gasukakeju · 7 months
Personal responsibility, defined as “people [s’ skill of] taking individual accountability for their decisions and actions, together with the outcomes they create and their impacts on others” (Linley & Maltby, 2009, p. 685) is a key factor affecting learning orientations, and it impacts the degree to which students act as active agents of their own learning. In contexts where students team up with peers to work on projects and perform other collaborative tasks, they also directly impact their peers’ learning, and the academic and personal well-being of everyone involved.
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gasukakeju · 7 months
Mempelajari bahasa sangat penting untuk pekerjaan, untuk komunikasi antar manusia untuk berinteraksi. Saat ini, banyak perusahaan menginginkan orang-orang yang menguasai lebih dari satu bahasa. Karena banyak perusahaan yang mendorong karyawannya untuk mengasah kemampuan bahasanya. Karena bahasa memungkinkan seseorang untuk berbagi informasi, dan untuk mengkomunikasikan keyakinan dan spekulasi, sikap dan emosi
Language has crucial role in the life of every individual. The role of language in our lives is incomparable. It is not just restrained to being a means of communicating one‟s thoughts and ideas to the rest, but has also become a tool for forging friendships, cultural ties as well as economic relationships. Throughout history, learned men have reflected on the importance of language in our lives. Language is an extremely important way of interacting with the people around us. We use language to let others know how we feel, what we need, and to ask questions. We can modify our language to each situation. For instance, we talk to our small children with different words and tone than we conduct a business meeting. To communicate effectively, we send a message with words, gestures, or actions, which somebody else receives.
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gasukakeju · 7 months
An abusive situation should be considered especially dangerous if there is a pattern of frequent and/or severe violence, the abuser and/or the abused woman use drugs or alcohol, the woman or her children have been threatened with death, the abuser has access to deadly weapons, either the abuser or victim has a psychiatric impairment, the abuser has a history of criminal activity, the abuse has taken the form of forced sexual acts, the abuser has threatened suicide, the abuser has tortured or killed animals as a display of his willingness to take extreme action, and the woman has made suicide threats or attempts
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gasukakeju · 7 months
Fear, the oldest and strongest emotion, played a crucial role in the evolution of vertebrates [10]. While aggression is important for defending territory, protecting offspring and catching prey, fear is essential for facing danger. The amygdala is considered the key structure in preparing an organism to react to danger or engage in a fight-orflight response [155,156]. Even though it certainly participates in the evaluation of other emotions [146], its role in the detection of fear is primary and evolutionarily the most important [10]. Fear and consequent behaviors are thus, either suppressed or generalized in dangerous situations [80]. Besides its key role in the experience of fear and the fight-or-flight response, the amygdala is crucial in emotional memory [221], processing emotionally charged stimuli from the environment and attributing emotional significance to this information, whether relevant or not [167].
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gasukakeju · 7 months
Penatalaksanaan menstruasi Kebersihan, penyakit dan darah menstruasi pada perempuan terinfeksi HIV tidak dibahas dalam literatur; hanya literatur abu-abu (tidak dipublikasikan) dan percakapan anekdotal antara ilmuwan dan manajer program yang membahas topik ini. Sebelum terapi antiretroviral (ART) menjadi lazim, perempuan sering kali berhenti menstruasi setelah HIV mencapai stadium lanjut. Namun, karena ART sudah banyak digunakan bahkan di negara-negara miskin sumber daya, perempuan terus mengalami menstruasi, yang menimbulkan tantangan kebersihan dan kemungkinan risiko penularan HIV ke perawat. Darah menstruasi perempuan HIV-positif mengandung virus, terkadang lebih tinggi dibandingkan darah biasa (Reihelderfer et al., 2000). Oleh karena itu, perempuan HIV-positif dan pengasuhnya harus mencegah penularan HIV dari darah menstruasi dengan melakukan tindakan pencegahan universal.
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gasukakeju · 7 months
Self-care is a process in which patients implement their acquaintance and ability to manage an illness, to know their condition, and to have collaboration with the self-care [17]. Levin [18] define self-care as a process in which a layperson can function effectively for themselves to promote health, prevention, illness detection, and primary health literacy in the health treatment system. Moreover, self-care covers the ability of self-care, therapeutic self-care demand, and selfcare regulations. Self-care activity is initiated and done by individuals for themselves, to keep their life, health, and welfare.
