615 posts
Con 22 años y muchas promesas de vida, sigo en la casa de mis padres, deprimida - desocupada según mi madre -, frustrada profesionalemente y aún así finjo que mi vida no se ha ido al carajo..
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galaxyofdreams13 · 5 years ago
Hoy me pregunté si hice mal al no enviarte aquella última carta hace un año, por primera vez desde hace mucho tiempo volví a cuestionar mis decisiones con respecto a ti, por primera vez soy capaz de expresar algo relacionado a ti quizá perdí el hábito de escribir sobre ti, y realmente no lo echo en falta.
Fueron muchos años en el que mis emociones eran un ir y venir constante cuando se trataba de ti; ahora todo es tan diferente, si estoy escribiendo ahora es porque necesito cerrar por completo este largo y tortuoso capitulo en mi vida. Pero costó mucho abandonar ese apego y necia intensión de cambiar nuestra situación yo tenía que aprender tanto de ti que no pude dejarte ir bajo mis propios términos, fue la vida quien me mostró que si tú te ibas y regresabas era porque aún no completaba mi lección, fue la misma vida quien me mostró que hay conexiones que existen para caducar y la nuestra tenía fecha de vencimiento.
Si bien esto es un diálogo unidireccional en el que escribo más para mí que para nadie más quiero decir que agradezco todo lo que viví gracias esa experiencia, aprendí sobre amor propio, sobre las almas gemelas y el destino sobre el perdón y la indiferencia tardé meses en asimilar nuestro fin no por las veces que imaginé que estábamos destinados el uno al otro si no porque después de buscar una reacción a tu partida no encontré nada, quizá nada no sea la expresión correcta, no encontré emociones negativas a las que aferrarme y pensar que tú me habías lastimado de alguna manera, tampoco encontré felicidad por alejarme de ese ciclo vicioso del que parecía depender.
Simplemente hubo paz ya había terminado y las lecciones que aprendí eran claras, no negaba el dolor, la inseguridad que llegué a sentir pero tampoco ocultaba mi agradecimiento por haberme encontrado contigo en esta vida deseaba que encontraras pronto esa luz que ahora me acompañaba, no te deseo sino felicidad. Porque yo encontré la mía.
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galaxyofdreams13 · 5 years ago
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galaxyofdreams13 · 5 years ago
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•Aesthetic wallpaper•
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galaxyofdreams13 · 5 years ago
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I think mental health is the most important thing we could all be talking about right now.
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galaxyofdreams13 · 5 years ago
Y si te digo...
Que me da miedo sentir tanto.
Que me aterra escuchar la verdad.
Que me asusta pensar en tu ausencia y por eso prefiero callar...
Porque prefiero torturarme con tu indiferencia.
A aceptar que tú nunca me diste ninguna señal.
Que todo fue un invento mío.
Un mal chiste creado por mi soledad.
Un vano intento por llenar los vacíos de mi alma.
Pero... Qué pasa si no es así.
Y si, el miedo no me tiene como su única rehén.
Qué tal sí, estás tú del otro lado pensando que mi silencio es un rechazo.
Todos me dicen que el silencio es indiferencia.
Y estoy comenzando a creerles.
Quizá es mejor así
Y ahora que dejé atrás ese miedo y quien decidió responder con silencio fuiste tú, me doy cuenta, todo fue un simple engaño de mi miedo al abandono que me hizo creer que te afectaría de algún modo mi ausencia
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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Why did Jack die? James Cameron says,
“And the answer is very simple because it says on page 147 [of the script] that Jack dies. Very simple… . Obviously it was an artistic choice, the thing was just big enough to hold her, and not big enough to hold him.” He adds “It does show that the film was effective in making Jack so endearing to the audience that it hurts them to see him die. Had he lived, the ending of the film would have been meaningless. The film is about death and separation; he had to die. So whether it was that, or whether a smoke stack fell on him, he was going down.”
REBLOG for everyone’s information
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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An AU commission i did for @shadychantel_! In which Nico grows up into a boy he could have been without Bianca’s death, and Leo gives up to his traumas and ends up more bitter </3
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
you know what i don’t see enough of? circus kid dick grayson critiquing the joker because he’s a bad clown. not like, bad, and also a clown. but bad at being a clown. i want to see dick grayson taking the existence of this horrible clown very personally as a matter of professional pride. he has known clowns, and you, sir, are no clown. the joker is an insult to the legacy of emmett kelly and this shall not stand.
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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Credit: Ashley McMinn
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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This is the /an/ post that keeps on giving.
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
Cinematic Tour Stories: Part II - Be Brave
A couple days ago I told the story of how Adam accidentally was given blue hair by Abbey, but today we’re taking it back to the day and what led up to how they met.
Talking to Abbey in Atlanta, she told us the story of Be Brave, the day they first met and her infamous business card. For starters, Abbey was moving to Owatonna for her photography business, Whim Photography. She was nervous, moving to a little ol town in Minnesota by herself. Her first set of business cards were made with the help from her Mom, who put on the back of her business cards the words “be brave” because while she might be nervous about her new adventure, she needs to be brave and things will work out. To say the least, things did. Talking to Abbey, she mentioned how when Adam came up to her and asked for her business card, it was her last one. Her last business card. I’m a strong believer in things happen for a reason and can you just imagine the course of events that led to this. Abbey could have walked out on the movie or she may have already given her last business card away. Seeing how happy she was telling this story makes me realize how meant for each other they are.
Then I had to ask her, what movie was it that they went to see. This is when Abbey got quiet. She said “oh jeez. don’t make me say it.” and I thought it was gonna be like a children’s movie but we didn’t press her, but she ultimately told us. “It was the Hobbit, specifically the second one. (The Desolation of Smaug). I wish it was something more romantic or cute but nope.” They left, Adam took her business card, and then a few days later, they met at Starbucks and sat and had coffee and talked for eight hours. “I didn’t realize at the time but after being around Adam for four years, I can’t believe he actually sat and talked with me for eight whole hours.” she said.
The girl that was with me then asked “Did you know who Adam was when you met him?” Abbey then smiled and replied “of course I did. You can’t live in Minnesota and love music and not know who Owl City is. But none of that mattered to me.”
So there you have it, at the screening of “Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” our favorite boy met the love of his life…and the rest is history.
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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Bob you’ve done it again
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
Time-lapse of a rain storm. This is located in a lake in Carinthia, Austria called “Millstättersee”. Video taken by Peter Maier. More interesting posts here:
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galaxyofdreams13 · 6 years ago
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*Route Venus starts playing*
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