gaysofcobrakai · 3 years
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gaysofcobrakai · 3 years
I know Hawk’s switch to Miyagi-Do feels hollow but that’s because he only did it to be with Demetri and gay decision making is not subject to logic ❤️🌈
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gaysofcobrakai · 3 years
way too close or way too far apart: two non-heterosexual distances to sit from your boyfriend best friend
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Hawkmetri in Season 4 || “Kicks Get Chicks,” part two of episode 6/10
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gaysofcobrakai · 3 years
im literally clowning myself so hard by having the audacity to hope that knowing abt the ship is enough for the writers to make it canon 😐😐
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They all know. They're all fucking in on it. Yet they still refuse to make the obvious canon💀
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gaysofcobrakai · 3 years
something i just noticed
with robby: he passes it to Tory his current love interest
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and then hawk passes it to Demetri: NOT his current love interest and ex enemy like only like what a few months ago
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gaysofcobrakai · 3 years
finished s4 cobra kai and even though i could ramble on for years about the homoerotic tension between literally every single duo of men on this show, i want to table that to talk about eli and demetri, who i’ve just always been obsessed with loved. there’s just something about childhood best friends to enemies to friends to lovers and the specific way it plays about for them, the way that their bond is so powerful that they overcome the ultimate judas-level personal betrayal. when demetri told eli he accepts and loves him the way he is, mohawk or no, it really hit me again that demetri never stopped loving eli, even when he was hawk and even when they were enemies. there’s also something so powerful and… profound? about eli feeling like he’s ruined his relationship with demetri and fucked up everything good in his life, only to find that actually, demetri forgives him, and he loves him, and he always has, even with all the ugly things he’s done. something about transcendent, steadfast love and about redemption and about never being unworthy of love, not really. yeah idk i could ramble about them forever, they really are those motherfuckers, their dynamic is so iconic 😌
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
for years my mental stability has been on thin ice. but demetri/yasmine endgame? that would be my breaking point so help me god-
I would be overjoyed if hawk/demetri was canon endgame. like that would be great!! but I would understand if it wasn’t, I’d be disappointed, but I’d get it, know?
but if yasmine/demetri somehow became endgame im throwing hands w the writers and no one can stop me
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
Eye Contact and Facial expressions between Eli/Hawk and Demetri
Okay here are my thoughts about Demetri and Hawk’s use of eye contact, facial expressions and gesturing in their communication style.
Beginning with some information on being autistic, masking and mimicking. Many autistic people will use over expression because we think that’s what Neurotypical people want, and it’s how we experience their expressions so we mimick it but it often comes out looking “too much” because we can not naturally do it.
Making eye contact (I call it hard staring because that’s often what it ends up looking like) is something often force fed to us in therapy, we are forced to make eye contact and it’s often taught as a replacement for eye contact avoidance. We are taught to use eye contact in situations where we would usually avoid eye contact it’s a tactic of trading behaviours but it often ends up looking like over intense staring.
This gif is a good example (Hawk’s trying to seem intimidating or threatening but it honestly looks a bit silly/ too much) 
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One of Hawk’s most “obvious” signs of discomfort is darting his eyes around, before the major masking and mimicking comes in we see a lot of eye contact avoidance. We also see a lot of over exaggerated facial expressions (once he starts masking and mimicking) and hard staring.
But with Demetri this is not the case, Eli actually uses eye contact as one of his main forms of communication with Demetri which Demetri  reciprocates, he also frequently changes his face and the type of gesturing his does when with Demetri even after he start masking heavily. We can only assume that because of their long standing friendship they’ve had a long time to develop a level of comfort and understanding that can be quite difficult for a lot of autistic people to share with someone.
Now let’s break some scenes down
First we have the lunch table scene, Eli communicates during this scene that he’s interested and attentive to what Demetri is saying (he also could be avoid eye contact with Miguel) by looking at him and holding eye contact while he tells his jokes as well as giving that soft Eli smile.
Demetri reciprocates this by giving Eli a lot of expressive eye contact he also uses a lot of gesturing to emphasize his point (he does a lot of gesturing in general but it seems a little more extra in this scene with Eli to emphasize that he’s being sarcastic in his joke) 
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Gif by @miguelsc
Next let’s talk about the dojo scene, Johnny’s making fun of Eli in quite a fucked up way and Eli’s eyes are darting around incredibly uncomfortable, his shoulders are rolled inwards. When Demetri first starts talking he looks over at him immediately and I think it’s safe to say he is comforted that Demetri is saying something.
