gavino-reed · 4 months
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gavino-reed · 2 years
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he doesnt have the life experience to know what happens when your face is in The Dog Zone
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gavino-reed · 3 years
you know there was a lot of discourse about the game itself but i hope we can all agree detroit: become human is a fucking stupid name.
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gavino-reed · 3 years
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Personality traits include: sexy, powerful, guilty, 😏, illiterate and sexy❤️
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gavino-reed · 5 years
Me playing DBH: I hate Gavin so much this guy has no redeeming qualities what a dick why do people like him
Me after reading one (1) Reed900 fic: *sobbing quietly* No one touch my rat son or I burn this whole place to the ground
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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reversed AU GV200
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gavino-reed · 5 years
Connor: We both look very beautiful tonight.
Gavin: You know, if you- if you’d just said I look beautiful, I would’ve said “so do you”.
Connor: I couldn’t take that chance.
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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Is this not how all GavCon fics starts? 🤔 Based from the Spongebob episode “Dying for Pie”. In this case, Connor doesn’t eat the bomb pie because androids don’t eat, but Gavin and Hank don’t know that XD
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gavino-reed · 5 years
Gavin: I live my life by one rule. Never love anything. The world sucks and it will always be ripped away from you-
Connor: Hi.
Gavin: …I’ve failed my one rule.
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gavino-reed · 5 years
Telling jokes was a skillset Gavin needed for the next case. As a GV200, his model was old and disused enough that most people didn't remember it. But as an android, he was perfect for recording proof of activities. However, he needed to practice humour is order to fit in with the crowd.
"My boyfriend is too tall to kiss, what do I do?" He began in the break room. Immediately, the usual group crowded around him with helpful answers, rather than listen to the end of his joke.
"You should punch him in the gut to make him double over," Tina suggested with a grin.
"Don't be mean!" Connor cut in. "Just dump him. Find someone more your size."
"Cut off his legs," Hank chimed in, his LED a calm blue despite his rather horrendous suggestion. There was a reason Gavin avoided him.
Through all that, Gavin had seen Nines' stress levels rising until he stepped closer to the group and cleared his throat.
"You could just ask me to bend down," he said and silence reigned.
Gavin's LED cycles red as he tried to make sense of what just happened.
"Wait, you're my boyfriend?"
"What do you mean? We've been dating for the last 2 months." Nines frowned and people started quickly moving away from them, sensing the awkwardness of the situation. Only Hank lingered but Connor tugged him away.
"What did you think those times going to restaurants had been? Going to the cinema? Going bowling? Cuddling over a film on the sofa?" Nines' voice was steady but getting more and more incredulous. "I was just waiting for you to feel ready to kiss me. We even held hands going home for the last 6 weeks!"
Thinking back on it made Gavin's processors hurt, his circuits burned as he tried to make sense of it all. His carefully constructed world tumbled around him with the new information. LED still red, he marched up to Nines and glared up at him.
"Could you bend over please? I have a boyfriend I need to kiss."
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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gavino-reed · 5 years
Both RK800 and RK900 adapt behavior from their environment, right? That includes speech. So instead of being like “??????” whenever Gavin uses slang from his youth, Nines picks the phrases up and remembers them along with the context. As soon Gavin realizes this, he keeps making his sentences more ridiculous. It works. 
Because the next time they have to interrogate someone, RK900 opens the conversation in all seriousness with “Are you ready to spill the tea or are you gonna stay salty this whole time?”
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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Good morning, suns!) Gav has been restoring emotional balance in the morning… Using yoga. Well, how do you think he can keep calm and not squeak noses to others? Just with such a meditation x)
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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Once I set up the voting which Gavin to draw. Obviously I was carried away and I drew them all and a pack of portraits of Connor in addition. I don’t even… if you are carried away it is impossible to stop, you scream how much you love Reed and the hand just “does a lot”.
Probably they are on a mission together and Reed grumbles about something, but hides behind others back. And for Connor is everything fine. I like this a bit emotional Connor, who steps aside from “I am a machine” and laughs inside at people. He’s a guy with humor.
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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Lieutenant Reed,,,
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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It’s “being outwardly confident, cracking jokes and kind of a bitch, but on the inside being very soft and just wanting love and acceptance” check!
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gavino-reed · 5 years
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I’m so tired. Someone let me lay on them like this. Preferably Rk900.
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