gaybydaylight13 · 2 years
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RIP Nichelle Nichols (1932-2022)
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gaybydaylight13 · 2 years
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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My good time boy
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
50.) A kiss followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck: Jayers
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getting a little steamy here 👀
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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collabs with @deannabeltonart ♥♥♥ Thank you for drawing with me i loved every second of it aksjdfh
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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Jake gets hit with some self-awareness :’)
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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:) ♥
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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Based on this illustration! :D ♥
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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I made a thing, guys
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
PLEASE tell me you all know about the penis gag that kane did in full jason costume for part 8 PLEASE
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
Another Friendly Leon in DBD
So I came across another Leon while I was playing as Trickster and I swear most of the time I cross paths with them as Trickster they either do some weird shit or get really friendly to the point where they’re comfortable enough to stay close to me. Honestly I’m not complaining, I’m just convinced that maybe Leon and Trickster were meant to be friends or something like that. 
Alright enough of my rambling, here’s another reenactment of what happened in this trial and like last time I’ll include my terribly drawn image to show how I imagine the reactions being cuz why not.
In case anyone wants to read the first random moment I posted for some context.
P.S. This trial took place in Coldwind farm. It may be important…probably.
Keep reading
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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When I chase the killer for an approximate 4 hours and the other fuckers haven’t done a single gen
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
Hi! I’ve been reading all your stuff and I love your writing! I was hoping to be able to ask for Danny, Trickster, Jake, and Leon’s reactions to a male survivor that gets mistaken for a female. Like he’s got feminine features and easily could pass for one from behind but when he’s turned around it takes a moment to realize it’s a guy. Sorry if it’s weird, I was inspired by a gta character I made that my friends were all confused by lmao. (I’ll leave it up to you if they catch feelings or not hehe)
Hi, thank you so much!! This is so funny actually lmfao, I guess we'll see how they feel 👀
Well, She's a Guy, So...
<200 words each
Ghostface: He's not required by any means to pay attention to the survivors past stalking them until he can do away with them. One by one, they come and go in trials, but new survivors are always fun for him to mess with. He doesn't quite know what to make of the new girl since she's rather inattentive and hasn't learned to look behind her while doing generators just yet. The first time he stabs her back to bring her to the ground, he's surprised by how deep her voice is.
He only learns that this survivor is a dude when he's already up on the hook, at which point he looks a little harder and questions himself more than he questions him. Danny sighs and goes back to stalking his familiar prey, and he hopes that the survivor will tie his hair up more often.
Jake: He'll likely go for a few trials without noticing the new survivor very much. He never really pays attention to them until he has to, and it's no different when a new lady comes along for Ace to swoon over. Jake is often the butt of his gushing since he's the only one who lets Ace talk without cutting him off, so they watch her talk with a few of the other survivors.
Eventually, she makes her way around to introducing herself to them, and Jake breaks his pokerface to laugh at Ace's expense. This poor survivor doesn't know what he's laughing about, so he'll hesitantly introduce himself while getting the entirely wrong impression of Jake right off the bat. "I'm sorry," Jake apologizes. "I'm Jake."
Leon: Since he's relatively new to the Fog himself, he really wants to get to know this new survivor and let her know that he's still just as lost; that it will take time for her to adjust to all of this. Unfortunately, though, he doesn't get much of an opportunity to talk to her since Dwight and Meg are taking up all of her time between trials. He'd tell them not to overwhelm her if he felt like it wouldn't be disrespectful to them.
He overhears Claudette talking about her and referring to her as "he," which really takes him for a turn. He forgets it and brushes it off like she's talking about someone else—maybe Chris—but later, he'll be working on a generator when a new pair of hands grab onto another side. Seeing the new survivor up close for the first time denies Leon's earlier suspicions, but finding out that she's a guy makes him more nervous than he was before meeting him. He knows why, but he won't admit it. He's embarrassed, yet all the more determined to make a move.
Trickster: With each new survivor comes new challenges to face and new abilities to outmaneuver, so Jiwoon tries to learn about the new survivor as quickly as possible. He starts to think that this survivor is a lot like Êlodie since she always leaves him seeing doubles and confusing her for someone else regardless of their gender and appearance.
Despite trials being fast-paced and often very confusing, Jiwoon learns the quickest that this survivor is a guy, but the knowledge doesn't make it any less confusing when Kate is dodging knives left and right before Jiwoon realizes he's chasing him instead. Once he's caught and on the hook, he earns an extra hit to the stomach with Jiwoon's club for giving him such a hard time. He'll hold a grudge.
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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Ji-Weon or LeonHak??? Anyone??? I saw @leonyash post about this ship and I freaking love it?!? I really want to draw more :^)
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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Leon injured is just… interesting, don’t blame me~
My second Twitter: LINK <3
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gaybydaylight13 · 3 years
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The obsession
My second Twitter: LINK <3
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