galaticagale · 2 years
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by queenshadowrama
art republished with artist’s permission      
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galaticagale · 2 years
[ It's a hot chocolate and fuzzy blanket kind of day! ]
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galaticagale · 2 years
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galaticagale · 2 years
[ Looking to do some Broly x Makoto! ]
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galaticagale · 2 years
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galaticagale · 2 years
Sorry for the absence. A lot has happened. Not to mention I couldn't remember my login!
I'm back. 💚💚
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galaticagale · 3 years
Sorry about being gone, everyone. My health has been affecting me pretty badly lately. I'm sorry and I hope to get back into the swing of things. I hope you understand. 💜
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galaticagale · 3 years
[ Replies will come when I’m on vacation tomorrow! <3 ]
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galaticagale · 3 years
[ Sorry for the absence. I haven’t been feeling well.
By unwell I mean my mental health. ]
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galaticagale · 3 years
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by minnhsg
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galaticagale · 3 years
softer prompts
“  i’m not going anywhere.  ” “  you make me feel safe.  ”   “  i think i might be in love with you.  ” “  i just like seeing you happy.  ” “  just let me take care of you.  ” “  you’re my family.  ” “  i can stay, if you want.  ” “  you make me feel alive.  ” “  you’re captivating.  ” “  i want you to know i’ll always be here for you. whatever you need.  ” “  you don’t have to tell me anything, we can just sit here.  ” “  i trust you. more than anyone else.  ” “  you have a beautiful soul.  ” “  i feel like i could watch you all day. everything you do has a touch of magic to it.  ” “  i hope i see you in my dreams.  ” “  do you trust me?  ” “  you don’t ever have to pretend. not with me. not ever.  ” “  i love you, every part of you. even the parts you don’t like.  ” “  you make everything a little easier.  ” “  will you just…hold me? please.  ” “  just tell me everything’s gonna be okay.  ” “  you’re enough. you’re more than enough.  ” “  you have my heart in your hands. be gentle with it.  ” “  i wanna be the one you go to. the first one you tell when there’s something good. the shoulder to cry on when it’s bad. and every mundane thing in between. i want to share it all with you.  ” “  i have faith in you.  ” “  i’ve never met anyone quite like you.  ” “  knowing you is like…coming home. like i’ve finally found something that’s been missing all this time.  ” “  every hard thing in my life feels worth it. it all led me to you.  ” “  i feel like i could endure anything as long as i have you to come home to.  ” “  i can tell something’s bothering you.  ” “  what can i do to help?  ” “  come on. let’s get out of here.  ” “  i’m taking you somewhere special.  ” “  where are you taking me?  ” “  i don’t need grand gestures or declarations of love. i just need you. all of you.  ” “  you make me feel like i’m worthy.  ” “  you deserve good things.  ” “  i want to be your home.  ” “  loving you is like something holy.  ” “  i made you something.  ” “  come back to bed.  ” “  stay the night with me.  ” “  are you sure you’re okay?  ” “   you wanna talk about it?  ” “  did you wanna tell me something?  ”  “  you’ll always have me.  ” “  i’m proud of you.  ”   “  i need you.  ” “  thank you. for always being there for me.  ” “  don’t ever let anyone make you doubt your worth.  ” “  i’m not leaving you. not ever.  ”   “  you have kind eyes.  ”   “  sleep, my love. i’ll keep the nightmares away.  ”   “  there’s so much light in you.  ” “  i want you here.  ”  
❀ for a forehead kiss ✦ for our muses to hold hands ❉ for one muse to nap against the other ✱ for one muse to surprise the other ✸ for our muses to cuddle  ❄ for our muses to enjoy the first snow of winter  ♛ for my muse to teach yours something new ☂ for our muses to stargaze  ♡ for one muse to wake the other with breakfast in bed ♤ for a kiss on the palm ☁ for our muses to get caught in the rain without an umbrella ☀ for one muse to surprise the other with a home-cooked meal  ☾ for one muse to hug the other without explanation  ♞ for one muse to give the other a massage  ✞ for one muse to give the other flowers ✔ for one muse to caress the other’s face ✚ for our muses to shower/bathe together  $for one muse to catch the other staring lovingly 
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galaticagale · 3 years
Morning wasn’t something she was too inclined towards. It wasn’t because she was lazy, in fact it was quite the contrary. It was more because mornings always seemed to come with an air of loneliness to them. While it wasn’t often, there were some that felt far more desolate than others. Even so, Makoto had a job to do and it was something she enjoyed doing.
