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This week, it is a tricky and a moment to remember that brings learning for the near future. I can say that, it is not an easy week because its a big preparation of each team was done for the defense proposal of each project given. Well , it is good to experience either the good and bad side during and after the proposal. It is not because i am against from the opinions but it is a challenge to make someones team better and best about the mistakes or lacking of their group. There are top seven teams were got ready for this week proposal and somehow prepared too. Since it is top performing teams to present, there is also have top judges or panelists sitted in the table. One of these judges is Mr. Llido, an ambassador for expert in terms of businesses in the world. As expected, he is so much knowledgeable and has more experienced in businesses. He is unpredictable since I cant see him physically if all those traits above owns him and that's make amazing.
As the defense presentation started, each team felt normally nervous but each of team was ready to face it. On the process of presenting their start up, Mr. Llido was so focus and serious. In every presentor he got questioned, he can just see a simple start up but usually a start up is the most hard and never become simple and easy to get and come up in just that way as what he stated. Also judges give tricky questions which really makes disappointed and questionable about how to answer properly or what could be the right answer. Well , the teams might not give the direct and right answer as expected but i know each team learns behind those mistakes they had. It is a tricky one but thankful for the last defense.
As this blog ended about the defense, the teams as well as others learned so much well in this subject, technopreneurship and also with all the judges or panelists we had. In every hilly situation, i'm again thankful with my group mates that without them i can't enjoyed this semester with all the full force to exert in cooperation and patience. Thank you for all.
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The Journey
This week, it was the last week of my team to do task dealing with the subject, Technopreneurship. At first, I was glad because I belong to the team I really wanted, a team knows to treasure my capabilities in dealing with many situations we encountered during the short period of time. With this subject, I learned that this subject does not focused only of having problems supplied with solutions but the strong relationship that grows behind, bonds together and holds together in every situation may pass through the path. Along the way, I and my team experienced difficulties but still surpassed all of those problems due to the strong perseverance and determination to conquer any problems. Those problems were not easy but my team passed it because my team knows nothing is impossible if only we kept supported each other. The unity of my team push through to pass all these things that remain our strong friendship within one another.
Aside of those things, this week my team visited one of the targeted customers in our project. She got a problem with her water pump. What my team did is to check first the water pump and try to figure out the main problem of it. My team found out that something is lacking on the water pump. My team needed to buy some materials to supply the source of the water pump, then my team fix it until the whole system of the water pump is ready to use in the water. Of course, the customer was happy about the result and paid off the hard work we did with my team.
With all the whole journey I spent with my team, I never ever doubted why I belong with the team I had. It is not because we encountered many mistakes and misunderstanding of the topic or maybe knowledge to some point that we can’t answer all the questions given by the panelist. It is not a mistakes but rather a learning from me as well as my team. We never created as a team anyway to be perfect but it is destined to meet to learn in common ways. It is somehow disappointed with other member if they expect more or better from one another but what is important we still help one another to finish the whole journey. I was blessed with my team without any regrets. I was grateful for all the learning given by our instructor and panelists and to other people who are involved to finish our common goal. Thank you so much and God bless.
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Last week our team meet our final consultation to our instructor for our startup company with the help of advice and suggestion how run a startup and I learn lot of things how to make our startup successful together with my co teammates. I thought our presentation is perfect but our instructor finds out some important things that our team should do to make startup business successful in terms of how to get the actual revenue, how to mingle with the user to be able to survive our startup, and suggested also how to acquire more customers.
I think for the first time it is no need us to being consult by instructor because I expect we can handle things in starting a business but I realize it is very important to us so that we learn what our weaknesses. We are thankful that our instructor finds out that our mistakes because without the advice and suggestion our team would never know that our BMC is lacking. After the consultation our team gathered together and made corrections to our BMC because were not able to develop, give more information, and especially our team have lack of knowledge about key activities and resources in making a startup business.
In making a startup business I realize consultation is very important because without it our team will not know our mistakes and the things that we are lacking and need to develop to make our startup business successful. In our journey to build our own startup business our team needs more time and effort to make our business better and for me I’m not a business person but in the end or in the future it this subject will help me to build my own business.
