our big booba zaddy
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Big boobs?? Um chile…
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Dominant hands and writing styles!
Just doing some random headcanons about whoever until I start getting a few followers and requests so I present to you: Who’s left handed, right handed or ambidextrous? What type of handwriting do they have? Characters were chosen at random :)))
Very long, elegant strokes, but can be a bit hard to read depending on how fast she writes, all of her writing slants over. Overall pretty nice handwriting as long as she isn't rushing
Definitely right handed in my opinion, could probably wield a weapon with her left hand if need be but she absolutely cannot write with her left to save her life
Has a very bold but graceful signature, you’ll be able to tell it’s hers because her ‘E’ and ‘L’ is always insanely large compared to the rest of the letters
Very fast and sharp strokes, not sloppy but maybe a little messy. Letters aren’t rounded at all, very slanted and written in a mixture of print and cursive.
I’m leaning more towards right handed but I could also see her being sliiiightly ambidextrous depending on what she’s doing. I’m not basing this off gameplay too much but I noticed that Rosa uses both hands to wield her spear when fighting (not sure if every character does this but yeah)
Signature is pretty much just a really sharp and bold ‘R’ and then you can barely make out the rest of the letters after that. 
Messy! Chaotic! Not sloppy but sometimes his letters merge together and it’s an actual pain trying to decipher the man’s letters >:(((
Ambidextrous, all the way! You can’t tell me this man didn’t challenge himself to be able to adapt with both hands. I’m convinced he made himself fight with his non-dominant hand until it didn’t matter which hand he was using, that’s just how he is. 
While his handwriting can be a bit wild, his signature is pretty impressive tbh! It’s kind of an ego thing, if his name is going to be on something then you’re damn well going to recognize it!
Thick but long strokes(hehe) so some parts of the letters are thick and some parts thin out into a wispy little line because of how he moves his pen. Not one to dwell on how neat his writing is, he’s got too much research to jot down. If anything he might have sucrose do his writing for him when she’s assisting because he gets very occupied with his hands at times
Left handed, not ambidextrous at all but if he really needs to he’ll jot something down with his right hand. As long as he knows what it says he doesn’t care how it looks. Not that he has necessarily bad handwriting but its not exactly neat either, lots of hurried strokes and scribbled notes.
Arataki Itto
Maybe a little predictable but I'm sorry, his handwriting sucks. His hands are too big for most pens/pencils and he doesn’t really care to begin with. If you point it out he does get extremely butthurt about it and will attempt to… outwrite you??? Lololol
He gives lefty or righty vibes but I’m leaning more towards left handed just because of the traits that are associated with left handed people compared to right handed people :)))
His signature is one of those ones that’s just a scribble that doesn’t resemble the name at all, except the A is super big and rounded, puts a lot of emphasis on it but after that he’s just like “whateverrr! I know I signed it, you know I signed it, no big deal!”
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Suddenly i am pregnant
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hey girlie~
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Genshin Boys and the types of social media they’d have
Definitely the type to own a facebook page but… is never on it. You search his name and it’s just a blank profile with his birthday and ‘joined facebook’ date lmao the only photos of him online are like official photos and photos other people have of him
if anything he would probably have social media for his winery and bar but it’s for sure ran by someone who works for him. He’ll occasionally check the business instagrams and facebook pages but he has faith in whoever it is he’s hired to run them. 
Oh my god, instagram and facebook king. In fact, he’s probably the one who made Diluc the facebook page but gave up because he refused to let Kaeya get a good photo of him. His own pages on the other hand, absolutely popping with likes. 
Tons of selfies, definitely that guy who’s really attractive and knows it because he’s posting thirst traps on the daily. He may keep his facebook a LITTLE more professional but his instagram? Pls, more like sinstagram.
Arataki Itto
SNAPCHATTT! Lord the crap he would post on his story on a daily basis.  “runnin from the tenryou commission again lololol” and it’s just a super blurry picture of him running through the city with like 7 soldiers behind him
Also has streaks with almost every person he has on his snap. He takes it very seriously too, if he sees the little hourglass next to your name he will personally find you and force you to snap him before it resets. 
Probably doesn’t even have any social media, he might have a phone but he uses it solely to contact people and even then he just… doesnt text back?? Or call back?? Ever? You’ll ask him a question and he’ll respond a week later.
Doesn’t own a phone, pls. Does not understand the concept of facebook or memes, but some adepti fans in liyue have tiktoks dedicated to him, just very brief clips of him being spotted, or him whipping around his spear to save some civilians. He’s got quite the following and doesn’t even know it.
