Restful sleep & sweet dreams ⠀spell bottle or sachet
☽ Dreams be sweet⋆Dreams be kind ☼ ☼ Bring me rest ⋆ And peace of mind ☾
⠀☾ Herbs ☼ ↟ Lavender ↟ sleep, peace, dreams, relaxation, protection, happiness, healing, anti-stress & anxiety ↟ Rosemary ↟ sleep, peace, dreams, protection, healing, anti- stress, wards off bad dreams & negativity ↟ Sea salt ↟ protection, banishing, cleansing, purifying ↟ Hops flowers ↟ sleep, healing, anti-anxiety, stops restlessness ↟ Sugar ↟ for extra sweetness ↟ Jasmine ↟ calming, relaxation, prophetic dreams, love ↟ Chamomile ↟ sleep, peace, protection, healing, relaxation, anti-stress & anxiety, wards off bad dreams & nightmares ↟ Mugwort ↟ dreams, protection, healing, astral projection ↟ Willow leaves ↟ protection, peace, love, healing ↟ Thyme ↟ sleep, dreams, healing, protection, wards off bad dreams ↟ Peppermint ↟ sleep, dreams, healing, protection, happiness, anti-stress & anxiety, purification ↟ Valerian ↟ calming, protection, deep restful sleep ↟ Vervain ↟ peace, protection, wards off bad dreams & nightmares
⠀☼ Crystals☽ ↟ Amethyst ↟ peace, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams & nightmares, prevents oversleeping, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional being ↟ Blue lace agate ↟ peace, calming, healing, calms the mind, reduces stress & anxiety ↟ Smoky Quartz ↟ protection, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams, nightmares & negativity ↟ Fluorite ↟ peace, protection, protects against stress & negativity, stabilizes emotions, calms the mind ↟ Rose Quartz ↟ calming, peace, healing, calms emotions & rids of negativity, deep & restful sleep, relieves insomnia, relaxation, brings sweet dreams
♡ Mix any of these herbs and crystals in a bottle, sachet or pillow to make it right for you. Seal with candle wax (or a ribbon for those who can’t have candles) in whatever color feels best for you (I like blue or lavender!) Feel free to use my incantation as well! ♡
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For more on chakra imbalances and chakra healing, check out my full length video on YouTube:
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Energy parasites: Leeches
Energy parasites are nasty little beings that infest anywhere a lot of energy passes through. This could be the places you practice your craft, do energy work or magic, or anywhere lots of people pass through, and even inside your energy body.
There are many different varieties of energy parasites that work differently. The shared qualities among all energy parasites I’ve encountered is that they are excellent at energy work, they breed through asexual reproduction, and they are all sustained by feeding o the energies of other beings.
Energy Leeches:
I’ve encountered more energy leeches than any other type of parasite. They are everywhere, constantly feeding on the energy we exude as we move through our daily lives. Most leeches are very small and stick to high traffic areas like subways, busy streets, and packed buildings.
If you practice any type of magick or psychic arts you are likely to attract energy leeches to where ever you are working/practicing. These types of activities create a lot of energy for a leech to feed on, and if it can get enough energy, it will grow and become a larger issue.
I use to do all my rituals, spells, and energy work practice in my room so this lead to my space having a lot of built energy that I was lazy about clearing out. After about a month, I noticed things were becoming much less effective and the energy in my space was very slow. It was then, when I went out of body, that I noticed a giant energy leech on the wall of my room. It started out a tiny little thing, but since I kept filling my room with energy it grew until it needed to suck it straight from my workings to be satisfied.
You don’t want to get a leech get that big in your space. It took far too long to get rid of, and I had to wait until the sucker was gone before I could do anything high-energy in my room.
If you go out of body, specifically on the astral and other places from there, you are likely to eventually bring home an energy leech with you. It’ll likely be a tiny one who lodges their way into your energy body and hides tightly between the energy pathways/veins or right on an energy center. If you are lucky, it’ll be so hungry you feel it start to suck up your energy.
More often though, they like to stay dormant and only take what they need until your energy body is weakened for some other reason. They see this weakened state as a cover for them to go to town on your energy systems. So as you’re dealing with the issue that is causing you to be in a weakened state (such as being sick, clogs/blockages in your energy body, ect) they are sucking you dry so you have a harder time healing and don’t know they are there.
