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I tend to wonder through the universe.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
gemtales · 7 days ago
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gemtales · 9 days ago
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Take a picture, it will last longer
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gemtales · 9 days ago
Incorrect quotes TIMBERN again, because I said so:
Tim: Bern.
Bernard, half awake, it's two in the morning: Hm?
Tim: Will you love me forever?
Bernard: Odd question—
Tim: Usually people say they'll love someone till the day they die but, maybe I don't wanna stop being loved when I die. Maybe I wanna be loved for all eternity no matter what happens. Maybe I wanna be loved even when I die, even after.
Bernard: Mm, that's nice babe. Sure, I'll love you even when we're ghost, having... Freaky ghost sex.
Tim, kicks him under the blankets:
Bernard, snickering:
Random reporter at a gala: Mr. Drake-Wayne! Mr. Drake-Wayne! It seems you've brought a plus one tonight! Who is he?
Tim, committed to a bit here, looking over at Bernard: Huh? Oh... Oh. Oh, I have no idea.
Tim, without hesitation or pause, throws himself at Bernard and they begin making out:
Bernard, also committed to the bit, making it the sloppiest make out session possible right in front of the camera:
The camera zooms out to see Dick's horrified face and Bruce's tired expression:
(That's how Tim came out as bisexual to the public.)
Bernard, with Tim, walking at night: This is romantic— well, as romantic as Gotham can get.
Tim, holding his hand: It is, and Gotham is very romantic, for your information. I rather like the aesthetic.
Bernard: Well, I for one, like your aesthetic.
Tim: Oh? And what is it you like about it?
Bernard: The eye bags and pale skin, really, brings out the sickly Victorian attitude—
Dick, getting throw from the rooftops and crashing into a nearby wall:
Jason, running out from the same direction, shooting rapidly into the darkness: HI TIM!
Tim: I f#&-#%@ hate this family.
Bruce, formally meeting Bernard for the first time: And what exactly are your intentions with my son?
Tim: Bruce, really?
Dick: It's our responsibility, baby bird, only the best for you.
Jason, who was dragged here against his will, reading in the background: I don't care about any of this bulls-#t.
Bernard, making direct eye contact with Tim:
Tim, trying to telepathically tell him no in every language he knows:
Bernard: My intentions are simple sir, to love him, be with him forever, and show him the appreciation he deserves.
Tim, pinching the bridge of his nose:
Bernard: And also find a pair of handcuffs he can't get out of—
Bernard: That's not what you called me last night—
Tim: ONE JOB! You had ONE JOB!
Bernard: I think I did that pretty well last night—
Jason, slowly looking up from his book:
Bruce, feeling his last functional brain cell imploding:
Kon: So, what's Bernard like, is he a good guy?
Tim: Oh, yeah, he's great! We attempted to summon the Jersey Devil last night before making offerings to Dionysus and then sent videos of ourselves singing along to Chapel Roan to Ra's Al Ghul and I made sure it'd play on all his devices, he won't be able to turn them off anytime soon.
Kon: Is... That's...
Tim: Romantic, right?
Kon: . . . Y'know what? Good for you, happy for you, buddy.
Tim: Thanks! We're gonna make calzones tonight and genetically modify garlic.
Alfred: I hear you wish to be a chef some day.
Bernard: Oh, yeah! I love cooking, kinda always have, it's like a break from regular Gotham city chaos.
Alfred, just glad he finally has someone to pass down family recipes to: Yes, my boy, it is.
Tim, half asleep, stumbling out his bedroom at four in the afternoon on a weekend:
Bernard: Hey, sleepy head!
Tim, stumbling right up to Bernard, throwing his arms around him:
Bernard: ???
Tim: What if the churozzle is-tha mcgraffle?
Bernard: . . . What?
Tim, promptly falls asleep against Bernard:
Bernard, making a TikTok: I was nice to the exchange student ONE TIME in high school.
*The camera zooms over to Tim, dressed in Grinch footie pajamas, there's a smudge of SOMETHING on his cheek, his eyes are glazed over, the television is playing some old Care Bear rerun, he's hunched over, hair in the messiest bun known to man, and he's eating cereal that's so soggy that the fruit loops have become one with the milk, creating an odd, pastel rainbow liquid slop.*
The paparazzi waiting for the Wayne's to show up to a very, very important, high class social event and charity gala in Gotham that the Wayne's have been attending for generations, not even Bruce has ever appeared as anything less than well behaved:
*The Wayne's limo arrives, Alfred calmly walks around, opening the door*
Damian, falling out as soon as the door opens, scrambling back: DOWD YOU DEFILER! DISHONOR TO YOU! DISHONOR TO YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!
Cass, dragging Jason out who's waving a gun around, yelling for the first time anyone's ever heard in public: YOU CANNOT SHOOT HIM! TIM IS RIGHT THERE! BERNARD, GET OFF HIM!
Stephanie, cackling like a mad man with her mouth full of popcorn, this is pretty much the only reason she came:
Duke, getting out to stand to the side: Can we just f#&#@# leave them?? They ain't stoppin' anytime soon and I really don't wanna be around when this progresses.
