gameboyjsa · 9 years
Love my amazing kitten. 
Happy Birthday to my Master!
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gameboyjsa · 10 years
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welcome to hell
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gameboyjsa · 10 years
I don't understand, how are you not a feminist?
I am leaving tomorrow so I guess now’s as good as ever to lay this all down.
First of all, this is how the current feminist movement looks right now
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Sure, these are probably what you’d call “misandrists” just giving a bad name to feminism. You’re right, I’m willing to look past all that and actually look at what feminism is really about, at a more intellectual and institutional level.
Here are some quotes by some prominent feminists:
"I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." — Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.
"I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire." — Robin Morgan
"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo." — Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto
"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness…can be trained to do most things." — Jilly Cooper, SCUM
"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig." — Andrea Dworkin
"Q: People think you are very hostile to men. A: I am." — Andrea Dworkin
"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." - Catherine Comins
"All men are rapists and that’s all they are" — Marilyn French, Authoress
"The annihilation of a woman’s personality, individuality, will, character, is prerequisite to male sexuality." — Andrea Dworkin
"Men love death. In everything they make, they hollow out a central place for death, let its rancid smell contaminate every dimension of whatever still survives. Men especially love murder. In art they celebrate it, and in life they commit it. They embrace murder as if life without it would be devoid of passion, meaning, and action, as if murder were solace, stilling their sobs as they mourn the emptiness and alienation of their lives." — Andrea Dworkin 
"Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it ‘Her’. Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination." — Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women 
"On the Left, on the Right, in the Middle; Authors, statesmen, thieves; so-called humanists and self-declared fascists; the adventurous and the contemplative, in every realm of male expression and action, violence is experienced and articulated as love and freedom." — Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women. 
"The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist” — Ti-Grace Atkinson
”Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice.” — Ti-Grace Atkinson
"Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear" — Susan Brownmiller; Authoress of Against Our Will p.6
"When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression." — Sheila Jeffrys
"Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated."— Catherine MacKinnon 
"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." — Catherine MacKinnon
"You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs." — Catherine MacKinnon (Prominent legal feminist scholar; University of Michigan, & Yale.) 
I guess you ladies on tumblr should probably address that as “problematic” or at least acknowledge the people that walk among you. But whatever. Those are just a few dumbasses and I should probably be looking more at feminism as a whole, collective ideology.
What’s usually one of the first things feminists list as a reason for why they need feminism or why they’re feminists? That women are still  making 77¢ for every $1 that men do. Hard to believe that in 2014 we’re still dealing with this problem, right?
We’re not.
In 1963, President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, which stated the following:
I AM delighted today to approve the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which prohibits arbitrary discrimination against women in the payment of wages. This act represents many years of effort by labor, management, and several private organizations unassociated with labor or management, to call attention to the unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job. This measure adds to our laws another structure basic to democracy. It will add protection at the working place to the women, the same rights at the working place in a sense that they have enjoyed at the polling place.
This Act granted working women the same rights as that of the working man, thereby enjoying the right to equal pay.
Next year, Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in which Section 703(a) defines the following employer practices as unlawful:
(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or
(2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Essentially banning discrimination of wages based on sex.
Here is a comprehensive look at the wage gap issue, prepared for the government specifically, 95 pages.
http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdfHere are some by womenhttp://www.payscale.com/career-news/2009/12/do-men-or-women-choose-majors-to-maximize-incomehttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704415104576250672504707048.htmlUS Department of Laborhttp://social.dol.gov/blog/myth-busting-the-pay-gap/The Gender Pay Gap is a Complete Mythhttp://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505125_162-28246928/the-gender-pay-gap-is-a-complete-myth/Gender pay gap is not what activists claimhttp://wwww.examiner.com/x-22884-Canada-Politics-Examiner~y2010m2d22-Gender-pay-gap-is-not-what-activists-claimEqual pay statistics are bogus because they don’t compare like with likehttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/vickiwoods/7957186/Sorry-ladies-Im-not-worried-about-wage-gaps.htmlFair Pay Isn’t Always Equal Payhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/22/opinion/22Sommers.html?_r=1&hpThe Wage Gap Mythhttp://www.americanthinker.com/2010/09/the_wage_gap_myth.htmlDon’t Blame Discrimination for Gender Wage Gaphttp://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-13/don-t-blame-discrimination-for-gender-wage-gap.htmlThe pay inequality myth: Women are more equal than you thinkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa3pKN3XUKM&feature=youtu.beWomen Now a Majority in American Workplaceshttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/06/business/economy/06women.html?