12 posts
servers and students by day, lit clubbers by night.
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galxpals · 7 years ago
12/01/17 - Fortune
ALRIGHT. let the night of embarrassment begin
pre drank at Dunc’s house with Iggy, Dina, Kajol, Nicole and Sangerth
nts: if my future self forgets how to get super shittered within an’s that friendly reminder you’re looking for...Barefoot Rosé + Raspberry Sourpuss 🙃
ditched all our other friends who we were supposed to meet at Metro station cause we got a ride from Parker and his psycho gf
hit the club
Susan buys me a tequila shot
honestly, I wish I remember what happened for the entirety of the night...but my brain refuses to do so.
SO, here’s what I remember in point form. eskeeeetit
wasn’t with Ikjot majority of the night (aka the 2 hours we were there)
rest of the WS gang show up and we take cute pics (y’know cause we cute)
was dancing with Mich, Kat and Ace (according to my snap story)
Raghu, Jiya and others kept coming up to my face asking me where Ikjot was....hunny...I wish I was sober enough to know
cried when I saw Mikhaella and Josh?? (WTF EMOTIONS)
got hit on at the bar after buying me a jägerbomb, saw Ashley and learned later on his name is Collin...who works with Jay lmao 
wondered why his name was so familiar until I realized this guy tried adding me on fb from months ago- to which I never responded to LMAO 
he’s going to Jay’s bday...bye
Mich ran up to me and said Ikjot passed out and was about to head home
pushed my way through every person at Fortune and saw Iggy lookin’ like a corpse in Dunc’s arms
started crying cause I thought she was dead
apparently I also tried grabbing her out of Dunc’s arms
no one let me near her (great)
Dina lectured me on crying (even greater)
Nick, Adam and Josh N took me home (bless)
apparently I tried leaving the car while Nick was driving
...and tried covering his eyes with my hands
.....then bit Josh when he tried stopping me
....but he still fed me mcdonalds fries
- m.d.
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galxpals · 7 years ago
10/14/17 - Fortune
let’s get down to business
the gals and I were ratchet as hell mid pre-drinking and pre-cl
I was lit ASF in Dina’s party room, but it died down when we were on the way to Fortune
was still pretty litty tho- just wasn't on everyone’s level :( 
Iggy, Nicole and I peeing behind a dumpster in an alley...classy 
saw Ace, Sayed, Ryan, Jordan and Gabby right before getting in line...why am I not surprised tho 🤷🏽‍♀️
found out from Kajol that Sangerth and Ammar were also coming out tonight...again, why am I not surprised tho
a huge s/o to my homegirl Celine for discounting the entrance fees for my girls, and covering my entrance fee 
f’real though, use. the. plugs. that. you. have.
split a champagne bottle for Dina with the girls because the best deserves the fricken best!! 
Iggy decided to kiss me, and then we decided to kiss everyone else...why is my drunk best friend like this..I just wanna know
Iggy’s ass also decided to have sex with a couch in one of the small rooms
I know I went with the girls but I was floating around the entire fuckin’ night don’t even ask how or why
after losing the girls when we were done dancing with Ace and them, I finally found the birthday boy Giel and met his gf Eizza 
right after I was walking around, I found Mik, who was with JD, Lucky, Manny and Celine found me and we all ended up in this little party room with our own DJ...LITTYYYYYYY AF
still didn’t know where tf any of the girls were but that’s fine 
found my girls again on the dance floor, saw Kajol dancing with Sayed (sure), Jordan grabbing my friends’ asses while his gf was right there (alright), and Ace grabbing me to dance with him.....huuuuh
apparently he told Kajol he’d make out with me if she made out with Sayed....u iz funny Ace 
ended up making out with Ryan later on that night...sick
one of Giel’s sweet af friends came up to me and said that I was beautiful, my heart is crying y’all
why and when did Sangerth and Ammar walk in can I just........ok
idk why we went in and out of the club 295893859023 times but that’s cool
right, cause Dina was tryna get on one of the bouncer’s dick
Iggy left early cause she had work so Dina and I took her outside til she caught a cab
Eric tried to help but realized Jordan, Ace, Gabby, Sayed and Ryan were all outside too so he bounced LOL
while we were waiting this group of German/Polish/Swiss boys were all up in Dina and I’s grill...not in a bad way, they were all so charming 
the moment Dina and I said we were cold, 3 of them were already taking off their jacket and trying to give it to us
after Fortune was closed, Micelli, Dina and myself got a ride from Matteo and his friend...yup. 
sorry Matteo but how’s your gf? 🙃
night was an easy 10/10
- m.d.
MY BABY GIRL Dina’s birthday so we had too!
We pre-drank at her place, started off with cards against humanity and cider pong...THEN IT GOT RATCHET QUICK
Lemme just say this, we dancing on butts off before the club and at the club!
