gaston-official · 6 years
Oh my God, chipotle is my life....
Story time
Chipotle ruined my life
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gaston-official · 6 years
Wow that stings! We hook up a few time and I dumb you for Belle and not I catch this shade!?
Everyone in the officialverse is so valid Ily all sm ❤❤❤
Except Gaston
Fuck you Gaston
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gaston-official · 6 years
Me too!
Attention all officials. Follow me.
That is all
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gaston-official · 6 years
Get Gaston back in the mix duh
How do become relevant
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gaston-official · 6 years
I learned not to lean on doors.
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gaston-official · 6 years
You see I am a hero not a villain.
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Parallels in Disney villain eyes?
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gaston-official · 6 years
Live it
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gaston-official · 6 years
Intitled SJWs
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Robin Hood (1973)
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gaston-official · 6 years
Woah now LeFou! What’s this all about? The man/woman/thing has the right to be an asshole. If you can’t handle it just bock it and keep on going. What do ya say?
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unfollow me, coward
Whatever you say pussy asshole boogerbutt
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gaston-official · 6 years
Yeah they want nothing to do with me so I would kick their ass in about two seconds flat!
There’s an infestation of impastas!
Impastas are blood thirsty beasts that can transform into a perfect copy of a living being. Their purpose is to get close to other living creatures so they can devour their victims.
An impasta’s true form is a black blob with rows and rows of teeth. Calling all officials (except Gaston-official) for the fight against impastas.
Reblog to join the fight
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gaston-official · 6 years
You just have to dab on the haters bro.
what happened to the officialverse didnt it have some weird plot i think i was in the discord
idk. i think it just turned into a normal discord
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gaston-official · 6 years
Some people say I hit the Officialverse like a storm
Well if I were a hurricane I would need to be respected for all the mayhem. I think I would need a song to describe it. Well lucky you, I have just such a song!
It’s so good you could dance to it.
@gaston-official @disneyladiesfromlastnight @disney-official
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gaston-official · 6 years
Why can’t we all just love each other... the way people love me?
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gaston-official · 6 years
Ha yeah right
For my campaign promises I’d like to add that i will also personally kick lefou as well as Gaston in the nuts
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gaston-official · 6 years
It is unfortunate that I feel like I have to protect hey strangers identity so that way they don’t catch the same heck that I did for something that they had no idea what happened but here it is.
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Never being part of or knowing anything about the discord server I joined under the assumption that I would be joining as Gaston.
Many people have stated that the reason people got upset with me was because I was in character while in the discord. However if you read my transaction while being invited I stated “as long as everyone understands Gaston will be Gaston” to which the response was “they do”
When I actually saw the discord had many young children that I was previously unaware of it didn’t surprise me that the conversation frequently revolved around personal home issues. It made more sense to me after saying that, considering the majority of what I was saying from those characters was a bunch of violence, threats, gay, dick centered comments. A lot of things that make kids feel older and edgy.
I’m not saying that to make you sound like bad people. When I was younger I was the same way. But that’s not really what Im into here.
When I say the official verse is not the place for sensitive people considering all that is said out there. That is a true statement. Expecting complete strangers understand and respect your triggers is great but when they don’t and you throw a fit that is childish. That is a true statement.
That is all I was trying to say while in character. I was not given the opportunity to explain out of character before I was banned. The way I was treated the things that were said to me versus the things I said while in character is not excusable. I will not go away because a bunch of children can’t handle the truth.
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I’m not here for IRL, or OOC. I’m here for role-play and a half pound interactions with people as our character. That’s what interested me in the first place improvisational game with endless possibilities.
It’s the end of Gaston
I know most of you Officials will be happy. I guess you all win and I lose again. I’m killing Gaston and here are my reasons why.
1. Bullying and cyber bullying is real and it has a real impact on people emotional state
2. I used Gaston to be everything I’m not. Loved and super confident and good looking.
3. It was all fake and was fun for a while, but still fake.
4. I used Gaston to save me from Boredom of my everyday life.
5. I let Gaston take a priority over my family.
6. I already needed to spend more time with my kids, but this wants cool to them anyway.
7. My failure in the officialverse only reminds me of my worst failure in real life.
8. Clearly I was just annoying everyone and bringing down everyone’s mood. I really didn’t mean to.
9. I see than even while playing a role I thought should be a jerk and kinda dumb, i failed to even do that right and people just thought I was a tarible person.
10. I’m old, well older, I have a son whose is the age of many of you. And I felt left out of the loop. I didn’t know the rules.
11. I thought the hate was focused on Gaston and I would feel fine, but it wasn’t him that felt rejection it was all me.
12. I felt like participating in group think and just going along with the crowd, but that’s been bad for me in the past.
13. I wast trying to tell people to toughen up because I needed to feel that for myself and I became the hypocrite. I hate feeling like I failed myself again. I was toxic to myself.
So those are my 13 reasons why. Most of you will never read this or even know about it, because I’ve been blocked.
In the morning I’ll be home and you’ll have a better space without me.
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gaston-official · 6 years
That would be great but I’m not going to quit just because people don’t like what I say just like you wouldn’t be expected to quit if people didn’t like what you say, and I would never ask you to.
I don’t search out anyone’s post to make comments on I comment on posts that are constantly shit talking me in an attempt to set the record straight.
However many people have blocked me from responding to their direct comments about me, which is fine but don’t expect me to just take it as if it were true when I know that it’s not.
To your point that an adult is role-playing as a Disney character being creepy because children do it as well is a nonstarter. Children don’t own role playing and for that matter Tumblr is not very child friendly on the whole. Once I was in the discord and realized how many people were children at very young ages I was totally fine and happy to no longer be part of it and never asked to be reinstated and never will.
If your child or minor or offended by what I have to say in character or out of character feel free to block me and filter out my hashtags I’m OK with that.
If you’re attempting to get me to quit reporting my account or constantly be spreading lies and hear say about me I will reply to that to the best that I’m able. This is the way it is what you stop talking about me and creating profiles with the explicit intent to bully me out of the Officialverse, we will have an understanding. Not before.
It’s the end of Gaston
I know most of you Officials will be happy. I guess you all win and I lose again. I’m killing Gaston and here are my reasons why.
1. Bullying and cyber bullying is real and it has a real impact on people emotional state
2. I used Gaston to be everything I’m not. Loved and super confident and good looking.
3. It was all fake and was fun for a while, but still fake.
4. I used Gaston to save me from Boredom of my everyday life.
5. I let Gaston take a priority over my family.
6. I already needed to spend more time with my kids, but this wants cool to them anyway.
7. My failure in the officialverse only reminds me of my worst failure in real life.
8. Clearly I was just annoying everyone and bringing down everyone’s mood. I really didn’t mean to.
9. I see than even while playing a role I thought should be a jerk and kinda dumb, i failed to even do that right and people just thought I was a tarible person.
10. I’m old, well older, I have a son whose is the age of many of you. And I felt left out of the loop. I didn’t know the rules.
11. I thought the hate was focused on Gaston and I would feel fine, but it wasn’t him that felt rejection it was all me.
12. I felt like participating in group think and just going along with the crowd, but that’s been bad for me in the past.
13. I wast trying to tell people to toughen up because I needed to feel that for myself and I became the hypocrite. I hate feeling like I failed myself again. I was toxic to myself.
So those are my 13 reasons why. Most of you will never read this or even know about it, because I’ve been blocked.
In the morning I’ll be home and you’ll have a better space without me.
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gaston-official · 6 years
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