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In the previous week we had done, my team and I attended the required seminar provided by our instructor. Our speaker named Mr. Rollan , an expert of dealing with businesses give us a guidelines and information on how to come up or handle properly and appropriately related about the start-up. Mr. Rollan gives an idea about what is CAC or Customer Acquisition Cost and CLV or Customers Lifetime Value. First , he gave a definition on what is CAC, it deals with financial money investment to acquire customers, to buy products from the company, or convince more customers from the advertisement of the company. He added that, CAC is somehow you shown from the customers like showing advertisement of the product which might increase the number of customers through the presentation they have seen about your product. An advertisements supposed to be an information about your products on what is all about and in what way does the product help improve and solve their needs. A good advertisement is one of the possible ways to acquire more customers. Second one is about CLV, it is an supported idea to understand better what is CAC. In constant, if we only have an advertisement, we should make sure that it is helpful and positive feedback will do and eye catcher or effective to convince the customer.
After the seminar, my team consulted our BMC, and gives more information about our plans to be done related to the distribution channel and ways that might gives additional help to go on with our start up. My team also added on giving evaluation for the feedbacks to the customers after they used the products so that my team can help to cater on their needs and also it also improves more our product. The seminar conducted by Mr. Rollan is very imformative and helpful on chosing which is best company to invest of products depending on the situation based on advertisement and product.
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In this previous week, my team is planning for the positive connection about the loyalty of our customers that they will consistently stay in dealing along with our product. Of course, my team must have to take part with them enable to know their sides or opinions so that my team can accommodate all their suggestions as possible. Its a give and take process, they can benefit from our quality product and then my team can benefit too by giving positive feed backs, exchange money, or suggestions to convince more and more customers. It is an advantage from my team if we get along together so that our relationship with each other will take long until become a loyal customers.
As my team interviewed these past days our customers, they labeled often our product in low price which can't gain any capital from the original expenses we can spend than their expected price. Its hard to interact directly on what could their expected price towards our product presented on them because many considerations should done. Of course, we also consider their sides but there are also some explanations that we should explain better to our customers on why we come up on that price because of its price and other considerations. It is okey from sellers(us) if my team can just have a little bit profit from the product at least we can see its start up is higher a bit than its capital. But i believe my team can fix this anyway or right away in just a glimpse.
As for me, pricing might matter as long as my team can produce better product. My team would never expect more from its capital if my team cant produce the quality of the product. I believe with the team i have, we can create productive and successful product. My team studied and planned so well for the improvement and continuity of the connection between my team and customers. My team will always asure that our product is safe and well-handed on all parts. Furthermore, customers are always the basis and main target to attain our business. Whatever will be the case, we take on part and open for any feedbacks they had.
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This week, my team and the other teams were asked to pitch their respective presentation in front of the intelligent judges inside the room. My team got nervous normally every time the pitch have started and all our members of the team just cooperate and look for the brighter side in order to deal our emotions on what we felt at that moment. During the pitch, our leader,Mike, who presented our proposed project. He made it well as expected in the presentation, but during the questions and answers portion, some part we answered and satisfied by the judges and some question was not. Maybe because there is an answer that the judge wants to hear from us since he is an expert in this field or might has knowledge on it that he doesn't satisfy our answers.
After the pitch and the questions portion were able to express ourselves on what we felt that time. There are advantages and disadvantages were happened. These advantages are the advices or feedbacks given by the judge/s which will improve better our project. While, these disadvantages are the own opinions we had, maybe the judges didn't got the point of our start up. It is more than a business, what we made through is make an start up that will cater the problems in some area in exchange of the praise as well as money too. Though the day was like that, we are glad for their time to hear and accept our presentation as our pitch that day. The results is always accepted since it is not harmful for us too. As i add an information about our project, we added another function for the back up generator in our project, the water/air pump, in case there is no availability of current there is no more hustle or problem to the part of our target customer. The added material will provide enough oxygen that will sustain the needs of the fishes inside the pond.
