ganadalamabasa · 1 year
Suddenly i...lose motivation???
Probably cuz the audio killinb my brian insitde-
...fuck anyways this is what i was planing for the animatic- :'D
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And of course if i had to hear that audio MILLION TIMES to make this failed animatic,YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT TOO :]
Have fun get traumatized :]
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ganadalamabasa · 1 year
please reblog
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ganadalamabasa · 1 year
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does anyone like me?
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
I...i don't know anymore,it stuck in my brain-
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
So gorgeous-
New ChosenDark daughter :]
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Meet The Rosewood,the elegant yet fearless fighter :D
She will destroy you with her honesty,so beware :}
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
sibling intuition btn hollowheads?
sorry this took a while, hope you enjoy :)
“Do you ever feel like just- killing something?” 
“Dark, I told you to stop discussing murder in front of Second!” Chosen said, still looking at his phone.
“What? It’s not like he’s here to hear it!”
“Isn’t he next to you?”
“He went to get water.”
“How long ago?”
“Dunno... maybe 10 minutes ago?”
Chosen stood up. “10 minutes ago? 10 minutes ago? Dark, why didn’t you tell me!”
“I didn’t realise he was gone for so long until then.”
“Until- oh my god Noogai will have our heads for this.”
“Hey, relax Cho, he’s cool now.”
“Yeah, like you weren’t enslaved by him for countless years,” Chosen retaliated, waking into the kitchen where Victim was standing- no, floating at the counter. “Hey Vic, have you seen Second?”
Dark grabbed Chosen’s arm. “The kid will be fine, he can protect himself. What are you so worried about?”
“If you’re referring to his powers, you know he doesn’t enjoy fighting to kill, and will not use them if he deems it unnecessary. And if he ends up using them, he’ll be vulnerable soon after. I cannot let him get hurt, Dark.”
“What are you thinking of, jeez dude. He’s probably just in Stick City, that’s what I meant. Y’know, hand-drawn and all... but he’s a good kid. He won’t get hurt.”
“Oh my fucking god what if he’s in Stick City. We’ll never find him.”
“Chosen, stop blaming all your shit on your boyfriend,” Victim droned.
“Okay, okay, platonic married couple then. Stop arguing. I know where Second’s gone.”
“You do? Oh my god why didn’t you tell me Vic, where is he?” Chosen insisted, rushing towards him.
“Calm. Calm, Chosen, Calm,” Victim said, placing his hands on Cho’s shoulders. “Breathe in, and out. In, and out, that’s it.”
“I’m calm. I am so very calm. I am calm and the calm is me.”
“I mean, if that works, then okay.” Dark chuckled.
“I will now tell the location of The Second Coming.”
“You sound like someone who’s going to prophesize my death and it’s scaring me, please just tell,” Chosen muttered.
“He’s on a cliff. But don’t worry, he didn’t say he was going to jump off.”
“JUMP OFF? JUMP- Why would he tell you- I- wha-”
“Yes, he told me he was going. Yes, he told me not to tell you. No, I don’t know why.”
“Do you know which cliff?”
“He said something about a showdown, not sure if that’s going to help bu-”
“-I know where he is. I’m going to get him. Anyone coming?” Chosen huffed, making a beeline for the front door. 
He wasn’t entirely sure why he was here. Sitting on a cliff, the rock-filled water swirling far below. It had a special connection to Second, but he wasn’t too sure why.
He thought it had to do with his ‘powers’ Chosen kept going on about. Him, a fighter? Sure, he was pretty good at hand to hand combat, but powers like those of Chosen and Dark?
It wasn’t who he was. 
Second looked up to the sky, trying to picture him fighting off Dark in a moment he simply couldn’t recall. 
It happened, sure, how else did the gang get revived, but other than that, it seemed rather impossible.
“Sec! SEC! Oh thank stick you’re not dead.” Second heard a shout from behind, before being crushed in a hug. Did almost being squished to death count as a hug?
Jerking his head around, Second realised it was Chosen who was squooshing him.
“Could you maybe not squish me to death?”
