genrex-confessions · 10 years
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I need more Circex fanfiction in my life.
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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I wanna slam Rex's brother against a wall until he begs for mercy.
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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I think Beverly or Annie would be better for Rex more than Circe would. I mean Circe is good for Rex too but I just think that after everything that had happened I just don't think Circe belongs with Rex anymore.
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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I think it would have been better if Beverly didn't return to normal after she turned back into a human. Beverly should have went psychologically insane sort of like River Tam from the TV series Firefly.
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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At first I thought Black Knight was Dr.Holiday.
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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i think gatlocke from generator rex and gamzee from homestuck would be buds
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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I love circex but the fandom is too negative about it :(
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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I once had a wild, crazy idea for a Generator Rex protest: All fans refuse to shower, bathe, or go to school until Generator Rex is back on air, WITH a new season!!
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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Breach was my favorite character, I wish she had more episodes!
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genrex-confessions · 10 years
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Six always liked Holiday and knew she liked him too. But because Rex liked her too, Six kept it a secret. He didn't want to hurt Rex.
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
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I miss Generator Rex soooo much :(
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
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I don't know if anyones noticed but Caesar and Beau from the Trendbenders have the same taste in hair styles.
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
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I love Cesar Salazar. I just love how optimistic he is and how he was just trying to help Rex whole time.
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
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I ship: Skwydd/Kenwyn Cesar/Valentina Breach/Jack Scarecrow Cricket/Moss Captain Callan/Dianne Farrah Noah/Circe Claire/Annie White Knight/(Younger) Abuela Biowulf/Skalamander Black Knight/Rich Texas Guy Tuk/Beverly And then like the only canon pairing I ship is HOLIX <3 Rex and VK I have no idea... oh wait... They're like the only ones left... :/ ...
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
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I HATE Black Knight. I hate everything she does. She ruins lives like they mean nothing to her, which they probably do, because it seems like she only cares about herself. I hate how she never shows emotion. I hate how she twisted providence into something evil. I. HATE. HER. I can't I feel this way about a cartoon.
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
This series has such great potential, but I think the problem is that it's a little bit too obbessed with being "cool" for it's own and it curtails an otherwise excellent premise, story development and characters. For example, in the first episode, which features Rex as a little boy, far too much time was spent on Rex being a little bad ass taking everything in, rather then him being a justifably scared ameansic kid, which would have fleshed things out a lot better for me, and everytime there
is an emotional moment in the series or important development, it's often undercut by proving just how badass Rex or the action scene is. I'm not sure if studio interference resulted in this, but if there is ever a season four, THIS is a major change I would like to see in the series.
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genrex-confessions · 11 years
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I feel Rex's amnesia and his research for his memories can be interpreted as a metaphor about persons of Latinoamerican origin who lives in other countries (or still their own) for finding their own cultural and personal identity. That is one of the reasons because this show is awesome.
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