geniuscaldwell · 5 years
ask meme monday: 002
Welcome to ASK MEME MONDAY! If you want to participate, just reblog this post. Please remember that if you want to receive asks, you should also be sending them.
For this week’s ask meme Monday, we’re going to be getting into our character’s developmental years.
For every 👨‍👩‍👦 I receive, I will share a memory from my character’s childhood.
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
“Oh my God, new bacteria! We found new bacteria!”
Hiroka hadn’t been this happy on the ship since... ever. But here she was, standing in the hallway with a slew of notes in her arms, practically bouncing off the walls, with a downright radiant grin.
“I can’t believe this! This is huge! Any word on what they’re planning to call it yet?”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
Appeased, Fin made quick work of replacing the panel in the wall and following the scientist towards the laboratory. They’d found themself in all sorts of places on the ship already, but they’d yet to visit this particular lab, and let their attention flit from place to place- cluttered surfaces to posters on the wall- as they entered. 
Table cleared off, Fin hopped onto the surface, letting their legs swing slightly as they listened, “Nope. Or, well, not that I know of.” Having no idea who their father was left a rather considerable hole in the area of familial medical histories. “I’m sure those things are in a file somewhere, anyway. That would probably be useful, considering you’re injecting me with some mystery substance. Might want to stick a note of that in that file too, just in case I start to die out of nowhere and someone’s wondering why.” Fin’s tone was relentlessly chipper, undermined by the barest hint of something sardonic, and they kept swinging their legs. “My name’s Fin. Finley Calder.”
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“Dr. Hiroka Caldwell,” she said breezily, because that was how Hiroka said nearly everything. “And it’s not a mystery substance, because I know exactly what’s in it. It just doesn’t happen to be UP Health Department approved. Yet. Medication is just chemistry, and that’s my line of expertise. You’re in good hands.”
Okay, so Hiroka’s experience was mostly in creating chemicals to destroy things, but still. How hard could whipping up a measly little medication be?
She rolled up one of their sleeves and began applying some disinfectant to their arm. “Okay, are you okay with needles, or are you someone I need to distract? Because I can do either.”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
“Well, yes that appears to an accurate conclusion.” Sofía teased gently, staring at the desk and the jacket that were more than adequate evidence that yes the compound was flammable. 
“Good job with the loopholes; didn’t exactly blow it up but did catch on fire.” She joked, knowing the importance of the difference and that there was nothing the guards could hold against her, because it hadn’t exploded.
“Well anyways, if you need another head and pair of hands, I’d be happy to help.”
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Hiroka peered at the other woman over her glasses.
“You know, I feel like we’ve met. Was I seated next to you at a conference or something?” No, that couldn’t be it -- Hiroka hated those things, nearly always ducked out the first chance she got. “Did you go to my college? Metis University. I was in the chemistry department. No, wait -- wait. I think I got it. You worked someplace that fired me a few years ago.”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
                I know I’ve got a BIG EGO
I really don’t know why it’s such a 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 though
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
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Ludo, “The Horror of Our Love”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
      You say that I’m 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵
                                But it’s always someone 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚'𝙨 fault
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Hiroka Therese Caldwell
NICKNAME(S): Hiro (from her father), Doc (from her siblings)
AGE: 31
GENDER: Female
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demisexual. Gender has no impact.
FAMILY: Asami Caldwell, nee Tamura (mother), Jonas Caldwell (father), Hisashi Caldwell (brother), Kozue Caldwell (sister)
HAIR: black, straight, shoulder-length
EYES: brown
HEIGHT: 5′7′’
WEIGHT: 130 pounds
DISTINGUISHING MARK(S): prosthetic left hand, wears glasses, minor burn scars on both arms, legs, and neck
CLOTHING: often a lab coat, usually sweatpants
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: clever, resourceful, curious, creative, cheerful
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: amoral, self-centered, smug, hotheaded, impulsive
EARLIEST MEMORY: a family camping trip on Creon when she was about seven; there was a meteor shower that night
PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT: getting her biochemistry thesis published by what is pretty much the most prestigious scientific journal in the ‘verse
HOPES: win a Nobel, have a theorem or scientific principle named after her
FEARS: developing dementia or any other disease that would wear down her mind and personality
FAVORITE FOOD: strawberry tarts, warmed
DREAM JOB: she’s living it, baby!
