genshinsalon · 4 years
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The nakedness of woman is the work of God.
- William Blake
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genshinsalon · 4 years
I’m so painfully in love with Harry Kirton that my heart is actually going to physically break if he ever makes it public that he’s dating someone
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genshinsalon · 4 years
christian in the triggered music video will forever be my weakness
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genshinsalon · 4 years
how desperate
Voldemort: So I just have to lie??
Pinocchio: Yup
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genshinsalon · 4 years
we can become friends when you start to take Harry Potter more siriusly.
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genshinsalon · 4 years
United let’s rescue Tumblr
It is public knowledge that our network is not at its best, due to factors that affect us all, be it COVID, prolonged quarantine in different countries, economic conditions, anguish, fatigue, moments of uncertainty about our future in real life and loved ones.
They will surely share the feeling with me, and it is a good time to implement an action plan.
1) We know that many have left the network, although new members join daily, let us give them our support, be it by following them, liking them, sharing their content in order to motivate them to continue publishing, we have all been beginners and we know how popularity works.
2) Nobody makes money by having more likes and it should not be a competition between us for who has more, let’s leave the vanity and support our followers, really for content creators it is a plus that motivates them to continue publishing, in addition to trying harder in its virtual growth.
3) You can count on my support to teach what little I know.
4) If you have suggestions we will read them all when you share the message.
I hope we all become aware and manage to overcome the current situation since as the popular saying says “wanting is power”
P.D.: I’m counting on you and your grain of sand.
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Unidos rescatemos a Tumblr
Es de público conocimiento, que nuestra red no se encuentra en su mejor momento, debido a factores que nos afectan a todos, sea COVID, cuarentena prolongada en distintos países, condiciones económicas, angustia, cansancio,momentos de incertidumbre sobre nuestro futuro en la vida real y seres queridos.
Seguramente compartirán conmigo la sensación, y es un buen momento para aplicar un plan de acción.
1) Sabemos que muchos se han marchado de la red, aunque ingresan miembros principiantes a diario, brindemosle nuestro apoyo, sea siguiéndoles, dándoles me gusta, compartiendo su contenido con el fin que se motiven a seguir publicando,  todos hemos sido principiantes y sabemos como funciona la popularidad.
2) Nadie gana dinero teniendo más me gusta y no debería ser una competencia entre nosotros por quién tiene más, dejemos la vanidad y apoyemos a nuestros seguidores, realmente para los creadores de contenido es un plus que motiva a seguir publicando, además de esforzarse más en su crecimiento virtual.
3) Pueden contar con mi apoyo para enseñar lo poco que sé.
4) Si tienes sugerencias las leeremos todas cuando compartas el mensaje.
Espero tomemos conciencia todos y logremos superar la situación actual ya que como dice el dicho popular “querer es poder”
P.D.: Cuento contigo y tu grano de arena.
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genshinsalon · 4 years
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For the girls and the guys who love these stupidly hot babies.\\
If you use it, maybe like my post? I’m curious if anyone sees it soz 
If you want me to make one (Don’t think so but hey), hit me up babes. Can be of anything 🖤 
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genshinsalon · 4 years
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