Energy leeches are not just a problem for anyone working with foreign energies. I’ve known people who are extremely mundane who have had big leeches inside them feeding for what must have been a while. One person was a swim instructor where I work. When sitting there bored at work I was scanning people’s energies and I noticed a foreign body insider her. Upon further inspection I learned it was a big leech. So big in fact that she likely passed on a few baby leeches onto others given the size of the one inside her energy body.
Noticing energy leeches:
Skilled spirit workers and healers are likely able to help identify an energy parasite like a leech, but if you are sensitive to energies it’s something you can learn to do too. You need know how your energy body works in it’s natural resting state and what that feels like before you can try looking for leeches in your system. This will take some time, but it’s a very important thing to know for any energy worker/witch/spirit worker. When you know what your energy body’s resting state is like you can go through your body bit by bit checking your energy centers and pathways for any abnormalities, in this case specifically looking for leeches latching onto and draining energy.
It will often look like a serpent-like creature with no eyes. If it’s from our plane/world it will often have a small mouth with teeth, but leeches from other planes that you pick up while astral traveling more commonly have an energy center from which they drain your energy, instead of a mouth (though this will depend on where you are traveling).
Energy leeches have a tight and dense energy. Their energy alignment will depend heavily on where they are from, but leeches from our plane tend to be aligned to elemental energies, most common being Earth energy. Energy leeches most often have three dominant energies in their system, the only shared energy I’ve noticed between all leeches is Void energy. I suspect this is is what makes them very good at taking in and neutralizing most energies into their system. Since Void energy in my experience moving through Void energy can act like a going through corrosive filter for non-Void energies.
Their energy bodies are almost entirely made of energy pathways with a few energy centers (1-3). Larger leeches might grow more centers to have a larger surface area for absorption. For having such simple systems, they are extremely skilled at energy work. They are experts at camouflaging themselves and changing the flow of energy. This makes them very good at making themselves almost invisible if you don’t know what you’re looking for. They can make a blockage form in your system and drain the pooling energy from that side by shifting the flow of your pathways to draw it in. So if you keep fixing problems in your system and more keep coming, you might have an energy leech.
Removing energy leeches:
A single energy leech can do a lot of damage to a person’s system. It’s best to remove the leech from your body before you work on the damage it causes. There are dozens of ways to deal with energy parasites, but I’m just going to cover a few methods of removing them through energy work/healing.
Reiki is a great tool for removing energy parasites. It floods your system with healing/life energy, making your energy body a very hostile environment for low-vibration energies and beings. The only draw back is that reiki is a very passive healing method so it will often take a lot of time to flush out a leech if it had grown a lot.
Any type of high-vibrational healing is good for getting rid of small leeches. Crystal that have been charged are excellent for this. If you have a leech in your room a tight crystal grid can do the job. You just want to make sure the grid doesn’t give off too much excess energy because the leech will just snack on it. I would recommend using clear quartz, rose quart, citrine, and fluorite. Smoking cleansing and singing bowls are also good methods of removing energy leeches from a psychical space.
Asking the spirits with whom you work (if you work with any) to remove an energy leech is a good idea too. Most spirits skilled in energy work can see parasites in your systems right away and know just how to remove them. Do not trust unfamiliar spirits with such a task, that is how you end up getting energy parasites.
If the leech(es) inside you aren’t too big, you might be able to just starve it out. This would mean you would have to go inside your energy body and cut off energy flow to it in the hopes it shrinks down to making removing it easier. This only works if it’s on an energy pathway and you know how to cut off that pathways flow and how to pull the leech out.
The best way to deal with leeches in my experience is through psychic surgery. If you know a healer or spirit who can preform psychic surgery, they are your best bet to handle it’s removal.
Removing a leech can be a very unpleasant experience. I would not recommend doing it yourself unless you have advanced knowledge of how our energy body works. I’m going to share one of my methods of energy leech removal that don’t involve psychic surgery for those who want to learn how.
AstralCatalyst’s energy leech removal method:
To start you need to figure out where exactly the leech is in the individuals energy body. Do a scan of the whole body for any abnormalities or damages. Go through each system until you find the leech.
