Gay-Demisexual/He/They // Welcome to All // Hi, I love to draw, write, and play games in all forms. Interior design is my passion and degree. This blog needs TLC, but I'm a tired 26 year old 😂
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Ok quick check. This is for females of all types, and men of all heights, and anyone who isn’t falling for that Gender thing.
You are on a date. The person you are with is about to gift you with something: What is most likely to ensure a good impression?
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Humans are Space Orcs is still rotating
Humans live in the past (excluding those of us who do the Anxiety, in which case we have explicitly said that that's Not Good).
But picture:
Aliens who live in the speculative future. Imagine how weird it must be for them to find humans, who base our actions off of things that have happened - so much so, in fact, that attachment theory is a thing. The past can fuck us up like no one's business, or it can make us into awesome people. We celebrate the memories of good things that happen, and we grieve and mourn things that make us sad or scared or nostalgic.
An alien species without nostalgia.
Constantly looking forward to the future - still experiencing the present, but focusing on how to make it better instead of reliving the good that it was.
A species without graveyards or obituaries or days of mourning.
A species without birthdays or holidays or anniversaries, without commemorations or in memoriums or stories passed down without a specific point.
Humans are a storytelling race - we talk about things that happened, things that didn't happen, things that might or might not have happened. We write our stories in the past tense, because they are about things that can't be changed. Things that were. Things that are no longer.
What about the species who focus on What Has Not Been Yet?
That one Internet Thing in this genre about the last members of a dying alien species being found and cared for by humans in its last days marveling at how they remember.
Imagine that's the oddity.
Imagine that setting store in the past is not how it usually happens. Other species would find it strange how we get sad at certain times of the year because a person we once knew is no longer in our life. They would see no point in talking about history, except for the tangible value of the lesson it provides - military tactics, or some wisdom or knowledge. They would be confused why we find it necessary to bring things that Are No More into Now.
In a way, what if the galaxy is devoid of Holding On?
What if humans are the ones who preserve it?
What if the What Ifs govern the actions of all other species, and they tell stories of What Could Be?
What if they can't grasp the value we put on keeping old things close because they used to mean something?
Extrapolating a bit, because I like the "The Thing That Makes Us Human Is Love" thing, what if we're just attached to things more? A human on an alien crew getting funny looks because they keep a picture of their dead mother with them to remember her by. Other species just not understanding why we would sacrifice the things we need before the things we love.
The evolutionary order of preservation is self, progeny, connected others, then unconnected others. But humans, depending on which of those categories they have, shunt themselves to the last slot. Aliens who don't understand why humans run toward the crashed, unstable ship to help the survivors even though they know they won't come back.
More to the point, aliens who don't understand humans going to be with others in their final moments, especially if their own death is assured - or even going down with the ship, as it were. I'm attached to the idea of a human running into an actively melting down reactor to save an alien friend, being told to save themselves upon finding rescue impossible, and the alien who urged them to go being told to fuck off and accept the company.
Just something to think about.
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SU theory- Steven’s fusion survival tactic in Change Your Mind
Okay, so I have some thoughts about the scene where White pries Steven’s gem out in Change Your Mind. Specifically, about how cleanly that gem came out of a kid who’s body has literally grown around it for the past 14 years- it should be a completely integrated part of his system, right? Like another organ.
But after it comes out, there’s not a mark to be found on Steven’s human half.
Now, logically the real reason this is so is because, well. Steven Universe is a cartoon intended for a wide range of viewers, especially kids. It’s fantasy, and the Gems are magical, and they’re not gonna show blood.
But on an in-universe scale, I still think it’s fun to come up with theories as to why it might have happened this way.
So! Theory time!
My thoughts begin with the postulation that Steven’s gem is not the only Gem-like feature to his anatomy. He’s not just a completely human kid who happens to have a gem- instead, that gem is actually the core focal point (like a heart or brain) of a few non-human “organ systems” completely 100% integrated into his body. These systems are what allow him to fuse, shapeshift parts of his body, etc. etc, like a full Gem can.
As supporting evidence, I point to the gem destabilizers in Jailbreak. Specifically, their effect.
As in this:
This seems to be a sort of specialized Gem circulatory system that runs through their hard light forms and holds them together. It’s disrupted by the destabilizers, which is what makes Gems fall apart.
As a half-Gem, Steven also has this.
The same lines of hard light, running throughout his body exactly like nerves would, or blood vessels. (He doesn’t fall apart because he’s not merely hard light- destabilizers have no effect on solid flesh and blood!)
“But Jen,” you say. What does this tell us? What does it mean?
It means that if White Diamond were to rip his gem out as is, that Steven should be suffering major internal damage. Remember, to Gems, this is like a combo heart/brain. His skin and other organs literally grew around it, this Gem circulatory system is dependent on it, there’d probably be a ton of blood- Steven should NOT have survived this.
Repeat, Steven should NOT have survived having his gem pried out.
So how did he?
My theory is that- subconsciously, as a preemptive protective measure- Steven literally unfused, unraveled, Gem half from human half.
This means that White Diamond did not on her OWN power excise his Gem. Instead, he “gave up” his gem momentarily to avoid what COULD’VE happened should she have actually succeeded. It’s like a jerk-moment survival instinct, the sort that’s hard wired into your DNA, the sort your body automatically initiates in times of danger.
At the very second this happened suddenly you have 100% human Steven, with not a single Gem “organ system” in sight, and then you have his Gem- completely separate from him at the moment. (And in White’s tight grasp.) Thus why there’s no blood.
All this said, I do not think this is ever something he could ever consciously initiate. That’s because it’s not quite a TRUE example of fusion- it’s something a bit more unique. Where fusions like Stevonnie or Garnet are made up of two entirely autonomous halves, Gem Steven and Human Steven clearly cannot exist without the other. Both are extremely incapacitated by the loss of their other half.
Human Steven is physically incapacitated, barely able to move or speak due to the sheer shock and trauma of being torn in two, of missing an entire side to his physiology that he’d lived with and grown used to his entire life.
Gem Steven is emotionally incapacitated, separated from his soul, his feelings. All the personality stuff that makes Steven who he is as an individual- his empathy, love, wit- is now gone, leaving behind an empty hard light shell running on nothing but detached memory and raw strength.
I’d probably describe it as a biological permafusion- not a permafusion of choice like Garnet, but one that’s existed that way since birth. A fusion that must not and cannot be split apart, not unless his survival is on the line.
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They didn't communicate much, but they have something in common

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Conversation that Tumblr is not ready for:
A Vampire's fangs are also it's reproductive organs
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elf yuri except one of them is high fantasy and the other is one of santa's
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people who don't follow chess I promise this post is really funny
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“IT’S A SWORD, IT’S NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE.” My favourite scene from The Hogfather. ___ See how this comic was made here.
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Tezzu finally showed me danny phantom
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Powerpuff Girls was actually a show about a group of small children crushing the patriarchy and no one will convince me otherwise
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i really want people to stop writing scientists as awkward, stilted conversationalists who don't understand idioms or emotions and start writing them as depressed alcoholics who swear like sailors unless they're in a specifically academic situation
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