Self-care is a multidimensional concept which refers to knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Likewise, they are developed, maintained, and done by patients to manage their health problems or to upgrade their health status. The acquaintance about HIV/AIDS self-care comprises HIV/AIDS patient's information to conduct their self-care practice. The scope of self-care practice in HIV/AIDS covers two levels; general self-care for health maintenance, for example, nutrition, exercise, stress reduction [19], and specific self-care managing HIV treatment and care, for example, symptom management, medication adherence, involved in medicine [20].
Self-care can increase the involvement of people autonomously in managing their health and providing equal opportunities for health service users, quality of care, and financial protection for users. Self-care can improve the efficiency of health service delivery by including users as lay health workers. Therefore it increases community access to health services [7].
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gasukakeju · 7 months
fundamentals of independent living
- the client manages basic self-care tasks such as bathing, toileting, eating, and foos preparation
- the client is suffuciently mobile, has the range of body movement, and possesses the energy necesarry to safely care for self.
- The client recognizes and responds to dangerous situations (e.g, criminal activity, gas leak, malfunctioning electric circuit, etc) and knows how to call police and fire department, request emergency medical assistance, and alert neighbors of danger
- The client understands his or her situation and can process information, make decisions, and take action needed to complete ordinary tasks and activities of day-to-day living
- the clients speaks, reads, and writes the languages needed in his or her community for such actvities as shopping, work, school, otaining medical care, and calling for help
the client has the time and energy needed to perform his or her key social roles and fulfill his or her responsibilities
- the client takes personal responsibility for own behavior, decisions, and choices
- the client initiates interactions with others and influences them to cooperate or assist in meeting hos or her own legimate needs
- the client has positive self-image and self-confidence and expresses feelings of self-worth. He or she does not overlook or underestimate abilities and strengths and does not deny or ignore real limitations.
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gasukakeju · 7 months
adjusments to physical disability
- the client makes full and approriate use of rehabilitation programs, medications, and assistive technology (eg. communication devices, artifical limbs, wheelchair, etc) to minimize the impact of the disability
- the clients expressions of frustation and concerns over his or her disability are reasonable and do not offend or drive away family members, friends, relatives, and other helpers
- the client is able to discuss the disability and the need for assistance without embarrassment of apology. The client lets others know what he or she can and cannot do
- the client recognizes disability-related risks and vulnerabilities and plans how to reduce risks and handle possible emergencies or accidents
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gasukakeju · 8 months
- the client takes initiative to help neighbors and is willing to be helped by others in the neighborhood
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gasukakeju · 8 months
- the client has a relationship with a spouse or partner that is mutually satisfying and meets his or her need for intimacy and companionship
- the client experiences mutual and nonexploitative sexual activity that is satisfying to self and partner
- the client behaves toward his or her children in a manner that is accepting, supporting, and encoraging. He or she recognized and is able to meet a child's need for nurturing, guidance, protection, and limits.
- the client has an income sufficient to meet the needs of his or her family.
- the client has family members who care for each other, help each other, and are a source of support and encouragement for each other
- the client is willing to make sacrifices for his or her family and put the needs of the children before his or her own needs and wants
- the client has children who consider the provided guidance, limits and discipline to be fair and reasonable.