Bruce, casually getting out the limo, giving Alfred a tight smile as he passes him, going to meet with Barbara and Jim:
Jim, absolutely horrified: By God, Bruce, what happened?
Bruce: Tim turned 21 today, so Alfred sat him and his boyfriend down before we came here for a few rounds of drinks. Unfortunately, we miscalculated how much of a lightweight they both are... And how they might act while drunk.
*The paparazzi cameras zoom to Bernard and Tim passionately making out in the back of the limo...*
Kon, who is here with a less than impressed Lex Luthor: GET IT, TIM!!!
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gemtales · 10 days ago
You think you're staying "informed" by doomscrolling through your social feeds 24/7? That's exactly what they want. It's literally designed to keep you angry, scrolling, and - most importantly - doing absolutely fucking nothing.
It's OKAY to edit your feeds so you don't see that shit when you're just trying to exist
You do NOT have to consume the world's suffering every second of every day to be a "good activist" - and by the way? You're not even getting "informed" by scrolling. You need to actually look up real articles OFF of social media to understand what's happening
Hitting like and share isn't activism. Sorry. It just isn't.
You wanna actually do something?
Learn your neighbors' names. ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM about what's happening
Join your school board and ask them face-to-face why they're against queer education
Stand up to your racist uncle instead of "keeping the peace" (peace for WHO exactly?)
Find out what abortion rights groups are ALREADY DOING in your area instead of reinventing the wheel
Join an actually inclusive church (you know, like Jesus would've wanted) and see what they're ALREADY DOING to make the world better
And for fuck's sake, stop saying "oh I don't talk about politics" - YOUR SILENCE IS POLITICAL
NEWSFLASH: You don't have to start the fucking underground railroad by yourself. That shit ALREADY EXISTS - you just never had to use it before. Lucky you. So volunteer if you're a safe person, at whatever level works for you:
Send money
Show up in person
Pack supplies
Make pamphlets
Whatever you can do
Not everything's gonna get you in the history books and you know what? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.
And here's something else that matters: Going to trauma therapy - REAL trauma therapy with a therapist informed in decolonization practices - is a RADICAL ACT. If you have the means to do it, DO IT. Healing yourself is part of the work too.
You grew up with some racist/sexist views? Yeah, most of us did. You can't get stuck there. There's too much at stake. It's time to deconstruct. It's time to do the work.
But scrolling and sharing posts while feeling guilty? That's not the work. That's what they want you to think the work is.
Get off your phone. Talk to your neighbors. Show up at meetings. Stand up to family. THAT'S the work.
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gemtales · 10 days ago
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(via Flames Consume Tesla : r/clevercomebacks)
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gemtales · 10 days ago
Native Americans are being targeted by ICE agents.
Native. Americans. Y’know, the people who were here before all the white people.
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gemtales · 10 days ago
In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.
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P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
EDIT: Well this got a lot of attention! I got a few users asking to print or repost my art and I am unimaginably grateful to everyone's interest, especially since it's a really simple drawing I made on a whim haha! Anyone who is looking to print these out to hang or hand out or repost on another platform is free to do so, although I ask you to credit me and let people know it's from my Tumblr profile! If anyone wishes to do anything else with my art or post and wants to clarify what I consent to then they can message me privately and I'll explain! <333 all my love to my queer siblings
EDIT: I made an LGBTQIA+ version with a focus on trans and intersex folks, it's on my pinned if you prefer this version of the acronym.
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gemtales · 11 days ago
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gemtales · 11 days ago
accidentally typed "trench kiss" instead of "french kiss". anyone wanna hold hands and kiss in a muddy hole full of rats as bullets and grenades and artillerary shells fly over our heads?
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gemtales · 18 days ago
I know we all make jokes and memes about it, like ‘lol, Trump said we are the gender we were at conception, we’re all female now. 🤪’
but like
that doesn’t…scare you?
This is your administration. This is the knowledge that your government has….and they get high-school biology wrong. This law had to have been cross-read by several people before it was passed.
This is your government.
A bunch of rich fascists who don’t know basic science.
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gemtales · 18 days ago
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She is so cute!
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gemtales · 18 days ago
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gemtales · 18 days ago
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gemtales · 18 days ago
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gemtales · 18 days ago
Miraculous Ladybug is so funny to me compared to other superhero/magical girl media, particularly how they get their powers.
For example in My Hero Academia you're born with them and their usefulness is mostly a question of luck and genetics
In One Punch Man and Dragon Ball (and Prime Defenders - very niche reference) some rare people are born with them or acquire them in a supernatural event
In Sailor Moon you gotta be the reincarnation of a goddess
In W.I.T.C.H. (also niche reference) you're chosen by an ancient magical council
In Winx you gotta be an alien fairy princess
In Marvel it depends but if you start off as a normal person you have to at least be a genius and sometimes train for years.
In Carmen Sandiego it's purely technology
Feel free to add other examples in the rbs
And then there's Miraculous Ladybug, where a teenage girl has a box full of jewels powerful enough to destroy the universe, and if she likes you even a little bit she just might lend you one and let you tag along
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gemtales · 23 days ago
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the trolley problem vs. systemic oppression: a comic.
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gemtales · 23 days ago
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And together they were unlimited! (Oh my god, together they were unlimited)
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