galexdavenport · 5 years
& Mallory Bordeaux‌
“It’s been at least eighty years, Gale,” she replied, amusement coloring her tone. Not that eighty years was anytime at all in the grand scheme of things. A mere blip of time. Most of them had scattered across the world only seeing each other in moments of passing. The last time they’d all been in the same city it had almost been the end of them. It was baffling how different things became when your life was on the line. The truces that were formed and bonds that were created in the pits of war.
“You look like a lumberjack,” the vampire quipped with a light smirk as she noted of his physical changes. Just something else she envied him for. The Davenports had definitely gotten the better end of the immortal stick. Despite the inability to perish they were alive. “It’s a good look on you,” Mallory replied honestly, her hand reaching up to touch his bearded cheek. He looked just as handsome as usual. The time he spoken of suiting him just as well.
After a moment, she dropped her hand realizing she was crossing personal boundaries. The last century had made her…softer. Softer in ways that echoed her mortal self and not the monster dark magic had warped her into. It still there—it always would be—lurking under the surface of her skin. Mallory grabbed two champagne glasses from the passing tray, attempting to deflect from her faux pas. She held one out for him to take before lifting hers to her lips. “So, what did we bipeds do to receive you in your less furry form?” 
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“And it feels just like yesterday.” At the start of the eighty years ago, God how he wanted to squeeze the life out of her, had that been possible. She got on his nerves, said all the things that made his jaw clench and he didn’t like her. one. bit. But at the end of it, they’d grown closer, and one might even say he would’ve gladly caught a specific dagger for her. Not that he would’ve mentioned that to her back then. He knew his ego was one of the parts that limited him now, and hers had been pretty close to his. Now? Now she seemed a whole different person. She’d been a pretty public figure back then but having a more open life, one where she didn’t need to hide what she truly was... It suited her, and Gale liked what he saw.
“Do I now?” He laughed, eyes moving down to his feet before moving right back up at hers again, a smile still lit on his lips. He responded normally to her touching his beard, as if the two were tight knit friends where personal space barely mattered. If anything, the personal contact was something he craved for right now. Having lived as a wolf for a few decades had made him live in a kind of solitude he hadn’t experienced when he spent three centuries in Australia. He still had the witches and other supernatural beings there who knew his true origin, who covered for him to the locals, believing him to be a stablehand for all those years. The witches had been strong in their magic, but not strong enough to fool them into being the farm owner for all those years. Being a person in the background made more sense, and he didn’t mind. It helped him heal his broken heart, harden him for the war he, back then, had no idea was to come.
He himself didn’t even know what got him to shift back, what drew him to reintegrate back into the world of humans and supernatural beings looking like them. He gazed into the yellow bubbly liquid as he pondered, shoulders shrugging, a motion he barely ever showed back in New York. Living as a canine hadn’t made him as graceful as an immortal was. It made him more human strangely enough. “I honestly don’t know. It wasn’t like I had a plan for how long it was going to take for me to come back. But something made me look back and decide it was time. Glad I did.. though.” He confessed, index finger touching the condensation on the glass. “But what has Miss Bordeaux been up to in my absence? What brought you back to Paris?”
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galexdavenport · 5 years
The last hundred years had been…surreal. The outing of the supernatural had sent the world into a frenzy before becoming rather accepting. It hadn’t happened right away of course but she was grateful nonetheless. Not having to hide as much of herself was unexpectedly freeing. The having to fake her own death stopped every thirty odd years stopped. So did the need to dye her hair and create new identities to remain a shadow in the world’s history. It was an odd new normal.
Mallory had finally left New York in the 40s, ready for a different space. Her mortal charges had died of old age—and she couldn’t have been happier— having lived full lives. The Original could be more happy for them. It was what they deserved even if she was stuck on the sideline watching the live it. Staying frozen in time. At several points, Mallory had contemplated using the second dagger in her possession. An easy way out of a perpetually lonely existence but she could never go through with it. Unable to put her family through that pain again. But in moments of selfishness, she imagined what finally letting go would feel like. Instead, she adapted to the changing world around her. 
Despite all that had changed, many had stayed the same. The need to show her face at events on occasion was one of them. They were usually mundane and tedious with a plethora of people kissing her ass to get a check. So, she was pleasantly surprised to sense his presence. It had been quite some time since they’d crossed path. They’d always been a precarious pair yet had seemed to garner a truce after the death of her brother. “Fancy meeting you here, stranger,” she greeted, saddling up next to him.
