garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
I overcame myself, the sufferer; I carried my own ashes to the mountains; I invented a brighter flame for myself.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
(via astrolocherry)
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
His heart was like a sensitive plant, that opens for a moment in the sunshine, but curls up and shrinks into itself at the slightest touch of the finger, or the lightest breath of wind.
Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (via antigonick)
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
They asked what my greatest accomplishment was. “Surviving,” I said
-submitted by anonymous (via tenwordstory)
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
would you sleep with a student?
❝ 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ? — ʜᴏɴᴇsᴛʏ ʜᴏᴜʀ
“No, I most likely wouldn’t. A physical relationship with a student, even if they aren’t a student I’ve had in a class personally, is a bit against my ethics. Perhaps a graduate student, as I was recently one as well, but other than that, no probably not.”
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
whats your favourite thing about yourself?
❝ 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ? — ʜᴏɴᴇsᴛʏ ʜᴏᴜʀ
“My intelligence, I suppose. I think everyone is intelligent, simply in different ways. I consider myself quite book smart, and I enjoy that aspect of myself.”
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
take off your shirt
❝ 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ? — ʜᴏɴᴇsᴛʏ ʜᴏᴜʀ
“Um– N-no I… I don’t think anyone wants to see that.”
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the ooc response:
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
I like depth. I like when I can look at something and feel it in my heart. I like when I can read a sentence with few words and feel like I’m drowning. I’m not a masochist or a sadist, I just enjoy the quiet reminders that my heart does more than pump blood.
(via notoriouslye)
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
Lillith hadn’t been paying much attention to where she was, in the first place. She’d been reading the same paragraph in her spell book with varying degrees of failure for nearly two hours, and it was getting frustrating. She had just slammed the book shut when she heard a bark from in front of her, looked up, and was shoved backwards by a massive dog. For a moment she was stunned, before she recognized the dog that had tackled her. She let out a soft laugh, scratching behind his ear before she replied to Garner’s concern. “Oh please. You know it would take a lot more than a tackle to hurt me.” She pushed herself out from under the large ball of fur, looking between Copernicus and his owner with a grin. “No offense, but he totally loves me more than he loves you. This is just proof.” She stood and dusted herself off, then reached for her spellbook. It was once she’d picked it up that she raised a curious brow. “Okay, so, update: there’s a slight chance that I might’ve done that. My bad.”
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Garner ran his fingers through his hair and heaved a sigh of relief. “Yes well, he’s quite the massive dog. It seems he sometimes forgets how big he is.” He tugged on Copper’s collar, rolling his eyes at Lilli’s statement. “That’s because you shower him with treats constantly.” In Copper’s defense, Garner would like Lilli more than him too. His obediently stepped off of Lilli after one final lick directly to her face before he plopped himself down next to where Garner stood. “What do you mean you did that?” Garner asked, brows pinching together in confusion. His gaze flickered between Lilli and then her spellbook before things clicked into place. “Did you cast a spell on my dog?” he hissed under his breath, eyes comically wide. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
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“I appreciate his enthusiasm.” She loosed a light giggle, turning her attention back to the dog. “What’s his..or her name?” Grace crinkled her nose at the wet kisses she received, running her fingers through the animal’s soft fur, shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalant manner. “I don’t mind. I suppose I can cross getting run over by a dog off of my bucket list, hm?” It had been a joke. Perhaps a poorly worded one, but a joke nonetheless. Grace wasn’t one to complain about much, and a friendly pup was certainly nothing to complain about. She raised her eyebrows in amusement, shifting back from Copernicus so that she could finally stand up. “I’m Grace, by the way.”