“Sorry- sorry- thank fuck you’re okay.”
“You won’t believe this, but Chosen actually lost his shit upon hearing you were gone,” Dark pitched.
“I think I can believe that, actually.” Second chuckled.
“Dark, this isn’t about you. Second, come on, we have to go before it gets dark.”
“I thought the view was nice, though.”
“It really is, I just want you safe at home.”
“You really do care, huh?”
“Yes I care, was that not obvious?”
“Not really.”
Chosen turned back.
Once again, Second was enveloped in a hug. This time, though, it was warmer, and less constricting. Almost brotherly.
“You- you have to understand that I’m new to this whole ‘taking care of people instead of killing them’ thing. I’m really trying to be better, trust me,” Chosen whispered.
“You’re trying, and that’s all that counts. I’m proud of you, bro.” Second patted the stickfigure’s back.
“You too, bro.”
“Am I a bro too?” Dark asked as the two pulled away.
“Work on the ‘less take over the world, more coexist with the world’ mindset, then maybe I’ll consider it.” Second joked. The three chuckled, before flying back to the house, Second holding onto Chosen’s arm.
requests are still open as of 29/01/22!!
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
Enderred XD cause another ship with enderman and stick figure has born XD
I feel bored and weird-
And I can't draw at the moment JSJSJS
So let's talk-
What was your favorite experience in the AvA Tumblr community? -v-
Mine was that time we had to revive Mango to make Jacob happy with the Endermango cult 🤙JSHDJKSJ
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
tell me in the tags which country are you from without telling me the country
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
Im in 8!
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
God they would blow the house.
Hero!Red vs Second Coming
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Who will win? :]
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
Woohoo! Welcome back, buddy!
I...need to catch everything up especially about Jacob rejected MT :']
Also,bitch i'm back >:]
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
Avm ep 28 spoilers
더 보기
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
Ok, so I got ideas now.
Jacob : 박제겸 ( Park - Jaegyum )
Endie : 안현진 ( An - Hyunjin )
Both of their korean names are what I think it pronounce similar. ( Probably only for me tho )
Jacob and ( maybe ) Endie belongs to @tulipsempai. ( sorry for tagging you in this silly stuff XD )
Welp, have a great day!
If I get too bored, I do very, VERY silly things.
So that's why-
... I gave AVA/M Korean name. ( With my own headcanon for it. )
Red : 홍지현 ( Hong - Jihyun )
Yellow : 황이혁 ( Hwang - Ihyuk )
Blue : 청아빈 ( Chung - Abin )
Green : 창한영 ( Chang - Hanyoung )
Purple : 한보라 ( Han - Bora )
MT : 한민태 ( Han - Mintae )
TSC : 백이현 ( Beck - Ihyun )
TCO : 백한일 ( Beck - Hanil )
TDL : 백도린 ( Beck - Dorin )
Victim : 백태빈 ( Beck - Sojin )
How those names are created
Color gangs except Second
Used the way I pronounce Chinese character which means Red ( 홍 紅 ), Yellow ( 황 黃 ), Blue ( 청 靑 ), and Green ( 창 蒼 ) to select Color gangs' Korean first name. And I added the rest of their name which I think would fit with first one. Made their First name different cause I HC them as buddies, not siblings.
( Green's First name is a bit different because I cannot find appropriate Chinese character that means green to add in name. Adding Nok ( 녹 綠 ) in name would be awkward, right? )
Used Korean word that means purple ( 보라 Bora ). Added First name randomly.
Used the initial ( Mango Tango ) Added same first name with Purple.
Added 백 ( Beck ) as their first name, Since all of hollowheads were created by Alan BECKer. Used Chinese Character which means One ( 일 一 ) and Second ( 이 二 ) to make Chosen, and Second's name, and rest of their name was randomized. For Dark and Victim, I used their initial. (victoriotimonthy) I switched the initial of Victim's tho.
... Well now that's it. Thanks for reading my long, silly stuffs. Sorry if you cannot understand part of my explaination, I am bad at English... 3w3;
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
... I suddenly want to make korean names for Jacob and Endie.