_r=2Labor force participation rate for men has never been lower.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/biggest-shock-fridays-payroll-report-sorry-menShare of Men in Labor Force at All-Time Lowhttp://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/07/share-of-men-in-labor-force-at-all-time-low/?src=recgWomen In Tech Make More Money And Land Better Jobs Than Menhttp://www.businessinsider.com/women-in-tech-make-more-money-and-land-better-jobs-than-men-2010-9Female U.S. corporate directors out-earn men: studywww.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0752118220071107?feedType=RFemale CEOs outearned men in 2009.http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=10630664Women between ages 21 and 30 working full-time made 117% of men’s wages.www.nytimes.com/2007/08/03/nyregion/03women.html?_r=1&oref=sloginAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, single women between 22 and 30 years old earn an average of $27,000 a year. That’s 8% more than comparable men.http://www.ksee24.com/news/local/Young-Women-Earn-More-159818705.htmlWorkplace Salaries: At Last, Women on Tophttp://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2015274,00.htmlYoung Women’s Pay Exceeds Male Peershttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704421104575463790770831192.htmlThe 15 Jobs Where Women Earn More Than Menhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2011/03/14/jobs-where-women-earn-more-than-men/women aged between 22 and 29 earn over £10 per hour on average, compared to men their same age who earn just under this amount.http://www.womenintechnology.co.uk/news/young-women-earn-more-than-men—news-800761492Young women now earn more than men in UKhttp://www.womensviewsonnews.org/2011/10/young-women-now-earn-more-than-men-in-uk/The only chairwoman in the FTSE 100 index of biggest British companies, when asked about government efforts to force companies to make at least 25% of board member to be female said: “there’s no real evidence to suggest women being on a board makes the companies any better – what we’re doing here is forcing an experiment.”This was further supported in the book “Why Men Earn More” by Warren Farrell, Ph.D., examined 25 career/life choices men and women make (hours, commute times, etc.) that lead to men earning more and women having more balanced lives, and that showed how men in surveys prioritize money while women prioritize flexibility, shorter hours, shorter commutes, less physical risk and other factors conducive to their choice to be primary parents, an option men still largely don’t have. That is why never-married childless women outearn their male counterparts, and female corporate directors now outearn their male counterparts.http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0752118220071107?feedTy…Farrell also lists dozens of careers, including fields of science, where women outearn men. Women simply have more options than men to be primary parents, and many of them exercise that option rather than work long, stressful hours. That is why 57% of female graduates of Stanford and Harvard left the workforce within 15 years of entry into the workforce.http://edition.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/03/15/optout.revolution/This is an option few men have (try being a single male and telling women on the first date that you want to stay home).Blaming men for women’s choices is unfair. In fact research shows most men have no problem with their wives outearning them.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23413243Research also shows most working dads would quit or take a pay cut to spend more time with kids if their spouses could support the family.http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/Careers/06/13/dads.work/index.htmlResearch also shows that parents share workloads more when mothers allow men to be primary parents.http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-05-04-equal-parenting_N.htmABC News: “Is the Wage Gap Women’s Choice? Research Suggests Career Decisions, Not Sex Bias, Are at Root of Pay Disparity”http://abcnews.go.com/2020/GiveMeABreak/story?id=797045&page=1&CMP=OTC-RThere is also the myth that women are kept out of certain more lucrative fields by sexism. The truth is that women stay away from math out of their own free choicehttp://sify.com/news/women-stay-away-from-math-out-of-their-own-free-choice-news-scitech-kk1lubiiiee.htmlWomen In Science: No Discrimination, Says Cornell Studyhttp://www.science20.com/news_articles/women_science_no_discrimination_says_cornell_study-75984Let’s be real about the lack of women in techhttp://www.businessinsider.com/lets-be-real-about-the-lack-of-women-in-tech-2010-10
Here are some by women http://www.payscale.com/career-news/2009/12/do-men-or-women-choose-majors-to-maximize-incomehttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704415104576250672504707048.htmlUS Department of Laborhttp://social.dol.gov/blog/myth-busting-the-pay-gap/
Okay, so that’s not really as big of an issue as feminists claimed it was. However, I absolutely agree that if you do find out that you are being discriminated in the workplace due to your gender, you can and should take action to end that.
So what else is a big issue in feminism? Rape culture. Rape is a serious problem, make no mistake. But is this “rape culture” hysteria the answer? Do we honestly live in a culture in which prevalent attitudes and practices normalize, excuse, tolerate, and even condone rape? It’s difficult to quite agree with that idea. While rape unfortunately does happen, it is still seen as one of the top criminal offenses in our country (at least in the US). It’s actually treated like a really serious issue, probably more than any other crime. Compared to joking about rape, how often do we hear people joking about murder? Far more. In fact there’s a big popular post right here on tumblr with details on how to commit murder and get away with it. Does that mean that people seeing those kinds of twisted and sarcastic things are suddenly more inclined to commit murder? I’d hope not. Are those kind of jokes creating a murder culture? Not really.
But maybe because 1 in 4 (or 1 in 5 or 1 in 6, it changes every time I come on tumblr) women will be raped or sexually assaulted in her lifetime. That’s a pretty damn high number. And that’s because it isn’t accurate.