Snapchat and youtube guy for sure, constantly posting about his plan for world domination and asking people to pull up so they can get their ass beat lololol def has videos showing off his weaponry skills
But!! He does have a facebook strictly for his family, he doesn’t post too much on it but he’ll occasionally add some photos of him and his siblings doing fun winter activities or you’ll see him tagged in other people’s posts.
Hmm, he probably TRIED his hand at social media just to see what it was all about but I doubt it’s something he’s actively interested in. Would maybe enjoy tumblr more than any other platform but he’s not gonna go out of his way to check his blog regularly. 
Theoretically though, he’d make an awesome tiktok page! People would find his experiments really cool and he’s probably gain a massive following. If anything he mght use these social media platforms themselves to conduct experiments but he wouldn’t use them for leisure purposes in my opinion.
Actually doesn't own a phone either. Has a facebook you made for him but thats it. It’s more detailed than Diluc’s at least though. He actually has a decent profile picture you took for him, and just a few posts but its like 3 really weird and profound statuses about osmanthus wine and an awkwardly angled picture of the sunrise
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Introduction and Rules
Hi beans! I’m Dina, the owner/author of this blog. I’m 22 years old, a sagittarius, makeup artist and Arataki Itto’s sugar mama. I’ve been writing fanfiction/headcanons for about 9 years now! I previously owned another fan blog for an online dating game called My Candy Love but unfortunately I no longer have access to the blog I created for it, which was @mycandylovefanatics​ I wanted to give writing another shot but since MCL no longer gives me the inspo i once had, I wanted to try genshin :)) This is my first time writing for anything other than MCL and I’m nervous! Hopefully I don’t embarrass myself and I hope you guys enjoy reading my headcanons as much as I will enjoy writing them! Now onto the rules!
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! Sorry beans but I’m 22 years old, it’s weird plus there will be nsfw content here. If i discover a minor interacting with my posts i gotta block you man
This shouldn’t have to be said but just to be on the safe side i will absolutely NOT be writing for any characters who are minors or have the appearance of a minor. Characters I will not write for will be listed down below.
Do not request for more than 2 characters at a time, unless the request is something short and sweet, like “Who likes spicy food and who doesn’t?” Things that don’t require much detail and effort. This is just to make sure it doesn't get overwhelming or take forever to get an ask out!
If you request something please remember that I am trying to keep everyone true to their character, so if you request something that I can’t picture a character doing then I probably wont do it, or the answer may not be what you were looking for :(((
Be specific when requesting! Sometimes people will just ask “headcanons for *character*?” and it’s hard to just come up with anything on the spot!
Please don’t bombard the ask box with your request over and over :((( it will not make me get it out any faster, and will probably just make me delete it altogether.
NSFW is allowed!
I will allow myself to not do requests, or to do them in whatever order I feel like. Not that I dont wanna get your requests out as soon as possible, but sometimes I dont get enough motivation or inspo from some asks! If this happens I will make sure to let you know instead of just deleting it.
Lastly, PLEASE understand that this is something I am purely doing for fun, and on my own free time. There will be times where I may not feel like writing, and I may disappear for a bit but I will come back eventually and I will do my best to not leave you guys hanging for too long :)
Characters I will NOT write for (due to age/not enough knowledge of personality/lack of interest)
Raiden Shogun
I know this list is long but once i have enough info/confidence on some of the OF AGE characters they will be removed from this list :))
I will be writing NSFW on this bog which is why I would prefer to leave minor characters out of it completely. Any character not listed I will definitely write for as long as rules are being followed :)
Content I WILL write for:
fluff/cutesy wholesome stuff
angsty topics (death, arguing, breakups, etc.)
nsfw (not sure exactly what i will and wont write regarding this but we’ll find out)
pretty much any scenario/prompt that follows the rules i guess? :))
Content I will NOT write for:
Anything involving self harm
Anything involving sexual assault
Weird kinky stuff lmao 
Anything involving the pandemic, tired of it and need an escape
Heavily detailed abuse
Character x Character
If there are any subjects not listed it doesn’t hurt to ask, I won’t get mad or anything! I don’t write for these subjects because I don’t want to romanticize them, and I’ve never experienced them myself so I’d rather not write about something that I have no business writing for. I understand sometimes you guys request these things because they make you feel a little better but I’m sorry, I just feel like I don’t have a right to. I will write for other requests, nsfw, IMPLIED abuse is okay-ish.
That concludes all of my rules! I hope i didnt sound too harsh with these but over the years I’ve learned I gotta set my boundaries when it comes to writing. I can’t wait to start getting requests!
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