As the scene progresses and both Aisha and Miguel try to jump in Eli looks back at Demetri again and pops his jaw, Hawk does this specifically with Demetri and it communicates that he’s upset, nervous, embarrassed.
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Our next scene is the park scene, both Hawk and Demetri are trying to give Miguel advice and Hawk is giving some weird Johnny mimicked advice that Demetri is finding ridiculous (which it is). Hawk giving a lot of eye contact to Demetri as well as popping his jaw again. It’s quite plain to see Hawk is upset that Demetri does not accept the “new person” he has become. When we look at the eye contact, he’s not moving his eyes away from Demetri and honestly it seems like he’s begging Demetri to be okay with and accept Hawk.
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In this next eye contact scene we’ve got the fight at the mall, Hawk is upset again because of the review which I think stems from a few different sources. Starting off Hawk is extremely loyal to Miguel and Johnny he trusts them, he believes his life has been ever improved by cobra kai (which is true in some ways) and this written “attack” on Kreese could hurt the dojo which hurts Miguel and Johnny which in turn hurts Hawk. It’s also accurate to say Hawk was still holding out hope that Demetri would join Cobra Kai, the whole time he’s been asking and trying to convince Demetri and he’s really hurt that Demetri isn’t interested. This also has to do with Karate being a special interest for Hawk, Demetri usually shares/ participates in his special interests but this time he’s not as enthusiastic and that is very distressing for Hawk. So in this scene we see the first of many scenes where Hawk is conflicted and confused about his choices surrounding Demetri. Demetri makes steady eye contact with Hawk throughout this scene you can’t just look away from this, I know WHO YOU ARE he’s daring Hawk to make a choice. Demetri knows Eli better then anyone in the world, and that makes Hawk uneasy, he can’t mask completely effectively and push away who he is if there’s always someone who knows him in his truest form.
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The party!!
Hawk is coming off an extremely uncomfortable situation with Moon and Piper that was very awkward and difficult for him and then Demetri appears and let’s be honest Hawk does NOT put up much of a fight in terms of talking he caves pretty quickly and falls into a rhythm with Demetri. 
With Moon and Piper though he’s displaying all kinds of uncomfortable stimming and eye contact patterns but as soon as he’s with Demetri he’s eyes brighten up and Demetri gives him the same excited energy back, Demetri is literally always trying to engage Hawk with eye contact. Let’s also talk about how Demetri brings up a special interest for Hawk (Dr.Who) that they both love, and Hawk absolutely melts at the mention. (He’s clearly been suppressing this special interest which brings us back to, how Demetri reminds him too much of his true self.)
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Next we’ve got this fucking scene which is so intense, having a full ass conversation through eye contact, it starts off with Hawk weakly threatening Demetri but he quickly dissolves into Eli behaviour and patterns when Demetri lets him know he’s not afraid of him.
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Okay this is me being wild but you notice the shoulder tap here? All of you know the shoulder touch/squeeze is my headcanon comfort touch between the boys and just like in the fight scene (the trophy case one) I think this is again an instance where Demetri is letting Hawk know he’s still cares about him. The eye contact they hold after Hawk slaps him back on the chest is lingering in a very intimate way.
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Gif by @soe-leo
Okay the last two eye contact scenes I’m going to look at are from the last episode. First up we’ve got the post saving Demetri scene Demetri is obviously wary of Hawk at first I mean this little asshole literally pissed in his bed for years and had the fucking audacity to break Demetri’s arm. But then of course Hawk pulls out his Eli soft doe eyes unbroken eye contact “I’m sorry man” please please forgive me Demetri and Demetri just can’t contain his damn joy that his best friend is finally ready to come back to him, his face opens quite expressively.
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Here we go the final scene at the Miyagi-Do dojo. Y’all see that held eye contact before Hawk looks away and pulls his Eli smile. It’s like when they hold eye contact it’s so genuine and comfortable but with most others it’s so put on for Hawk.
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These scenes are so important to their relationship, as an autistic person watching this show with my partner (who points a lot of these things out to me initially) it’s really nice to see the display of a relationship between an autistic person and the person they are most comfortable with.
