Gali Nukkadd Paathshala(Disha Pradaan)
123 posts
We Provide Free Education and free Special Education for Special Children and for the Needy & under-priviledged Children and those Children who are Red Light Beggars. We provide all the study material free of cost and we also help the Helpless in Need. 
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 1 year ago
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
दिशा प्रदान वेल्फेयर फाउंडेशन gave a warm up / learning class through performing the activity session to the 3 to 6 years children @ आंगनबाड़ी केन्द्र 
 आइए आगे बढ़ें और हमारा सहयोग करें ताकि हम ऐसे बच्चो को सही शिक्षा के लिए अच्छे teachers aur trainers प्रदान करवा सकें 
 सहयोग के लिए आप हमें whatsapp pr contact ker सकते हैं @91+7678554809 
 अगर आपको अच्छा लगे ये वीडियो means हमारा ये काम तो इस वीडियो को लाइक , कमेंट्स, शेयर और subscribe kerna na भूले 
 Thank you all 
 Rruchi Arora
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Women empowerment Session was given by Disha pradaan welfare Foundation at आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र 
 We started now the work for महिला सशक्तिकरण अभियान, there we will provide the training for skill development so that they can stand on their own feet.
 if you like our work , please appreciate us and do like, comments, share करें और Subscribe kerna na bhule. 
 Thank you All 
Ruchi Arora / Anushree Saxena Dolly , Chanchal, Mamta
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Children celebrated "Gandhi Jayanti"  @ Gurukul - संस्कार, संस्कृति एवं योग पद्दित्ती, बरेली - UP please support these innocent children and do like, comments, share करें और स��से ज्यादा जरूरी है कि आप हमारे youtube channel को subscribe करें 
 Thank you 
Anushree Saxena , Ruchi Arora Rohit , Mohit, Skashi 
 our website -
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Children did So much fun by celebrating birthday among us @ our free school "Gali Nukkadd Paathshala" you also feel  happy after watching this video, 
if you feel good, please do like, comments, share to all and subscribe our YouTube channel, for the sake of these innocent children. 
 Thank You
 our website:-
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Children of our free school" Gali Nukkadd Paathshala" under our NGO, did great work. they save many people from Accident .. 
Today some people got injured by road-accident after seeing that our children decided to fill all those Gaps on road so that next person don't get injured with this issue. they did great work and gave a message to all that everyone should help others . 
 If you appreciate their work , children will motivate ,  So please watch full video, do comments, share to all , and please do Subscribe our channel. 
 Thank you all 
Ruchi Arora, Rohit, Aman, Saurabh, sharwan, Sohan, Bittoo, Amit 
our website:-
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Please support us & our appreciating , motivating through like, comments, share to all and at last do subscribe our YouTube channel.. 
 visit our website:- 
Follow us @ 
 Thank you all 
 Deepa, Dolly, Rohit, Aman, 
Jyoti, Saurabh
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Please appreciate the children for their performance... and support them by Doing like, comment, Share it to all and subscribe to our YouTube video .. 
 For more details:-. go to this link - www 
Thank you all 
Anushree / Rohit Kumar 
Mohit, Shakshi 
Ruchi Arora
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
"The Art of Living" through "Srimad Bhagwat Gita"_ 25th Sep.22 , #श्रीमद्भगवदगीता 
Our Special Guest Dr. Shilpi Kulshreshtha ( Scientist _ Clinical psychologist) gave a class on the ’Art of living’ through "श्रीमद भगवद्गीता  to the underprivileged children. 
So please watch full video, you all will love this video, i must say. 
Thank you All
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Class on General knowledge @दिशा प्रदान वेल्फेयर फाउंडेशन, #gkclass_video 18sept22
Our Website >
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Boost up Activity _during Class @Gali Nukkadd Paathshala_a free school-11th Sept.22
Our Website >
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
DIY- Session @GURUKUL- संस्कार, संस्कृति एवं योग पद्दित्ती , a free school, Bareilly, UP
Our Website >
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 2 years ago
Happy Teacher's Day_5th सितंबर 22 performance by children...
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 3 years ago
Please appreciate the children for their performance... and support them by Doing like, comment, Share it to all and subscribe to our YouTube video .. 
 For more details:-. 
go to this link - www 
 Thank you all 
 Ruchi Arora, Deepa, Dolly, Viresh
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 3 years ago
Please appreciate our Dedication towards the children to teach them very well.. and support us by Doing like, comment, Share it to all and subscribe to our YouTube video .. 
 For more details:-. go to this link - www 
 Thank you all 
 Ruchi Arora, Beena Rathore
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galinukkaddpaathshala · 3 years ago
Please appreciate the children for their performance... and support them by Doing like, comment, Share it to all and subscribe to our YouTube video .. 
 For more details:-. 
go to this link - www 
 Thank you all 
 Ruchi Arora, Deepa, Dolly, Viresh
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