I've learned much especially to our judges, there advises are always accepted because they never advice harmful ways that leads for difficulty in the team. I understood what they felt too. And we thank them for always guiding us until we made this successfully. We thank them for the comments that gives learning and better outcome for the next task. What i knew, all things are meant to give just for the better in the next situation.
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From the past weeks that we had, a lot of preparation was done from the planning and process of the final output. And now, we are going sell our proposed product to the target customers we had and all of them were already interviewed from the past few weeks. Since we tackled about selling, my team is required to choose which kind of channel we will use, so what we have planned is compare first which is better and most valuable way to sell. The two ways we compared were about the on-hand selling like displaying or presenting to the target customers we had and the use of technology which is more rampant today, online selling. After that, we agreed that on-hand selling is better than online selling, the reasons of that is based on the statement given by our interviewers. Based on them, they wanted to see the actual output of the product, know how my team make it, and test if the product really working. So, by these we prefer to choose the on hand than online selling. Besides, we knew online is rampant but the thing is the customers didn't knew if the product is in good condition or not and if the system of it is working. In my observation too, many went to store to buy items like water pump and any other products they sell in the store.
My team learned to know on how to choose on which of these two channels can customers really satisfied. Based on the chosen channel, on hand selling, it is good when you reach out your product you can immediately see how contented or not your customers. Also your customer is one way to have a successful selling because if they were satisfied on it, the more they buy and tell to others to buy your product. My team was looking for successful and production week again. We look for positive things and days will happen to us. We hope that their is positive feedback we can receive and good start up will begin and go along the flow until the end.
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For this week, many things were happened for the task that my team needed to do and accomplish. A kind of exploration in all areas that my team needed to reach and ask relevant queation based on the purpose of the task. Well, my team have canvassed in several stores we recognized and knew based on the quality and cheap in level of prices in tools and materials of our project. We need to do this because we dont know yet how much money are we going to spend for the start up of our project. Since the target is canvassing, we dont have any choices but to find any stores we knew. Of course,our target was only focused in Cagayan de Oro City which is simplest, nearest and cheapest way we can have for now. We walked along the street under the heat of the sun and reached the store particularly located at Divisoria in IC Marketing store. This store as we all knew, they have plenty of materials as well as many choices of pricing of item based on the brand and quality of the it. We talked and interviewed more the sell personnel in the store if which items were more cater and sold which it gives guide for us that the item is really good and working as well due to the valid reason. My team was focused much well to the needed and highly recommended or the major materials that we need to use because these materials can't find easily because sometimes has limited resources. After the conversations of sell personnel of IC Marketing, we also asked the customers they had. A major questions that bring us for the next destination we visited, Tech Enthusiast, near Xavier University. Just a little distance from the previous store we visited. Same procedures we did to IC Marketing, we asked their in-charge sell personnel for the most sold and has cheap and quality materials. At the end of the trip, we're tired and thirsty like you need exert patience and effort for the need and fulfillment of the task.
In canvassing, its purpose was to compare and gather the prices that you listed based on the specific item you needed. In chosen you item, you need to consider particularly if you're out of budget, the price. Because you cant demand to the other members of your group to just give the money without any consideration. What if it will excess or lack in financial to the other members. The second, is the quality of the materials if it will last long or not. But based on the interviewees, the customers we talked. They prefer the cheap price not knowing the quality because of not enough money for the item which is more expensive. In an item, if it is more demand brand has very good quality, it also have high demand of price. It is just the same but what we needed for our product, we ask for productive materials to create a useful and profitable results. In the case of others, they never thought for the quality than the quantity of the item. This makes mistakes to some customers but any we cant avoid this one because we dont the other reason behind the perspective of others.
