“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” White, bi, genderfluid femme. Recreational anti & full-time hater. Finn is the star of the sequel trilogy.
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Please take a moment to read my friend Ola’s story!

My dear friend Ola is still in north Gaza. While hundreds of thousands have been forced out by the IOF, many thousands more still remain. Ola and her family are among them!
Famine has gripped north Gaza for more than a year. Many areas are under IOF seizure, and entire neighborhoods and districts have been leveled. Ola is finding it very, very difficult to remain hopeful in this environment.
How you can help:
Reblog this post
Check our “#ola” tag and reblog the posts there
Make your own tumblr posts about Ola’s situation and include her family’s GFM link
Share the GFM link across all your social media accounts
Donate!! Ola urgently needs funds to find food for her family!! What little remains is extremely expensive, and she and her family WILL STARVE TO DEATH without your support!!
Thank you❤️
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EXTREME EMERGENCY! Medical fees preventing emergency hysterectomy!!!
Maha @mahafamily1 needs to have an emergency hysterectomy! She recently had a miscarriage, and if she does not have a hysterectomy NOW, she will die!!
The doctor told her EVERY MINUTE OF DELAY DECREASES HER CHANCE OF SURVIVAL!!! Minute-by-minute, we are losing Maha!!!

Because her recent emergency operation had to be paid on credit, and is not yet paid, Maha now needs to pay the full cost of the hysterectomy up-front before the procedure will be done!!! She urgently URGENTLY requires $2000 USD in order to survive!!!
MAHA IS DYING AS I TYPE THIS!!! I am in tears begging you all, do not let medical bureaucracy take such a beautiful soul!!!!
NEED TO RAISE: €1,922 EUR ($2000 USD)!!!
PROGRESS: €0/€1922
@90-ghost @nabulsi @sayruq @sar-soor @feluka @neptunerings @wellwaterhysteria @buttercuparry @watermotif @rhubarbspring @butchniqabi @butchfeygele @butchfeygela @dykesbat @dykesymmetry @dykeslexic @dykesbat @dykesbian @lesbianmaxevans @frigidwife @diasdelasombra @cuntylouis @awomanofsorts @brutaliakhoa @beserkerjewel @neechees @kibumkim @feminismwecandoit @gazagfmboost @palhelp @dlxxv-vetted-donations @commissions4aid-international @palipunk-blog @irhabiya @iraqiprincess @self-hating-zionist @antizionisttranslations @antizionistprincess @capacity2 @africant
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I recently spoke with my dear friend Suad @suad-khaled and she gave me an update on her life as a displaced mother in south-central Gaza. I want to share with you all some of what she told me:
Our situation has become far worse than before.
My baby, Khaled, who is now 6 months old, depends on formula milk, which is either unavailable or sold at prices I simply cannot afford. Diapers are also ridiculously expensive, and even basic food has become out of reach.
Some vegetables and fruits are available in the market, but I can only afford to buy a single piece at a time, which becomes one meal for Khaled. But what about the rest of the day? What about the following days? As a mother, I can endure hunger, but how can a baby?
Even flour, which we relied on for our basic sustenance, is almost unavailable. The little we managed to buy is infested with bugs and worms, unhealthy but the only option we have left. And now, it’s almost gone. What will we do after that?
Khaled’s health has also worsened. He struggles to breathe due to his chest allergies, a condition that developed under these harsh circumstances. He needs regular nebulizer sessions and medication, but we can barely afford to provide them.
Here is precious little Khaled, tired and fatigued from hunger and sickness, receiving nebulizer treatment:
And here is the flour Suad and her family are forced to pick through in order to survive.

Sifting only removes the largest insects that have made their home in the flour. It does not remove larvae, detached wings, or excrement. Suad and her family are forced to eat them in order to (barely) avoid starvation.
Suad’s situation has never been more dire than it is right now. Food and basic necessities are extremely scarce and expensive. And the threat of IOF attack is omnipresent.
Please, if you can spare anything at all, send something to Suad. We are her and her baby’s best chance at surviving genocide.
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This is Doaa @doaaadas

Originally from north Gaza, Doaa lived with her parents in a comfortable home. When the IOF invaded, they became trapped in their home for days, going hungry and thirsty for much of that time. When they finally escaped, Doaa’s father was killed and Doaa was injured.
Since that day, Doaa’s health has been extremely fragile. She tries to receive what treatment she can, but the lack of availability of care has exacerbated her injury and created a cascade of health problems.