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
Call me clinically insane but there is a weird sort of intimacy in the way Hawk grabs a fully-loaded nacho out of Demetri’s hand when it’s 0.0000001 centimeters away from his mouth, and then proceeding to eat it himself whilst smirking flirtatiously
And call me a raving madwoman but dare I venture that this action was, mayhaps, in a manner of speaking, just the tiniest bit Gay
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
ajsoandj knowing that you like binary boys has given motivation to finish the damn chapter ive been dragging my feet on 😭
eli just letting himself in? and telling demetri he loves him too? IMMACULATE addition to this im absolutely obsessed
okay i had a thought and wanted to see what you thought about it - imagine everyone at miyagi-do is kind of talking shit about hawk even after the dojos combine. sam is especially passive aggressive, partly because of mr. miyagi’s medal of honor, but mostly because she watched hawk break demetri’s arm, and if she’s honest, she’s pinning some of the guilt she feels for not interfering on hawk. she and every one else keep talking shit and being rude and at first demetri doesn’t say anything because he assumes they will adjust to him being around but they don’t. and at some point, someone makes a comment and demetri just absolutely loses it. he’s yelling at them about how it was his arm that hawk broke, and how if he could forgive him after that, they should be able to, and he can’t seem to stop talking (shocker) so he ends up like ramble yelling about how hawk was his best friend and how he loved hawk and hawk broke his heart and how he still forgave him. and everyone is kind of shell shocked about demetri yelling and him basically confessing to being in love with hawk but demetri just walks away and they never say anything bad about hawk again.
(btw i absolutely love your blog it’s my daily serotonin)
Hey you!!! Love seeing your name in my inbox, I remember you were one of the first Elimetri stans with me!!! And Binary Boys fucking slaps, always hyped for new updates! :3
Ohhhhh yeah, I can DEFINITELY imagine this. I wish it would be canon for Season 4, because it’s pretty damn in-character for Demetri, but alas, perhaps that’s too much to hope for :( He literally cannot shut up to save his life and would absolutely just accidentally reveal he was in love with Hawk and probably not even realize it until like 7 sentences later.
I can also see him being SO annoyed that the rest of the dojo hasn’t really forgiven Hawk for the arm-breaking when it was HIS GODDAMN ARM that got broken and HE’S moved past it, so why is everyone else mad for his sake when he ain’t even mad anymore??? And I feel that--it’s SO frustrating when people are still worked up over something that happened to you that you’ve long since forgiven/let go.
And Demetri’s especially pissed because no one in the dojo KNOWS Hawk like he does, not even Miguel. And he knows who Eli REALLY is, and he knows Eli only hurt him like that because he was being brainwashed and manipulated by a literal psychopath and probably felt lost and abandoned and unappreciated, and the Eli he knew and grew up with and has known his whole life would NEVER. And for fuck’s sake, Eli was strong enough to BREAK AWAY from this terrifying sociopathic man’s manipulations COMPLETELY ON HIS OWN, and Eli was brave enough to turn against this INSANELY violent and cult-like dojo that will definitely be out for his blood and is led by “the king of all assholes,” as Demetri so eloquently puts it, all to fight for his friends and do the right thing again??? Like the BALLS on this man, the sheer, unadulterated NERVES OF STEEL to piss off the entirety of Cobra Kai in arguably one of the WORST possible ways, one that he knew would put him in a TON of danger, and y’all still want to get on his ass about something he was peer-pressured into doing by the very same assholes he made such a big point to fucking LEAVE BEHIND??? Demetri is SO FUCKING DONE. Like this is the BRAVEST kid he’s ever known in his life, and he was brave in all the ways Demetri never could be--never ran away from a fight, never afraid to face his enemies dead on instead of trying to cower and hide, never hesitating to defend himself and his honor as soon as he had the punches to back it up. And Demetri will be damned if his other friends just sit around talking bad about Eli when Eli has more (metaphorical) balls than all of them combined.
And then about ten minutes into this seemingly-endless rant Demetri’s just thinks “wait...did I say that bit about being in love with Eli out loud??? FUCK.” But at that point he’s already in the midst of it and he can’t stop and he’s gotta just keep going until he says everything he needs to say and once he’s finally exhausted every last point as to why Eli Moskowitz is the greatest, most badass person on earth and not at all deserving of all this slander, he just...turns and leaves.
For a hot minute he’s way too embarrassed to speak to anyone in the dojo at all, even (ESPECIALLY) Eli. He just goes back to his house, sits on his bed, breathes in and breathes out slowly as he tries to figure out how the fuck he’s going to face everyone after letting that little secret slip. He even does some of the annoying katas Mr. L taught him, but they don’t do much to help.
Then after a couple of hours, he hears someone unlock his front door. He comes out into the front room, expecting to see his mom (hell, maybe SHE’LL know what to do about this mess, right?) but...it’s ELI, letting himself with the spare key. The damn fucker was always able to remember where that little lizard statuette they kept it under was in the garden. Demetri just freezes up and gapes at him, entirely unsure what to do.
