genialbrilliance · 10 years
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I’m glad that I make you remember home and your family. But I still wish I could do more for you. Because sometimes you forget and it hurts to stand by your side — not because you think I’m a stranger, but because you believe you’ve lost them.
I’m afraid of failing. Failing to save you.
I understand that you could send me away to keep me safe, like you’ve done with others. I will hate you when you do that, but don’t think you’re getting rid of me that easily.
I know I can’t stay forever, with you and that face. But please, let me stay for as long I can.
You make me remember it all-- the hurt, the laughter. And I'm so bloody thankful for you, I'm-- not the murder, I'm not the man I thought I was with you around, and...you've shown me so much more. You've given this old man love again, Clara. And never be afraid of failing me or to save me, I don't always know what the timelines say, and I can't always have control of our futures, but you-- you're always so impossibly bright! You're-- forever even if I'm not, through my memories and the memories of others. And if-- I ever leave or send you away, it's because I can't stand to see you burn. Oh it's so much more than I want to leave you behind-- you can stay as long as you're safe-- My impossible girl...
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genialbrilliance · 10 years
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Once again-- I'm not dead.
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
[shoulder smack for the Doctor, and yes, she smacks just like her mother]
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--Eh! What was that for...
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
ooc; time to head back to hooj account mis compadres
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to rank me on any scale. I know I’m just a leaf blown into your life. You’ve loved so many with those big hearts of yours. To have had the chance to know you this well, it’s all I needed. Don’t mind the dying or the nightmares, as long as you’re safe and sound.
Besides, I always know. You don’t have to say it out loud.
I think you’re just bad at remembering some things. But I’m here to help you with that, for as long as you need me to.
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What's with the face-- I know that forced smile, Clara. And-- you are more than just a leaf. I have loved, lost and gained more than any other man in this universe, and no matter how small a time I have with a person...they are more than just a leaf that the winds of time blow in. You are a lotus, blooming with the most intricate of beauty-- and you are brilliant just like the rest, but you're more than just someone who's in my life, just like the rest...but different.
With you I remember it's not always what I think-- that the darkness in that sector that used to be my home hides a pocket universe, and that's amazing. You're amazing and never, EVER sell yourself short..,
Clara-- oh Clara you know. You always do.
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
The Holy Trinity is back. Geronimo!
We're getting the band back together.
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
you play hojo
ooc; I stumble blindly into that character at best. And yes, I do at turpium. Which if I am not here-- I am there.
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
d-enxo replied to your post:ooc; holy shit i gained 20 followers from just...
[ hello v. beautiful doctor blog yes ]
ooc; blushu; you're too much
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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ooc; holy shit i gained 20 followers from just being a pain in the ass and returning. 
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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I suppose Chinny is still working on fixing it, ‘cause he mentioned something and I just sorta pretended I didn’t know what he meant. — How’s that a trick question?
It’s just, sometimes you seemed too happy that our marriage was cancelled. Then you don’t seem to mind that we’re still together.
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Ah-- good ol' other face. Maybe I can forgive him for having horrible tastes in shoes and classic rock-- well maybe not the classic rock bit, but maybe for the shoes if he's workin' on this still. It's a trick question because I say yes, you ask on a scale of one to ten where you rank and if I say no you get horribly offended and think you're a bad wife--
However if I say nothin' I'm still in hot water.
I'm happy our marriage was cancelled-- specially since neither of us knew what was happening. Plus, I've been told I'm a bad husband, and maybe you need none of that.
But you're still that impossible woman I've been chased by and that's the best thing. 
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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' now now, how about i make it up to you with something, doctor? also, many thanks for not crashing the TARDIS into the presidential garden, my secretary would have my head if you were to do so. ‘
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  "Why mister President-- what an offer-- though, I'm gonna have to see what you can offer and all. TARDIS. Timelord, yeah. Well, I tried to not the landscaping-- it looked so nice this time around, nothing like Nixon's ugly hedges."
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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I love how you ‘fix’ things, toupée boy. Tell me I’m not the worst wife you’ve ever had.
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But-- I did fix things, mostly. I'm waiting on other things to confirm it's fixed and not-- kind of fixed. And-- that's not a trick question is it?
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
First comes the berserk, and then after comes the break. His death is all that’s been on her mind for months, and it is the last thing she wants to inflict on him. She’d been back to the square, the box, the cage of number one, but unlike the first time when she looked, hopeful for a bright new life, she’d now been despairing at one lost. She’d ran and read and chased down every rumor but nothing — nothing ever — And then suddenly he was here again.  It hurts that he’d think such would be all she’d want to do to him down, but she cannot blame him for a very accurate assessment of her initial reaction.  She does not want to punch him, though. All she wants now is just to hold him for a bit, and hope he won’t ( let ) go again. When expected to beat him up, however, she does not dare topple herself towards him. The hands supposedly meant for hurting him are raised only to herself.
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She just really missed him. 
And he is mixed with madness and sorrow. He-- never wanted this...never wanted to see her like this and never in his wildest nightmare ever dream that she'd be so inconsolable. The words that hurdle from his mouth are a mix of apologies and songs from days of old, not able to properly English-- Gallifreyan sings about, air from his lungs of course.  
Worry etches upon hazel brow, and he moves forward when she breaks, when hands meet her face, and he knows in his years that only tears come now, and he's the one that had caused them, in his selfishness-- he'd left them behind for a fickle thing that he couldn't even materialise.
He'd been the one to lose it all-- dare to throw away a family for a selfish whim of fancy in flight, but now-- now as she's like this and he knows. Apologies still spill forth and he wants to reach forward and hold her-- so he lets go of the farfetched beating worry and draws her close.
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"I'm-- an idiot. I'm so sorry."
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
feminaimpossibile replied to your post:
I didn't know those were the magic words!
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Neither did I to say the least-- but I fixed it...mostly. Hopefully.
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
singlasses started following you
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"-- Oh yes I see how it is Albert, one test gone wrong and you leave me danglin' in the wind."
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genialbrilliance · 11 years
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ooc; Hello you lot! My name is Beanie. I'm a doctor, no really. Here's the degree I'm working on. I'll be a full doctor in a couple of years from now, and I finally got my life in order enough to balance here and another account. I'm assuming you all are coming from xnevermindus who is taking my absence in absolute stride. If you'd wish to RP send me a message and we'll see what we can cook up--
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