Slipping free of the comfort of the warm rose colored comforter, her feet would press to the solid wood floor. It was cold, causing her to draw back a bit with a small noise escaping her lips. Slowly and quite gingerly, she’d slide back to the floor. Standing and cross the small bedroom to the bathroom. A warm shower always seemed to wake her, to pull her out of her morning blues.
Turning the shower, the pipes would creak, hiss and from the showerhead the water would burst out in a steady stream. Undressing as the water warmed, she’d carefully climb in to feel the heat of water cascade around her. Chocolate locks becoming heavy, caked against her shoulders and back as it had been let loose from it’s braid from the night before. 
Take care to lather dark hair with a scent of roses and vanilla, Makoto took her time in the shower. It was always relaxing, the quite patter of the droplets that hit the shower tile. The way the steam fogged up the glass of the shower door, coiling upward and filling the room with it’s inviting warmth until, and so inevitably, the shower was turned off when she finished. Stepping out, she would be hit with a rush of cold air which caused her to draw into her self. 
A plush white towel tucked around her body, turning to her room where she would dry off and dress herself. The white top her school uniform, carefully pulling at the strings to tie it at the top. The light brown skirt to match would adorn her hips. Turning to the mirror, she’d grab for her brush and comb out the drying locks. Pulling them back to their usual pony tail, the thick brown strands would be secured in place. A soft smile, earrings in place and she was ready for the day; for the most part.
Crossing her apartment, she’d head for the kitchen. Being friends with Usagi always came with certain perks. She enjoyed Makoto’s cooking and that was the best thing of all. It was something she adored more than anything and to be able to share it with people she cared for was the best part of all. She’d pull on the rose patterned apron, tying it behind her waist. She’d get to work on start a pot of rice, two bento boxes set out on the counter as she hummed softly to herself.
A third would eventually be added only after washing it, one that she would pack with a little more care and thought into it. This one lacked the floral patterns of the other two. It was little more dull it’s colors with a green border to it that ran along the top of the lid and where the two pieces met. A gentle cream color that brushed the rest of it with two coy to decorate the lid. Both coiling the next, creating a circle; the looked as though they were chasing one another. This one was always made for Broly, the other two for herself and Usagi. Ever since they had met, she had been quite smitten with the large male. He reminded her of herself and they got along well. Not to mention the fact that he, like Usagi, enjoyed her cooking just the same.
With a careful hand, she’d pack each box carefully. Each one with rice, the one for Broly getting more than the rest. Carefully cut veggies added to one part, tonkatsu for each though, with all the other parts, extra for Broly. A small bottle of sauce each though at the bottom of Broly’s box she’d pack sushi she had made the night before with the fresh fish he would bring her from time to time. Gaze down at the product of her care and affection, each looking as though she had bought them from a professional. Veggies cut to look like flowers, shredded cabbage fresh and hand washed. The fruit cut in various shapes from hearts to stars, sitting neatly with one another harmonious glory.
Each now packed, she’d place their lids on and top them off with chopsticks. Stacking the boxes by her school bag, Makoto set to work on the plants that required he care. While cooking had been her favorite, it would never beat caring for the various plants and succulents that lined her counter and the shelf near the balcony door. Clipping a few dead branches off one smaller succulent, she frowned and brushed fingers over it’s fragile leaves. She worried that it wasn’t flourishing as well as it could have. It had been rather gloomy the last few days, the sunlight a rarity though the morning looked promising. With the balcony door cracked, it brought in the smells of spring. Birds chittered somewhere in a tree outside, the sun making it’s way over the horizon to cast the world in it’s glow once more.
She’d make her way to the last of the plants. It was the biggest of them all and seemed to be doing quite well for itself. She’d pack more dirt into it, give it water and a few nutrients she had picked up from the florist nearby. It was a parlor palm, it’s rich green color the prefect warm tones that were much needed in her apartment and brought a smile to her lips. It was the first gift she had ever gotten from Broly and while he had been a little awkward about it, she had found it sweet and now it was the plant that was flourishing the most. Growing taller each day. Even her other plants seemed quite happy with the love and care she provided them, all of them doing well but the one that seemed to be quite gloomy without the sun for it to bask in it.