“IF the one-in-four statistic is correct—it is sometimes modified to “one-in-five to one-in-four”—campus rape represents a crime wave of unprecedented proportions. No crime, much less one as serious as rape, has a victimization rate remotely approaching 20 or 25 percent, even over many years. The 2006 violent crime rate in Detroit, one of the most violent cities in America, was 2,400 murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate of 2.4 percent. The one-in-four statistic would mean that every year, millions of young women graduate who have suffered the most terrifying assault, short of murder, that a woman can experience. Such a crime wave would require nothing less than a state of emergency—Take Back the Night rallies and 24-hour hotlines would hardly be adequate to counter this tsunami of sexual violence. Admissions policies letting in tens of thousands of vicious criminals would require a complete revision, perhaps banning boys entirely.”
— Heather Mac Donald, "The Campus Rape Myth".
This alleged “statistic” was culled from a survey of 3,000 college women in 1982, conducted by Ms. Magazine.  These women were asked only three questions:
Have you had sexual intercourse when you didn’t want to because a man gave you alcohol or drugs?
Have you had sexual intercourse when you didn’t want to because a man threatened or used some degree of physical force to make you?
Have you had sexual acts when you didn’t want to because a man threatened to use some degree of physical force to make you?
The trouble is, many of the women the survey counted as “victims” did not actually feel that they had been raped, especially not the entire third of the alleged “victims” that continued to have a consensual sexual relationship with their supposed attacker.  Others that had consensual one-night-stands that they later regretted were also counted as “victims”.
When you have to lie about the prevalence of a crime, you’re not doing women any favors.
Feminism is supposed to be empowering, not to send us cowering.
Rape is not the “epidemic” that people are trying to claim it is.  It has actually decreased dramatically in the past few decades - up to 80% since 1979, despite an increase in the willingness of victims to report them.  This is even further supported by data directly from the U.S. Bureau of Justice.
The only thing that HAS been increasing are FALSE reports of rape, which do a lot more harm to the lives of others than you may want to believe.
Here’s what RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network), one of the most trusted sources of sexual violence information and resources in the nation, has had to say about the idea of “rape culture”
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Third wave feminism is operating under far too many logical fallacies.  The Big Lie Technique is readily apparent in the use of the very “statistic” above which has time and again been proven to be false.  Overgeneralization continually tries to paint all men as monsters, when science has shown us that there are many psychological and biological factors that come into play to create someone with the potential to commit violence. 
Oh yeah, moving on to the violence stuff that feminism likes to talk about.
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Remember the whole Elliot Rodger incident? Feminists used that tragedy to highlight the supposed rampant misogyny in society.
The crimes that have been committed by sick individuals like Elliot Rodger are horrible, no one is arguing about that. But is it really good to use those isolated incidences to further your own agenda? If so, then these other incidences would also make it clear that there is a huge problem of female perpetrated violence and misandry in society as well:
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Comedian Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife on May 27th 1998
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NFL player Steve McNair was murdered by his girlfriend on July 4th, 2009
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John Wayne Bobbitt had his penis cut completely off on June 23rd, 1993
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Travis Alexander was murdered by Jodi Arias on June 4th, 2008
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Andrew Bagby was murdered by Shirley Jane Turner on November 6th, 2001 (She later murdered their 1 year-old son on August 18th, 2003)
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Brenda Spencer killed two and injured nine at Cleveland Elementary School on January 29th, 1979
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Laurie Dann killed one boy and injured five others at Hubbard Woods Elementary School on May 20th, 1988
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Jennifer San Marco killed eight people at Goleta postal facility on January 30th, 2006
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Sylvia Seegrist killed three and injured seven during a shooting spree at a Springfield mall on October 30th, 1985
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Mary Ann Holder killed five children including her own son in Pleasent Gardens, NC on November 20th, 2011
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Jullian Robbins killed one and injured two at Penn State on September 17th, 1997
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Heather Smith killed two then committed suicide at Spanaway Junior High School on November 26th, 1985
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Latina Williams killed two others then self at Louisiana Technical College on February 8th, 2008
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Amy Bishop Anderson killed three and wounded three others at the University of Alabama on February 12th, 2010
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15 year old girl stabs and kills 14 year old boy after argument
13 year old girl stabs self, 13 year old friend, and 11 year old sister
14 year old girl stabs and kills 11 year old sister 40 times because she thought she was ungrateful
16 year old girl stabs and kills 16 year old best friend 60 times (what the best friend did wasn’t okay but it did not call for murder)
11 year old girl stabs mother while she is sleeping 9 times because she wasn’t allowed to go outside
Woman stabs boyfriend over $200.