We began figuring out how much money we would need, yenno...IF WE WANTED TO STOMP ON OUR EX.
....yeah ....turns out it’s $0.50
Took cute pics... the usual
Then we started to crank that three times from left to right
We head down to the club where May, Nicole and I puss in an alley. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
Meet some guy named Marcus? Who is in love with Dina... k BYE
Smoked weed with some random dude.”SICK”
Get to the club to see Ace and Sayed.
AND BOY...did I hug them each for too long...yeah I did. Whoops #sorrynotsorry
Anyways, the club was lit.
Got that bottle of champagne for Dina
And after consuming that...I decided yo Twerk on that beautiful red couch
DECIDED that it was smart to initiate kissing all the girls ️
Like why do I always start this shit?
SIDE NOTE: we are getting in for free on my bday, and possibly getting a table :) thanks Eric and bless your soul. Even though I ain’t coming to that boat cruise you told me to come too.
So yeah danced had fun, lost the girls a couple times.
Met this random guy who claims he is celebrating his bday at fortune the same day I am.
Then he came up to me again while I was dancing with Sayed (my hands interlocked...with his idk why) and then Sayed goes ahead and pushes him away...lowkey thought a fight was about to go down. But he was just protecting me. Bless your kind soul SAYED!
Shortly after, noticed myself staying with Ace’s friends more.
Grinded with Gabby...
Heard Gabby trying to hook Ace and I up.. just because we danced together that night LIKE ALOT. LIKE WE GRINDED, but hey he is my friend. And it will always stay that way.
He touched my ass multiple times...but I mean again..JUST FRIENDS. I didn’t even care tbh.
Because after all that we decided to go pee in an alley together
Anyways, soon enough met up with my girls again, and called it a night.
Bless Eric and his kind soul for helping us flag a cab down. But then everyone else followed, so then Eric was like, “I think you got enough help here” LOL YEAH MY BAD.
I saw a cab and ran for life, forgetting to yell ...Bye. Dina saw and knew what was up. So that all panned out great.
AND TO TOP IT OFF my cab driver was LIT AF. Played all them old Elton John songs, and we sang our hearts home!!
- i.b.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
09/01/17 - Fortune
was about 8/10 lit
after successfully switching my 5-10 serving shift into an 11:30-8 hosting shift, AND getting Martina and Nikolina to come join us, I knew I had to get smashed up in this bitch
pre-drank at work
holy water, tequila shot, apple cinnamon shot, 2 sangrias (Iggy couldn’t finish hers)
the 2 sangrias didn’t like me just as much as I didn’t like y’all know what happens next 🙃
trying to put my face together while buzzed = not a fun time 
decided to lay low on pre-drinking after my little moment with my washroom toilet, also because I still felt buzzed on a high level
Iggy went on and chugged that wine tho. DAS MY BESTFRIEND YOU GO BESTFRIEND 
Martini and Nikolina came and pre-drank with us while we were still getting ready 
saw Sangy and Sadid
one of Sangy’s drunk flip friend tried grabbing me multiple times, then got choked when he got called out on so he left for the duration of the night...that ain’t none’ ma business 🙃
saw Mikhaella drunk Mikhaella right when we got into Fortune 
I told her specifically “don’t you dare introduce me to Josh” after trying to avoid him all night, and of course...she ends up doing it
yeah. Yeah yeah yeah ya yup yea 
fuck my life
most annoying person I’ve EVER met in my life
also saw Marquis tho 
Josh wouldn’t leave me alone- literally
even when the girls tried to pull me away...l i t e r a l l y
tried grabbing me for a shot at one point- I lied and said I just took one so to ask me again in 5 mins...the piece of shit actually counts to 5 mins then grabs me AGAIN..bruh.
grabbed Marquis along the way to take a shot with us too cause I ain’t doin’ no shot alone with a dumbass
we get to the bar and this guy has the audacity to turn around and tell Marquis “sorry man I only have enough money to buy a shot for me and her” 🙄 I whip out money and go “lol now you do. Buy him a shot too then give me the change” 
seriously. he’s mental. 
aside from all the unwanted interruptions, I genuinely had a fun time 
Iggy got a text from Dunc saying that he couldn’t pick us up so we ended up cabbing home
Eric from Fortune, you da real MVP man 😭
- m.d.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
08/18/17 - Bar None
LMAO do I even want to talk about this night though....that is the question 🙃
spent the most amazing/relaxing day at Bowen Island with Ikjot and Dina...I LOVE MY BEST FRIENDS Y’ALL. 
went straight to getting ready as soon as we got in our motel room
...and also went straight into our Rosés, ciders and our muthafuckin’ Tequilaaaaaa shots 
LOL @ our ghetto ass knife for our limes, but praise Iggy for making it work 
let’s just say...the alcohol literally played fucked with my emotions tonight.
