geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 5 Social Media Listening Tools for your Business in 2019
Are you listening? Every day people are talking about your brand on social media and web that may alter the perception about your brand for better or worse. It is essential to gauge the social sentiment to understand how customers think and feel about your brand. Incorporating this valuable feedback can help you differentiate your brand in the marketplace.
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Now, if you want to implement social listening in your business. How do you go about it? Here are the top 5 social listening tools you can use to in your business in 2019
Awario: Awario is a new bee in the market, that helps in social media and web monitoring at an affordable price. With this social listening tool, you can monitor mentions of your brand, competitors, industry. You can set up Boolean queries for complex tasks such as finding backlinks to your website. Its add-on leads module provides predictive insights to find customers who are searching for similar products that your company might offer. 
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 5 predictions for AI in 2019
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a science fiction,but a reality. Autonomous cars, Alexa and Smart Compose for Gmail are someapplications of AI in our day to day lives. Enterprises are leveraging on computingpower of AI to make informed decisions, engage with customers and drive sales. Asper Gartnerthebusiness value of AI is forecast to reach $3.9 trillion in 2022.
No doubt, AI has a bright future. But what does 2019 has in store? Here are the top 5 predictions for AI in 2019:
Humanization of AI: Online stores have used chat bots for customer support. However, their responses often seem unnatural, hindering customer experience. Enterprises will experiment with natural language processing (NLP) to make them relatable and human. Many companies will invest in creating virtual agents with face and voice to humanize the customer experience.
Rise of Digital Assistants: Enterprises have treated AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) as distinct IT topics. In the year 2019, enterprises will combine AI and RPA technologies to drive innovation. Forrester predicts that RPA and AI will join forces to create digital workers for more than 40% of enterprises. Read more
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 12 Social Media Tools (Free and Paid) for your business-Updated!
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Intimidated? the pace of change on Social Media can sometimes overwhelm even the experienced marketers. Finding new content, scheduling content and driving engagement on so many different social platforms is a daunting task.
Good news is marketers can now turn to Social Media tools to manage and optimize their social media campaigns. But, how do you choose the right Social Media tool for your business? What are their features? Can you afford them?
Look no further, here is the list of popular Social Media (free and paid) Tools to meet your business goals
Buffer App: Social Media Management and Scheduling App for Marketing on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Buffer is a popular tool for social media management and scheduling posts across a variety of social media platforms. It schedules content on the best possible time of the day and evaluates the performance of the content. With free and paid options Buffer is suitable for all business sizes. Try a demo at Buffer.com
HopperHQ: The New Social Media Scheduling App for Instagram and Facebook
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 5 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important for Your Business
Top 5 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important for Your Business
Content is what creates a story around your brand. Content Marketing helps you to educate customers and guide them through the buyer’s journey. Content Marketing is a great way to creates conversations, drive engagement and build trust with your customers.
Leading brands such as Coca-Cola, Amazon have used Content Marketing build a connection with their audience. Joe Pulizzi (Author, Epic Content…
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 5 Social Media Trends in 2019
Top 5 Social Media Trends in 2019
As we inch closer to 2019, here is my list of top 5 Social Media Trends in the coming year.
Experience Augmented Reality: This year snapchat rolled out Augmented Realityfeature for marketers around the world. Many brands like IKEA are using Virtual Reality app to create a virtual shopping experience for their customers. In fact, Augmented Reality markets will surpass $162 billion by 2020.Looking…
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 5 Marketing Automation Tools that help you Build a Strong Sales Funnel
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As per Forrester Research, Marketers who implement marketing automation increase their sales pipeline contribution by 10% over marketers who don’t use automation. Here is the round-up of top 5 marketing automation tools that help you build a strong sales funnel.
Pardot: Pardot is a B2B marketing automation tool by salesforce that helps companies improve lead generation by aligning marketing and sales teams. Using Pardot’s editor you can easily build visually appealing and personalized email marketing campaigns. The best part is that Pardot sends you a notification when email links are clicked so that you won’t miss an opportunity to follow up on a lead.
Oracle Eloqua: Oracle Eloqua is a marketing automation tools that help you track customers through different stages of the buyer’s journey. It can also help you pinpoint buyer’s triggers and respond to them in real time. With this automation tool, you can create personalized campaigns on email, social, mobile and search. Read More
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Social Media Tools (Free and Paid) for your business
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Intimidated? the pace of change on Social Media can sometimes overwhelm even the experienced marketers. Finding new content, scheduling content and driving engagement on so many different social platforms is a daunting task.