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Despite the fact the supernatural world had become an accepted one it didn't mean that he had felt comfortable showing his true colours to the outside world. It was one thing for people to look at you with a certain hint of fear in their eyes when you mentioned you were a werewolf, let alone an immortal one to explain why you wouldn't be ageing. Eventually, he had stuck with the old ways, hiding his identity from others. His surname was well known in the supernatural world, and sometimes people connected the dots between him and the 'werewolf family'. Sometimes he'd simply wished he had been mortal, again. Knowing that that was a wish not so easily granted. It had made his mind wander to the dagger that had killed Noah, wondering if it was still around. 
But when he was in his animal form, there was no worrying, there was no stress. He'd even become a protector of those that wondered off into the forest and lost their ways. There was nothing more frightening than being lost in a forest and seeing a wolf, and especially one as large as he was, but he'd always managed to get them to trust him, and follow him back into civilisation. Most of them even pieced together the fact he was no ordinary wolf, which often impressed him, especially if one had set a new record in figuring it out.
And now? Now the original felt uncomfortable in his own skin, not quite sure how he had to function after having spend so much time as an animal. At first it took some getting used to that he had to speak to communicate, and now he missed two decades of news, trends, slang and everything that would make it easier for him to integrate into the world. Right now, he welcomed anything from the past, and so hearing Mallory's voice was a breath of fresh air. Living a more open and public life suited her, always had. He wondered if BITE was still a thing. "Stranger? Surely it hasn't been that long." The man teased, lowering his hands to his sides as he turned towards her. There was no more ill will towards the woman, no more distaste or dislike. No the smile that gently curled his lips was genuine. He was actually glad to see her. "You look well, Mallory. As always, time suits you." Pretty like a picture -- almost quite literally. Just like himself, except the difference now was that he had longer hair than when she last saw him, and a beard. Hardly fundraiser appearance, but it’d have to do. 
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galexdavenport · 5 years
Paris, 2120.
The world had changed, just like it had for almost a thousand years, and every year added to his lifespan, the more tired Gale became. He’d stopped becoming a public figure, settling down for a more mundane life, even if he knew he was never to be blessed to have one. He’d watched how they grow old. How his adopted son became his brother, his father, then his grandfather only to mourn at his grave. Nature called him after that, doing something he hadn’t done in centuries and as the strongest moon the twenty-first century would ever know had arrived, he gave in, allowing his bones to snap, reshape. The wind rushing passed him as he ran between trees, through forest and landscapes. He crossed the Bering Sea, traveled over continents to arrive in the city with so much history, a place where he’d felt at home in more than a few centuries in his lifetime.
It was strange, to walk as a man again, even if it had only been about two or three decades, and the world had become too modern for his liking and somewhere, behind deep blue hues, a speck of green resembling mother nature still lingered in his being, calling for him. He wasn’t sure what lured him to the city, his family being miles away and in some way, he wasn’t ready to face them. Surely they would feel like he’d abandoned them. But the threat had been gone for years, choosing his curse over family.. Had that been sinful? A crime?
If anything, the world hadn’t changed in its shenanigans and semantics. Fundraisers were still a thing, even if most were corrupt. But he was there, standing in the back of the crowd, a hand pressed against a loosely closed fist in front of him, gazing over the crowd that was so different, and yet so alike to those generations before them. At least the supernatural walked around more freely now, something he was still not sure about was the right thing, but he’d accepted not everything was up to him.
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galexdavenport · 6 years
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“I feel like the axe throwing is a bit too extreme for my liking.” Gale said aloud, watching the other contestants doing their hardest for the prize. Thing was, he could easily do it, but he’d rather have his palm read than act like a barbarian. “Might I accompany you to do an activity, My Lady/My Lord? I feel like I’ll grow roots standing here any longer.” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Mallory laughed, slipping her arm into his comfortably. She could easier hear the other participants fumbling through the maze to reach the center, yet was in no actual rush herself. Their pace was one of leisure. “How incompetent do you think I am? There’s far too many witnesses. I’d obviously take you into the woods and put you out of your misery,” she answered, playing along. “A wish? Such a generous prize. You know I’m always up for a challenge.”
