gayforthegays · 2 years
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heartstopper + tumblr text posts
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gayforthegays · 3 years
Happy bday Pisces King!!!
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Love, A.
Happy birthday to His Royal Highness Prince Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor ✨💕
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gayforthegays · 3 years
It's back!!!! It was so fun last year, please do join again 💛💛
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Are you interested in Enjolras/Grantaire, writing, or art?
If so, join the Take My Hand Big Bang! The goal of the event is creation and collaboration for their own sakes and to produce new works for ExR. The sign-up form for the event is open until March 10, 11:59 PM EST. Visit our Information and Timeline page to find out more about how the bang works. Have questions? Our ask box is open.
Fill out this Sign-Up Form to join!
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gayforthegays · 3 years
Hello im back from the dead
For now.
Really just Not Feeling Great today who wants to see a little pirate
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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Commissions open!
If you like my art, I’m opening up five slots for now! For more information, please dm me or check out my commissions carrd for all guidelines, options, and prices, link to that will be in the most recent reblog
Reblogs appreciated✨
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gayforthegays · 3 years
Am I late to Barricade Day in my own timezone, yes.
Time is a social construct. *throws aggressive peace sign*
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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Take My Hand ExR 2021 Round-Up!
Below are links to" every work that was a part of this year's bang, listed alphabetically by title with solo works at the bottom. All fics link to Archive of Our Own; art links may link to Tumblr, Twitter, or Instagram.
Partner Works:
As Far As We'll Go fic by @ronnieroseduke on Twitter As Far As We'll Go art by @mhmillustration on Instagram
dear friend fic by @mariuscourf on ao3 dear friend art by @truecryptid on Twitter
The Dragon King fic by @Fandoms_Rise on Twitter The Dragon King art by @what-fine-marble
For the Love of Music (And the Love of You) fic by @catstrophysics For the Love of Music (And the Love of You) art by @gay-rad-desert
Holding on by a Thread fic by @cx-shhhh Holding on by a Thread art by @andromedaa-starss
Keyboard Revolutionaries fic by @themandilorian Keyboard Revolutionaries art by @yayee-prsp
La République des Chats fic by @cx-shhhh La République des Chats art by @flyingbra
Paw to Paw fic by @AnneCpC on Twitter Paw to Paw art by @truecryptid on Twitter
perches in the soul fic by @thedaydreamingperfectionist perches in the soul art by @morbidquill
Permittance fic by @62-cents Permittance art by @children0fbarricade
They'll Have To Bury Us Together fic by @pumpkinspice-prouvaire They'll Have To Bury Us Together art by @nopeemi
Time that is given us fic by TreasureHunter on ao3 Time that is given us art by @mhmillustration on Instagram
you're pretty much out of my mind fic by @sloth-ghost on Tumblr you're pretty much out of my mind art by @callmesamuelxxx
Solo Works:
is to love fic by @bareunloveliness Time again to share fic by AprilFooled on ao3 Enjolras, Grantaire, and Joly at the Musain art by @ldimples *Electric* ExR gifs by @schroedingers-draht Red thread of fate embroidery art by @ge-ro-nimo
Did we miss someone or credit you incorrectly? DM a moderator or send us an ask and we'll fix it ASAP.
And one big, final thank you to all of the moderators of this event: @bareunloveliness, @catstrophysics, @cx-shhhh, @gay4gaybois, @hozierhoe, @scratchingsonthepage, and the fantastic @darthsidious who designed our entire blog and made it look so incredible. We hope to see everyone participating again next year! Sign-ups for 2022 open March 1st.
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gayforthegays · 3 years
hey fully vaxxed (american) people ur still gonna like. wear a mask right. on account of there’s no visual indicator that ur vaccinated. and on account of u wanna give service workers and nonvaxxed people peace of mind when ur interacting with them. and on account of vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective. and on account of so many antimaskers and antivaxxers are gonna lie and say they’re vaccinated so they can not wear one and then ur at an even higher risk. yknow. on account of vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective.
