gelaaaybeans · 8 years
I was supposed to be her The girl you would think about when you wake up Who you text first, and get anxious waiting for her reply That girl you want to wake up next to Your heart was supposed to shout my name I was supposed to say yes I was supposed to be yours But I didn't say yes I turned away I was a fool to believe you weren't good enough That you would leave and never look back That you weren't strong enough to fight for me But i was so wrong And now I'm looking at you Still hoping, although I know you are already happy That she said yes, and never turned away That she actually believed you And loved you so much That she trusted you And I was supposed to be her But no, I didn't become her.
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gelaaaybeans · 8 years
Movie Tech Review
[Background Information]
The movie is all about a boy named Hiro Hamada. It shows how he never gave up on what he knew was worth the fight. It also shows about a love that knows no end between friends and family.
it makes us realize that there are no limits with what we can do with technology
people might slowly rely on technology until the time comes when technology rules the world
Do you agree with their findings? Provide justification.
- I agree with their findings because in today’s world, technology could really be a big help.
Provide recommendations regarding the study by providing additional scene or different ending (explain)
-If I could add a scene, I would like to add a scene where Hero went to college to continue to learn more about robots and then he can create a robot that could keep the world safe from harm
Can said scene/movie be replicated in the Philippines? How will it help and change the country? 
-It can help the country by improving its condition with the help of technology. Especially in our country where crimes could happen anywhere.
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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5 Seconds of Summer performing “Amnesia” on Strictly Come Dancing +
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
But I have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and I choose both.
Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye, “An Origin Story” (via tsarkoshei)
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
i want to wear your hoodies and stay up talking about the universe with you until 3 am and i want to hold your hand and kiss your face and hug you when im sad and have marathons of our favourite shows 
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
You are like night, calmed, constellated. Your silence is star-like, as distant, as true.
Pablo Neruda, ”I Like You Calm, As If You Were Absent” (via dreamsofadventures)
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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he falls into darkness to let her s h i n e
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
How funny it is when we start reminiscing about the past. When we go back to those days where love came to us. But as humans, we sometimes let it go and start to have regrets. Well, let me tell you something. We experience regret because we did a wrong thing. Wrong decisions serve as a lesson for us. Yes, we made a wrong thing. But still, we already know what to do if we enter that kind of situation again right?
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
Life and love is all about chances. Is it true? Maybe yes, maybe no. Not everyone believes in that. Well, let me tell you a story. There was a girl who loved a boy. She is imperfect, he is perfect. She loved him so much but he didn't seem to notice her. Well, that's what she thought. But she was wrong. He loved her more than she loved him. Cliché isn't it? But that's how it is. She had a lot of chances to tell him how she feels but she just threw them away. One day, he confessed. Well, she was insecure and she did not believe him. She told the guy to leave her alone that they were not made for each other. He didn't stop there. He proved that his love for her is true. Until she believed. Okay, we think we know the ending, right? They would end up together. Well, that's not what happened. She eventually told him how she felt. Of course, they became a couple. But in just a blink of an eye, she lost him. She lost him in a car accident. He was brought to the hospital, but he didn't make it. Now tell me, what have we learned? Well, we just realized we should grab every opportunity that comes our way. Why? Because sometimes, we throw away a thousand chances thinking that there would be a thousand more. That's what we believe but that's not what will happen. Sometimes, it isn't bad to take chances. As long as we don't regret. In her case, she took the chance, but it was already too late. She lost him. Of course, in the end, she had regrets. We cannot avoid that. But hey, at least she took the chance right? But that's not what it is. She should have taken it earlier. But at least before he died, she had the courage to tell him that she loved him from the very first day. That's a memory they both can cherish forever. If they aren't meant to be together here on earth, maybe in heaven they are. Well, love is really about chances. Life is about taking chances. See the difference? Now, let's not forget that we should see every chance as the last chance. Love is rare. We should grab it when it comes so that we won't have regrets. For regrets is the most unwanted feeling to feel.
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
It's July 14. This is the date when we first met. Well, it was also the first day i fell inlove with you. Love at first sight perhaps? I really dont know. We became friends, then best friends, and eventually lovers. It was the happiest day of my life. But its also the saddest. Well, we were such a perfect couple. We had the same interests. Well, we thought that we were meant to be. But we were wrong. I thought i didn't love you anymore. So i broke up with you. I know it's my fault why our relationship ended so fast. But now, i'm the one who is filled with regrets. I ignored your messages, rejected your calls, and didn't care about your efforts just to get me back. But now it's too late to regret. You are happy with her. You've moved on. I haven't. Still, sometimes I wonder if there are times that you think of me and miss me like i miss you. I had an angel but i chose to let it go. Its so funny why I'm the one that's still stuck in the time that you were mine and i was yours. It's a lesson learned for me. I just hope that she is making you happy and that she won't leave you like i did. Because if she did, i know that she will really regret. I dont expect that you will love me again. I just really want to let you know how i feel. Everybody says that love hurts. Well, they are wrong. Rejection hurts, regret hurts, loneliness hurts, and losing someone hurts. But in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes us feel wonderful again. I will try to move on. I just hope that love will heal me soon. Well, just be happy for me. Remember that, i loved you, i love you, and i will always love you.
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gelaaaybeans · 10 years
Everybody knows about the story of Romeo and Juliet right? How their love was so perfect. How they were so perfect. They were a match made from heaven. But wait, not everyone knows about Rosaline. Who is Rosaline? Well, she is Romeo's first love. She was the first one to feel how Romeo loved a woman. In just one glimpse, she lost that love. She was the first one to hear Romeo's vows of love. Well, she's Romeo's first. While everybody was busy focusing on Romeo and Juliet, Rosaline was ignored. Her tears were unseen, her cries unheard, her pain unfelt, and her heartbreak unnoticed. Well, nobody cares. They don't care because Romeo is made for Juliet and Juliet is made for Romeo. Love is all about sacrifices. Rosaline proved that. She remained silent for Romeo's happiness. She didn't make a scene. She loved Romeo so much that she was willing to feel the pain and go through hell just so that Romeo could be happy with Juliet. A lot of people are sometimes like Rosaline. Only god knows their pain. Well, this is humanity. We cannot love without feeling the pain. Pain makes us stronger. All we have to do is move on and just look forward for the future.
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