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I'm C. D, (She/Her) A North Carolinian College girl stuck in this fustercluck called America. I'm a recent graduate in Graphic Design and Business, hoping maybe to do an entreprenuerial thing later on down the line. Who knows? I am an artist by trade, Sci Fi nerd, Cinephile, Astronomy Enthusiast, Animation Lover, Art history Appreciator, and a friend to anyone who needs one. Current fandom interests include the Spider-Verse trilogy, Tron, Scooby Doo, X-Men, Star Wars, Desperate Housewives, and Dracula.
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galaxygolfergirl · 43 minutes ago
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Avatar: The Lost Son (Modern AU)
[Full disclosure: I did not draw this background. This is a stock photo that I found online. Link is below. I’ve only drawn the characters.]
Well, with the news of the new avatar series being made, and the concept that they have behind it, I can’t help but think of the story idea my friend @zombiecats707 and I thought of during the summer of 2020 at the very start of lockdown, of our own concept of a new avatar series.
Basic idea is that in the years since Korra’s eventual death, in what would be an 80s/90s timelime, it’s like a Dalai Lama situation. The United Republic or the Earth Republic would become authoritarian to some degree and want their own state-sponsored Avatar for their own personal gain and choose a successor that would go along with their political goals. They announce a false avatar that they’ve created by means of secret technologic advancement and spiritual manipulation, while the real avatar, a young teen by the name of Huang Guo-Sun, tries to hide the fact that he’s the real avatar out of fear of being pursued by the government. This fact does come out eventually and he and his team avatar are on the run from the government and the “anti-team avatar.”
Pictured here is Avatar Huang and his team: (left to right) Lian Bunmi, his childhood friend and martial arts prodigy;Junje Soo, Huang’s childhood best friend and earth-nation Airbender, part of a big family of mechanics; Tartok Lucassey, a runaway teenage delinquent who acts as the streetsmart “dad” of the group; and Princess Kaila, the eldest daughter of the Fire nation royal family.
We had come up with other plot lines and ideas for a whole series,but hey, world building is hard and this was during 2020, so we eventually ran out of steam when things got busy. However, if any of you would like to see more of this and what we worked on, please let me know and I’ll try and share what I can when I’m able to! Hope you like this piece!
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galaxygolfergirl · 5 days ago
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"Funny you should say that, Mr. Frog, but those coffee grounds we found at the murder... Well, they were Wilkins Coffee. Now see, the thing that bothers me, is that the victim... Well, he didn't drink Wilkins."
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galaxygolfergirl · 5 days ago
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Tintin Meets The Detectives
Art by Adam Murphy
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galaxygolfergirl · 5 days ago
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galaxygolfergirl · 5 days ago
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galaxygolfergirl · 6 days ago
MCU Fan: Hey, I have a great idea for who to cast as (Insert Marvel Comics Hero)!
Every god damn time: 
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galaxygolfergirl · 7 days ago
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“I can’t stay here.”
“Then come with me.”
Hans and Elsa at the end of Frozen 4, confessing their love for each other.
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I live a life of letting go
Under a starlit night
I wrap myself in thin sheet of ice
Up there, the stars are crystal lights
Find me in the backyard
Find me in the backyard
In the dark
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galaxygolfergirl · 7 days ago
Some of my favourite panels from OSP's Apollo and Artemis video
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galaxygolfergirl · 8 days ago
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Accidentally called dumplings "Peking ravioli" in front of my New Jersey coworkers and I had to frantically explain that this wasn't some insane form of esoteric Italo-Chinese racism, that's just what they're called in Boston. Had to take a picture of a menu to prove it.
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galaxygolfergirl · 8 days ago
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galaxygolfergirl · 8 days ago
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HotdiggedyDemon about to say something racist
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galaxygolfergirl · 10 days ago
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So how about that third avatar series, y'all?
So this is a digital remaster of this fan art that I did 3 years ago, when awesome friend @zombiecats707​ and I brainstormed a third avatar series during the manic pandemic induced summer of 2020. We came up with a lot of ideas, character concepts, backstories, etc., but we got busy with life and with college so we never followed through on that. However, in the months since I've graduated college, I thought it would be nice to revisit this old piece and freshen up some of the craftsmanship, since, wow, it was quite bad beforehand. I'm glad to say I'm much more proud of the work I did on this in the 3 years since that summer.
So, the story? Read below
Basic idea is that in the years since Korra's eventual death, it's like a Dalai Lama situation. The United Republic or the Earth Republic would become authoritarian to some degree and want their own state-sponsored Avatar for their own personal gain and choose a successor that would go along with their political goals. They announce a false avatar that they've created by means of secret technologic advancement and spiritual manipulation, while the real avatar, a young teen by the name of Huang Guo-Sun, tries to hide the fact that he's the real avatar out of fear of being pursued by the government. This fact does come out eventually and he and his team avatar are on the run from the government and the "anti-team avatar."
Pictured here is Avatar Huang and his Team Avatar: Princess Kaila, the eldest daughter of the Fire nation royal family; Junje Soo, Huang's childhood best friend and earth-nation Airbender, part of a big family of mechanics; Lian Bunmi, his other childhood friend and martial arts prodigy; Tartok Lucassey, a runaway teenage delinquent who acts as the streetsmart "dad" of the group; Lastly, we have Firelord Taozun, the newly crowned ruler of the fire nation after the assassination of his mother; and President Kaemon Ran, leader of a conservative, imperialistic United Republic in what would be an 80s/90s timeline.
We had come up with other plot lines and ideas for a whole series, things like how the spirt laser canons in LOK could be applied to new types of weapons, new types of bending like gravity bending and plasma bending, a journey to the spiritual center of the avatar world, etc. But hey, world building is hard and this was during 2020, so we eventually ran out of steam when things got busy. However, if any of you would like to see more of this and what we worked on, please let me know and I'll try and share what I can when I'm able to! Hope you like this piece!
(Edit: I would appreciate a reblog)
@bookishdruid @realityisatoe @leftsleeverolled @tatersgonnatate @meri-pie @the-shark-princess @struttingstreets @nap-hime @lisuli79 @sigyn-briarrose @snowcast @okay-im-dead-now @light-miracles @notsosecrettunnel @a-worn-clay-figure
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galaxygolfergirl · 10 days ago
funniest part of dracula is 100% Mina inheriting her friend's polycule after she dies. like these three random himbos (or two himbos + jack seward if you want to slice it that way) just collectively announce they'll follow her to the ends of the earth after going through some spooky stuff together and she's like "damn ok, i already have a loving husband but i guess it's what Lucy would want"
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galaxygolfergirl · 10 days ago
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galaxygolfergirl · 10 days ago
why is france called the hexagon when its abundantly clear that it’s a pentagon
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galaxygolfergirl · 13 days ago
beginning to suspect that if I ever want to have a published novel I will have to actually write a novel, which is frankly ghoulish
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galaxygolfergirl · 15 days ago
I missed most of the Iraq war due to being a baby, but every time I read about it I start wondering why we aren’t all talking about it all of the time
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