“Copernicus,” Garner answered. “Or um...Copper, if Copernicus is too long.” At the sound of his name, Copernicus looked up at Garner with his tongue dangling out of the side of his mouth. He stepped back off of Grace, trotting over to Garner’s side once again. Garner huffed out a fond sigh, shaking his head at his dog who was not acting entirely innocent. “I’m Garner,” he replied, holding out a hand to help her up. “It’s nice to meet you, Grace. Even under the um...furry circumstances.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of tissues. He held out a small handful with an apologetic smile, a silent offering for her to clean up whatever slobber Copper might have gotten on her. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
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Grace hadn’t been paying any attention to anything but the book in her hands when she’d heard the excited bark. Glancing up at the last second, she only had enough time to see a dog the size of a horse bounding towards her. Oceanic hues widened comically, and before she knew it, she was flat on her ass in the middle of the sidewalk, arms outstretched to…pet the dog? She adjusted her seating, crossing her legs with a light laugh as she scratched the gentle giant behind the ears, grinning up at his owner. “Oh, heavens no. He didn’t hurt me at all. Just came to say hello, I reckon.”
Garner relaxed when the girl looked up at him with a grin. He couldn’t help but return it with a relieved one of his own. “He’s not usually so enthusiastic.” And enthusiastic he was. Copper’s tail was wagging so quickly his whole body shook with it, and as he covered the girl in slobbery kisses Garner let out a nervous laugh. “Or um...fresh with people he’s just met,” he added, attempting to make light of the situation. Was this his fault as a dog owner? Should he be training Copernicus? He didn’t know the first thing about dog obedience. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
Etienne makes his way down one of the aisles, not really paying attention to where he’s going as his eyes scan over the produce, searching for the tomatoes. Finally spotting the red fruit, he moves to grab one before realizing that someone is in his way. Letting out a small sigh he takes a step back as he waits for the male to finish. “Oh no,” he reassures him with a small smile, “You’re fine.”
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“No, no,” Garner said in a rush, quickly stepping to the side. “There’s plenty of room for both of us.” He silently reprimanded himself for standing in the middle of the tomato stand, when he could have just as easily stood off to the side. “The tomatoes are very fresh today. And these ones are locally grown, so they’ll have a more natural flavor as opposed to the ones produced by industrials farms.” He picked up a tomato and cleaned away the dirt with his hand. “They might not look the best, but they’ll taste the best.”
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
“I’ve never filled one out before.” Jessica admitted with a smile. “I’m sure i’ll get used to filling them out as time goes on though.” she added. “My only real hobby is playing the piano. I mean, I like cooking and reading about creepy places? But none of those things really help.” she chuckled. “Oh! I could ask my English teacher. I did really well in her class.”
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“Piano, cooking, and reading, are all viable skills. And, if anything, they’ll give you things to talk about in an interview if you feel stumped. Jobs like to learn about who you are. And teachers are great references. School counsellors as well, someone you may have done work for or helped with a project would also be good.”
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
Coming to the grocery store had been a mistake. Wyatt thought he would be able to navigate it just fine, but his hands and legs were shaking so much from the effort, that everything he picked up he dropped. Wyatt began to get frustrated. All he wanted to do was get the things he needed to make Worm’s Wort Soup, and he had finally gotten everything he needed except one thing, carrots, but someone was in his way. Clearly the boy sensed Wyatt’s impatience. “N-no. It’s f-fine. I was j-j-just t-trying to g-get through.” Wyatt motioned to his cart, not wanting to talk much more, hoping the boy would understand that he couldn’t fit his cart past him.
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Looking between Wyatt, his cart, and the space he had to fit through, Garner quickly realized he was blocking the way. “Right, of course, I’m so sorry,” he said, quickly stepping out of the way. “You weren’t waiting long, were you?” Garner had a tendency to get wrapped up in grocery shopping. It was the one thing he had as an escape from his parents, the safe haven he’d made for himself in the chaos he’d once had to endure. But now it was so much of an escape that he often forgot the world around him. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
Though Lucian had never really had the opportunity to cook, the idea always fascinated him. It couldn’t be that difficult to do, right? Well, whether that was true or not, Lucian decided to go to the grocery store to gather some supplies. He found himself getting rather lost, however, not knowing what he should actually buy. “Oh, no… Sorry. I was just looking.”
