and Financial Matters 4. Election 5. Convention Rules and Procedures 6. Annual Reports 7. Regional Conventions and Area Assemblies 8. Hosting of National Directorate Meeting 9. Committees 10. Council of Past Presidents 11. Awards
Di ako nakaka sigurado na itu nga yung lates na bylaws ng GEP. Pm/dm na lang kayo sa fb page nila para mag tanong.
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IRR of R.A. No. 8560 (link)
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Code of Ethics GE (link)
PDF link for Adoption of a Code of Ethical and Professional Standards for the Practice of the Geodetic Engineering Professional
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Public Act 3626
Republic Act 4374
Republic Act 8560
Republic Act 9200
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PUBLIC ACT 3626 (DECEMBER 5 1929) → REPUBLIC ACT 4374 (JUNE 19, 1965) → REPUBLIC ACT 8560 (FEBRUARY 26 1998) → REPUBLIC ACT 9200 (MARCH 28, 2003)
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OCTOBER 6, 2022
LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS - 8:00AM TO 10:00 AM (2 hours or 120 mins)
Public Land Laws and Natural Resources
Laws on Property
Land Reform Laws
Land Registration Laws on Obligation and Contracts
Professional & Ethical Practice
Rules & Regulations Governing Land Surveying
MATHEMATICS - 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM (2 hours or 180 mins)
Algebra, Solid Geometry
Analytical Geometry
Engineering Economics
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
Differential and Integral Calculus
Least Squares
THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SURVEYING - 03:00 PM TO 6:00 PM (3 hours or 180 mins)
Property Surveying
Isolated, Mineral & Mining Surveys
Cadastral Land Surveying
Route Surveys & Earthworks
Hydrographic & Topographic Surveying
Engineering Surveys
Construction Surveying
OCTOBER 7, 2022
GEODESY - 08:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON (4 hours or 240 mins)
Geodetic Surveying
Geodetic Astronomy
Geodetic Triangulation
Geodetic Leveling
Gravity Measurement
Least Squares
CARTOGRAPHY - 01:00 PM TO 4:00 PM (3 hours or 180 mins)
Plotting and Mapping of
Isolated Surveys
Mineral Surveys
Cadastral Surveys
Hydrographic Surveys
Photogrammetric Surveys
Map Projection.
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OCTOBER 6 AND 7, 2022.
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