gather-some-moss · 17 days
Level 1: Porn with plot
Level 2: Porn with social commentary
Level 3: Porn with troubling philosophical implications
Level 4: Porn with maddening revelations of humanity’s place in the cosmos
Level 5: Porn with math
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gather-some-moss · 17 days
survived checking my bank account. i deserve a little treat
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gather-some-moss · 17 days
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gather-some-moss · 17 days
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gather-some-moss · 17 days
its okay to be fat! unless you are on purpose. unless you've never tried dieting before. unless you're disabled. unless you're not actively trying to be the healthiest person in the room. unless you sit down. unless you drink soda. unless you aren't fashionable. unless you aren't white. unless you get off on it. unless you exist.
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gather-some-moss · 17 days
Two rules for creating anything.
1) Make it weird.
2) Make it with love.
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gather-some-moss · 17 days
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garfield PSA
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
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I have made a sex-free edit of the 2008 adult film To the Last Man.
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The original version is more than five hours, but can be (and has been) cut down to about 45 minutes (including the credits). It's all plot and nice cinematography.
A couple of scenes I included have some of that aforementioned plot occurring alongside nudity. I censored the offending dicks and nutsacks, but left the bare asses. I think we can all handle some non-sexual ass. As a treat.
There's lots of murder, though.
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
nothing has made me feel like an ancient grumpy crone more than the “using chatgpt for school is fine actually” sentiment among youths
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
Sometimes a disability is an all-or-nothing, you can either do an activity or you can't. But often it's much more complicated than that. Some disabilities come in waves, some in acute attacks. Some can technically do an activity, but it's gonna cost them later with pain or worsening of symptoms.
If someone can do an activity one day, but tell you they can't the next day, believe them. If they're a loved one, you can inquire as to why in order to understand them better. If you don't know the person well, the best thing to do is to say "ok" and leave it at that.
Us disabled people have to constantly explain ourselves, defend ourselves, handle being accused of lying or exaggerating. We feel like we're constantly in front of a judge, having to prove our very being.
Having someone go "Sure, no problem" when we say we can't do something, will make a disabled person immensely grateful.
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
Ya know when people told me "when you're finally safe enough that you can leave survival mode and start to let go of and process your c-ptsd/trauma things are probably going to get really, really bad before they slowly start to get better" I thought that was reasonable. I did not understand that by "things are going to get bad" they meant "you're going to find yourself in the worst mental state of your entire life, but dw, that means it's working" and tbh I simply wish someone had been more clear.
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
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One of H. R. Giger’s first designs for the Xenomorph from ALIEN. The transparent skull was too tricky to create so they changed it.
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
ah shit I just got Infomercialed
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
I love seeing people’s picrew art styles because you can just look at them and be like
“You read homestuck and it was a big part of your life for a few years, you’re not into steven universe but you did watch it, and you had an intense black butler phase in middle school and doodled their eyes over and over again in your spiral notebooks”
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
diet culture is so fucking sad.
i once played the asking game with my mom when she was talking to me about her diet plans.
why are you dieting? because i've gained loads of weight recently. who cares? everyone does. i don't care. but i do. why? because i don't want to be fat. why don't you want to be fat? because it's embarrassing and i don't want to be an ugly pig. is being fat hurting you? not especially, but it's not nice for other people to look at.
at this point i looked at her and said "don't you think it's sad that you're spending your whole life putting these rules upon yourself, rules that naturally skinny people aren't expected to abide by, all for the effort of trying not to be fat?" and she looked back at me with suddenly wet eyes and said, with an amount of difficulty, that yes, it is sort of sad when you think about it.
she's been fat ever since i, her eldest child, was born. she was always super skinny in her youth, but pregnancy changed her body shape and her metabolism, and i only ever knew her as a very fat woman growing up. chances are, she will never be thin again. her lifestyle is no different to how it was before my existence; her body just works differently now. she sees it as a personal failure. she doesn't eat her favorite foods anymore, doesn't go out dating, doesn't make friends, doesn't go to events, doesn't allow anyone to buy her clothes for her birthday because she can't bear anyone knowing her size. she lives a lonely life, unwilling to do her favorite things. she elected for a gastric bypass surgery which, over the last few years, has introduced multiple complications that came very close to killing her, and yet she doesn't regret the surgery because it helped her lose a few pounds. she basically does not have a stomach anymore and she still believes her fatness is because she's been doing something wrong for the last 20something years.
diet culture is deadly not only because of the self-starvation and malnutrition but because it rips away pieces of your life that you're supposed to enjoy. relationships and sex are only for thin people, a glass of wine and some chocolate at the end of a difficult day is an indulgence only allowed to thin people, cute clothes are only for thin people, family photographs are only for the thin relatives, riding a bike on vacation with your kids is only for families with thin parents.
doesn't your soul ache? doesn't it hurt you to see people doing this to themselves, to inflict this on YOURself? you can do all of these things. your life can be lived fully and joyously and with love, but you distance yourself from the things that make you happy because you feel like you aren't good enough for them. it breaks my heart.
fatphobia is something oft inflicted upon people by others, but it comes from inside too. kill the part of you that thinks you aren't good enough. your body is perfect already, my love.
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
the angel staying over at my house asked for a nightlight in their room and i told them buddy, don't you produce your own light? what're you gonna do with more? and they said they wanted to see why people like it so much. and also that the nightlight i own is blue and they're been trying to understand color. anyways i think they've stared at it for an hour now
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gather-some-moss · 1 month
I haven't seen dancing pumpkin guy ONCE this year, are you guys okay?
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