- the client experiences adults in his or her family who encourage each other and their children to participate in community, school, job, recreation, religious, civic, or other activities and to build healthy relationships with people outside the family
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gasukakeju · 8 months
nutrition and health care
- the client plans, shops for, and prepares a variety of nutritious meals within his or her foo budget
- the client engages in health-building behaviors (eg. adequate sleep, proper diet, exercise) and avoids misuse of medicines, harmful foods, street drugs, and alcoho
- the client has access to and capacity to pay for appropriate treatment of illness or injury
- the client avoid high risk or daredevil activities that could result in injury
coping with ordinary problems of living
- the client completes assigned tasks and carries out responsibilities in various areas of life (eg. home, job, school) even when they are a source of frustation. He or she is able to stick with and follow through in order to complete important tasks
- the client recovers at a reasonable rate from anxiety or depression brought on by an upsetting event or life disruption such as a death in the family, loss of job, and so on. He or she resumes responsibilities without serious or unusual interruption
- the client carefully and purposely rebuilds alternate intimate relationship following a loss such as a divorce, separation, or death of significant other. Overall feelings of self-worth and self-confidence are not permanently damaged by loss and disruption
- the client is comfortable woth own identity, self-concept, ethinicity, gender, sexual orientation, economic situation, and life circumstances
- the client is able to set priorities and reasonable limits on demands by others for his or her time and energy
- the client uses knowledge of past experiences to decide how best to cope with current difficulties and to anticipate challenges
coping with mental health problems or addiction
- the client recognizes the nature of his or her problems and their present and future consequences. He or she does not deny the existence of significant problems
- the client makes full and approriates use of effective therapies, medications, and support groups
- the client who has prior problems with addiction has the addiction controlled and monitored in order to prevent relapse
- the client interacts with a wide variety of people. (current relationships and activities are not limited to ones with people having similar problems)
adjusments to physical disability
- the client makes full and approriate use of rehabilitation programs, medications, and assistive technology (eg. communication devices, artifical limbs, wheelchair, etc) to minimize the impact of the disability
- the clients expressions of frustation and concerns over his or her disability are reasonable and do not offend or drive away family members, friends, relatives, and other helpers
- the client is able to discuss the disability and the need for assistance without embarrassment of apology. The client lets others know what he or she can and cannot do
- the client recognizes disability-related risks and vulnerabilities and plans how to reduce risks and handle possible emergencies or accidents
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gasukakeju · 8 months
housing and housekeeping
- the client has housing that provides adequate space and privacy and offers basic protection from fire, cold weather, excessive heat, break-in, and so forth
- the client has safe drinking water and a safe method of food storage
- the client keeps the living area and especially the food preparation area clean and sanitary
- the client has access to and knows how to safely use the various tools, soaps, and household chemicals needed to keep the living area and kitchen area free of disease-causing microbes, roaches, and rodents
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gasukakeju · 8 months
money management and consumer awareness
- the client monitors spending and financial transactions by using some type of budgeting and bookkeeping effort
- the client plans and budgets for unanticipated emergencies, for seasonal expenses, and so on
- the client understands the difference between necessities and wants and has sufficient self-discipline to avoid unwise expenditures and debt
- the client understands basic money concepts such as interest, debt, cgharge accounts, loans, and late payment penalties, and understands that teh purpose of commercial advertising is to encourage spending
- the client understands payroll deductions such as those for taxes, FICA, and insurance
- the client understands basic eligibility requirements for assistance (e.g unemployment insurance, SSI), reporting rules, and time limitations
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gasukakeju · 8 months
education and training
- the client is free of any cognitive or sensory difficulties that impede or seriously limit learning or is able to effectively compensate for these limitations
- the client explores new areas of knowledge that stretch and challege self in order to discover new interests and abilities
- the client is aware of and has access to types of education and training needed to maintain and develop neede job skills
- the client is interested in and stimulates by the education and training neede to prepare for and maintain a job
- the client assesses own learning needsm seeks out instruction, and the learns what is needed in order to perform social roles and fulfill responsibilities at work, home, and school
- the client has realistic, understanding of his or her capacity to learn and to complete programs of education and training
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gasukakeju · 8 months
recreational and leisure activity
- the client participates in enjoyable recreation or leisure activity that provides a respite from the demands of other responsibilities
- the client is aware of various forms of recreation and leisure and is willing to explore some of them in order to expand opportunity for physical exercise, new learning and new friendships
- the client selects recreation and leisure activities that are safe and wholesome and does not expose self to social influences that could prove harmful (e.g excessive drinking)
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gasukakeju · 8 months
- the client lives in a community and neighborhood that meets basic standards of public health and safety
- the client is not limited by forces of discrimination or oppression within community or society in his or her efforts to work and care for self and family
- the client participates in social, recreational, and political activities of the neighborhood and community
- the client participates in activities intended to benefit and improve his or her community and the lives of its people
- the client feels accepted in and has a sense of belongin to a positive and prosocial neighbor hood and community
- the client takes initiative to help neighbors and is willing to be helped by others in the neighborhood
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gasukakeju · 8 months
- the client lives in a community and neighborhood that meets basic standards of public health and safety
- the client is not limited by forces of discrimination or oppression within community or society in his or her efforts to work and care for self and family
- the client participates in social, recreational, and political activities of the neighborhood and community
- the client participates in activities intended to benefit and improve his or her community and the lives of its people
- the client feels accepted in and has a sense of belongin to a positive and prosocial neighbor hood and community
- the client takes initiative to help neighbors and is willing to be helped by others in the neighborhood
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