15 year old female stabs 19 year old man who tried to protect his 22 year old female friend (who was also stabbed) after argument
Mother stabs and kills four year old son to death
18 year old female stabs and kills mother in face and neck 79 times
Woman drives car into church and stabs husband on altar for “worshipping Nascar”
24 year old woman stabs sister after argument
34 year old woman stabs fiance over argument on what their wedding color scheme should be
28 year old woman stabs boyfriend in eye for refusing to have a threesome
21 year old stabs 21 year old sister over argument over apple fritters
54 year old woman stabs boyfriend for refusing to stop listening to The Eagles
24 year old woman stabs self and then claims a man did it
52 year old woman stabs 45 year old boyfriend with knife and fork after argument
Woman stabs 61 year old mother
48 year old woman stabs 24 year old boyfriend
Woman stabs fiance for not wanting to drive drunk to the liquor store
Woman in 20s stabs 56 year old stranger after altercation
48 year old woman stabs 27 year old daughter in back
30 year old woman stabs 42 year old man after verbal argument
26 year old woman stabs bf after his dog eats her marijuana
Woman stabs her child’s father after argument
19 year old female stabs 18 year old male after argument
48 year old woman stabs 53 year old husband and kills him
28 year old woman stabs 41 year old after her baby shower
30 year old stabs 26 year old pregnant sister and law and kills both her and baby
Woman stabs cop during a traffic stop
24 year old stabs 28 year old brother over argument about household chores
28 year old woman stabs 16 year old female in the face that she suspected was her boyfriend’s mistress
Woman stabs boyfriend 31 times after he says his ex’s name in his sleep
28 year old woman stabs boyfriend after dispute about a camping trip
33 year old woman stabs 42 year old husband in neck three times after petty argument
49 year old stabs herself and blames ex-husband
Woman stabs husband over television show characters
Woman stabs 23 year old boyfriend after argument
Woman stabs husband because he snored
19 year old female stabs and kills her 19 year old female cousin after argument
23 year old woman stabs family member after argument
Woman kills man for refusing to give her beer
Woman stabs man for refusing to have sex with her, threatens to cry rape
Woman rips off man’s testicle because he rejected her, tried to swallow it
Woman kills man for refusing to marry her
Woman cuts off man’s penis because of argument
Woman shoots her husband after argument
Woman cuts off cheating boyfriend’s penis, flushes it
Woman suspects husband of cheating, stabs him to death
Woman shoots, kills boyfriend for cheating
Woman stabs boyfriend for cheating in Monopoly board game
Woman shoots, kills man for ending relationship
Woman sets husband’s genitals on fire for hugging another woman, dies
Woman kills, dismembers husband’s body over argument
Mother kills 18-month old twins to get back at husband she thought was cheating
Woman kills husband after he confronts her about affair
Woman kills cheating husband with lethal dose of heroin
Woman runs over, kills cheating husband
Obese woman sits on boyfriend, kills him and avoids jail time
Woman kills boyfriend with stiletto shoe
Woman murders cheating husband with coffee mug
Woman kills boyfriend for not buying her a gift 
Woman kills boyfriend who accused her of cheating
Woman stabs and kills boyfriend , Judge: “I hope you die in prison”
Woman shoots, kills ex-boyfriend, buries him in pile of debris
Woman shoots boyfriend in the back of the neck, killing him
Woman shoots boyfriend six times, kills him after argument
Woman stabs, kills boyfriend over mother’s day gift
Woman stabs boyfriend to death, also stabbed her husband to death 7 years prior
Woman pushes way into home, stabs boyfriend to death over argument
Woman angry at boyfriend takes her anger out on his 4 year-old
Woman stabs boyfriend to death, thought he was cheating on her
Woman bludgeons husband to death with hammer to pay back loan
Woman stabs, kills boyfriend during argument
Woman murders boyfriend for tweeting out his female crush
Woman shoots and kills boyfriend, kills self while out on bail
Woman stabs to death boyfriend over argument about an ex
Woman stabs and kills boyfriend for social media posts
Woman shoots boyfriend in the face, fails to make it look like suicide
Woman kills boyfriend’s puppies during phone argument
Woman shoots boyfriend in the face with rifle during argument
Woman pushes boyfriend off fence after argument, killing him
Woman attacks boyfriend with large knife, intent to kill 
Woman abused, threatens to kill boyfriend in sleep
Woman beats, murders boyfriend and puts him in freezer because he wanted to break up with her
Woman held gun to boyfriend’s head, murders on Christmas
Woman with previous assault charge on another boyfriend stabs and kills different boyfriend 
Woman attempts to murder boyfriend with giant breasts 
Woman stabs boyfriend in neck, killing him after argument
Woman chokes and stabs ex-boyfriends cat to death 
Woman starts argument with boyfriend, stabs and kills with umbrella
Woman kills boyfriend with her car after argument
Woman shoots, kills boyfriend in his bathroom
Woman shoots, kills boyfriend with illegal handgun 
Woman sets her boyfriend on fire, killing him
Woman shoots and kills ex-boyfriend multiple times, kills herself
