Da ich zurzeit aktiv an Cosplays arbeite, ich mal zwischendurch etwas anderes machen wollte und die Ruhn-Zeke Bestie Power mich auseinander nimmt (cause canon and i luv it) dachte ich mir ich zeichne die beiden einfach mal :D
✨Bestie Power✨
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I watched the new music video of wardruna and they had some stunning scenery in it. So then I wanted to draw some of the scenes as practice. Than I thought the Zahnfee would fit quite well in this scene. So now this exist. A practice turned fanart.
Was die Zahnfee wohl im Wald sucht? 🤔
Crossposted on Instagram:
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"Wie du redest, ist hässlich Wie du es sagst, es erpresst mich Einfach 'ne perfide Technik
Doch wirklich niemand ersetzt dich."
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I love that the fandom decided to make them besties
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There's one character trait from Rhun that we have seen more than any other and it just breaks my heart.
Like sure, they are abrasive (Wer? Wer gefragt hat?!) and they are/used to be snarky (that scene when they were kids about the monster under the bed). And there is a whole lot to be said about Dark and White and Grey respectively.
But mostly they are just so very soft.
Roughly by point of order:
They worry about the kids that are being affected by the sweets that Klaus and Fips are giving to them. They also appear to feel strongly about people being influenced for the worse and being taken advantage of. (Weil ihr sie eh nur benutzt. Ihr Unwissenden habt schon genug Seelen beschmutzt!)
They make sure Ray knows that his efforts are known and appreciated (even though they immediately follow this up by telling him about the mean things that are being said about him, but even that is said to declare that those people are wrong).
While searching for Dark they take the time to make sure LurkyGirl is okay.
They make sure not to hurt the streamer (Papaplatte I think?) that Dark is using to hold Rhun off.
Yeah, they go along with Oskars plan to capture Dark. They were desperate (and I would guess not for themselves but for what it would mean for the world if they couldn't continue to due their job) getting weaker by the minute and all other attempts had failed. And the moment they realized that the chains were hurting Dark they stopped. Stopped and freed Dark and the telling Dark that they wanted it to be on both of their terms to merge again.
They worry about Oskar, some guy they have only known for a short time. When confronted with his betrayal and real plan, they don't react with hate or declarations of revenge but with concern about what their actions will cause.
When Pete, Joon and Ju find them, their first reaction is neither happiness nor relief. Instead they see Fips and all they can wonder sadly what happened to him.
They don't even rush Joon at first, even though they are currently living through the worst pain possible because they are still chained. Only when Joon is finished with his tale do they (Rhun and Dark) tell him to finally free him. And the best part? They listened. Because when they tried to send them home, they opened a door to North Korea. Because Joon told them that this is where he was born.
They make sure to save both Rainer and Joon, because they can actually do something for them.
Once they are at the hotel their first action is to return all their workers to normal and send them to safety.
They try to do the same with Joon and Rainer and then they loose their cool (and who wouldn't? They have guarded Eos face for hundreds of years. They were only just betrayed and had to spend the past whoever-knows-how-many days in unimaginable pain. And then such an obvious lie? -> side note: I hc that Rhun tries to be cautious but they are still very naive and always end up believing in the good of the people. This often ends badly for them and is one of the reasons they hate when others are being taken advantage of. It's too close to home). But then they let Joon and Rainer stay (Joon did say that they came in the hope of being safe at the hotel) and even take them to their most closely guarded secret.
Also, when Eos takes over and that energy blast sent Rhun flying? I think the only reason Joon wasn't also hurt was because Rhun was somehow protecting him with their magic.
I also need to mention that that scene where Eos is about to kill Rhun and Rhun doesn't say anything? Just bares their teeth and braces for it? That scene hurts on a different level.
And finally: Rhun not only saving Julia but also taking the time to (bluntly) explain that she has to be more careful. They even try to comfort her and help her deal with her fear! And then they make sure that Julia will never get lost again by giving her the Zahnseide (which going by the old Zahnfee song is probably not the first time this has happened. They did sing that the Zahnseide was being used in very unvonential ways).
I love Rhun so much.
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desert duo but they're kids and Grian's a ugly fucking bird who is pink and bald meanwhile Scar is a beautiful laughing baby stock photo. They r best friends

They separated after preschool but met again as adults ... they both still bite people .