after getting those screenshots from Ally, I got in a bummy mood so I decided to drink some more to take my mind off of it...L O L wrong move, Ballsack. 
when you’re lowkey telling Iggy about the screenshots, and Dina calls us out for whispering from the bruh when was your hearing as great as mine?? 
lit level at 9/10- just before leaving, I get a call from Ace asking what Nick’s last name was...and the first thing I asked was “IS MICHAEL GOING.” “Of course.” 🙄🙃😶💢 for. fucks. sakes. 
ended up stepping out for some fresh air, but Iggy followed me...which in turn, became a crying session for myself 
thought I was ready to face Mike- lol nope
really didn’t want to get hurt by JB- lol yikes 
again, this was the alcohol. I swear. 
again x2, this was the alcohol. 
jk it was 1/2 me too 
ofc as soon as we get to the line up of Bar None, the first person I saw was Mike...but he ran off as soon as he saw 
*spoiler* the prick kept running away every time he saw me for the duration of the night
....????? are you a fucking bitch, or are you a fucking bitch tho???? hmm? Idiot. 
u just mad cause u infected and I know about it 🤷🏽‍♀️
ASIDE from that nonsense...YO GIRL HAD A BOMB ASS TIME LOL
lost Dina and Iggy at one point for what felt like an hour but decided to leave them to their own thang cause I was lit 
LOL @ the birthday boy for bouncing at 12-1am due to his liver giving up on him (s/o to Aldin for updating a homegirl)
also s/o to Aldin & Adam for the drinks!! 
it was literally Nick’s entire squad/WS/Burnaby South down at Bar None tonight....bruh. 
reunited with Aldin and Nelly!! 
danced with Ace, Ryan, Nelly and...Karn..lmao 
bitch was all up in my grill, why tho? FOH. 
no seriously, fuck. outta. here. 
lost my pandora ring and I’m ngl, I’m genuinely sad 😭
left with the gals and Dunc around 2:30ish and the rest, is history. 
...literally. Let’s try to not re-live this night and the events afterward shall we 🙂🙏🏼
- m.d.
tbh I don’t even know how to start this night
it was a fun day at Bowen
everything was fun especially because I didn’t have to lie to my parents about anything!
PHEW! BIGGEST RELIEF OF MY LIFE. (even though I had to take weird ass pics with Dina and May all day and night)
anyways I was planning on getting shittered because of this!
so we have: 
so we start drinking to find out ppl who we don’t want there are GONNA BE THERE...bye. (the name that shan’t be named)
anyways May and I were also caught whispering heheheh
as well as getting in trouble by stepping out to talk when Dina could’ve joined haha!
Dina had a “good buzz going on”
keep in mind I’ve been taking shots alone in the bathroom too 🙄😂
Duncan shows up and helped with our photoshoot
then we headed down!
saw Tyus and EJ across the street
*spoiler alert* Dina dances with EJ
the night was good!
a lot of people showed up, which was cool
Nick was gone by 12 and puking in the car 😕
Karn was up every girl’s ass
....including my bestfrands.
sooo yeah. Ticked me off a little bit, so I went MIA but no one besides Duncan came looking for me, and yeah...don’t really wanna get into that. 
got into a shitty mood
Dina came out and gave me a pep talk, and told me to make the most of the night and what I had left, since THIS LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENS.
so I did. It was fun I wasn't as buzzed anymore I guess the crying took that away 
#teamcrying not #teampuking
yeah I had fun!
May danced with 2-3 guys tbh I can’t remember
Dina...yenno that story already.....
Geordie actually danced with Kaltrina! The rest of the night was fun!
SHOUT OUT to Teaser for coming and sticking it out the entire night on the couches alone
- i.b.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
08/04/17 - Fortune
I was about 6/10 lit
pre-drank at my house with Iggy and Dina, with Anna Miks coming later on
only took the transit with Iggy since Dina and Anna were part of the group to surprise Kajol with a limo for her special day
met up with everyone inside Fortune...but both Dina AND Kajol were fucked as hell..........keep in mind y’ was only 10:30pm so...yeah ya yep Yeah...YEAH.
all of us went outside to smoke/pre-drink some more and the entire gang gang was there. Let's see if I can remember everyone:
Ikjot, Dina, Anna, Kajol, Sangerth, Ammar, Parker, Sadid, Kian, Nadia, Chris, Alysha, Tyus, EJ, Salice and Kajol’s coworkers who were all so fricken sweet (or drunk who knows) 
of course Anna Cruz had to be there since it was also her cousin’s 20th...and she brings Alyzza as a plus one cause who else does she have? I’m just sayin’ 🤷🏽‍♀️
ended up seeing Celine and Emily there too!! aww friends!! 
also Joshua was there but I swerved at every sight at him because TITIYL.
though it was my first time meeting Salice in person, that girl is honestly hands down already one of the sweetest people I've met. 
we could've totally triple teamed with Iggy to beat Anna’s ass if we wanted to okay. 💢
Salice claimed that Anna tried to run her over like twice, I held myself back to backhand her. 