Woman shoots boyfriend in the head, found out he was dating other women
Woman stabs and kills boyfriend over finances
Woman stabs and kills boyfriend’s lizard because she thought he was flirting with other women 
Woman shoots, kills boyfriend who wanted to end their relationship and urged her to get an abortion 
Woman attempts to murder husband with poison in her vagina
Woman stabs boyfriend to death after he slaps daughter
Woman conspires to have secret lover murder her husband
Woman stabs, kills boyfriend over argument on Labor Day
Woman stabs boyfriend in the chest over argument
Woman stabs boyfriend to death after finding photos of other women on cell phone
Woman tortured ex-boyfriend’s dog until it died after argument
Woman stabs boyfriend in his chest and through his lung, nearly killing him
Woman fatally stabs boyfriend during heated argument
Woman kills her boyfriend with blunt force trauma to the head using frying pan
Woman stabs boyfriend to death for drinking her beer 
Woman strangles boyfriend to death during argument
Woman stabs boyfriend with serrated knife over argument
Woman shoots, murders boyfriend while she was on house arrest for another murder 11 years prior
Woman stabs, kills boyfriend then texts friend about eating the body 
Woman stabs, kills boyfriend over dispute
Woman shoots boyfriend in the head, suspecting he was cheating
Woman shoots man in the groin after argument 
Woman fires handgun into the home of man who denied her a kiss
Woman stabs husband to death over cheating fears
Woman shoots, kills ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend
Women kills husband, commits suicide 
Woman shoots and kills man over argument
Woman kills husband with baseball bat for talking back to her
Woman kills husband, confesses to family then shoots herself 
Woman stabs boyfriend 31 times after he said ex’s name in his sleep
Woman shoots husband in the head, shoots herself 
Woman kills boyfriend over argument at house party
Woman shoots boyfriend with shotgun for texting another woman
Woman kills boyfriend because she “smelled sex on him”
Woman runs over boyfriend, kills him
Woman stabs boyfriend in the eye for turning down threesome
Woman stabs ex-boyfriend for refusing to stop playing the Eagles
Woman stabs boyfriend, throws out his prosthetic legs so he can’t chase her
Woman ties up, stabs husband 193 times, jury finds her guilty for suspicion of trying to claim life insurance 
Woman stabs fiance for refusing to take her to the liquor store
Woman assaults and threatens boyfriend with knife for not cuddling
Woman stabs man with ceramic squirrel for not bring home beer
Woman stabs taxi driver after he refuses to have sex with her
Woman stabs ex-boyfriend in his penis after discovering he had a new girlfriend
Woman stabs boyfriend twice over time he spent in bathroom
Woman stabs boyfriend over Facebook post
Woman stabs her boyfriend several times because his dog ate her marijuana stash 
Woman stabs boyfriend for not calling her every two hours
Woman shoots man five times for rejecting her, kills herself
Woman murders ex-boyfriend with liquor laced with poison, was jealous he was engaged to new woman
Florida woman shoots, kills her 2 teenage sons
Mother throws 1 year-old daughter under truck, kills her
California mom stabs her 3 daughters to death. all under 2 years old
Mother attempts to kill her 3 teenage children
Mother kills her infant son by stabbing him to death
Woman kills 2 year-old girl, attempts to kill 10 year-old boy
Utah mom murders 6 newborns, keeps them in garage
Mother charged with trying to suffocate daughter
Woman charged for killing 8-month old baby
Mother drowns both of her sons aged 3 and 6
Mother attempts to drown her 3 children in ocean
Utah mother shoots and kills two teen daughters, then herself
Mother suffocates 14 month old son, fails at attempted suicide
Woman babysitter murders 19 month old boy
Mom kills 7 month old daughter, blames Jesus
Woman operating illegal daycare responsible for 3 month old girl’s death, police find 14 children in her basement
Mom strangles 3 day old baby boy, discarded body in trashcan
Woman suffocates 2 year old girl of fiance, fakes sexual assault by unknown assailant to cover tracks
Mother charged with killing 2 year-old daughter
Mother of several children with history of violence murdered and buried 2 year-old daughter in shallow grave
Mother stabs and kills her 2 children in exorcism
Mother kills her teen son and daughter, self
Mother confesses to killing 10 year-old son
Mother tortures and kills 3 year-old son, burned genitals with lighter
Most child abuse, neglect, and murders are committed by females
Wow, almost like violence is not so much a gendered issue and is more of a human issue,. Maybe instead of using tragedies to push an agenda and demonize an entire gender, we should focus on the real problem of violence as a whole.
Feminists also like to talk about how girls are less confident than boys and suffer from lower self-esteem. That’s totally not cool and I agree that we should be doing something about that. But not like this
Really ladies, are you all still in middle school? Why do you have to bring others down just to feel tall? Why can’t we build each other up as equals instead of tearing each other down?
And then you want to go and Ban Bossy™ because that’s gonna solve your problems? What even is the real issue again? Let’s list it out the way feminists did (this was originally in an infographic)
This isn’t actually true.