She’d return to the counter, gently scooping the bright pink orchid from it’s pot it was now outgrowing. She’d place the light gray and white ceramic in the sink where it would remain for the time as she reached up into a cabinet for a new one. Things placed in high spots weren’t too much of an issue for her. It never was. Out of all of them, she was the tallest and it had always come with a price. She had faced far more cruel words that she preferred and the constant teasing of other kids always seemed to get her into trouble. She had learned to control that anger but sometimes... sometimes it slipped.
Cupping the power blue pot, she’d set it on the table where her unpotted orchid sat. Lining the bottom of the bowl with rocks, she would add moss and and a bark based media to it. Packed around the roots with enough room for them to expand, the flower sat tall and proud in it’s new home.
There was something about flowers that had always brought a sense of calm to her. The smell, the soft and gentle nature of them. She had loved flowers and plants for as long as she could remember and had always dreamed of opening up her own bakery and flower shop. It was still a dream of hers, a goal she would like to reach; some day.
Among other things, of course. She dreamt of falling in love, of getting married. She had once tried to confess her feelings to a boy she had liked and that had only been met with rejection. The heartache had been too much atop her calling for a greater purpose; she would transfer schools and meet the group of friends she would want to protect for everything she had. Among them, came Broly.
Granted, she held whatever it was in her heart and only stayed close to him as a friend. The pain of love and the heartbreak were not things she was looking to feel again. In fact, she had swallowed down that pill and buried it deep beneath the surface. She focused on Usagi and her friends. Their happiness and safety. She focused her efforts on baking, on cooking and gardening. On her part-time job at the florist shop making arrangements for weddings and babyshowers. Whatever a customer desired.
Her other focus was on the few romance novels she enjoyed reading. A few tucked along a shelf that housed more of her plants. Another, half read, tucked inside her bag. The only time she would read it was when her friends were occupied with other things. 
Lifting the orchid, she’d return it to it’s proper home at the edge of the counter. It was in the perfect spot to get enough sun but not too much from the sliding glass door that overlooked the busy road below. If it hadn’t been so cold the last few days, she would have happily sat it out along the balcony’s railing instead. 
But spring was finally upon them which mean the plants she had pulled inside to keep warm would find their way outside once more, to bask in the true warmth of the sun and the feel the breeze along their leaves. It was her favorite time of the year.
With enough time to spare, she’d make her way to the kitchen and roll out some dough. Lifting the layer to press to the bottom of a pie pan, spreading it out gently with slender fingers. She’d fill it with cherry filling, a mixture she made herself and then rolled out the top. It would blanket the filling, settling into place and being pinched to join the bottom crust. Four slits cut at the tip, making a flower pattern and into the oven it would be slipped. To bake in the warmth.
While it wasn’t a special occasion, she would never pass up the opportunity to bake. Even if it was just to share it with those she cared about, they were treats that were never wasted. From pies to cakes, cookies and everything in between. She’d always find a way to surprise them with a sweet treat every now and again.
The knock on the door would pull her from her world of baking and back to reality, lifting forest green hues from the pie that sat in all it’s glory in the middle of her oven to the front door of her apartment. Rounding the counter, she’d brush off dough and flower covered hands on her apron and reach for the door.
Who would visit her at such an hour? Early, even if it wasn’t that early and she’d have to get ready for school soon. All it would take was a quick collection of her books and the lunches she made and she would be out the door.
Pulling it open, she’d offer a smile. One that was involuntary as she always smiled when she saw him. Broly. At her door with what seemed like a gift. 
“Oh! Good morning, Broly.” Unable to hide the smile from her voice or her eyes, she’d step aside to let him in. “I was just finishing baking a pie.”
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Reaching back to untie the apron, she would fold it and set it on the counter. Rounding it again to retrieve the finish dessert form the oven’s hearth and set it upon a cooling rake. It filled the room with it’s sweet aroma.
With his hands slowly tightening around the lump of fuzzy black fur that he had placed over his pillow as an intentional buffer between the blankets and himself it wouldn’t be long before the saiyan roused himself from slumber. 