If it’s on an energy pathway:
If the leech is on a pathway you will need to temporally cut off energy to where the leech is by rerouting the energy on the pathway to others. Do this by taking another energy vein and making a small bridge between them by pushing the energy from the leech vein to the healthy vein. You will notice that eventually it will take less work to move the energy from one pathway to the other, this is when you can stop.
The leech will soon no longer have any energy coming down the vein for it to feed on. Move your hands down to where the leech is in the person’s body and start pushing some high-vibrational energy between the leech and the vein. DO NOT PUSH ENERGY DOWN THE VEIN. PUSH IT BETWEEN THE VEIN AND THE LEECH. This energy passing by will draw the leech’s attention off the vein since it’s no longer receiving energy from it and hopefully loosen the leech’s grasp on the vein.
Now carefully grab a hold of the leech in a manner that keeps your hands away from it’s energy centers and pull it off the pathway. It might hold on very tightly so pull had hard as you need too. The removal process might cause a tightening, tense, or pulling sensation in the individual being worked on.
Repeat until all leeches are out of your system.
Then work on healing and fixing the flow of the energy in your body. This can be a lengthy process of redirecting energy and fixing any tears, blockages, and overworked pathways. If you removed the leeches without cutting off energy flow to it you are likely to be hemorrhaging energy, and the tears in your system will be harder to patch up and heal.
If it’s on an energy center:
If a leech has warped it’s self around one of your bodies energy centers removing it becomes a much harder process on the body. This means the leach has be depriving your system of energy it needs so you don’t have a healthy system to properly fight it. You will need to redirect all the energy in your body around this center. Which means changing the entire way your energy centers flow temporarily and cutting this center off from all of the others in your body.
Once you have the leech affected center isolated watch what the leech does. Sometimes, completely isolating the center is enough to drive a leech to just let go since it’s so use to being constantly fed by the energy center. If it doesn’t let go you need to be extra careful about removing it from the energy center. Any damage to an energy center, damages the way your body takes in energy, and it is often permanent due to how slowly energy centers heal.
If the leech does not let go on it’s own, you will need to flood the leech with opposing energies to it’s natural energy alignment. This means you will need to have scanned the leeches system beforehand, or you have to do it now. If the leech is well warded/protected, using healing/high-vibrational/reiki/life energy is a safe bet for weakening it since energy leeches seem to be somewhat void aligned. Some leeches have very little void energy to them though, so life/healing energy is not necessarily always going to work every time. Drown the leech in opposing energies to it’s natural energy alignment until it lets go. Sometimes, with larger leeches you might have to do the do this several times overall a few sessions until it shrinks down small enough to pluck off or until it falls off.
When the leech has fallen off you can grab it carefully to avoid touching it’s energy centers and pull it out of the individual’s body. If the leech just won’t let go of the center after 2-3 sessions, go through this processes again isolating and drowning it until it’s lose and then pull it off the energy center. Make sure to tend to any damage to the center right away with energy that matches it’s function.
Once you have removed the leeches or have finished this session fix the flow of energy in their body and tend to any damages caused by the leech. In this case you will likely need to give the body back the energy the leech has been taking from it. Send a strong current of energy through the whole system letting it get it’s fill so it can heal. If you are finishing a session without removing a leech, connect the paths in a manner that gives that energy center enough energy to remain functional while depriving the leech of the ability to drain from other energy centers. Meaning, hook paths up to the center but do not have any pathways moving directly between the healthy centers and the leech affected one(s).
Once all the leeches have been removed from the host body, the best way to dispose of them is to feed them to some larger entity/spirit. If this isn’t an option release it outside your space. You can also save leeches to be used in spells, curses/baneful magick, and in energy work.
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Invite With Ease
Do not try to manifest anything with force or urgency. Pause or be silent until you can feel calmness and connection with the Universe. Your life will reflect back to you your intention, your emotions. If you are manifesting and having fun doing it - more experiences will occur where you feel the same level of happiness, or even more. Remember this often, especially if the appointed time for your desire hasn’t come yet and you are tempted to feel impatient.
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but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol
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Rose quartz and lavender, a constant reminder to stay grounded and calm, and show kindness and love toward all those around me. *~Please don’t delete my caption.~*
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