Girl Scouts own website on Education:
Female kindergarteners (83%) are somewhat more likely than their male counterparts (79%) to exhibit the following positive social behaviors: ease in joining others in play; ability to make and keep friends; and positively interacting with peers.(ChildTrends.org, Child and Youth Indicators Databank: Kindergartners’ Social Interaction Skills, 2006)
In 2005, female fourth- and eighth-graders both scored higher on average in reading than their male counterparts. (National Center for Education Statistics, The Nation’s Report Card: Reading 2005)
A slightly higher percentage of females than males completed high school in 2005 (87% compared with 85%, respectively). In 2005, females were also more likely than males to have completed some college (62% compared with 52%, respectively) and to have received at least a bachelor’s degree (32% compared with 26%, respectively). (ChildTrends.org, Child and Youth Indicators Databank: Educational Attainment, 2006)
In 2004, 9% of females ages 16 to 24 were high school dropouts, compared with 12% of males. Females comprise one-half of the population and make up 43% of the dropouts in this age group. (ChildTrends.org,Child and Youth Indicators Databank: High School Dropout Rates, 2006)
In 2000, sex differences occurred in science course taking but not in mathematics. More females than males completed courses in advanced biology, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) biology, and chemistry. Males completed physics and AP/IB physics courses at higher rates than females. (National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators, 2006)
In 2000, women earned more than half of the degrees awarded in psychology (78%), biological/agricultural sciences (59%), and social sciences (55%), and almost half (47%) in mathematics.However, women received 21% of bachelors degrees awarded in engineering, 27% in computer sciences, and 43% in physical sciences. (National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators 2006)
For girls ages 8-12, aspirations after high school are largely educational and professional: 93% for college education; 76% for a career; 67% for marriage; and, 63% for children. (The Girl Scout Research Institute,Teens Before Their Time (2000))
On Civic Engagement and Volunteering:
For girls ages 11-12, 73% reported improving the world around them as their favorite activity (i.e., activities related to the environment or helping others). (The Girl Scout Research Institute, The Ten Emerging Truths: New Directions for Girls 11-17 (2002))
Girls ages 11-17 participate in student government at markedly increasing levels: 5% of girls ages 11-13; 12% of girls ages 13-15; and 20% of girls ages 16-17. (The Girl Scout Research Institute, The Ten Emerging Truths: New Directions for Girls 11-17 (2002))
More young women aged 15 to 25 participate in the following activities than young men: raising money for charity (27% for women vs. 22% for men); regular volunteering for non-political groups (21% vs. 16%); active group membership (22% vs. 18%); membership in political groups (17% vs. 15%); and, participating in a run/walk/ride for charity (20% vs. 15%). (Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, The Civic and Political Health of a Nation, 2006)
In the 2004 election, 55% of females ages 18-24 reported registering to vote, compared with 48% of males the same age. Similarly, 45% of females reported actually voting, compared with 39% of males. (ChildTrends.org, Child and Youth Indicators Databank: Youth Voting, 2006)
From 1990 to 2000, consistent young volunteers were more likely to be female (14 percent) than male (11 percent). They were also more likely to be from higher SES households. (National Center for Education Statistics, Volunteer Service by Young People from High School through Early Adulthood, 2003)
From 1990 to 2000, females (50%) were more likely than males (38%) to volunteer in high school, but no differences were detected between the sexes two years out of high school (38% for males and 39% for females). Male volunteering declined further to 29% by the eighth year after scheduled high school graduation; no change was detected in female volunteering (37%). (National Center for Education Statistics, Volunteer Service by Young People from High School through Early Adulthood, 2003)
As of 2003, female college graduates were more likely than their male counterparts to have volunteered in the past year (50% vs. 43%). Among those who had volunteered, women were more likely than men to have served in educational or religious institutions, while men were more likely than women to have done other volunteer work with children or to have participated in poverty or neighborhood improvement projects. (National Center for Education Statistics, Where Are They Now? A Description of 1992–93 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients 10 Years Later, 2006)
College students follow the national trend in volunteering, with females (33%) volunteering at a higher rate than males (26.8%).Both male and female college students were more likely to volunteer for an educational or youth services organization than any other type of organization: 33.6% of male college students, and 30.2% of female college students volunteered at an educational or youth services organization. With a little over 22% of both male and female college students, religious organizations remained the second most popular place for volunteering among both genders. (Corporation for National and Community Service, College Students Helping America, 2006)
 The Gender Equality Paradox proves that this is not socially enforced but rather because the minds of boys and girls are different it is natural for girls and boys to have separate interests and abilities.
Do girls really have it all worse than boys?
A man is approximately 165% more likely to be convicted than a woman
 Men are significantly more likely to be the victims of violent crime
Men and Boys are doing worse in all aspects of the educational system, from kindergarten to university.