Good news is marketers can now turn to Social Media tools to manage and optimize their social media campaigns. But, how do you choose the right Social Media tool for your business? What are their features? Can you afford them?
Look no further, here is the list of popular Social Media (free and paid) Tools to meet your business goals
Buffer: Buffer is a popular tool for scheduling posts across a variety of social media platforms. It schedules content on the best possible time of the day and evaluates the performance of the content. With free and paid options Buffer is suitable for all business sizes.
Social Drift: Social Drift is an automated social media tool that helps your business grow Instagram Traffic. Social Drift automates likes, comments and following on your Instagram account to drive engagement and traffic. This Machine learning solution has filters for targeting a specific audience.
IFTTT: IFTT (If This Then That) is a free service that lets you link different tools based on a set of instructions. For instance, you can trigger a Facebook post every time you publish a blog. IFTT is a powerful tool your business can use to increase traffic, shares and followers. 
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
10 Email Marketing Best Practices for 2018
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Despite the rising popularity of digital media, marketers still use email marketing in the marketing mix. Why? because email marketing provides the best ROI among all digital marketing channels.
Do you want to acquire new customers? or increase brand awareness? Here are few tips and best practices for email marketing to achieve your goals in 2018
Make an impact with a great subject line: As per Optinmonster whopping 69% of recipients report an email as spam based on the subject line. Therefore, writing a good subject line is essential to boosting open rates and deliverability. Write humorous, intriguing and simple subject lines to get the attention of the email recipient.
Timing is everything: Choose the right time and day to send your emails. Top email marketers believe that Tuesday morning is the best time to send mailers to gain traction. Experiment with different times to understand what works well for your target audience. Read More
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
The Secrets of Content Marketing for Instagram
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Agreed! with 1 billion monthly active users (that is 13% of the global population), Instagram offers massive opportunities for marketers to promote their brand. But, how do you stand apart from the crowd? how do you engage with your followers? How do you stay relevant? How to create quality Instagram content to increase Instagram traffic?
In this article, you can discover how to create effective, proven and engaging Instagram content marketing strategies for 2018.
Tip #1: Use Engaging Visuals to Tell Your Story
A picture paints a thousand words on Instagram. Choose images that effectively communicate your brand’s story. Brainstorm on content ideas that would benefit your customers. Pick no more than 2-3 themes
Tip # 2: Schedule your Instagram Posts to Drive Traffic on Instagram
Posting on a regular basis is pivotal to gaining more followers Instagram. Build a weekly calendar to keep a healthy content queue. Use apps like Later or Buffer to schedule your Instagram posts, thereby saving time. You can utilize this time to monitor conversations around your brand and engage with your audience. Read More
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
Review of Buffer – 2018 (Is it the right app for your business?)
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Buffer is a social media tool that allows you to schedule your posts across many different social media platforms. After linking social media accounts to Buffer, you can start working on your posts. You can build a post queue and the app will automatically schedule those posts. App has default posting times optimized for engagement on different social media platforms. Another feature of Buffer is the option of setting up posting times on your own.
Pricing: You can set up a free account on Buffer which lets you post 10 posts per account on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Paid version starts at $10, which supports 12 social media accounts and unlimited posts. You can also use Buffer’s mobile app to schedule posts from iOS and Android devices.
Pros of using Buffer are:
I find Buffer quite intuitive easy to use. The web extension makes it easier to add images, web pages to your social media post instantly. The drag-n-drop function comes in handy as well. Read More
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
17 Quick Ways to Promote Your Blog Post on Facebook that Drive more Traffic
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No doubt, with 2.23 billion monthly users, Facebook is a prime social media platform to promote your blog. But how?
Here is the comprehensive guide to using Facebook to drive traffic to your blog:
1)  Use Images: Make your blog stand out by incorporating an amazing image. As per Wishpond, posts with images get 120% more engagement on Facebook than posts with no image
2)  Compose a killer Headline: Write a killer headline that conveys value proposition. Use statistics to increase authority. Make your headlines standout on Facebook to drive more traffic to your blog. Read More
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geethawrites-blog · 6 years
How to Plan SEO Into Your Content Marketing Strategy
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What’s on your mind? is there something bothering you? What do you do?
That’s right you google it!
If you want to be on top of SERP (Search Engine Results Page), you will need to integrate SEO into your content marketing strategy.
1)   Research your target audience
Begin by creating buyer personas. These are fictionalized profiles of the ideal target audience. Research on factors such as demographics, their interests, priorities etc. Understand their pain points, what they are looking for. Next, brainstorm on topic ideas that appeal to your audience. Read more
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