even in hell he's still punching you
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
happy pride i fucked up making a gif and accidentally made the new nonbinary flag
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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Limoges Porcelain Lucky Tangerine
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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some more tems
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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Absolutely obsessed with this text from my grandma.
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
all video games should be dressup games. if you can't put your guy in a little outfit what's the point
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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sonic adventure 2 came out 18 years ago… also the game was released. happy sonic the pridehog month ✨
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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i don’t want to transcend my body. when it’s over i will rot in the ground
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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Commission ❤️
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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another batch
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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blackmadhi week day 2: fake dating au 📞
aka I did it, I finally drew fanart for this beautiful behemoth of a fic!! come read it here, for a bad time call simon blackquill by nerdyskeleton
transcript under cut
Keep reading
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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Ferdinand’s turn to suffer
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
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Twi | ins
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ganymedeproton · 3 years ago
Num Num Cat TikTok Chain
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ganymedeproton · 4 years ago
is for me?
1. if one of their friends was jumping on a bed and asked your character to join them, would they?
depends whos asking and how, but only says yes to his kids probably >u<;;;
2. would your character carry around a tiny bath and body works hand sanitizer? if yes, would it have a specific scent?
nah. animal.
3. does your character paint their nails? do they wait for them to dry fully afterwards?
4. if you cut open your character's heart and there was something inside, what would it be? why?
LIKE HIS LITERAL HEART? A VOID PROBABLY. metaphorical heart? a little wooden charm ;  ;
5. do/would your character carry lots of hair ties on their wrist?
6. what parts of your character's voice/manner of speaking are distinct, if any?
He has teeny tusks compared to other half-orcs/orcs so maybe he sounds distinct in that category? A bit of a country boy too.
7. what's the first thing your character's eyes are drawn to on a map?
Roads and towns and how they connect.
8. how did your character feel when they left home for the first time?
a bit lost, trying to find something stable for a purpose. but neber in doubt that he wont be successful.
9. where does your character look when they're the only one walking down a road?
Behind, then to the sides.
10. does your character have tattoos? were they alone the first time they got one?
no tats
11. if a button came loose from your character's shirt, would they make sure the replacement matched?
nah, probs wont be able to see it anyway.
12. how loudly do they cry?
13. does your character like holding hands? do they do it often?
Not often, but he likes them.
14. is your character more likely to wear a necktie, a bowtie, or a bolo tie? (if any at all)
no tie
15. have you ever said something as your character that stuck with you for a while after? what was it?
“I’ll do it, I’ll take the full force of the curse.“ After everyone argued for 3 hours about taking a curse that would be split evenly if it was between the 8 party members but no one wanted to get even minorly cursed. loser. god i still think about this moment.
16. what does getting flustered look like for your character?
Lack of eye contact, still trying to stand proudly. A little blushy.
17. does your character have to glance at their hands to remember left and right?
I would think not.
18. does your character have stuffed animals? would they if they could? what kind?
None but if gifted he wont turn it down. Wait stopppp his kids giving him one of their plushies sobs phoebe would give him one.
19. does your character walk or run down stairs?
20. if your character saw a turtle stuck on its back, would they flip it over?
yes :( poor thing.
21. has your character ever climbed out of a window? would they do it again?
ye all the time. He’ll smash through them too if he has to.
22. what's your character's ideal way to wake up? what usually wakes them up?
He’s a light/alert sleeper, but ideally he’d wake up to sunrise.
23. what's the pettiest thing your character's ever done?
Take up robert’s time bcs he thinks his girlboss employer/friend is being a shitty wife to robert and convincing robert he’s the his dad. Or the time he tried to clear a labyrinth alone because no one else would help him and almost got himself killed and lost the sword forever.
24. what made your character the angriest they've ever been?
When he learnt he was forced to bond with a fake arcturus.
25. how does you character smile?
looks more like a smirk because of the tusks but he’s really just smiling!!!!
26. does your character know the names of their constellations? how did they learn them?
Not initially, but Arcturus rectified that. Unwillingly.
27. do/would your character draw or write on themself?
Yes :pleading: he draws landscapes and keeps a journal bcs he knows he cant remember faces, but he’s scared that one day itll affect more than faces.
28. would your character race someone to the top of a tall tree for bragging rights?
29. is there an artist whose style you associate with your character? (visual or otherwise; poets and musicians, etc. count)
I cant answer this bcs i try not to remember the people who inspire me. but anyone who can draw thor from thor ragnarok well is like that in my book.
30. how has your character's first impressions of their party members changed since they met them? have they stayed the same?
Definitely about bily. stayed the same mostly.
Mars -> Billy initially: boy this guy loosk like a dumbass
Mars -> Billy now: boy this guy is a dumbass and an asshole
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ganymedeproton · 5 years ago
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how to draw arms ? ? 
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ganymedeproton · 5 years ago
This is a fun warm-up painting. Took about 1h30m. Enjoy!
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