Men suffer from Paternity fraud
Female business owners get money from the government for being female. Males?no
Some Airlines, have banned male from sitting next to children because they are men.
Rape of males in Prison and jail
Male circumcision is still legal
Men often coerced into sex: study
Boy victims of sex trafficking ignored
Men are 93 % of work place death/violence.
Eating disorders among men and boys
Demonization of Male Sexuality
Catastrophically high suicide male rate
Literally zero male shelters
75-80% of the Homeless are men
Family courts are biased against men.
Breast Cancer gets more funding/research/drugs than prostate cancer despite affecting men at a similar rate of women.
You know, feminists claim to be helping men too, but when men feel that their issues are still not being adequately addressed and form their own groups like the MRM (which no, I’m not a part of), feminists do this to try to shut it down.
What else has feminism done?
Men want protection against false rape allegations. They feel that a man’s life should not be ruined simply on the allegation of a woman who may be a vindictive liar. Currently, a woman can accuse a man of rape for no reason, and the man’s name is splashed in the paper and his life is ruined. So, they fought for laws granting men anonymity until charged with the crime of rape—not convicted, just charged. Feminists fought against this, causing it to fail. Also see here, the London Feminist Network campaigning to defeat the proposal.
Men want an end to the justice system favoring women simply because they are women, and giving men harsher sentences simply because they are men.  Feminists fought against this, arguing that no woman should be sent to jail, even women who had murdered multiple people.
Men want equal treatment when victims of domestic violence, and to not be arrested for the crime of “being male” under primary aggressor policies.Feminists fought against this by trying to suppress evidence showing that half of domestic violence is done by women, by threatening the researchers with bomb threats, death threats, etc. Modern, younger feminists are doing it as well.
The feminist definition of domestic violence has skewed arrest and prosecution philosophies, resulting primarily in having only male batterers criminally pursued.
Men want female rapists to be arrested, charged, and convicted with rape. In Western countries, women are rarely punished when raping men, due to the biased legal system. In some countries, women cannot be punished when raping men, since rape is defined as a male-perpetrated crime. Feminists fought against this in India, arguing that “there is a physicality [in] rape” and that it would make things “more complicated for judges.” Feminists fought against this in Israel, claiming that changing the law would result in men filing false rape claims.
Men don’t want to be thrown in jail because they lost their jobs and temporarily cannot pay child support. Feminists fought against this, trying to lower the amount to $5000 before a man is guilty of a felony for not paying child support. If a man loses a decent-paying job, he will now be a felon, go to jail, lose his right to vote, AND be unable to find future jobs—if he cannot regain an equal-paying job within a few months.
Men want equal economic support and help from the government. When the recession hit, male-dominated fields like construction lost millions of jobs, while female-fields like education and healthcare gained jobs. So the government proposed an economic stimulus for those fields. Feminists successfully fought against this, arguing that it was discrimination to support men, and caused the government to give money to women who didn’t deserve it. Hundreds of professional feminists complained against the “sexism” of helping men (who had lost jobs) and not women (who had gained jobs).
A representative of the Michigan National Organization for Women testified in opposition to the Revocation of Paternity Act, which stopped the old law which stated that if a woman was married and cheated on her husband, the resulting child is considered to be legally the husband’s and the biological father had no legal rights to fight for custody or parenting time with his biological child.
In 2008, a law was passed in England and Wales that allowed long-term domestic violence victims who killed their abuser to be charged with the lesser charge of manslaughter, but this only applies to women. 
In California and Montana, a woman can name any man she likes as the father, he gets a letter in the mail, if he does not prove he isn’t the father within 30 days he is now the father and must pay. He cannot contest it. And DNA tests to prove paternity are not considered proof by the courts.
Women who falsely accuse a man of rape, who would be sent to prison for 10+ years if convicted, only gets fined or a slap on the wrist.
Then there are studies that show women who fail to pay child support are incarcerated only 1/8th as often as men with similar violations.
Men who are falsely accused of rape can have their names published and their lives ruined even if they are not convicted or charged - their accuser is protected and is likely to face no punishment, or a light one.
Feminists skewed the Definition of Domestic Abuse, resulting in only male abusers being arrested and female abusers not.
Feminists’s DV training hurts Police training
Feminist Mary Koss denies male rape victims.
Feminists violently protesting against Warren Farrell at U of Toronto
A mob of feminists at a recent protest attacking and sexually molesting a group of Rosary-praying Catholic men who were peacefully protecting the cathedral in the city of San Juan from threats of vandalism.
Feminists disrupt a forum for battered men
Feminists fought a law for equal custody to be the default if both parents want custody and neither parent is unfit. Multiple times.
Feminists started a campaign against Father’s rights groups
Feminists fought against laws granting men anonymity until charged with the crime of rape—not convicted, just charged.
Feminists fought against a law to end to the justice system favoring women simply because they are women, and giving men harsher sentences simply because they are men.