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“I’d call it sensational.” He winked, casually strolling in between the closed maze. It was amusing to the man, watching the others rush by as if this was a race. He was perfectly content walking in a moderate pace with her on his arm. He seemed to care less for the outside world. “Ah, of course. I should’ve given you more credit in the arts of killing, I do apologise.” Ah, vampires. Such fascinating creatures. They were fast like them, werewolves, perhaps even as strong compared to some ages yet they had their immortality, they had that on them, for sure. Watching the world come and go while they remained frozen in time, it was tiring -- he could relate to that. “You’ve got a wish you’d like fulfilling? Your heart’s desire, Mallory?” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
“Well, come on!” She prompted, her voice filled with laughter as she pulled the man towards the entrance of the maze. The weather was incredible—not too hot and accompanied with a little breeze that carried the smell of freshly baked pastries wonderfully. “It’s just a simple maze, darling. I’m sure that we won’t let it get the best of us.” @galexdavenport
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“Would be a rather ironic set of last words should we be proven otherwise.” The man chuckled, allowing himself to be pulled towards the maze’s entrance. He had a pretty good sense for direction, and he knew the laws of them -- when lost, always stick to the right wall. Yet to follow that example would be cheating, surely. “Is this where you want me all for yourself so that I may die a gruesome death?” He teased her, joining her at her side as they walked inside of the maze. “If one believes the maze master, they installed a statue in the middle of the maze, and upon touching it it’ll grant you a wish. You ready for the task?”
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galexdavenport · 6 years
Claire sat curled up in a lounge chair reading her favorite book in her personal library. Next to her was a kettle of black lavender tea and plate of macaroons. She grabbed one and started to take a bite when she heard a knock on the library’s doors. The familiar face of her steward opened the doors and greeted her with a slight bow. “Miss.Davenport you have a visitor. Shall I show them in?” they asked. Claire smiled and replied, “Yes of course. I wasn’t expecting anyone today, but it would be rude to turn them away. Please another cup of tea for my guest as well.”
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Gale stood at the other side of the library, basking in a ray of sunlight, illuminating his golden strands as his fingers delicately held a book resting atop his palm. Ocean coloured hues looked up as the steward walked in, announcing a visitor. He might’ve been clad in a simple shirt and embroidered tunic, but he looked gallant enough to welcome any sort of company -- luckily. “No speculation as tho whom it is?” he asked his sister aloud once the steward had left, closing the book to join his sister at her side. “Perhaps the baron finally coming to fulfil his promise from last week? He still owes us half a dozen sheep for that incident.” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
She’d lost her escorts back in the crowd, tying her skirt together in a knot at her thigh before climbing up and away from where they’d be looking. On the upper level of the market vendors hawked their wares to passers by. The smell of fresh cut flowers and sweet fruits combined with the richer scent of spices and smoke rising up from the smithies below. Quickly untying her skirt, she smoothed out the edges as if nothing had happened. 
She’d been a climber most of her life, from the oaks of her gardens to the ivy crawling up the walls of her home. Scaling up a small wall in a market was nothing to fret over. Arya prowled the square and walking among the people. Overhearing conversations and listening to the stories until she felt a presence behind her. Fearing she’d been caught, Arya turned on her heel with a grin. “Looking for something?”
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“My adventurous sister who loves to get herself into trouble -- but I’ve already found her.” Of course Gale knew that nothing could tie his sister down, and that she wouldn’t be told to behave. How could she? She was a Davenport. And he was less strict about how they handled themselves, as long as they behaved in front of other nobility, or even royalty. The family did have a reputation to upkeep. But the rebellious side of him could see the humour in her escaping her handmaidens, turning them into a frenzy as they tried to find her only to return to the mansion in defeat. And others wondered how they’d come and go.. 
“Walk with me, sister?” He asked, raising his arm for her to take. “I hope today has been to your liking?” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
“My steed is going to give me the stink eye when he sees how much I’ve brought,” the witch chuckled, looking down at the abundance of items she’d purchased in the market. “It happens any time I put anything over 3 kilos on his back, aside from myself that is.” 