Alyzza said hi to Ikjot and I twice, with both times Anna coming in and grabbing her we get it bitch, you’re insecure as fuck. Relax, Shrek. 🙄✋🏼
next thing I know Dina disappears for like 2 hours, and I get told that she’s at Mcdonalds with Ammar puking her brains out....grrreeeaaaatt
when Iggy and I step outside we see Anna Miks with a guy saying she’s been with him all night??? wtf??
ended up getting super annoyed/upset because Anna made me go with her to the bathroom, to walk out, to go back in because she couldn’t find her wallet, to going back out, to going BACK in because she wanted to throw up....honestly what. the. fuck. 
I came here to have fun not to babysit someone older than me?? huuuh???
after Dunc and Montavi came, Iggy and I danced our hearts out alone near the front and OF COURSE we get surrounded by guys LMAO 
ended up dancing with a guy named Adrian who knew CJ, Abel, Tony and is best friends with Lesley...oh man 🙃
he’s in the LPN program at VCC 
he was sweet, but a bit of an aggressive dancer lmao
slobbery kisser too (sorrynotsorry)
left the club at 2am with everyone 
found out that:
Sangerth and Kajol basically made out the entire night
Chris made out with both Alysha and Nadia
Tyus made out with Salice and kissed Dina
Adrian texted me and followed me on IG and as bad as it is, I’m gonna end up ghosting him (genuinelysorrythistime)
....yeah...oh man. 
- m.d.
- OH MAN OH MAN WHERE DOES A GIRL EVEN START - First off, the night started off with me and May like usual...b/c HELLUR we are the best out there. We can handle our liquor, but still be fucked IDK it werks. - SOOO then Dina shows up pretty late and we all start chugging down alcohol because why not. - Finally, Anna Miks joins us hella late and then Dina and her both dip because they were in the surprise, NOT REALLY a surprise for Kajol. - May and I transit down, stop at A&W this time and made sure we were good to dance our hearts because ...                                        IT WAS RIHANNA TUNES ALL NIGHT! - I thought this night was off to a pretty awesome start! - Well, this is until we find out that Anna Cruz was gonna be there...LIKE WHY? YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE YOUR COUSIN. -Like bruh, there was already enough shi to deal with considering all the people that were going that night. - Firstly, we all got into the alley and pre-drank and smoked (I stayed away from #proud) - Then finally we got inside to see Kajol SHIT FUCKING FACED -Like kill me.... she was a mess, like a baby you needed to keep watch of all the time. I mean, it worked well because Sangerth was the parent. Literally, are y'all broken up or what?! if yes, PLEASE STOP MAKING OUT EVERYWHERE. THX. - ANNA MOTHA FUCKING CRUZ - GIRL = you drama since day one - GIRL = you voice hurts my ears - GIRL = why do you think we're friends - GIRL = stop fucking around with my group because we got 3 against one - GIRL= Tyus is over you hunty - GIRL =you say you don't care anymore... BUT YOUR IMMATURE. - Sorry guys,  rant over. - Anyways, on top of that Dina disappeared. I kept on messaging her but I would get back fucked up replies... -SO K WHATEVR BYE -Anna Miks is always lost so I wasn't too concerned. -Duncan and Montavi finally show up after all the boyz harassing me.
* RANDOM NOTE: but Emily Nguyen was also was awk...she hugged me. Nice girl though? WEIRD AF. *
- Maybelle said she was okay with this guy for now, so I was glad. I kinda left them alone...only to find out he was a slobbery kisser ... LMFAO KILL ME NOW
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galxpals · 8 years ago
07/21/17 - Fortune
I was honestly 9/10 LITTY LIT LIT ✨
pre drank/smoked at Rev’s for Jiya’s 22nd!! 
we didn’t even bowl man, we just came for the cheap drinks and shots...literally 
you know that feeling when you’re lit as fuck, and you think you can hold yo own tryna flex on everyone, making them think you’re sober as hell? Then you feel extra proud of yourself for confidently doing so?...yeah no.
the drunk video I record of Iggy and I...RIP.
got our stamps and took pics inside before meeting up with Sarah, Rashi, Mich, Eunice, Weng, Lion, Miggs, Zach, Kat and her (annoying asssss hell) friend to blaze outside of Fortune
honestly, homegirl was so lit I just remember tearing up the dance floor and not giving a single fuck in the world, because that’s really how it should be LOL
...wishful thinking
but f’real f’real, here are the key points of the night that I remember:
Mich dancing with a guy
Katherine then getting sloppy seconds
Eunice’s pants ripping
me everyone wanting to kill Kat’s guy friend who apparently was gay but was trying to shove his dick up in all of us (BOI BYE)
Rashi going aggressively wild with a white guy, but left him because she was getting bored (who r u)
Zach was bein’ a little on the annoying side too
Ikjot getting this guy’s life story when Dunc was right across the street in the car waiting for us lmaoooo g2g!!