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This week, my team wasn't accomplished much well the pitch deck because of some problems we encountered during the process of presentation that we presented. These problems gave question to our minds about the expected target market size and the cash flow of our start up. My team actually thought for the assume cash flow only for our proposed project without any considerations which we never expect to be the cause of our problem after the pitch. It is because we weren't able to deeply understand on how to get the cash flow for our project and also considering the target market size. The target market size actually gives role or guide on how to come up with the right cash flow of our start up in relation with our proposed project. So, we consider these two things to get the specific and proper cash flow in our product. We thought at first, we just guess but afterwards, we learned there are processes to get the cash flow. And my team was satisfied on it.
With these problems, we learned to consult our discussion specifically our decisions from the higher one so that we can able to present the correct and specific way to get the cash flow. We never blame each other because of the mistakes but this gives reason to make better as soon as possible. We also thank our instructor for helping us to make better of presentation. A big help that our instructor pointed out the things that we need to improve from that we can learn and do better and best for the next presentation.
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Last week, our instructor announced to everyone to propose a product based on proposed project we had. My team was happy about it, yet our instructor told us that we might spent big amount of money for the product which cause problem too. What if we dont have any enough source of money to make our project? How could we handle this problem ? Well, some of us voice out their thoughts that we should also consider some positive ways like the profit we gained as well as the paid effort we exert or could my team satisfied at the end. We thought and planned about the possible things we can do.
It is not easier for our part if we spent our money without the good return too. From our plans, we need to compute the total expenses we can use for the product. It is not that less or much but we expect and hope to have better profit. We also assure our customers that they satisfy so much not only us but also them. This week, i only hope for the positive results will happen to our task and the outcomes might results at the end.
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This week was a kind of adventure again. It is not the typical week we had from the previous weeks we encountered with my team. Yet, I enjoyed the experiences and adventures we had since all of us cooperate and complete to do the task properly and systematically. A week to be called a challenge for us. Why ? It is because we only have few interviewees met and interviewed appropriately since some of them were close minded to tackle or share about our project. Our interviewees were great and good listener as well but we can't deny that some of them have negative sides about our project but what we have done was to tolerate and humble enough to respect their sides or own opinion with others.
` As we started our interview, some of the questions we ask talks about how much is their money they earned monthly or their monthly income for the family. This question trigger their ego which they thought we had something to do or whatever in their money. They ask why we need to tell them their income and we also answer and explain them in a professional manner too. We need to ask that question so that we have target price which negotiable to them. We should consider the side also for the customer that we can benefit to each other not only for my team and for Technopreneurship subject.
In the end of our experiences this week, we only have one customer that convince us a lot. Our customer was very open minded enough to understand our side and he is the one got our point properly. We explained to them our project from our design and prototype . He committed that, it is satisfying but he need to present actually our proposed project so that he can test and even see it properly the design and everything which is also good comment for us. My team also was satisfied for his comments which gives another lesson or learning for us. My team was happy enough to interview him. We thank him for everything and time to spend with us.
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I felt sorry for the delayed blog to be posted on my site because of being ill which i can't really move properly my body like what i normally do. This week, it is really a hard time for me to cooperate with my team because of my illness but i never forgot to do my job as a member in the team. I make follow up details with my co-members on what they are planning to do with this week and ask on it more. My team actually had a hard time to assemble ourselves for meeting due to conflict schedule of other important matters. Busy to the many things to be done and we need to prioritize our schedule if necessary too. We only have social media on chatting for communication of our team. And lastly, they conducted an interview.
Based on the conducted interview from our target person, they have skills or some sources of knowledge on how to make our proposed system. However, they have lacking things to make it more better since they don’t have further research about the system. With this comment from our interviewee, i also felt down and slightly motivated enough to cooperate more for our proposed system for aquatic creatures that we need to improve more and better to our customers that our project is the best compare to what they knew and made it. There are many considerations to be done in order to come up with best and long lasting system not just a simple one that easily damaged and untrustful work too. As an observation, we need to do more and more to make a best project we can proposed to our customers and show up to them the qualities we had that they don’t have and really compare the differences of our works than them.