Doaa is currently in surgery and she is in very poor condition. Although we are glad she was able to get this procedure, it is not going to be a cure-all. She will still have serious health problems, and the trauma of the surgery itself will leave her weak and vulnerable to infection and disease.
Doaa has only her mother with her. Her mother is terrified and exhausted, and has no source of income. Please help them afford basic necessities like water, food, and supplies for managing Doaa’s health going forward.
Please donate what you can and share her campaign so it gets more visibility. It has very low funds, and your sharing is very helpful and appreciated.
Thank you❤️
Doaa’s campaign is verified by @mohammedalhabil2000
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CRITICAL EMERGENCY!!! 15 y/o girl needs heart surgery!!!!
Earlier this month, we made a post asking for your support in attaining 15 year-old Nour’s monthly treatment for her congenital heart condition. Unfortunately, the funds raised came too late. Nour’s health took a dramatic downturn yesterday, and the doctor said that because she had gone so long between monthly treatments, several of Nour’s heart valves have closed up. She now requires an urgent operation to save her heart.
NOUR WILL DIE WITHOUT THIS SURGERY!! She is dying right now because her heart is struggling to function! She needs this surgery IMMEDIATELY to save her young life!!

The doctor said the surgery will cost $8000 USD. Nour’s family’s GFM is in Canadian dollars, or CAD, of which the conversion rate to USD is $1 USD=$1.41 CAD. This means we need $11,300 CAD in donations in order to pay the equivalent of $8000 USD for her surgery.
We NEED to raise the funds ASAP so Nour has a chance at survival!! We are breaking this sum up into 2 smaller goals to be more attainable. Our first goal to save Nour’s life is to raise $4000 USD/$5656 CAD.
**Progress: $43,187 CAD out of $49,000 CAD**
(or $30,554 USD out of $34,670 USD)
@90-ghost @nabulsi @ibtisams @socalgal @vague-humanoid @neptunerings @chilewithcarnage @frigidwife @diasdelasombra @annevbonny @tamarrud @stuckinapril @king-b0mbastic @dykesbat @lesbianmaxevans @qattdraws @irhabiya @sar-soor @sayruq @gazagfmboost @dlxxv-vetted-donations @vetted-gaza-funds @butchniqabi @butchfeygele @butchfeygela @self-hating-zionist @antizionisttranslations @antifainternational @antizionistprincess @gothhabiba @khanger @userpeggycarter @zamanassad @palhelp @resourcesforradicals @watermotif @rhubarbspring @anneemay @pcketknife @appsa @malcriada @wellwaterhysteria @queernigga @lesbiancalliope @lesbianholster @lesbiannova @queerstudiesnatural @feluka @kordeliiius
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Personally, while I would prefer people use headphones to listen to music in public, I don’t mind if it’s played out loud as long as the volume is not too high.
These kinds of disputes seem silly to us, yet these are the kind of mundanities of which the people of Gaza have been denied. For people like my dear friend Ola @olagaza, existence is now preoccupied entirely with the struggle for survival, and such trivialities must seem like a luxury.
It was not always this way.
Before October 7th 2023, Ola was a mathematics teacher and graduate student in north Gaza. Her days were busy, filled with studying, working, spending time with family and friends, and occasionally finding a little time to relax.
Her days are still very busy, but now with looking for food and fleeing IOF attacks. Ola and her family are starving, and Ola herself has previously been hospitalized for malnutrition. They were displaced from their home by occupation attack, and have been forced to move frequently, often at a moment’s notice, between shelter centers. If a shelter center cannot be found, they are forced to live in the streets.
The little food that’s available in north Gaza comes at extremely inflated prices. Ola is desperately trying to purchase enough food for her family to keep them alive, but she is feeling very despondent. The physical and emotional tolls of genocide weigh heavily upon her. Trying to survive is difficult enough. But having to walk miles a day, under constant threat of IOF aerial and ground attacks, just to hopefully find enough internet to be able go online and ask strangers to please care enough about her life to pay a little attention to her story is dehumanizing. And yet it is the only way her family can find food.
You can help lighten Ola’s burden by
supporting her campaign
reblogging this post
following @olagaza and boosting her posts
copy-pasting this link (https://gofund.me/89e42c74) across all your social media accounts
Please help Ola not have to fight this battle for survival alone
Thank you❤️

