gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      “IF YOU DON’T like fish, I might not try it if I were you.” He warned lightly, trying not to sound too demanding with it. “Ah, I can cut it and give you a bit and if you like it, I’ll give you more. Sound like a good plan?” He offered a slight smile, hoping that it was friendly enough.
        She gave a nod then a slight shrug. "What kind of fish is it?" she asked simply, tilting her head to a side. "I guess I like salmon sometimes, but tuna has never been a favorite of mine and I tend to wonder what makes people like it so much." The brunette stared up at him for a few seconds before returning a friendly expression as well, giving him a small smile.
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      “WHY COME TO an island then?” She wondered aloud, the question more meant for herself as she hadn’t quite realised she had spoken at all. “What? I mean, I don’t mind. I just don’t want to gross you out, but you seem more annoyed than anything else.”
        "Am I not allowed go to places?" she retorted, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, some islands are different. There's obviously an amazing place to stay as well as places to go. It almost feels like a resort. ---That’s because I am annoyed. I’d rather not have pets running around the place."
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
Scott laughed softly. “I’m not in a big rush for anything.” Not if his plans for later in the day went the way he was hoping. He gave her a light smile, nodding in agreement. “It feels better than Austin any day.”
        "I've never been there. What's it like?" she asked curiously, sitting up straight while looking over at him.
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      “WELL, YOU’RE MISSING out then, it’s really pretty.” She shrugged, eyes narrowing as the woman went on. “Cute.” She echoed. “I don’t know where it went honestly. I think he might have been headed towards the pool or at least a door to get outside, but he’s got a bit of an injured leg so I’m hoping he didn’t.”
         "I don't think so. I'm satisfied with cities, so I don't need to experience what it's like in a jungle.” Letting out a sigh at Genny’s answer, she shook her head, but decided to go ahead and walk towards the exit, mainly heading to the pool. “Wanna talk about the injury of your lizard then or move onto a different topic?”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
“And yet you were the one who came first. Must be a reason for that. If one believes in chance and all of that” She shrugged her shoulders in return. “And a honest soul is definitely better than a liar” 
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        “And the reason for that is because I’m dying of boredom. Unfortunately, you’re my last resort as entertainment right now.” Crossing her arms, she looked to the door before glancing back at Vanessa. “So, are we leaving or not?”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
“I could. But then I would risk dripping sweat all over the floor, making it more uncomfortable for whoever comes in after me and at the moment you are a little closer to it than I am” 
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        “Right. I doubt it would make people feel uncomfortable with your muscles, but whatever. This is the last time I do anything this simple for you,” she replied, walking over to grab his towel then handing it over to him.
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      HIS FIRST DAY at the mansion was spent unpacking and now spent on his second was wasted on the kitchen. Feeling more at home among the high walls and tiled floors in front of a stove, it was the first bit of relaxation that he’d felt since stepping into the villa. Turning at the sound of another entering the room, Elias gave a bright smile, excited for social interaction now that he was properly settled in. “I just finished up right here. Do you want to try some? My grandmother always made the best fish and she finally gave me a recipe to try out and I think it is perfect this time.”
         Pulling up her shades over her head, she stared at Elias for a moment before glancing down at the food, scrunching her nose a little. "---Sure, as long as it doesn’t taste that bad. I’ve never been a fan of fish, but I am quite hungry.” Bringing out a plate for herself, she went back to staring at the food. “Do you want to cut me a slice or am I going to grab my own?” she asked curiously, her head turning to him again as her gaze went to his face now.
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
“Hey, yes you. Would you mind throwing my towel back over here? I’m going to need it soon..”
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        “Why can’t you get it yourself again? If you can do that, you obviously seem capable to walk over and grab your towel.”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
I like stories where women save themselves.
Neil Gaiman (via beautyandtheuniverse)
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      “WELL, STAY FAR from the jungle areas then. You’d die.” She almost laughed, never being one to have a fear of any sort of animal. “An iguana.”
        “I didn’t plan on going to a jungle anyway. Not now, not in the near future, and not ever, but thanks for the future reference, I guess,” she replied, shrugging. “Cute.” Continuing the search for the animal, she pursed her lips after a minute or so. “Do you think it went to a different room?”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
Valerie tilted her head, giving a soft smile. “Oh, well, I never really got to travel or anything, so maybe that’s why.” She replied, holding onto the strap of her backpack as she moved. “So what brings you here? Fresh start?” She asked, before looking down. “Uhm, you don’t have to answer that. It was kind of rude to just ask that.”
        "If you could travel though, where would you like to go?" It was odd, honestly. Nora wasn't this curious about a person ever since she arrived on the island, but she found it better than staying silent. Or just slightly better anyway. Nora wanted some sort of entertainment while talking to the girl. “You can say something like a fresh start, yes.” She looked over at Valerie and for the first time, she was impressed by someone. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s alright. I don’t mind us going back and forth with questions, it’s more fun that way.”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
Scott looked around, shrugging. “Fifteen minutes, give or take?” He replied, nodding. “Well, a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nora.” He replied.
        “And you’re not just sitting around? I’ve only been here for... five minutes, maybe? Possibly less? I’m already dying of boredom, but the weather feels nice,” she replied, shrugging. “---It’s nice to meet you too, Scott.”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      “JUST DON’T HURT him.” she sighed, moving around to get on her knees and look beneath the couch.
        “At least it’s not amphibians. Like a frog. I can’t stand those hideous creatures,” she grumbled, moving across the room to look underneath chairs, cabinets, and anything else a reptile would be hiding. “What kind of reptile is it anyway?”
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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Dark Decadence
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
Scott lofted his hat as he heard a voice, looking towards the source and giving a light laugh. “Not really down, just relaxing for the first time in a while.” He replied, sitting up enough to look at her. “My name is Scott. Might I ask yours?”
        Closing up her magazine, she leaned back against her chair and brought her shades over her eyes. It was the word relaxation that made her want to just lay down and be calm, unmoving. "Nora," she replied soothingly. "My name's Nora. How long have you been out here?"
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
Valerie gave a nervous smile, nodding a little. “Nice to meet you.” She began, pausing at the question. “I wasn’t going to stand here, I just…needed a moment to take it all in, or well, some of it, at least.” Mainly her freedom for her rapist, stalker and the family she had once loved. Adjusting her backpack, she reached for her handle again and took a breath, letting it out and looking around. “New homes can sometimes take you by surprise.” She finished, moving to start for the villa to find her room. “Are you new here, too?”
        "Nice to meet you too, I suppose." Nora was close to sitting down, but when she noticed the other starting to move, she figured she might as well stick with her for a little while. In case she got lost and didn't want to be blamed for letting a person get lost. Or at least that's the reason she kept telling herself. She came here to start anew and it's still slightly difficult when she wanted to do her own thing, but it also wasn't so bad helping others out. "No, I'm not. I've been here for a few weeks already. I’ve seen better places."
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gdinora-blog1 · 8 years
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      “I DON’T - I MEAN you don’t have to…” Genny’s tongue tripped over words before the brunette let out a frustrated groan and shook her head. “Are you afraid of reptiles?”
        “No, but I’m not a big fan of them either.” She then took a step to the side, allowing the girl to finally pass through. “I’ll still help you though.” 
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