DRINKS?: sometimes
USES DRUGS?: not unless you count the times she experiments on herself
GAMBLES?: sometimes
WANTS TO GET MARRIED?: she’s not averse to the idea, but not specifically looking for it, either
FIVE SONG PLAYLIST: “The Dismemberment Song” by Blue Kid, “Life, Life” from Young Frankenstein, “Icarus” by Bastille, “Glory and Gore” by Lorde, “Seventeen” by Mariana and the Diamonds
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
fuck it im tired of this shit *becomes an evil scientist*
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
“Uh huh.” In truth, Fin couldn’t help but be interested, offer of calls home or no. They were curious, and where better to do something probably stupid like be the first living human to have a medicine tested on them than a ship with a bunch of medical officers who had nothing to do just a hop and a skip away. And they wouldn’t die, apparently, which was nice. “Okay, make it three calls and I get to ask as many questions as I like and maybe also poke things in your fancy lab and we’re square.” 
Fin’s smile was abrupt and wide, unabashedly amused by the faintly grim idea of lugging bodies around. “Ah, yes, if only we all had the luxury of bringing aboard our personal cadavers.” 
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Hiroka smiled. “Questions are permitted and encouraged.”
She gestured for them to follow her to Laboratory #3, aka, the laboratory Hiroka was officially in charge of. (She was pretty sure she’d overheard a couple ensigns calling it “Mount Doom,” and she had a feeling that was a reference to something, but she couldn’t be sure.) The lab, like all the ones on the ship, was bright white and full of state-of-the-art equipment. Unlike the others, however, nearly every table was covered in works-in-progress, notes with nigh-illegible handwriting, and discarded samples. Hiroka had also taken the liberty of decorating her workspace with some posters she’d brought from home. (Technically, these were supposed to go in her bunk, but she figured she’d spend far more time here than there.)
“Here.” She cleared off one of the tables and patted for Fin to have a seat on it. “Now, are you allergic to fexofenadine, methotrexate, or cyclophosphamide? And if your family has a history of issues with autoimmune disorders or anemia, I need to know that, too.”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
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“The very fact that you braved the outside world for me tells me that this is an emergency.” Sonoya Mizuno as Dr. Azumi Fujita in Maniac, Ep. 3: Having a Day
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
A little bubble of annoyance rises in Jupiter’s throat when the other doctor snatches her papers away, out of their sight. They’re certainly not going to report anything to the Captain, and besides she should understand Jupiter’s own discretion as a researcher themself. They were only trying to help tidy up.
“Instant death sentence isn’t quite enough,” they respond, already turning to leave. “I’ve worked with clones whose systems were altered or fused with androids’ to be more resistance to Psychrine, it breaks the systems down sooner or later, it’s something about the biological aspect that it just can’t get along with. Maybe it could help if you worked on figuring out how to suppress that instinct first. I’ll leave you to your work.”
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At the mention of Jupiter’s work with clones and androids, Hiroka perks in interest. “Oh, you’re a real Dr. Moreau type,” she says, though it’s said with near-admiration rather than judgment. “How did fusing different systems go? I’ve been told human -- well, human or clone -- biology isn’t really a mix-and-match deal.”
As she speaks, she ties back her hair, already preparing to start the next version of the compound.
“What discipline are you, anyway?” she asks casually. “I toyed with going into physics for awhile, but I wound up in chemistry. Metis University.”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
hiroka doesn't actually like the title of "mad scientist".
Nah; she hasn’t exactly embraced the term, but it doesn’t really bother her.
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
hiroka has probably threatened people with experimenting on them?
Hiroka hates the term “threats.” She prefers to think of them as “promises.”
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
Hiroka is lonely, but probably hasn't let herself acknowledge it
This has been true at various points in her life.
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geniuscaldwell · 5 years
Hiroka actually enjoys lighting things on fire sometimes.
Oh-so-very true.
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