- Okay.....SO HOME GIRL IS HELLA LATE ON THIS ONE BUT ITS OKAY! - Well, fortune is always asking for a good time, this was even better because it was Rashi's and Sarah's Birthday!
- So before I got invited to this I actually was going to my cousin Jiya's birthday too! She was gonna do bowling at Rev's and then head down to Venue. - Me being the smart person that I am, I ended up asking Myablle to come with, just to pre-drink! HAHAHA - I literally was so proud of this plan! So we went to Rev's to pre-drink and my cousin was actually tolerable at this point! We had fun, had a few cheap drinks and what not! - After pre-drinking at Rev's, Maybelle and I head down towards Fortune! - Super excited to see everyone sorta.. not really....#BYEZACH and  BYE TO MOTHA FUCKING KATHERINE'S FRIEND... - We get in and head out b/c they said they were outside, we met up with them and yenno ;) -LIT up the occasional joint. #CRIMMAJORS - The dance floor started to get packed after we headed inside! - Honestly, it was a fun night, no drama or anything. - oh, wait... - Katherine's friend is annoying AF..... like stop FLOPPING everywhere, please - He literally HURT me when he was salsa-ing?! with me... - Oh, and Eunice' pants ripped YIKES XD -Oh, and right before the night ended...this brown ass CALI BOY comes up to me talking about his life story. LIke how his how left him, and how he appreciates me telling him I wasn't single right off that bat b/c these days hoes ain't loyal ?! (YEAH YEAH [chris breezy]). Anyways... - But I mean all in all it was a good night! - Until he shows up again outside where Duncan decides to pull up onto the street and taunt was pretty funny. IT WAS A LITTLY LIT LIT NIGHT
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galxpals · 8 years ago
07/14/17 - Caprice & Republic
7/10 LIT
Let’s kick this night off with a last minute plan put into action.....
After all that work, Dina decided that it was okay to back out..uhm.. HELL TO THE NO! 
You are the reason we didn’t go to Celebs Tuesday!
Anyways, back to the plan...
Maybelle came to drink at whitespot with me
While Dina and our Belgian beauty drank wine in her guest party rooom!
After that we all head down to Edmonds (and even that was a struggle) 
We get on board wuth our Rose in our whitespot cups, and train down towards Grandville.
Along the way we met two lovely of wich said she was a lesbian? And that I looked super cute and she couldn’t resist. Then her white friend kept talking it me..I was v confused, but went with it. 
We get to Caprice and David is the bouncer.. but weirdly enough Caprice was dead as hell..
SO we thought..
Dina made googly eyes at the bouncer and we got in for free, which was awesome! Republic was a bit busier!
I personally didn’t have any issues with guys that night, just two and when I told them I had a boyfriend they left me alone..
Maybelle on the other hand..that’s another story she’ll explain.
Anywho we had a bomb time with Vicdou and that’s all that mattered. We moved back over to Caprice towards the end of the night. 
and there I got a kiss on the forehead..and that same guy proceeded to hit on all of us WTF BRUH...
OH AND...Black guy was an awesome dancer!!!
And by the end of the night we head over to mcdonalds! 
OKAY OKAY OKAY, homegirl is 6 days late, but you know what s’all gucci!!
was around 4-5/10 lit
honestly could’ve been better, but eating a full course meal with Ashley beforehand was a little bump in the plans that wasn’t expected LOL
bless up for Stephano paying for one of my bellinis, and Iggy hooking a homegirl up with a free bellini and holy water 😭🙌🏼
thankful for Josh for hooking us up with a chocolate flavored shot...but dude what the fuck was that second drink tho?? sorry but...... titiyl.
Dunc drove us all to Edmonds, also picked up Vicdou and Dina on the I said before...bless up. 
