gaysian-invasion · 4 days
homelander said "I can excuse brutally killing hundreds if not thousands of innocent people but I draw the line at being a nazi"
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gaysian-invasion · 11 months
I finally watched D.E.B.S. and it is the most 2004 movie I've ever seen
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
Warrior Nun as Text Posts: Part 1
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The hold this show has on me is unreal but I wouldn’t change it for the world.  Enjoy these memes! Follow me for more shenanigans!
Don’t forget to reblog and credit if shared. Stream Warrior Nun on Netflix! <3 
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
i never need to google which new show has lesbians….the former carmilla blogs I followed in 2014 have me covered every time without fail
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
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I cannot stop thinking about this tweet
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
I am not a woman, I'm a god is the perfect song for the final showdown
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
wow warrior nun s1 really ends like THAT no wonder everyone was v anxious for s2
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
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Rosamund Pike as Marla Grayson Eiza González as Fran
I CARE A LOT (2020)
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
not to be dramatic but i would die for BD-1
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
kara really pulled a hannah montana: the movie
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gaysian-invasion · 2 years
A complicated woman, with a traumatic past, that gets mistakenly called a villain: *exists*
Lesbians: *gets obsessed with and starts planning the wedding*  
And I can prove it:
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And I mean, these are barely scratching the surface
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gaysian-invasion · 3 years
martin stein is the absolute WORST I have wanted to punch him at least once every episode so far
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gaysian-invasion · 3 years
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A Look.
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gaysian-invasion · 3 years
and these are just hilarious
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why she makes these faces while smoking?😂
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gaysian-invasion · 4 years
still thinking about how the writers of supergirl had to make lena luthor half irish because katie mcgrath cannot do an american accent to save her life
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