Eli just smiles a little meekly and says “Sorry...I was worried if I knocked you wouldn’t answer. I know you probably don’t really want to talk to anyone right now, but...I had to know. You...love me too?”
After the initial shock has passed, Demetri just completely throws caution to the wind and runs at Eli, grabbing him and kissing him as hard as he can. Eli just grins into it like an idiot and picks him up by the waist, and Demetri nearly gets a boner right then and there because holy shit when did Eli get that STRONG??? Before Demetri knows it he’s being pushed up against the wall and his head is whirling and his blood is on fire and whatever drugs the Cool Kids are doing these days really hasn’t got shit on this.
This is what greets Demetri’s mom in her living room when she gets home from work. And while she definitely didn’t expect to see her son and Eli Moskowitz passionately making out on her couch today, she can’t say that she’s all that surprised.
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
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it’s canon it’s canon idc it’s canon
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
I absolutely adore this concept. There’s a fic on ao3 called “friends kiss, right?” and it’s the same idea but with Demetri trying to make Moon feel better 10/10 recommend it
I love your post about Eli and Demetri thinking kissing your BFF is normal lol, but just imagine they think their relationship is totally normal and they try to apply it to other relationships like at a sleepover with Miguel or something Miguel is like “what should we do” and Eli is like “whatever you usually do at sleepovers watch a movie and cuddle in bed, play video games, practice kissing whatever” and Miguel is like wHaT dId YoU jUsT sAy hahahaha!
Oh my god this is SO FUNNY to me, like Eli totally would though??? I mean we already know Eli is pretty terrible with social cues and reading the room in general (not that Demetri isn’t only slightly better), so he just...wouldn’t get at all that maybe his and Demetri’s relationship is a bit...atypical, and think that it’s all just typical Bros Being Bros stuff. It doesn’t ever even occur to Eli that it wouldn’t be.
Then one day, he and Miguel are hanging out and watching some superhero movie (because I feel like they’d both be really into Marvel and DC-type stuff) and Miguel sprawls out on one side of the couch, leaning up against the armrest, and he just kind of expects Eli’s going to take the other side, but then Eli, purely out of habit, sidles up and presses his back against Miguel’s chest and starts SPOONING with him and Miguel just kind of jolts away like “WHOA, dude, hey! I’m flattered and all, but I have a girlfriend.” And Eli just turns and gives him this baffled look like “What does Tory have to do with any of this?” (I imagine this would happen at some point while he’s dating Tory and Demetri presumably isn’t hanging out with Eli and Miguel as much) And Miguel just stares at him, having no idea whatsoever how to respond to that, because...Eli just tried to cuddle him??? How does he even begin to explain why that’s weird, if Eli doesn’t already know??? Is he the only person in the world who doesn’t know??? So Miguel takes a deep breath, and starts with a simple “Tory wouldn’t like me being so...physical with someone else.” Eli frowns at him like “Why not? I’m not trying to date you--it’s just a friend thing. Demetri and I used to do this all the time.”
And Miguel--bless his soul--gets this GIANT shit-eating smirk on his face and lets out this long, disbelieving laugh, just like “Excuse me you and Demetri did WHAT now???” And he’s absolutely in SHOCK that his two best friends spent possibly YEARS cuddling each other casually and thinking absolutely nothing of it...but on the other hand, he’s not shocked in the LEAST, and he just starts laughing even harder because fuck, I should’ve seen this sooner. Right from the very first moment he saw them shooting each other adoring schoolgirl looks at that cafeteria table, he should’ve seen something like this coming. It was just so obvious in retrospect...and damn, does Miguel feel stupid for just now noticing, but his sides are starting to hurt from how hard he’s laughing about it.
Meanwhile Eli just glares daggers at him and demands what’s so goddamn funny, and once Miguel finally stops laughing, he just says “You and Demetri...you two aren’t like a lot of friendships, you know. Maybe snuggling on the couch is okay for you two.” And Eli’s just like “What’s that supposed to mean?! It was just like...hugging, man! It wasn’t a big deal!” Miguel raises an eyebrow and points out that most people don’t hug for that long, and Eli just snaps “Why are you being so weird about this?! I’m sure Demetri and I aren’t the only people in the world that do that!” and Miguel thinks about cuddling with Sam watching ocean documentaries, or cuddling with Tory watching cheesy kung fu movies, and he just smirks again and says, “No, you definitely aren’t.” Because no, Eli and Demetri certainly aren’t the only people on earth who cuddle--basically every couple does. Eli grunts and punches Miguel in the arm and is like “Jesus, man, get that stupid look off your face. You’re not making any goddamn sense.” Miguel just shrugs.