Iggy and I had our lovely Barefoot rosés in white spot travel cups and sipped it like fine ass gyals on the train 😎
of course the train would stop at Commercial-Broadway for 5 straight minutes...while we stand right beside the doors....with police officers walking back and forth....of fucking course. 
was 4-5/10 lit but was 10/10 ready to shit my pants tbh
met the 2 cutest girls on the way to Caprice, tho they were persistent as hell on not having us go there LOL
David was able to get us in for free tho it was past 11pm thanks to Dina and Iggy for having some sort of acquaintance with him
decided to head on over to Republic which was also dead but somewhat busier
this grown man comes up to me and tries hitting on me and asking me to dance, to which I declined nicely...and he accepted respectfully..until I see his ass wandering around back and forth to best stop being all up in ma grill...
we can’t forget me confidently screaming “SUCK MY DICK” to DMX’s Party Up....LISTEN, I thought dem other bitches in the club would yell it out with me bUT I guESS NOT. 🙄
switched on over to Caprice for the remaining part of our night
these white, drunk trash wouldn’t stop hitting up MY girls like damn right I will sass you up 
holla at my nigga tearing up the dance floor tho!!! HE WAS ON ANOTHA LEVEL 👋🏼😭
GET THIS...that fucking grown man followed us ME from Republic to ??? hello?? I will call cops on u??? 
he didn't try anything so BYE 
ended the night with my love Mcdicks ❤️ 
- m.d.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
06/03/17 - Bar None
homegirl was litty AF: 9/10
Iggy was able to drag Ace and Sayed to the club, and you best believe the 5 of us tore that dance floor apart 
Maybelle + 1/2 bottle of Rosé + 1/2 bottle of Moscato + 1 tequila shot (s/o Iggy J) + 1 corona (s/o Dunc) = buzzed drunk alter ego poppin’ out
- 1 champagne shot because I’m a drunk idiot who had to run to the bathroom at the worst time
still have yet to decide on a name for drunk me...I mean I think she’s still pretty cute, doin’ her own thang like go b do you!!
drunk tried to set up Sayed with Reanna and I think that’s where I should slap myself cause....bruh....por qué 😐
constantly kept switching from Ace to Sayed cause my boys were fire on the dance floor and I couldn't keep up with the both of them at the same time WAH 
I love Ikjot and Duncan
I love thirdwheeling Ikjot and Duncan 
Ace and Sayed ended up dippin’ without even saying bye...the disrespect
lowkey was in love with Samantha and Chantelle 
also fell in love with Josh’s 2 girl friends
- m.d.
SOO it was host Josh’s birthday @ Barnone!
I mean I was about a 7/10
Later on in the night I cried to Duncan about losing my sock ...ikr (don’t judge)
Anyways the usual gang is on their way to da club. AKA : ME + DUNC + MAY
It was so much fun!
We managed to drag Sayed and Ace along, not gonna lie they made the night <3 
Super glad they came...but then chasing after Maybelle, I realized they left w/o saying bye. Like biiiiiitchhh WTF
Anyways, we all danced our hearts out and Maybelle was waay too lit.
Eventually, we met Sam and Chantelle! 
After that, we FINALLY MET JOSH!
 He was still waiting for his friends to come in, but then he left May and I with two of them! They were really cute but I cannot remember their names!
Champagne and free shots!
HA..I took Maybelle’s #sorrynotsorry...
She ran away from me and Duncan (not anyone’s fault but her own)
But I mean, I’m sure she had enough by now anyways! 
BARNONE... you weren’t too shabby.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
05/23/17 - Celebs
YO GIRL’S 20TH HELLO. I’m done crying btw. 
the beginning was very, Very, VERY dead
ended up being super lit later on...both the club and myself 
this girl was doing her own thang lighting up that empty dance floor strutting back and forth and we were on the balcony fangirling her like...MA GURL, that’s how lit and carefree I aspire to be every clubbing night
saw Nick Hernandez and Tony Lovendino...too bad I was too lit to say hi 🙃
one of their friends asked me to dance so I said sure (cause why the hell not)
worst. decision. of. my. life 
2 mins in he goes right up to my ear and asks “can we kiss?”......BOI YOU BOUT TO CATCH THESE HANDS. 
y’all know what came next....✋🏼✌🏼👋🏼
I just wanted that one DJ to go on man, enough with this EDM bullshit I hear enough of this at Fvded 😫
you best believe M.I.A tore up that dance floor. I mean c’mon now
Dina got a potential bae...Marcus...seriously we need to stop fuckin’ with these M boys (my fuckboy alarm went off) (also was part of Nick, Tony and horndog’s crew)
honestly this is the best that I can do because I was lit and it was my birthday....but straight to the point- I have the best fucking friends who are fire AF and I had the most amazing time. 
best birthday yet. 
- m.d.
Soooo my home girl is ......30 jkjk 20!
She made it! (Wasn't hard to do...just stay alive basically)
Anyways the night started off with Dina and I surprising Maybelle.
Then it turned into a photo shoot.
After this, we snuck in three bottles of Moscato/rose into Maybelle's place!
So you could imagine all of us were pretty lit! No one was driving, and that made it a hell of a lot better b/c Dina always gets stressed over that shit.
