geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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It was very strange, crossing her arms at the blonde and nodding because at the end everything was just so messed up “I figure that much. I met people that are from other places too far from here” Caitlin said and just heard this woman talking, it was nice to meet someone that can understand her a bit “Pleasure. I’m Doctor Caitlin Snow. And I also have a few theories but I’m not really sure anymore”
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“I don’t think even the most brilliant of minds could figure this sack of crap out...” She muttered. “I shouldn’t even be breathing.” She added softly, adjusting her glasses as she squinted at the data on her laptop. “Eh-- so I just... picked up where I left off.”
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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“well yeah. things a ten and sixteen year old would do,” she smiled at her, quite sadly. “i lost her when i was eleven … it was DIFFICULT growing up without a sister, ‘cause she’d been my role model my entire childhood.” she nodded at her own words, tasting the coffee once again. “ah, all LIES. your hair is beautiful,” jj spoke kindly, carefully moving behind her on the couch, her soft fingers playing with her brunette locks. “i had bangs one time, but got rid of them soon enough, once they grew back,” she chuckled, pursing her lips. “i haven’t done the fish tail in a while, however–” she began, beginnig to separate the small strands of hair, “i master the art of french braiding. it’s the one i wear pretty much every day.” she told her, enthusiastically. “you’re gonna like it — just TRUST ME.”
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Maeve frowned slightly at JJ’s words. “O-Oh, I didn’t know she--” Cutting herself off, Maeve looked down. Now, Jennifer had made her way behind the brunette, stroking her hair after pulling the tie from it. “I’ve always had bangs.” Maeve admitted. “They hide my huge forehead... that’s what my mother used to say. So I’ve always kept them this way, since I was a child.” Feeling Jennifer play around in her hair felt odd-- having anyone touching her hair besides a hairdresser or her own hands felt foreign. “I’m sure I will.” Maeve couldn’t help but smile, a soft laugh escaping her as she sat still. 
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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“are you kidding me? i thought that was an awesome pick up line.” he let out a sigh. “i’m not really the type of guy to look at the stars.”
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“Yeah-- no.” She glanced at the other. “I’m also extremely asexual, so... good luck.” 
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
that hadn’t been the first time he had been called spence– so at this point, wheatley had decided that either there was someone who looked like himself named ‘spence’, or that was just a thing humans called each other. he squinted slightly as he momentarily wracked his brain for any possible memories or any sense of familiarity with seeing the woman in front of him when she asked if he knew her, but would ultimately draw a complete blank. “i don’t believe so, no… or, ahh, maybe? but i don’t think so, no. honestly, i’m not entirely sure.” most humans looked pretty identical to one another to wheatley, so differentiating people from one another proved to be a bit difficult for him on occasion.
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“It was a simple yes or no question... you either do, or you don’t.” Maeve muttered. “Clearly, you do not.” Maeve gave him another once over. “...You look exactly like someone I--” She paused, glancing down. “That I know.” Averting her eyes back to the stranger, she sighed. “But he would never mess up a chemistry joke. Especially not in front of me.” A beat. “Doctor Maeve Donovan.” She held out her hand. 
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
@parkourmaster | continued from here
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“What?” Maeve’s nose wrinkled. “N-No, that’s not what I--” She scoffed. “I mean, like... the cosmos are fantastic. By the way-- terrible pick-up line. Just bad, man.”
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
Current Joys - This City Gives Me Wings (Makes Me Crazy)
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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“you know, i have almost NO IDEA what you’re talking about, but i’m glad you’re having fun, you know?? it’s always nice to have something to do, specially if you find enjoyment in it,” jj told her, gently taking the mug in her hands, before thanking her. there was something about seeing maeve happy, jj couldn’t quite put it into words, but it made her feel GOOD. it made her feel like she was finally accomplishing something since she’d gotten here. “you know, when i was younger, i used to paint my sister rose’s nails. i sucked at it, but somehow, it made us bond, you know??” she smiled gently at her own memory, still missing rosaline wholeheartedly. “i also braided her hair, then she braided mine … you know, that kind of stuff,” she shrugged slightly, taking a sip of the fresh made coffee. “would you like me to bride your hair??”
