the ocean returns
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david - 23- they/he - UTD ATEC '22gay for the sea! mobile: faq
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gemkids · 1 year ago
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angelite originally designed by @hantabe and their jellyfish pearl
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gemkids · 2 years ago
Awww I really miss your su drawings :(
i miss doing it too but i'm always overwhelmed with things i want to draw + SU ending made me lose interest in the show
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gemkids · 2 years ago
Also what procreate brush is that :0
no just was talking about SU with friends and decided to draw some random guys
link for the brush i made
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gemkids · 2 years ago
Are u deaaad
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gemkids · 2 years ago
hi seashell…
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gemkids · 3 years ago
Hi are you still alive?
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gemkids · 4 years ago
hi im rlly sorry i ask so many questions i just think youre really fun and cool ^^; anyway do you mind traditional artists making fanart/fusing with your characters? thank you ^^
any fanart is good, tag me so i can see :^)
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gemkids · 4 years ago
hi, are sea sapphire and blood ruby dating? sorry if you already answered this ^^;
yeah they eventually get together at the end of their story!!! i've been inconsistent on "when" things i draw take place because i like jumping all over the place.. they don't stay as a permafusion though because sea sapphire wants ruby to be able to live their own life but they'll stay together with them
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gemkids · 4 years ago
hi! Do you have any tips for designing a fusion? I rlly like the idea of making a permafusion like garnet but idk how to design fusions. thank you :)
:^) like singular gems, i think fusions need to have a theme that you can design around. it doesnt have to be very obvious or single-minded but it should give you something to work with, especially for permafusions
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in the podcast (episode 10) garnet is described as being like ruby and sapphire's child because she has a bit of both of them but is still her own person. how much the fusion embodies the relationship of the gems involved is up to you, since they can be formed out of romantic love, familial love, hate, fear, guilt, vengeance, or pretty much any emotion, as long as the participants are harmonious!
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so combine a bit from the component gems and their relationship with one another to figure out a theme to run with. for fusions i would suggest to visually design them (uncoloured) before deciding on a gem type, unless they're a canon pairing. fusions seem to choose their own names & it's not based in any real combination of gemstones. garnet named herself that because she (ruby and/or sapphire) had seen other garnets on homeworld before, but fusions and single gems of the same type can also look different from each other, so you should decide on your own which direction to take.
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you should also keep in mind the fusion's own backstory and where they reside! a newly formed fusion living on earth after the dismantling of the gem empire would have far less stress and negative judgement than one who's been hiding in homeworld's kindergardens since era 1. you can incorporate as much personal details from the components as you think fit, like garnet's split-colour pants, or rhodonite's pearl's gloves and rhodonite's ruby's shorts and little boot.
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a last note that's still pretty important: extra arms, eyes, and other body parts are not an indication that the relationship that the fusion embodies is unstable or toxic!!! simply do what you feel looks right, or take inspirations from canon fusions, even if they're not the same type. have lots of legs like a caterpillar, multiple torsos, a double-faced head, backwards hands, anything that's cool!!!
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gemkids · 4 years ago
How did blood ruby get that crack on her gem again? (Sorry if anyone already asked this)
in the "main story" of my AU they had tracked down sapphire to an abandoned colony where they both fell into the canyons from a great height. sea sapphire made it through okay but blood ruby didn't quite do the same
blood ruby is especially susceptible to cracking, so combined with their job as a gem hunter, they would shatter quite often. because they were such a hard worker & had otherwise great results, scapolite would go through the trouble of reforming them every time and immediately sending them off to their next job
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gemkids · 4 years ago
Congrats!!! I’m lowkey jealous cause I honestly wish I had a graduation like some schools have. And because of virtual learning, I never got the chance to start my freshman year off right.
my graduation was a youtube video for each school naming all of the graduates :D honestly i couldnt care less my school experience was meh even before last year, but i hope you eventually get to do in-person classes safely
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gemkids · 4 years ago
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i graduated from cool leg :) now i have no excuse not to draw gems anymore
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gemkids · 4 years ago
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wishing you a merry christmas and a happy new year ………….,
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gemkids · 4 years ago
Ooo did you redesign Thulite’s outfit??? It looks good!
yea i always redesign adoptables to my personal taste , but i try to keep it close enough to the original version. i did this last december before i drew that christmas pic of her! thulite was originally argyle diamond & created by @/hantabe (left art here) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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to the person that asked if she has legs under her dress, yes she do, she probably wears like full-leg heeled boots, maybe same colour as her gloves. she’s hot
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gemkids · 4 years ago
Hey Thulite can you tell us Humans and Gems a bit about yourself?
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(image: professionally, i am the lead designer here at the reef, where we specialise in pearl customisation & restoration~)
other thulites will work in other areas of the empire, some oversee worker gem production (making sure everyone looks the way they’re supposed to) while others will create fashion for the gem elite, as permissible by the diamonds. this all is stuff from before era three of course, but who knows what’s become of the reef after the empire dissolved! o_o
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gemkids · 4 years ago
So, will sea sapphire and blood ruby get out of the situation theyre in okay?
eventually!!!!!! it just takes... a few hundred years.....
blood ruby’s crack gets worse and worse over time and eventually they poof because they can’t maintain their physical form anymore. sea sapphire is defective and doesn’t have normal gem abilities ,so going back to homeworld is NOT an option for them... so they stay there for years and years... until they see steven’s message to the universe announcing the end of the gem empire!
sea sapphire doesn’t know who this kid is but if he was able to stop the diamonds then he could do anything, like fix ruby’s gem!!! probably!!! with this last bit of hope, they journey all the way to earth (mountain climb until they find the warp pad and figure out the way to the crystal system) to seek out this “steven” and finally bring back their ruby
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blood ruby and sea sapphire will have a happy ending :) or else :)
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gemkids · 4 years ago
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