After pre-drinking, we head on down to milestones for dinner.
....remember we are still lit AF on the train, and while ordering food, and for most of the time at milestones.
I felt so sick at one point, just smelling the Bellini I ordered made me feel sick 😷
After the dinner (thank god I didn't puke) we head on down to celebs night club after catching the world's most awesome taxi. Well I mean I guess the taxi wasn't awesome it was the driver!!
We head into the club, and its pretty dead. Anyways...
We get our drinks and chill, take more pictures.
We thought it was about time that we hit that dance floor.
I mean aside from the weird guy group that kept on following us, and the brown guys that wouldn't leave us alone, it was an awesome night!
Duncan (bless his soul) came to pick us up. And that wrapped up this chaotic and fun night!
PS. Dina gave out her #
I guess we'll find out soon enough how that ended.
P.P.S "For fuck sakes"
- i.b.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
05/20/17 - Fortune
shout out to ya gyal’s first time at Fortune!!
No Jiya, No Problem 
everyone wasn’t playing no games when they said you’ll be able to see every single person you know in that very club
from Ate Berylle 
to Jessa, Jang, Tay, Mable 
to people from studio 604 
to fricken CJ Calpotura..why is my life like this 😂
really big part of me felt a little uneasy with thirdwheeling- not sure if it was my hormones...but I was 7/10 lit and lowkey feeling alone in a crowded room 
Iggy and Duncan were hella cute tho ugh fuck it up FUCK IT UPPPPP 
typing this now 3 bullet points later, I feel bad for striking out CJ’s name since he was the reason why Jay and I got together...BUT nigga was wildin’ af everywhere AND it’s CJ so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
is there a hidden sign on my forehead that says “27 y/os only” cause it seems like those are the only guys I’ve been attracting lately LMAO
ngl was lowkey fangirling the entire time cause a cute filipino boy?? dancer?? tattoo sleeve?? HEY, WHAT’S UP. HELLO. 
which also adds extra points since I’ve come across this guy’s ig a couple of times and had heart eyes for him (!!! NO ONE TELL DINA !!!)
when he started talking to me but said “I was looking at you earlier and was thinking ‘is she really thirdwheeling right now’ 🙃
if you weren’t keeping up with his score, he lost every point he earned with that line- BUT I had to give him .5 since my buzzed ass realized that he basically admitted to having his eyes on me 
-insert Bretman Rock’s HUEHEEEEH noise- 
thoughts of the night: “FUCK like am I going to see people from Byrne and WS too?” “CJ.....oh-m..f...g.” “(@CJ) WHO’S MANS IS DIS.” “dis dumbass nigga drunk and wild as hell u need some h20″ “oh God CJ knows him” “OH GOD HE ASKED ME TO DANCE” “WHERE TF IS CJ’S MOM MAN GET THIS BOY A LEASH” 
I gave CJ my water to help a nigga out and he throws the ice at me..dis bitch
had a little bit of a awks spot when you see 2-3 other guys looking at you while you’re dancing with someone else...fellas...gals...if one’s taken ya gotta go for the next fish in the sea (cept CJ who probably went through 90% of the fish tonight and came home empty handed) (!!! was able to confirm this is a true story !!!)
despite the age difference, Jay was a really nice guy who just so happened to be a great dancer and kisser. 
literally just remembered he bit the top of my ear at one point...ummm????? y??????
lols probably my karma from constantly grabbing Dunc and Iggy’s ears earlier in the car 
couldn’t figure out if Fortune was hot as hell or if it was just me...hahahahah ok relax ballsack
exchanged instagrams and came to the conclusion that I fucking love Fortune.
when your night surpasses 0-100 real quick and you feel so content with everything and not feeling a single emotion of embarrassment...probably the best part....sike it was the company 
- m.d.
P.S. why the fuck is 90% of my post about CJ??!? MAN FUCK THAT GUY
Well ...
I don't even know what to say
The club was lit but maybe I wasn't?!
Ugh I felt more concerned about Maybelle and Duncan having fun that I ended up giving the night a 5.5-6/10 for me.
It was fun don't get me wrong..we ran into old hs friends, and who doesn't want that 🙄
My night consisted of my ass on my boyfriend the entire night
Whatevs I knew I was with May and so I didn't have to care about grinding on him or kissing him because we're just that close.
Waaaaaaay to lit
But really funny and entertaining
Maybelle talked about him enough for me to move on XD
movin’ on :
Maybelle again with another 27 year old...
But I mean ..I think I like him and they were pretty fire on the dance floor!
Although my story may not be as lit and as long as last time, this is was a night for Maybelle! It was her first time at Fortune and I wanted her to have soo much fun!
Thats why at one point Dunc said," You're more into Maybelle than me.."