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“Anything I can assist you with, milady?” Gale asked, finding himself to be empty-handed, unlike the lady. And market-bought supplies wasn’t something that would count as ‘heavy’ in his books. Not when he worked steel every other time. “A noble steed, in its own thinking, I’m certain. Not a mule.” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
Mallory licked her lips at the mention at the of the blood on her face. She hummed at taste, never taking her eyes off of her oldest friend. They were friends even if the world believe they were enemies. Of course, they’d never admit it verbally but actions spoke louder than words. “Oh, spare me with the psychoanalysis, Gale,” she snorted, rolling her eyes. “I like my blood, human, just fine.” Sure, it’d been a while since she’d taken it from the source but Mallory wasn’t going to give his argument any fuel.
His step forward only made the vampire’s grip on her prey tightening. A whimper escaped from the young woman and fear scented the air. A harsh cruel laugh escaped her at the wolf’s mention of her brother. “You’d have been better off mentioning my parents. Noah wouldn’t actually give a shit,” she snickered, lying. In his own way, Noah would have cared that she’d broke her sobriety. “Emotional manipulation seems a bit off brand for you, dear.”
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“I think it suits you better not coming directly from the vein.” Not that his opinion mattered, not when she was in this state. After the other day, when they had their moment, perhaps there had been a small voice telling him that maybe they were destined for more than harsh banter and being enemies for the rest of their life. That perhaps he was ready to let go of his vendetta. But this only seemed to counteract those thoughts. 
"Not of others. Though I have a feeling if he hadn’t taken a knife to the chest, he would’ve been standing here.” She was right, emotional manipulation wasn’t his thing. He never cared, had she been anyone else he would’ve snapped her neck right then and there. It wasn’t that he was stretching time for the girl to survive, he was stretching time for Mallory not to kill her. If she did, she’d truly be gone. “I’m not used to it, no.” The truth. “Let her go, Mallory. You’re class bitch, but you’re not someone to stoop this low. This is not who you are.” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
Gale was probably the only person in the world who could get away with calling Kaia kid, aside from perhaps her adoptive parents. If anyone else had called her kid she would have retorted with some snide comment, seeing them as patronizing. With Gale, it made Kaia happy when he called her kid. The term of endearment managed to soothe her, make her feel safe. Which was good considering the question Gale had asked. “No… I just haven’t figured out how to tell you,” She replied honestly. Kaia was able to push down, suppress, her feelings about what had happened on New Year’s, but this… this Kaia couldn’t push down this. She needed to tell someone. She wanted to tell Gale, but talking about him had never been her strong suit. “He’s here…” She started, the words coming out slowly. “In New York. He was in Howl.” Kaia didn’t need to say who he was, the change in her body language told Gale more than her words. Her fists clenched as she began to shake and her eyes clouded over as they always did when thinking about him and her family.” 
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He’s here. Those weren’t the kind of words he wanted to hear coming from her. She’d confided in him her past, her trauma and her loss and her opening up to him had meant a lot. And he had let her story become part of him. No one messed with his little girl, even if he knew she was fierce and strong and she could handle the world. She knew that he could blindside her, and the fact that he is here right now, it just added fuel to the flame. He was already angry at others possibly threatening her, and others he loved. Knowing he was near, possibly endangering Kaia’s life, it made his hand unsteady, trembling with anger, ready to snap bones and shape hand to paw. But he wouldn’t let it consume him, not in front of her. “Where is he now?” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
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She laughed walking up to him regardless. “Well, I could leave again if you really wanted me to. You did look a bit preoccupied.” Her fingers ran over his shoulders it didn’t take much to feel the tension there. She nodded slowly deciding not to point it out. Maybe the fresh air would help at least. “Hmm, anything, in particular, you fancy?”
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“Got a lot on my mind, I suppose.” It was more that he was frustrated to the core. An original died and yet he had the feeling his family was doing nothing to find out more. He hated to say it, but maybe brainstorming with the Bordeaux family was the answer here. Aligning together to fight a worser evil. Though truthfully his feelings towards the family were changing. After seeing Mallory crumble in front of him had definitely changed his hostile approach. “I’m fine with wherever you’re comfortable, really.” He told her,  pulling on the hem of his shirt. “Maybe I should change. I doubt you’ll want to go out with me wearing these smelly rags.” 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
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Avengers: Endgame (2019) dir. Joe and Anthony Russo
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galexdavenport · 6 years
It could never be said that Gale Davenport didn’t know how to push her buttons just as well as he did hers. Her body tensed as his scent cut through the sweet smell of her victim’s blood. If her mouth wasn’t full of someone’s jugular then she’d definitely would have let out a sigh of exasperation. Always trying to play the damn hero. Whether it was for her sake or the woman between her teeth make a difference. Mallory simply knew she wouldn’t be finishing her meal.