With the knowledge that he had to be up before the light of the sun peaked on up over the horizon, there was something he needed to take care of. Something that he needed to do alone.
As always, he moved silently. Not wanting to cause too much noise for his sleeping father below as he rose from his bed. Raising his left forearm to wipe his mouth clean before moving to stand.
Tail at his back subconsciously mimicking his actions as he stretched out his back fully before lightly sighing to himself. It’s length relaxing, tip drooping on the floor a bit lazily. 
Turning back around to the sight of ebony completely covering his pillow he pressed his hand down into the soft mounds of fur.
From the moment that classes began in a few hours he would be restricted to wearing the uncomfortable uniforms of the academy. There was something about having to wear those fancy clothes. The black dress shoes, white shirts, and overcoats for the boys…how was he expected to sit in those for so long? Why couldn’t he wear his far more comfortable, breathable, and malleable sleeveless shirt coupled with his bear pelt around his waist like he normally did around town?
If it wasn’t for the air conditioning throughout the schools he was certain everyone would be a sweaty mess in those stiff clothes.
Picking up his animal pelt that served the secondary purpose of a security blanket, a fact he was never admit to openly to anyone….especially to the princess. He fashioned it around his waist, securing it with a knot at the front.
Aside from providing him with warmth when he needed it he was very fond of the scent it had too. It seemed as though no matter how many times he was made to wash it the scent of the animal he had taken it from never left … he would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel more comfortable when wearing it then without. 
The smell reminded him of what life was like before his father had found him. Much more simple.
Listening to the sound of his elderly father snoring as he left his room to ensure he was still sleeping soundly, he descended the staircase. His father had become more of a heavy sleeper as he grew older compared to when he was younger. Back in those days the drop of a pin on the floor was enough to cause him to bat an eye. 
He wouldn’t be long, it would only be a an hour or two at the most. 
Reaching for a few supplies that he had set down near the door way the night before he was ready to leave. 
Not worried about how much time there would be between his early morning work and when classes began as he always managed to arrive on time thanks to his ability to bypass the wait times of trains, cars, and bicycles by simply traversing the distance through flight. Making what would be an hour to two hour journey from his humble hometown close to the seas to the tall buildings and glamour of Tokyo much, much shorter. The only caveat being that he needed to make sure no one was around when he touched down to see him descending from the open sky. 
Opening the front door of their home he lightly kicked off from the ground with all of his fishing nets in tow once he closed the door behind him. Leaving it open for his eventual return. 
His body well accustomed to the early morning, cold turbulence trying to work against him as he made his way down south to the wharfs in a speedy manner. He couldn’t really move around like this in the day for obvious reasons, but in the cover of early morning darkness he much harder to spot in the sky.
While he understood and supported his elderly father in his desires not to accept too much aid from him in terms of fishing despite them both having a deep love for the sport his father didn’t reject his aid out of a malignance. 
Not at all, he simply knew that it was a matter of pride for his father as he like most didn’t want to accept the reality that his age was catching up to him and he couldn’t reel in as many big catches as he used to be able to do in his younger years. He wasn’t the hometown champion angler he used to be. 
Still, Broly wanted to help out where he could. As such, he had decided to use his talents when it came to fishing in his own manner to turn a profit in case it ever rained steadily over their heads. A secret emergency fund that he pulled from whenever he needed to buy things for school or other necessities. That …. and he still considered it his duty to protect the princess so he kept some money around in case Usagi ever had need of it. 
His father of course was always willing to give him money when asked but he always felt guilty when he had to let his father know that prices in Tokyo compared to their area were simply far more inflated. 
As he arrived to the wharfs where fishing vessels were docked he was happy to see that he was the only one around. Most other fishermen still asleep save for one. 
This one in particular had multiple small businesses that he ran around the town, one of them in particular required the need for fresh ingredients from the deep, blue sea. As he was an older man now, he wasn’t able to go out to fish for them himself anymore, and the benefit of buying some of his ingredients from the Saiyan was that Broly’s prices were far lower than that of his normal providers as Broly didn’t need to account for maintenance costs for any ships. 
As such, Broly’s task once he arrived was to bring with him a wide fishing net he could cast with his hands and fly out to much shallower waters to dive down and ensnare as many fish, crab, and lobster as he could.