Feminist fought against men want equal treatment when victims of domestic violence, and to not be arrested for the crime of “being male” under primary aggressor policies.
Feminists in India and Israel fought against female rapists being arrested, charged and convicted of rape.
Feminists fought against a economic stimulus for male-dominated job such as construction, etc.
Feminist fought a law against  Paternity Fraud.
Feminist Harriet Harman has publicly requested employers to hire women in preference to White men if both job candidates are equally
Equality Minister,feminist Patricia Hewitt, was found guilty of breaching the Sex Discrimination Act by “overlooking a strong male candidate for a job in favour of a weaker female applicant”.
Elected in 2009, the lesbian feminist prime minister Johanna Sigurdardottir has vowed to “end of the Age of Testosterone
Feminists want to peeing while standing illegal
Erin Pizzey had to flee the UK because she and her family received death threats and her dog murdered all because feminists didn’t like that she discovered women were equally as violent as men.
Also Suzanne Steinmetz and her children received death threats and bomb threats she discovered that  the rate at which men were victimized by domestic violence was similar to the rate for women.
Richard Gelles and Murray Straus  have all received death threats from feminists, simply for publishing their findings (that female-to-male family violence was equal to the rate of male-to-female violence).
Feminists say Men can’t be raped. 
Feminists defend female raping minor.
Feminist defends why fucking an 8 year old boy isn’t rape.
Most feminists backed studies are bullshit.
Beyond reasonable doubt doesn’t apply to rape.For men only
Feminist changes mind on rape culture when her son is falsely accused.
Feminists primary aggressor clause discriminates against males.
Feminists cover up female domestic abuse stats.
Jezebel mocks men who are abused.
Feminists make sure the gov doesn’t spend money on male shelters or male research.
Feminists prevent a meeting about male suicide.
Feminists stage mock murders to scare men. 
Feminist attacks male cartoonist and is hailed a hero of feminism.
Feminists shut down forum for battered husbands.
Propaganda campaign against male fathers wanting custody.
Feminists wish to slander accused names before convicted. 
Try to shut down female prisons.
Create rape laws that exclude female rapists.
Make it impossible to charge women with rape.
Feminists against equal custody.
Female felons should serve home sentences.
Told judges to be lenient on women.
Feminists cover up female domestic violence.
Feminists don’t want the gov to help unemployed men.
Feminists launch campaigns to help girls only while boys are doing worse in every facet of education.
Males who were raped as a child still have to pay child support.
Women should have the right to put a child up for adoption before the father gets custody.
Feminists against beyond reasonable doubt when it’s male rapists.
5 rights feminism ignores for men.
Feminists blame males for their abuse.
The primary aggressor clause where only men get charged with abuse.
Shame men into going to war.
Feminists dismiss female child rapists.
Feminists say men can’t talk about domestic abuse.
Feminists mock a man who has his dick cut off.
feminists attack church.
Feminists shut down a festival about gender equality for including men.
Feminists hope MRA’s die.
Feminists against fathers day.
Feminist makes up fake assault stories. 
Female reporter bullied by feminists at the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference
And here’s my final beef with feminism: If you have to spread lies to support your cause, how much of a cause could you possibly have to begin with?  And what are you saying about femininity itself when you want so badly for us to live in constant fear? (#YesAllWomen)
How are you supposed to be encouraging women to be strong if all you let us aspire to is to be victims?
How are you encouraging women to be independent if you try to make us believe that we can’t take care of ourselves?
How are you helping women at all if you have to lie to us?
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Feminism is operating under too many problematic ideas, lies, and cover ups. Third wave feminism is ridiculous. It’s gotten too extreme and completely misses the point of equality now. I believe in equality, and for that reason I can no longer get behind an ideological movement like feminism. There’s my reasons. Goodbye everybody. Have a marvelous rest of your lives.
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gameboyjsa · 10 years
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176K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
Look at what I found today
I was at the comic book store w/ rianne to buy her sister Seconds and I was going through the indie comic isle and I found this
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But what’s so special about this, you might ask? Perhaps you might recognize this character
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Look familiar yet?
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How ‘bout now?
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I now own the comic where this original meme came from and I got it for 5 bucks I own a legend
293K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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768K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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3K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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gameboyjsa · 10 years
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gameboyjsa · 10 years
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20K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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35K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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115K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
last christmas
i gave you my pon
but the very next day
you gave it a wei
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Been waiting all year to reblog this.
114K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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we all await the day that we see this on our sheet music
85K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
This is one of my favorite songs.
Farrah Fawcett Hair - Capital Cities ft. André 3000 
759 notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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"O-Oh, Obama-Senpai, I’m so glad you agreed to take this walk with me. Isn’t the sunset so romantic?"
"It sure is, Romney-chan. I’m glad I finally built up enough courage to finally go out with you."
131K notes · View notes
gameboyjsa · 10 years
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24 notes · View notes