Hehehe whooops
Anywhooo that leads me to the end of the night where all the couples in this story ended up... making out! HEHE
Fortune we will see you again 👅
- i.b.
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galxpals · 8 years ago
05/02/17 - Celebs
was about 7/10 lit 
knew exactly why some people are claustrophobic...because hunty let me tell you, Celebs Tuesdays when there’s no school is comparable to a sauna. Difference? There ain’t no annoying brown guys trying to grab you after saying NO multiple times. I’m like 12, please leave me alone. 
loved myself for not wearing my leather jacket because above said
just realized I went and used the coat myself even more 🙏🏼
no Ace look alike in sight?? LET’S GET CRUNK Y’ALL
when you get mind fucked because you thought Fatima was more holy than Michelle. Badly mistaken. Home girl knew how to get lit both in and out of the dance floor and I LOVED IT. 
No seriously. Fatima I see you girl. 
can someone explain to me why Sangerth, Ammar and Moody decided to stay with us after we ran into them? I just wanted it to be a hi and bye thing. Not a “hi, how are you let one of us grind with your best friend all night long knowing she has a boyfriend, and let the other 2 try to be your knight in shining armour saving you when you didn't want to be saved”
when the quartet becomes a trio because Moody is still all up on your best friend
can I slap him? can I slap Sangerth and Ammar too? Just kidding. Not really 🙃
when you thought you finally reached a goal with getting Michelle a guy, and he ended up getting you...fuck sakes. 
thoughts of the night: “if this fucker in plaid comes over ONE more time.....” “why is Sangerth holding my hand and latching onto me pls” “let me say sorry to the guy in hat god damn it” “WHY IS MICHELLE’S GUY DOING THIS TO ME” “if I don’t get water within the next 5 mins I think I may pass out” “Aw Ammar and Sangerth are so sweet to grab Michelle and I waters too!” “lol joking ofc Ammar would only give me one cup with 80% ice and 20% water...piece of shit.” “Okay Moody I would like my best friend back????? hello???” “........” “No? okay” 
thoughts on Eugene: “hey this guy’s pretty nice” “okay this guy is really nice” “he knows how to dance..huh” “o fuck he’s 27 lol lol lol sos” ----------- “actually giving him my number and not a fake?? y i k e s.”
wanted to cry of relief when I told Michelle everything about Gene and she said it was absolutely okay. BLESS.
“FUCK IT UP” -  you must know that was the motto of this crazy night.
it was pretty easy to do so considering we had both chugged two pitchers of white wine sangrias just minutes before heading to the club. 
AH, clubbing with two of the holiest and innocent girls I know ... THIS OUTTA BE FUN  
this one is for you MICH and FATIMA, and apparently as well as Sangerth, Moody, and Ammar...
Another thing that must be noted is that “Celebs Tuesdays” IS OUR SHIT!
but this night celebs was packed AF
but no matter what, we still shook our A$$’s on that dancefloor
not gonna lie, I didn’t even look that bomb but guys are fucking horndogs... like homie, I said NO, NO means NO! 
this one Indian FOB ass  guy comes up to me for the third time and says the same line again, (buddy if it didn’t work the 1st and 2nd time what makes you think it’ll change now?) 
FOB INDIAN: “You’re gorgeous, please let me buy you a drink?”
IGGY (aka me): “ I told you I’m not single, first of all, you are wasting your shot, and second of all, I will NOT dance with you.”
FOB INDIAN: “Just please come to the side (he meant the bar) I just want to buy you shot.”
Nigga, when a bitch says no to your shot, you best be happy, because homie let me tell you. If I was S A V A G E enough that night, I would’ve taken your shot, and left that bar faster than you could turn around. 
Anyways, eventually, you left me alone. OR maybe it was because you saw me dancing with Moody...
Wish I never did that shit, he’s fucked. He knew I had a bf and still continued dancing with me to point where I ran away to as fast as I could to my girls.. but he followed.
 Long story short, maybe girls aren’t the ones we should be worried about who “KISS and TELL”, but rather the gents. 
I wish I could’ve relied on Sangy to pull you away from me when I asked, but no.. he had to go dance with my best friend instead... 
All I can say about him is that he is a PUSSY  #pussyonthepedestal 
While Moody had me occupied the rest of the night, I still caught up on all the “GENE” drama between my girls. Well, it wasn’t drama, it was more like something funny you would see on T.V. 
To sum it up, I had fun with girls and wished it stayed that way, lesson learned to never fuck around that gang ever again.. ‘nuff said. 
Celebs ...we’’ll be back :) 
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galxpals · 8 years ago
ready? set...
to our very first post. 
Iggy J, if you read this...
welcome to your tape. 
LOL oops. I mean welcome to your blog. Better yet...our blog 💛
and so this crazy roller coaster ride of ours begins. 
- m.d.
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