Needless to say, he liked his job quite a bit. He got to earn some money for his father and he got to spend some extra time fishing in the morning. So in his mind it was a win, win situation. Plus, he even got to eat some extra breakfast before anyone else in the school which helped him satiate his large appetite.
With fishing nets in tow he was off, moving far out into the coast line before taking in a deep breath and plunging himself straight down. The water feeling cold against his skin but the temperature helped to invigorate him. He was certainly wide awake now!
Holding his breath, he amassed a small amount of energy within the palm of his right hand. Making use of his tail and left hand to hold on to the nets. A sphere of his energy, pulsating with a bright green light, resting in his hand.
Making use of the light to guide him down to deeper waters where more fish and tastier sea life went to hide from fishing vessels needless to say he was pretty good at holding his breath thanks to plenty of practice. Sure, he could have technically hovered above the surface and thrown his nets down to let them sink instead of going down himself with them but that was boring. More so, he knew from experience that crabs, lobster, shellfish, and overall more higher quality fish lived closer to the sea bed where nets had a harder time snagging them up when tossed up from above. 
Spotting his prey scurring around at the sight of him he began the process of casting his nets to entangle them, snare them, and capture them within the knots. His traps starting to fill up with more and more colorful scaled creatures as time went on. He was certainly lucky today!
Taking breaks to move back up to the surface to get some fresh air before diving back down again he smiled to himself as he tied the ends of his nets together in knots to keep his catches secured in place. The overall webbing of the nets thick enough that they couldn’t squeeze through the open gaps to escape or fall out regardless of their number.
Moving back up to the surface he took in a big gasp of air before chuckling softly to himself.  That would be enough for now. He didn’t want to put anyone out of business by snatching up everything he could get his hands on. 
Hair damp as he pushed him upwards and returned to the docks. Dripping wet but satisfied with his catch, he had a little more time to spare then he normally would and not wanting for the shop keep to strain himself he volunteered to bring his catch in. Opening up the nets, he spread out his catches over a very wide bed of ice for the man to sort through himself later on. 
After being given the chance to dry off, now came one of the most enjoyable perks of their agreement. Free breakfast, of course this would be after he dried himself up that way he wouldn’t wet any of the bar stools. He was grateful for the opportunity to bathe in the shop keep’s abode. 
Watching contently as the shop keeper cooked it was a simple recipe. Egg Bread with bacon, cheese, and even some fish from his catch. Using molds to mix bread batter, egg, and the aforementioned ingredients once fully baked the bread would take to the mold shaping. All the ingredients now resting inside the fluffy, rich bread.
With a baker’s dozen down his throat in a matter of a few minutes as soon as they were done he made sure to save some for the princess in case she was hungry by the time she arrived to class. 
The clouds starting to take on an orange coloring as the sun started to rise higher into the sky he took his breakfast with him. Pocketing his pay and making for his home once more where he intended to dress himself, gather his needed books, and bring along some of the freshly caught fish he had promised to deliver to Makoto prior to arriving at the school. 
So it would be with fresh salmon, cod, and crab wrapped up in parchment paper held together with string that he Saiyan knocked on Makoto’s door a few times. 
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Lightly sighing to himself as he adjusted his tie once more. It couldn’t be understated how much he couldn’t wait for the school day to be over just so he could change out of these clothes. 
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galaticagale · 3 years
[ Is it bad that I absolutely adore Saiyan/Sailor ships? 
Broly x Makoto Goku x Usagi Vegeta x Rei ]
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galaticagale · 3 years
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I’ve been wanting to get back into art for a long time now, and recently I had been seeing all sorts of cute outbursts of Sailor Moon fanart… so what better way than to try and dig out my creative half by connecting to something that’s been a huge inspiration to me and my progress through art ever since I was in elementary school?
So yeah. I’ve had the sketch hanging around for a couple days and just got to wrapping up Jupiter for the first out of six individuals. I’ll probably try and push for the last four in another illustration.
And yeah - their outfits are from the live show - and no, I haven’t seen it - I just think the designs are hella’ cute. <3
Credit for textures goes to misstaraleexo @ deviantart.
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galaticagale · 3 years
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galaticagale · 3 years
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galaticagale · 3 years
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crystal appreciation
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