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The Visitor
Another adventure of my team as well as for myself and it’s a kind of interesting and productive week for what I’ve experienced since something new was done. This week, as expected we are going to present our slide presentation in Technopreneurship subject and without expecting someone new was observing that was our unexpected visitor who was invited by our instructor. His named was Mr.James McCorkle, an expert of business and also a husband of our engineering instructor. And I and my team got nervous about what could be the results or comments of the visitor which might either be negative or positive towards our slide presentation yet we are thankful for him because he shared the both sides of good and bad of our project which we can improve for the better. And it was another good experienced for my team.
This week, based on what I’ve learned, there are kind of customers’ personality which we can deal of particularly in terms of processing and delivering our product to them. Those customers who has high or low earnings/ revenues customers. By observing and familiarizing those kind of customers we can able to know how could we handle them in terms of their needs in the particular product and how could we get their attention directly or convince to buy on it.
In getting the attention or convince our customers, we are advised to use the social media such as posting on Facebook and accept questions from them so that we can able to know the kind of needs really wants that can satisfy on them. By doing this, we can able to receive the other possible things we can improve to our project and other opportunities we can do just to have the good quality that the costumer expecting from us.
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Last week, our instructor gave an activity which is to present a slide presentation based on the given guidelines. I was aware from that activity and downloaded it to my laptop. But the sad thing I've done was i never informed my team about this activity directly. I was guilty about what happened about the results of our presentation which is really unprepared. It really bothered my mind and i felt sorry for my team for the whole times. As expected, our instructor reprimand our team as well as the others, it was liked the whole class since the others were unprepared too. This week was full of emotions and challenges yet i learned to know what is value proposition. Its purposes and importance on how to deal with our customer appropriately. Also, this week made me feel better as a member since i didn't made my task to disseminate the information.
Next week, i and my team make it sure that we can present a presentation that is presentable enough to discuss the given topic and follow specific guidelines on how to prepare the slide presentation properly. We will make it sure that we can accomplish our task weekly in every activity of our group. We will continue to gather ideas to our interviewees and open to any opportunities that will overcome to our group.
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From the previous week we've done, our instructor announced everyone to make a BMC in each group. So our group, plan to have preparation for this activity. We made a plan and wrote it in the manila paper. We shared ideas on what could be good things will happen and in contrast, we thought for the possible results that might be happened such as the do's and dont's in the solution. By instances, our group became more cooperative in preparation and decision making process.
After that, we've done a survey in every store we target for a purpose of asking the tips and suggestions might we've done to convince our customer. We've learned a lot of things from our interviewees like the things we should prepare and the convenient way to do our project since based on them our project is very essential in the aquatic creatures. It motivates us since they really shared their ideas heatedly. Afterwards, we thank them for their time and effort to spend with us.
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Third Week
In the third week, my team was added one member that was my close friend too. I'm glad that he was included since we are originally four members in friends and we left him behind because at first a team only consist of three members and afterwards, they announced that we should add one more person.It is really overwhelming to my part as well as to the others. For our project, we still doing for it. While, we keep on planning and thinking the good possibilities will happen. We can't sometimes deny that one of us will encounter disappointments and get down like having no confidence to work on it. Because, at the time our instructor discussed about Business Model Canvass (BMC), one member got trouble in mind which really affect our team that he thought if we can't fit or coincide the requirements needed. Since then, we are team and we need to solve this small thing directly. We talk and encourage him more and more the good way we can do as a team and also the trust that the costumer gives us from the very beginning.
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Actually, in choosing the team members in our group is not a hard thing to do. Since, before our instructor told us to find a team, i have already called a team which is my friends that is also my classmates in this current year. With this team, its not a typical group that all are excellent but a members know the strengths and weaknesses to each other that can cooperate in such situation and contribute some ideas and learning to everyone. Besides, i knew we will be a good team because we are already comfortable to each other.
In our team, each of us shared some ideas on what will be our final project to be done with their justification on what is the reason for choosing it. Yes, we were opened to many ideas because a team needs to be open minded in all possibilities will happen. Then, we argued and agreed at the end of the discussion. Finally, we are working for our agreed project in our team. I know we can do it because i have a team that can really trust of.
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