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"Oh it’s fine,” Garner replied, stepping somewhat to the side to give the boy room as he continued to look at the tomatoes. He plucked four of the best tomatoes, and then an onion from the stand next to them. He was like a machine, easily assessing the ripeness of the produce and choosing the best out of the bunch. With a steadily filling basket, he gave the other a smile as he stepped around him in favor of looking at the strawberries. They weren’t one of the ingredients he needed for his dinner tonight, but they looked damn good. And so he plopped one into his mouth. “The strawberries are very fresh,” he said a bit dumbly, glancing over his shoulder at Lucian. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
Bailey had missed walking around and doing things. Truly. The hospital had been great, and she still had regular check ups of course, but she missed going out into the world. It had been over a month since she’d seen the place, after all. As she ambled down an aisle, on crutches, lost in thought, she realised she was in the fruit and vegetable section. Oh, it had been so long since she’d eaten fresh fruit. Forgetting to keep a hand on her crutches, she reached forward excitedly to pick at some strawberries- when it all came crashing down. Strawberries on the floor, and her crutches down there, Bailey found herself hopping on one leg, with one crutch slightly uselessly by her side. Luckily nobody else was around… Except a male who was looking at tomatoes. Bailey hated asking for help, but it seemed to be her only option. As she hobbled over, she offered him a small, awkward, embarrassed smile. “Hi, oh- no- i- no! No. You’re fine.” She said, still trying to balance on one crutch and leg. “I just- i’m sorry, i know this is- totally … Silly, and dumb, i thought i could… Do things by myself. But … Um. Anyways, could you maybe help me? I’m so sorry to take up your time, i just- i knocked… Things… Over. And my crutch.” She was blabbering slightly, sounding like an absolute fool. And now her face was getting incredibly red in embarrassment as she tried to gesture to the mess behind them.
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Garner fully turned around, taking in the girl balancing on one crutch and the mess of strawberries on the floor. “Oh! Oh, yes of course I– Here let me–” He scrambled away from the tomatoes so quickly he knocked a few off of their carefully placed perch. “Shit–” he muttered, looking at the tomatoes that would now surely be bruised. He paid them no mind and instead went over to the girl’s crutch. He tip-toed around strawberries, not wanting to squish any of them and cause more of a mess. Crutch now in hand, he offered her a smile. “Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you? Well I mean, obviously you’re hurt but...more hurt?” he asked, holding out her lost crutch. “Would you like a hand getting situated? I have a steady shoulder, I promise,” he said with a weak laugh. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
His chest tightened at the sound of the voice, and he subconsciously pulled the sleeves of his shirt over his palms as he turned, glancing around. The guy must’ve left - nope. His heart skipped a couple beats as he flinched backwards from the sudden sound coming out of nowhere. His gaze fired in different directions, but his confusion only lasted a moment as realization swept over him: invisibility, something that was familiar to him as well… he should’ve been smart enough to use it today. He shook his head slightly as his gaze moved downward and to the side, unaware of where the young man stood. “Y-you’re, um… okay?” He managed to mutter, chewing his lip in anticipation but afraid to try to leave. It was intensely uncomfortable having someone aware of him that he couldn’t see.
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Garner’s brows furrowed in confusion. The boy didn’t seem to be interested in looking him in the eye. He actually almost seemed unsure of where to look. The realization clicked in his mind. “Oh, crap I’m–” He quickly made himself visible again, lips turned down in an apologetic frown. “I’m really sorry. That must have been startling. I um...” He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably and let out a nervous laugh. “I sometimes forget when I’m invisible... I’ll just–” he cut himself off and pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. 
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garnerbarbot-blog · 7 years
I am rain and belong to no one.
Marguerite Duras, from No More (via violentwavesofemotion)
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