“Eh. I’m sure you two will figure it out eventually.”
And they do. But, much to Miguel’s frustration, it takes about the same amount of time it would for Miguel to recover from paralysis nine times over.
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
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cobra kai + text post meme [1/?]
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
season 4 eli will follow demetri around like a puppy and they'll be joined by the hip i just know it
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
this is absolutely precious!!!
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this isnt finished yet but i still hope yall like it <3
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
okay so since im still in pre-Hawk territory in my own fanfic (shameless self plug :) it’s binary boys on ao3) and nowhere close to having them be happy and in love I’m gonna write some random fluff bc that’s what i need rn.
Demetri wasn’t sure where he and Eli stood in public. Sure, behind closed doors, they were friends again, or a little more than friends ever since they spent an hour making out on Demetri’s bed a couple weeks before and done the same pretty much every day since. But even still, when Eli said he wanted to take Demetri to the beach, Demetri wasn’t quite sure what to expect.
But now it was just the two of them sharing a beach towel reading comics. It was exactly what Demetri had missed when Eli had disappeared and Hawk had taken his place. All he had wanted was for Eli to come back and he had, although he was different. They both were.
Demetri found himself staring over at Eli now, his hair messy and unstyled. It was purple now, Demetri had dyed it for him. His hands had been stained for days (because how was he supposed to know that dye was permanent?) but he hadn’t cared. Other people could see it and would know that it was his careful hands in Eli’s hair. They would know that Eli was his, for now at least.
Eli caught him staring and grinned. He stood, pulled his shirt off, and held out his hand to Demetri. “Let’s go for a swim,” he said.
Demetri reluctantly took his own shirt off before allowing Eli to pull him up. He tried to disentangle their hands, but Eli squeezed gently and laced their fingers together instead. Their hands swung gently between them as they walked down to the ocean.
Eli kept leading them into deeper and deeper water until it was half way up Demetri’s chest. “I feel like you’re trying to feed me to a shark,” he said, half joking. Demetri typically wasn’t a fan of water deeper than a foot.
“I’m not, I promise. I have something else in mind,” Eli replied with a smile.
“Okay, that’s kinda of ominous-” Demetri’s words were cut short by Eli pulling Demetri down to his own height and kissing him. Demetri took a moment to respond, but then he wrapped his arms around Eli’s waist.
And then Eli pulled them under the water. Both of them immediately realized how bad of an idea this was. They returned to the surface seconds later, coughing and sputtering.
“Holy shit my nose burns,” Demetri said, but he was smiling like an idiot.
“I thought it would be like romantic or some shit but I was clearly very wrong,” Eli laughed.
“But. Why?”
Eli’s face fell. “Why what?”
“Why did you kiss me? In front of people?” Demetri immediately regretted how childish he sounded.
A knot formed in Eli’s stomach. “Oh. I didn’t know you didn’t want that, I’m sorry.” Eli started to turn to walk back to the beach but Demetri grabbed his arm, desperate to keep him there.
“Wait, no. That came out wrong. I just thought that you didn’t want it. But I did. I do.”
“What do you mean you thought I didn’t want it? I thought this was a date. Or maybe I just wanted it to be one.” Eli looked at the ocean, the beach, the sky. Anywhere but Demetri.
“This was a date?” Demetri asked, dumbfounded.
“I mean obviously not if you don’t want it to be,” Eli said, defeated.
Then Demetri started laughing and for a moment Eli was scared he was laughing at him, but then Demetri pulled him to his chest and said, “For two people so smart, we are some stupid motherfuckers.”
Eli laughed too, and after a moment they pulled apart and walked back to the beach hand in hand. “So. Does this mean you want to be boyfriends?” Demetri asked with a tone of genuine anxiety.
Eli smiled. “Oh definitely not. All those times I kissed you, I meant it in a friend way.” He shoved Demetri playfully. “Of course I want to, dumbass.”
“Me too. But I’m guessing you knew that.” They sat back down on the beach towel.
“You kiss pretty enthusiastically so I had I pretty good idea.” Eli grinned a crooked grin.
“Oh my god,” Demetri said, burying his face in his hands. “Was it really bad?” he asked, face red not just from sun burn.
“I’m just messing with you. It was perfect.”
Eli opened his arms and Demetri buried his face in Eli’s shoulder. And for once, he was entirely at peace.
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gaysofcobrakai · 4 years
Waiting for a fight where Hawk only wins because his hair is very sharp and pointy and he uses it like a medieval lance
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