It was the call of the abhorrent nickname that got her to pull away, blood trickling from her mouth. She turned her head towards him, eyes dark with bloodlust and lips stained red. “Galen, don’t you see I’m trying to eat? Do I bother you when you’re going to town on a rare steak?” She sneered, her lip curling in annoyance. “Do me a favor, love. Go be someone else’s knight in shining armor.”
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“Trust me, I wish I didn’t. The human blood dripping from your chin is kind of a giveaway.” He snarked back at her, having hoped calling her by the nickname would help. The amount of times she’d sneered at him for calling her that uncountable. For now it did the trick, distracting her from draining the poor girl helplessly in the vampire’s grasp. “Now, you should know I don’t really eat my meat red. Like how you don’t take your blood human. Or is this stage three you’re in?” Anger and bargaining. She’d definitey been in stage two when she had her breakdown in front of him. It was hard to miss when she’d clutched onto him. It felt like that day was all forgotten or suppressed. 
“Let her go and I don’t have to be one at all.” he bargained, stepping towards her. “Unless this is all part of your big plan to honour Noah, you’re doing a marvellous job at it. I bet he’s glowing with pride right now.” He probably would. He could see him having fed on humans until his death. But he wasn’t willing on playing the ‘your brother was a monster’ card just yet. If anything, he wanted to prevent a fight. Not with her, not again. 
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galexdavenport · 6 years
Dear hands, i can’t remember the last time you were still. nowadays you’re always shaking and trembling and fidgeting. i wonder when this first started. did you become more active as i became more passive? Dear feet, please stop falling off so often. some days you’re just gone and suddenly i can’t get out of bed anymore. don’t do that, please don’t do that. at least give me some warning so the next time it happens i can prepare for the anchor that you leave in your place. Dear shoulders, i can’t decide whether to call you ‘atlas’ or ‘prometheus.’  Dear blood, i’m sorry i spilled so much of you, i really am. you feel so thick and sluggish these days, almost like tar. i suppose when i visualised this emptiness like it was swallowed cement i didn’t expect it to actually materialise. Dear eyes, remember iguazu falls, remember how there were more than 200 waterfalls spewing water forth with a desperate rage? when i said i missed that place i didn’t mean that i wanted you to become it. Dear heart, please come back home. i’ve got a blanket and hot soup and arms all ready and waiting. come back soon, you’re missed more than you imagine. come home, come home.
Darshana Suresh, week 14 of 52 - “Dear Me” (via afterthelonely)
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galexdavenport · 6 years
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galexdavenport · 6 years
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His answer resonated with her. Having someone so close to her feel the same way as made it seem less abnormal. She wasn’t exactly sure how her other siblings felt, but was grateful there was at least one person understood. Claire couldn’t help, but laugh at Gale’s words. “Really Galen? I don’t mean to laugh, but you must admit that’s rich coming from you. You left your farm and home to rejoin the family and make sure everyone was safe. You are probably the most willing to sacrifice yourself out of all of us.” she paused before continuing. “I’m not like you. I didn’t have to give up anything to come here. I’m not going to sacrifice myself unless it’s for a really good reason and even then I’ll exhaust all my options first.”
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“Which should be my job. Keep all of you alive, and Dinah’s too good a pack leader for her to sacrifice herself.” And though he might be the beta, he wanted to keep it that way. He was sure he’d pale in comparison to Dinah in their leadership, and all the rest had better connections to the outside world, the other families and the supernatural community. He wouldn’t be missed, productivity would still be high. “Why start now, Clary.” He resonated, his hand placed atop her shoulder. “If anything, I wish mortality for you. grow out of adolescence, have children, grow old. I’ve had my time. If this is what brings me to Ingrid, I’ll gladly take it.” Even now, he couldn’t banish the memories of his first wife from his mind, the wife he spent his mortal years with, who waited until her last day to see him again and he’d watched her take her last breath. How could he not remember her, still see her face in his dreams? It was her voice that had slipped away from him. “But enough of this talk. Let’s just assume we’ll have another eternity together and all will be well. Maybe I’ll even surprise all of you, marry a vampire.” He smiled, slyly, knowing that would be a shocker if he could deliver one.” 
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