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artist Ghost sun of Conarium - creation of 120cm dolls Eve and Lilith 
Support doll artists, purchase Conarium through Stacy’s Pink Ocean.
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I need Granado’s new Uriel. I bought an Iplehouse Noel head to make a Bucky doll, but now there’s an ACTUAL Sebastian Stan inspired sculpt.
But.... I really like my Noel. And he’s discontinued now.... :_(
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Progress pics on Tiny Vici. I’m so very very slow, working on her very sporadically.
I promise to myself, she’ll have at least the start of arms by the time I update again.
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Sorry I haven’t posted any updates lately. The holidays were very crazy for me, and inspiration was lacking. Hoping I can get back into the swing this week.
I may start on some new project to get the creative juices flowing.
In case the, like, 30 of you following this blog wondered where I went. LOL
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IMAGE 1 My Haru Casting samples came in! Next to Iplehouse NS and Special Real from 2016. I did not get EXACTLY what I requested for colors, but most of them. I am not terribly enamored with the Blue Grey. Neither of the tans are even close to the Iple color (I'm not trying to color match, so no big deal) Both Peach and Pinky normal are fairly close to the Iple NS.
IMAGE 2 I adore the Pinks! The Transparent is my faaaaaave!! It has such a beautiful soft quality to it. <3 I think I will request one cast in that color specially for me. That or Picot. :p
IMAGE 3 The naturals. I like the Pastel Pink over the Cream White for a WS choice. Moist Apricot is another semi-translucent resin that is very beautiful. But I wish I had gotten Moist Beige instead like I had requested. Oh well.
IMAGE 4 The Pastel Violet color is a little more saturated than its Pink counterpart. I like it. Could be a sweet candy OR spooky zombie color option!
Image 5 My personal favorites from the group! The Picot Blue is so yummy in person!! Slightly more teal than it photographs. I wonder a little why they didn't do a Pastel version, like the other Unique colors. I bet that would be gorgeous too! <3
Thank you @harucasting ^_^
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Heard back from Haru Casting. I think my request for resin samples got a little lost in the shuffle of orders they constantly have. LOL. Their reply to my politely worded inquiry about whether my request from last month was almost ready was. "Oh! So sorry. We will ship out next week."
Yay! I will have resin samples soon. I asked for 12 or so colors total.
Of course.... this is all dependent on my ability to finish her. That's on me.
And then seeing if there is even any interest in her.... Honestly I'm a little terrified that I'll get her all done and pretty and ready, and not one person will be interested in ordering her. ;~; I have to do the math to see how many HAVE to be pre-ordered and paid for out of 10 to cover the cost of getting her cast. Plus packaging expense, etc.
I really want this to work. It's a dream of mine.
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Very cute Fairyland but I’m safe from you this time!
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Loong Soul Flower Fairy YueXi
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So unfair that the humans are even cuter than the mermaids!! And so many pretty colors!! :D :D Ugh I wish I could afford to buy like three of four of them!! Maybe someday!!!
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Ready to go home! 😊🙌
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River & Raum by BlueRoseArkelle on Flickr.
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Invasive creative thought of the day:Over-sexualized armor set for big beefy bjd (EID for example). A-la the style of skimpy, absurd armor designs for RPG ladies.
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Small update after a few more hours of work. Legs longer and a little daintier. Lower torso slightly longer, and mobility with upper half is looking good.
Getting very happy with shape and proportion.
I hate sculpting feeeeeeeeeet. T___T
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This week I was surprised by these amazing pictures. What a wonderful work! When I saw Fleur, from Rose Garden, I was impressed with the size (18 cm). Imagine my surprise when I discovered that there were a Ball Jointed Doll in this size? It would be 1:24?
by  조일형
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Progress photos!
Not as happy as I was with the proportions of the torso. Thinking of adding back a tiny bit of length to the lower half. Last pic is after more carving to the legs than the first. Thought I was close to done. Nope. Can be much curvier, thighs need to be shorter, knees higher. Need to carve out hip socket a little more to make better ball sockets for legs. My second attempt at making the feet. So far, so good. lol
Her face I am pretty happy with. Plan to make the forehead taller to better fit wigs and improve proportion. Might fiddle with cheek and jaw shape after baking. But eyes, nose, and lips are 90% complete. It took me a long time to settle on lip shape. Very inspired by French artists like Lillycat and Depths dolls while working on her.
I. AM. SO. PROUD. OF. THIS. HAND. OKAY??? Prettiest thing I've ever sculpted. <3 Just have to refine the fingernails a tiny bit. It can sit on my thumbnail, and I have put probably over 24 hours all told on working on just this one tiny piece of her.
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Message sent to @harucasting for resin samples!! One step closer. Gonna happen! Even if it takes another YEAR, I SWEAR I WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!
More progress pictures of Vici soon I promise!
Vici will have a male counterpart someday, called "Vidi". he will be inspired loosely by the first BJD that ever stole my heart and sucked me into this hobby nearly 10 years ago. An Elfdoll K. The Grail I never got.
I don't know if there will ever be a "Veni", to complete the trio (Veni, Vidi, Vici - I came, I saw, I conquered). Obitsus were what led me to BJDs, but they don't really count AS BJDs.
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So I can't get these figures I saw by Emilio Casarotto out of my head. Especially the diva in the yellow dress. I just love the style and how these chubby ladies are being portrayed in a very pin-up-ish style. I kind of want to sculpt a BJD in something close to this style.
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Ludwig by 菊叔 on Flickr.
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