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Help a new mother feed her baby!!
Suad Ahmad @suad-khaled is an engineer from north Ghazzeh. At the beginning of the invasion, her home and workplace were both destroyed by the occupation. She had just found out she was pregnant. She and her family were displaced repeatedly, living in makeshift tents and on the streets until the birth of her son, Khaled, earlier this summer.
Khaled has an ongoing chest infection and related respiratory problems due to the collapse of sanitation and medical infrastructure. The little food and medicine available comes at highly elevated prices.
Suad and Khaled need your support in order to survive! Follow Suad’s blog and scan the code below to find out how you can help!
Thank you❤️

SHARE THIS LINK: https://gofund.me/f22a33b5
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They are under fire by the IOF! They URGENTLY need funds to evacuate quickly!! The IOF also destroyed their tent, and they need about $1000 USD to replace it so that they have some protection from the rain and cold!!!
I cannot stress enough how urgent this is!!! It is the middle of the night where I am. I am sick with a chronic illness flare-up and in the middle of a family emergency, yet I am here RIGHT NOW to ask for your support because THATS HOW URGENT THE SITUATION IS!! This is LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH!!! If you’ve ever considered donating but weren’t sure your funds would make a real difference, NOW is the time!!! Anything you can give, no matter how small, could help save this family’s lives!!!
COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK: https://gofund.me/ab691b04
DONATE HERE: https://gofund.me/ab691b04
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If you broke a bone or had a serious injury, did you have to do physical therapy? I know I did when I broke my wrist. For me, physical therapy was annoying and a little painful, but I was fortunate to be able to receive it.
Mohammed Al-Habil is not so fortunate.
While searching for firewood with his older brother Omar, Mohammed was bombed by the occupation. Omar, a young nurse whose wife was expecting a baby, was martyred. Mohammed received a severe leg wound that left him immobile. He spent months in the hospital, and lost all function in his left leg due to being unable to move it.
Mohammed was prescribed physical therapy, which medical staff in north Gaza continue to do their best to provide. But physical therapy can be very expensive, even in peacetime. For a family with no income due to an ongoing genocidal invasion, it is impossible to pay the required fees.
Without paying these fees, Mohammed will be unable to receive physical therapy. This means his leg will not heal properly, and his ability to walk may be impaired or destroyed for the rest of his life. It is very urgent that he receives this treatment!
He was prescribed therapy almost every day. Each session costs about $50 USD. That’s $50 USD EVERY DAY. This is an enormous burden for Mohammed, as it would be for any of us as well.
Any support you can provide will go toward helping Mohammed regain his mobility, and will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you❤️
the fundraiser is in EUR, but costs in Gaza are mostly paid in USD. The conversion rate is about $1 USD = €0.95 EUR.
So for example, if you want to send $20 USD, please donate €19 EUR. Additionally,
$5 USD = about €5 EUR
$10 USD = about €9.50 EUR
$20 USD = about €19 EUR
$50 USD = about €48 EUR
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Remember to watch one hour of SWTOR content on Twitch before the 28th November to get your free Ilum artwork stronghold decoration!
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Fucking damn it, Siraj's campaign on GFM got deleted I am actually so mad right now. He has to start anew, is anyone able to host the new fundraiser? :(
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Noha and her family were in Jabaliya, and were ethnically cleansed from the area by the IOF. In the process, Noha was attacked and severely beaten by IOF soldiers. She has been hospitalized with serious injuries, and is in intense pain.

Please, Noha urgently requires $250 for medication to treat her wounds and her pain!! This is extremely urgent!!! Please support her if you can, and repost and share the link!!! gofund.me/ffaf4296
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Image description: it's a drawing of Aayla Secura from Star Wars. She's wearing a reimagined version of her outfit in Star Wars: Republic Issue 72. She's holding he glasses up with one hand, her other hand is in her pocket. She's looking judgementally at the camera. The prompt for her expression was her reacting to her original outfit. End of description.
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My dear friend Noha Al-Habil is in need of funds to purchase medicine for her younger sister Nour. Nour was born with serious health problems. When she was just 7 months old, she went through open-heart surgery, and continues to suffer from various effects of that. She requires medication to treat her condition, but her family has no money to purchase it.
They need $500 for the cost of the medication. Nour really REALLY needs this medication!! Can we raise $500 on GFM in 48 hours? Please support if you can, reblog this post, and copy and paste this link (https://gofund.me/4be74469) across all your social media accounts.
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Day nine of @jdiknight's SWTOR-tober prompt list! The day nine prompt is Legendary: I had some trouble coming up with what to draw- in the end I decided to draw, who I think at least, is by far the most legendary character to come out of SWTOR. Sorry Marr, Malgus- and everybody else, no one does it like her...
Previous days: Day 1 + Introduction post Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

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