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“No worries... Not a lot of people understand.” She murmured, finding her spirits taken down a notch as she was reminded time and time again that not everyone was a walking information sponge like herself. “Oh, heck... like, really cliche sleepover activities?” Maeve stared at Jennifer a bit vacantly before heading back to her desk to pick up her own coffee, taking a sip. “Mm-- I guess you could... it’s pretty messy right now, though. I never learned how to braid hair traditionally. Only fishtailing.” Maeve admitted a bit timidly. 
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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Maeve glanced up from her own laptop, and over at the stranger seated beside her in the cozy cafe. “You’re not from around here-- but don’t worry. I’m not either.”  She mumbled, crossing her arms after taking a sip of her coffee. “I’ve never heard of hat place, honestly... S-So, I mean, I could deduce that you’re like me.” Sort of. Maeve’s eyes wandered back to her screen, typing rather quickly and continuing to speak. “I have a few theories. They’re all... just that... theories. Scientifically speaking, there’s no answer as to why, or how we’re here. Then again, I-I guess what would be considered normal life is just the same. So... live with it.” A beat as she hit the space bar hard. “Doctor Maeve Donovan.” She introduced herself.
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“You know what? This is extremely weird. Central City is not really a place here”
Caitlin was trying to look into the computer and searching for Star Labs or anything that can help her out to get home but nothing was real there, it was so strange that she couldn’t even describe it. And that’s when she commented that to the other person that was next to her.
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
[ text to: maeve at 4:40pm ] Oh.
[ text to: maeve at 4:40pm ] Would you like to get dinner then, tonight? If not, we can do it another time.
[ text to: Joseph Bell at 4:53pm ] I guess I did say rain-check, last time you asked. 
[ text to: Joseph Bell at 4:55pm ] Okay. 
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
[cont’d from (here) with @geniusgeneticist ]
[ text to: maeve at 4:36pm ] I would not be too surprised either. They’re very odd.
[ text to: maeve at 4:36pm ] Are you busy tonight?
[ text to: Joseph Bell at 4:38pm ] Luckily, I haven’t got any strange neigbors in my building. I mean, it’s pretty quiet most times. Unless I decide to break out my record player and blast baroque music at two in the morning. 
[text to: Joseph Bell at 4:38pm ] Kind of? I’m working. That’s all I ever do nowadays. It keeps my mind at ease. Why?
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
( text mssg ) i think my neighbor is an alien.
( ✉ ← sms ) Considering the current reality that we are in, I wouldn’t be surprised...
0 notes
geniusgeneticist · 8 years
( ✉ → sms ) i used your pics to catfish someone, and since they bought me a laptop… you have a date with them tomorrow.
( ✉ ← sms ) Are you serious?! That’s not cool! Besides, I have work tomorrow! 
0 notes
geniusgeneticist · 8 years
TEXT MESSAGE STARTERS ! Send one of the prompts below to get a response from my muse.
drunk texts:
( ✉ → sms ) plea se eh elep me im drunk and i dotn know whe re i am
( ✉ → sms ) i fukcing miss yo u
( ✉ → sms ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
( ✉ → sms ) i csnst stop throwiging up
( ✉ → sms ) fu ck you  for hurting me
( ✉ → sms ) why dotn you ever call me anymore huh
( ✉ → sms ) stop being so fuckigjn borign and coekm to my party
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed
( ✉ → sms ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry
( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu
hateful texts:
( ✉ → sms ) you’re pathetic
( ✉ → sms ) you make me miserable
( ✉ → sms ) fuck you. delete my number.
( ✉ → sms ) you never meant anything to me, anyway.
( ✉ → sms ) fuck your apologies, you can keep them.
( ✉ → sms ) congrats on always ruining everything
( ✉ → sms ) my life would be so much easier without you.
( ✉ → sms ) and next time you feel like calling me… don’t.
( ✉ → sms ) i don’t want anything to do with you anymore.