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Rhun in "Das Geheimnis der Zahnfee"
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Here's a headcanon that the places where the guardians live actually reflect their attitude towards humans.
Fips lives in the city amongst mortals because he craves closeness and recognition. He is actively engaging with ordinary people because he wants to. He makes songs because he wishes to be famous, which would mean he would be admired and loved.
Klaus lives in the factory in the north pole, with all his elves. It's in a cold and isolated area, which gives off the feeling that he doesn't feel the need to connect with human beings and would much rather focus on his brothers and employees. However, he does care about humans and definitely wants to protect them, hence why everyone working there is focused on making presents and preparing for Christmas.
Rhun likes humans, as we can see from how gentle they treated Julia when she was a child, but they're also somewhat distant and cautious. This explains why they live in a hotel - they want people to come to them, to interact and socialize. However, Rhun themselves lack the capability to reach out on their own.
And Zeke? Zeke lives in a desert located in dumb fuck nowhere cuz they're an antisocial edgelord that thinks of mortals as a task they have to fulfill but frankly? They don't feel the need to be with any of them. I up to this day still believe that they kidnapped children in their sleep and forced them to sing the chorus for their song and you CANNOT convince me otherwise.
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Me: *Explains DnD to friend*
Friend: So basically your job as a DM is to put me in as much pain and misery as you want?
Me: No of course - well, uhhh yes actually. That's... somehow a very accurate description.
*A few seconds of silence*
Friend: Okay sounds fun when do we start :D
ooooh boy I already know I will wreck their soul
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You'll find the process and me yapping about all my thoughts under the cut :D
SO. My first thought was that I should make her wings consist ONLY of bones but, after chatting a bit about someone on Wattpad, I came to the conclusion that a mix of bone and fairy-like wings would be the best option :DD
After getting the lineart down, one of my furrends said they look like broken butterfly wings and then I was like "You know WHAT? I DIG THAT!" and then went with it in the coloring process SOAIUBASFUBF
Besides that, I also added and refined details that the actual Design of Zahnfee/Rhun doesnt have!
For example, I love to draw a huge part of xies skin see-through, so you can see the collarbone, part of the ribcage and spine if you look at xies chest area!
What I also like to do in addition is draw her left ear see-through as well, since the left part of her face already shows bones!
Maybe I will get around to drawing Zahnfee's whole body and showcase what parts I think are see through?:0 but we'll see about that!:D
A furrend of another furrend also has smth called "Airplane Ear Potential", also called AEP. And once my furrendo told me about that, I was like "Alright, Zahnfee has a high AEP, lemme see what I can do"
And that is how the ears became so long SNNSNSNSNS
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I like to think of Dark and White as representations of the inner struggles of the Zahnfee.
Just imagine Rhun growing up, being told completely different things by the people they love and trust... While the nuns and their other brothers would tell them to stay, to act responsible and obedient, Eos would tell them how much fun it is on the outside, and how the monastery is trapping them and that the thing they are going through is simply NOT FAIR.
This would cause so much confusion in the head of child Rhun that they started splitting those opinions into two "personalities".
White is the part of them that listened to the nuns - responsible, protective, but also way too trusting and emotionally vulnerable, not having the experience of dealing with humans.
Meanwhile, Dark is the stubborn one who was influenced by Eos, the one that craves freedom and fun but also the one that has a deep distrust in humans and always remains cautious.
Together, they could give Rhun the perfect ballance - caring, kind, but also careful and independent.
However, when they are split...
Well, we've seen how easily White believed and got attached to Oskar, a literal stranger who for some unknown reason had the power to trap a guardian, and how Dark just decided to give their job the finger and go on a road trip to collect all the teeth as if they were Pokémon.
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julian bams new video has me in a chokehold sorry non-german moots
anyways fanart

I love dark so much hes just a sassy piece of shit
I will be so sad if the split personality thing the Zahnfee has going now wont be further explored
I will literally explode
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Having non German speaking friends as a JCU fan is crazy because how am I supposed to explain to them that the reason why I've started saying "HOLY SHIT A FLYING FOREIGNER" and "You have they/themed enough for today" non-stop is because these are translated quotes from a series made by a German YouTuber inspired by a kids animation movie that came out in 2012??? Also I wanna fuck the tooth fairy like???
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