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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You wouldn’t find in books like these
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gayforthegays · 3 years
Oooh a tag!!
I've been so invisible on tumblr lately but here's a bit I wrote last night!
Her father knew they would underestimate her, he was right, and she was ready.
Just a little something I did for a writing seminar, sadly not Les Mis related :///
I'm not tagging anyone considering every mutual I know here is already tagged lolll, but everyone is welcomed to play!!
@taniushka12 you tagged me in a thing and I immediately forgot oop!! but i just scrolled past it again so ty i’ll do it now
(Rules: Write the latest line from a WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line.)
“Oh, don’t start,” Enjolras says.
not very exciting but! from my old guard au. only five words hm? maybe i can actually tag that number of people for once lol
@backslashdelta @mostgeckcellent @ducktoothcollection @pumpkinspice-prouvaire and @p-trichor IF you wanna do it. if not that’s cool :>
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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Congratulations, everyone! This marks the beginning of the posting period, running from today (May 10th) through midnight EDT on Saturday (May 15th). Below are instructions for authors and artists to post!
The bang's collection is on ao3 here. You must post your work there in order for it to be included in the round-up at the end of the week. Works must be:
At least 5,000 words
Posted all at once (even if it's multiple chapters)
Tagged appropriately—minimum of ten tags, and all potentially triggering themes must be tagged. No works necessitating the Underage or Rape/Non-Con tags may be posted.
Prefaced by a summary that accurately states the nature and content of the work. Summaries will be included in the bang round-up.
Posted and publicly available attached to your Archive of our Own handle for at least one year, with links or embeds of accompanying art also kept attached for at least one year.
Attributed to both yourself and your artist in either the Beginning Notes or the End Notes; if you and your artist choose to post your works separately, instead of embedding the artwork in the Archive post, you must include a link to their art as well as their handles.
You are not required to post your work directly to the bang's collection. You are free to post on any site you wish—Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, or other—as long as at least one link is sent to the bang moderators. You may also work with your author to embed your artwork directly in their work, in addition to posting it individually if you so choose (you must post individually, while embedding is optional). Works must be:
At least two separate pieces (or more!)
Posted publicly for at least one year on the site of your choosing, with an active/live link that the bang blog will use in the end-of-event roundup.
Linked to the companion written work in your public post with an attribution to yourself and to your author.
Solo Creators:
Feel free to post to the Archive collection and to the Tumblr tag! You'll be included in the round-up as long as you've followed the rest of the bang rules.
The goal is to have fun and appreciate what we've all created! You and your partner may post any time between now and May 15th, but you should try to post "together" so no art is left wordless or words are left artless.
Any work you post to Tumblr should be tagged with #take my hand exR 2021, the bang's official tag for this year. This includes links to fics, artwork, or anything else you created that falls under the bang's umbrella!
The bang moderators will collect all fics posted to the collection and their companion art and create a bang round-up after the posting period, so don't be late!
Have more questions? Send us an ask!
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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gayforthegays · 3 years
COVID is slowly becoming a "third world" disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can't get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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gayforthegays · 3 years
bi men cant say this and bi men cant reclaim that bi mens gender nonconformity isn't as subversive as gay men bi men oppress gay men blah blah blah i hate you losers just say you dont think bi mens love for men means as much as a gay mans and walk directly into oncoming traffic already
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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gayforthegays · 3 years
can 佢 be used as a gender-neutral pronoun in mandarin too? i thought it could be but i just wanted to make sure
It technically can be, but Mandarin doesn’t use 佢 like Cantonese, Hakka, and various other dialects do so it kinda feels weird to me? I mean as a Cantonese person, I’ve had to deal with my dialect and its culture being suppressed for the sake of standard Mandarin conformity so I don’t feel 100% okay with Mandarin just taking that from Cantonese. 
Also 佢 is pronounced qú in Mandarin, in stark contrast to every other pronoun in Mandarin being pronounced tā so it wouldn’t work as well for a subtle gender neutral pronoun in Mandarin.
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gayforthegays · 3 years
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Thoughts on the gendering of Chinese pronouns
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