( ✉ → sms ) if your goal was to make me hate you, then congratulations. mission accomplished.
misc/random texts:
( ✉ → sms ) i think my neighbor is an alien.
( ✉ → sms ) help me think of a name for my new dog
( ✉ → sms ) sooooo… what was your first impression of me
( ✉ → sms ) should i get pizza or chicken wings for dinner?
( ✉ → sms ) no one’s ever made me feel the way you do.
( ✉ → sms ) i borrowed your weed. hope you don’t mind.
( ✉ → sms ) why do they say drugs are bad when they make you feel so good
( ✉ → sms ) today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but the youngest you’ll ever be again…
( ✉ → sms ) [ File Attached: 001329.jpg ] of all the drunk pictures i have of you, this one is my favorite.
( ✉ → sms ) i used your pics to catfish someone, and since they bought me a laptop… you have a date with them tomorrow.
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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jj slowly stepped into the apartment, making sure she wasn’t being too much of a HOVER. at the mention of how she’d gotten the job, jj smiled brightly at the brunette, her face lightning up as if she’d seen something WONDERFUL. “oh my gosh, are you serious?? maeve, that’s – that’s amazing!!” she told her, excitedly, clapping her hands together. she was, indeed, happy for the woman. since maeve got here, it was clear that she’d had a hard time getting settled in – so seeing her doing what she truly enjoyed, made jj glad inside. “ah, i’d love some coffee. i always want it, really,” she chuckled, sitting on the couch and gently crossing her legs. “ah, i don’t even paint my nails either, i just thought you’d like it – but it’s BETTER this way,” jj laughed, playfully shaking her head at her. “so, are you enjoying the job so far?? what exactly are you doing in there?? research??”
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“Who doesn’t crave coffee at all hours?” A lot of people-- but Maeve seemed to be surrounded by night owls and hard workers such as herself. “I’ll get you a cup.” With that, Maeve turned on her heels, heading for the small kitchen to pour a mug for Jennifer, a smile playing upon her lips. “Well, it’s partially research. Currently, we’re working on isolating, sequencing, and cloning the DNA of several plants to fully observe how they fight off disease... and then we’ll go into the more challenging task of combining that with human health research.” Maeve chided happily as she returned, handing the mug to the slightly taller woman. “Gee-wiz. I haven’t been this happy since-- well-- I don’t know. I-I mean, I’m super-duper tired all the time, but that’s better than being an insomniac with nothing to do.” Maeve adjusted her stained, large shirt before tugging at her messy bun and tousling her bangs. “I could attempt to paint your nails, and vice versa, but... I-I’m pretty sure that won’t end up looking very presentable; but who knows?” 
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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geniusgeneticist · 8 years
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“oh … were you busy??” jj asked the brunette, standing on the door as her blue eyes looked around her apartment. she could tell maeve had been working on … something. “i was thinking, maybe you’d like to have a little girls night??” she suggested, tilting her head with a small, friendly smile. “don’t worry, we’re not going to leave the apartment, or do crazy stuff … i brought nail polish, though, and baking powder,” she looked down at her bag, wriggling her eyebrows. “and, if you need more convincing, i’ll have you know that everyone always ends up praising my baking skills.”
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“Yeah--” Maeve replied as she headed back to her desk, holding up a few messy pages of notes. Nothing that anyone but she herself could read or understand entirely-- nevertheless, she was proud to be working again, and doing what she loved without the looming presence of the unknown stalking her relentlessly. “I got the job-- and I’m currently working on molecular and human genetics at the moment.” She grinned slightly. “Oh, I’’ve never had one of those... Baking? Nail polish?” Maeve set down her papers to check her unpolished nails. “I-I dunno’...” She wrinkled her nose. “But... baked goods would go great with my night coffee. Speaking of, do you, uh, want a cup? I-I know it’s getting late, but... I don’t really sleep. N-Not anymore.” A nervous laugh escaped her. “There’s so much to get done, y’know? There’s no time for sleep!” A second, more airy laugh. “Yes to baking... maybe to nail polishing.”
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