Buuuuut I cannot come up with good names for them right now, so... Maybe later I guess? XD
If I get too bored, I do very, VERY silly things.
So that's why-
... I gave AVA/M Korean name. ( With my own headcanon for it. )
Red : 홍지현 ( Hong - Jihyun )
Yellow : 황이혁 ( Hwang - Ihyuk )
Blue : 청아빈 ( Chung - Abin )
Green : 창한영 ( Chang - Hanyoung )
Purple : 한보라 ( Han - Bora )
MT : 한민태 ( Han - Mintae )
TSC : 백이현 ( Beck - Ihyun )
TCO : 백한일 ( Beck - Hanil )
TDL : 백도린 ( Beck - Dorin )
Victim : 백태빈 ( Beck - Sojin )
How those names are created
Color gangs except Second
Used the way I pronounce Chinese character which means Red ( 홍 紅 ), Yellow ( 황 黃 ), Blue ( 청 靑 ), and Green ( 창 蒼 ) to select Color gangs' Korean first name. And I added the rest of their name which I think would fit with first one. Made their First name different cause I HC them as buddies, not siblings.
( Green's First name is a bit different because I cannot find appropriate Chinese character that means green to add in name. Adding Nok ( 녹 綠 ) in name would be awkward, right? )
Used Korean word that means purple ( 보라 Bora ). Added First name randomly.
Used the initial ( Mango Tango ) Added same first name with Purple.
Added 백 ( Beck ) as their first name, Since all of hollowheads were created by Alan BECKer. Used Chinese Character which means One ( 일 一 ) and Second ( 이 二 ) to make Chosen, and Second's name, and rest of their name was randomized. For Dark and Victim, I used their initial. (victoriotimonthy) I switched the initial of Victim's tho.
... Well now that's it. Thanks for reading my long, silly stuffs. Sorry if you cannot understand part of my explaination, I am bad at English... 3w3;
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
If I get too bored, I do very, VERY silly things.
So that's why-
... I gave AVA/M Korean name. ( With my own headcanon for it. )
Red : 홍지현 ( Hong - Jihyun )
Yellow : 황이혁 ( Hwang - Ihyuk )
Blue : 청아빈 ( Chung - Abin )
Green : 창한영 ( Chang - Hanyoung )
Purple : 한보라 ( Han - Bora )
MT : 한민태 ( Han - Mintae )
TSC : 백이현 ( Beck - Ihyun )
TCO : 백한일 ( Beck - Hanil )
TDL : 백도린 ( Beck - Dorin )
Victim : 백태빈 ( Beck - Taebin )
How those names are created
Color gangs except Second
Used the way I pronounce Chinese character which means Red ( 홍 紅 ), Yellow ( 황 黃 ), Blue ( 청 靑 ), and Green ( 창 蒼 ) to select Color gangs' Korean first name. And I added the rest of their name which I think would fit with first one. Made their First name different cause I HC them as buddies, not siblings.
( Green's First name is a bit different because I cannot find appropriate Chinese character that means green to add in name. Adding Nok ( 녹 綠 ) in name would be awkward, right? )
Used Korean word that means purple ( 보라 Bora ). Added First name randomly.
Used the initial ( Mango Tango ) Added same first name with Purple.
Added 백 ( Beck ) as their first name, Since all of hollowheads were created by Alan BECKer. Used Chinese Character which means One ( 일 一 ) and Second ( 이 二 ) to make Chosen, and Second's name, and rest of their name was randomized. For Dark and Victim, I used their initial. (victoriotimonthy) I switched the initial of Victim's tho.
... Well now that's it. Thanks for reading my long, silly stuffs. Sorry if you cannot understand part of my explaination, I am bad at English... 3w3;
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ganadalamabasa · 2 years
I'm from Korea, and I sleep with my door opened.
Reason? Cause my mom makes me to do so in order to prevent me from using phone late at night. ( but nah i use my phone anyway )
wait people sleep with their doors closed????
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